// If the candidate happens to coincide with a normalized
// direction, we return it. Otherwise, the Hessian would be singular.
- boost::container::small_vector<Tensor<1, 3>, 100> directions(n_points);
+ boost::container::small_vector<Tensor<1, 3>, 100> directions;
+ boost::container::small_vector<double, 100> merged_weights;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_points; ++i)
- for (unsigned int c = 0; c < spacedim; ++c)
- directions[i][c] = vertices[i][c] - center[c];
- const double norm = directions[i].norm();
+ Tensor<1,spacedim> direction(vertices[i]-center);
+ const double norm = direction.norm();
Assert(norm != 0.,
ExcMessage("One of the vertices coincides with the center. "
"This is not allowed!"));
- directions[i] /= norm;
- if ((xVec - directions[i]).norm_square() < tolerance*tolerance)
+ direction /= norm;
+ if ((candidate - direction).norm_square() < tolerance*tolerance)
return center + rho * candidate;
+ // append direction. check if the normalized candidate direction is
+ // the same as a previous direction (to a tighter tolerance (1e-14)^2
+ // than the outer ones to really not miss anything) -> in that case we
+ // can simply add the weights. Since the trigonometric functions used
+ // below are quite expensive, it makes sense to merge the points here,
+ // even if this search loop is of quadratic complexity loop (but we
+ // rarely have more than 9 points)
+ Tensor<1,3> direction_3d;
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<spacedim; ++c)
+ direction_3d[c] = direction[c];
+ bool found = false;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<directions.size(); ++j)
+ if ((directions[j]-direction_3d).norm_square() < 1e-28)
+ {
+ merged_weights[j] += weights[i];
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (found == false)
+ {
+ directions.push_back(direction_3d);
+ merged_weights.push_back(weights[i]);
+ }
+ const unsigned int n_merged_points = directions.size();
Tensor<1,3> vPerp;
Tensor<2,2> Hessian;
Tensor<1,2> gradient;
// Then compute its contribution to the Hessian.
gradient = 0.;
Hessian = 0.;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_points; ++i)
- if (std::abs(weights[i])>1.e-15)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_merged_points; ++i)
+ if (std::abs(merged_weights[i])>1.e-15)
vPerp = internal::projected_direction(directions[i], xVec);
const double sintheta = vPerp.norm();
if (sintheta<tolerance)
- Hessian[0][0]+=weights[i];
- Hessian[1][1]+=weights[i];
+ Hessian[0][0] += merged_weights[i];
+ Hessian[1][1] += merged_weights[i];
gradlocal[0] = cosphi;
gradlocal[1] = sinphi;
- gradient += (weights[i]*theta)*gradlocal;
+ gradient += (merged_weights[i]*theta)*gradlocal;
const double sinphiSq = sinphi*sinphi;
const double cosphiSq = cosphi*cosphi;
- const double tt = weights[i]*(theta*sinthetaInv)*costheta;
- const double offdiag = cosphi*sinphi*(weights[i]-tt);
- Hessian[0][0] += weights[i]*cosphiSq+tt*sinphiSq;
+ const double tt = (theta*sinthetaInv)*costheta;
+ const double offdiag = cosphi*sinphi*merged_weights[i]*(1.0-tt);
+ Hessian[0][0] += merged_weights[i]*(cosphiSq+tt*sinphiSq);
Hessian[0][1] += offdiag;
Hessian[1][0] += offdiag;
- Hessian[1][1] += weights[i]*sinphiSq+tt*cosphiSq;
+ Hessian[1][1] += merged_weights[i]*(sinphiSq+tt*cosphiSq);