--- /dev/null
+# rule how to make the file containing all the forward declarations
+# taken from the deal.II Makefile
+# this rule is rather complicated, it works as follows:
+# - if this is the outermost 'make', then create a file $@.old.
+# if the forward declaration file $@ already exists, then copy
+# it over, otherwise leave it empty. this way, we always have
+# a file to run diff on. send the output of the copy command
+# (which may fail) to nirvana.
+# - write the forward declarations for the presently available
+# header files to $@.new
+# - we would like to compare the output of the script generating
+# the forward declarations with the old file, or the empty
+# string if there is no such file; this is why we created $@.old
+# - if the files differ, we would like to copy over the old file.
+# - this can either be done using shell programming using 'if [...]'
+# or using conditionals inside 'make'. the first way is not
+# portable over different shells, however, and I also do not know
+# how to write it. the second way has a problem also: conditionals
+# are evaluated at the time the Makefile is read first, so we
+# can't compare against $@.old, since this file does not exist at
+# that time.
+# - we therefore invoke a second 'make', which can compare the two
+# files against each other in a preconditional clause and
+# copy over the file if necessary.
+# - delete the two temporary files
+$(forward-declarations): $(filter-out %forward-declarations%,$(h-files))
+ifneq (1,${recursive-make-fwd-decl})
+ @echo ============================ Checking $@
+ @touch $@.old
+ -@cp $@ $@.old > /dev/null 2>&1
+ @perl $D/common/scripts/Make_forward_declarations.pl $(filter-out %forward-declarations.h,$(h-files)) > $@.new
+ @make --silent recursive-make-fwd-decl=1 $@
+ @rm $@.old $@.new
+ ifneq (,$(shell diff $(forward-declarations).old $(forward-declarations).new))
+ @echo ============================ Generating $@
+ @cp $@.new $@
+ else
+ @echo "============================ $@ needs no change"
+ endif