velocities/pressure on the one hand and temperature on the other is to use an
operator splitting where we first solve the Stokes system for the velocities
and pressures using the old temperature field, and then solve for the new
-temperature field using the just computed velocity field. In other words, we
-first have to solve the following system resulting from discretization of the
-Stokes system:
- \left(\begin{array}{cc}
- A & B^T \\ B & 0
- \end{array}\right)
- \left(\begin{array}{cc}
- U \\ P
- \end{array}\right)
- =
- \left(\begin{array}{cc}
- F \\ G
- \end{array}\right),
-Like in @ref step_20 "step-20" and @ref step_21 "step-21", we will solve this
-system of equations by forming the Schur complement, i.e. we will first find
-the solution $P$ of
- BA^{-1}B^T P &=& BM^{-1} F - G, \\
-and then
- MU &=& F - B^TP.
-The way we do this is pretty much exactly like we did in these previous
-tutorial programs, i.e. we use the same classes <code>SchurComplement</code>
-and <code>InverseMatrix</code> again. There are slight differences,
-First, in the mixed Laplace equation we had to deal with the question of how
-to precondition the Schur complement $B^TM^{-1}B$, which was spectrally
-equivalent to the Laplace operator on the pressure space (because $B$
-represents the gradient operator, $B^T$ its adjoint $-\textrm{div}$, and $M$
-the identity (up to the material parameter $K^{-1}$), so $B^TM^{-1}B$ is
-something like $-\textrm{div} 1 \nabla = -\Delta$) and consequently badly
-conditioned for small mesh sizes. To this end, we had to come up with an
-elaborate preconditioning scheme for the Schur complement.
-Second, every time we multiplied with $B^TM^{-1}B$ we had to solve with the
-mass matrix $M$. This wasn't particularly difficult, however, since the mass
-matrix is always well conditioned and so simple to invert using CG and a
-little bit of preconditioning.
-Here, the situation is pretty much exactly the opposite. The difference stems
-from the fact that the matrix at the heart of the Schur complement does not
-stem from the identity operator but from a variant of the Laplace operator,
-$-\textrm{div} \eta \nabla^s$ (where $\nabla^s$ is the symmetric gradient)
-acting on a vector field. This makes the outer preconditioner simple: the
-Schur complement corresponds to the operator $-\textrm{div} (-\textrm{div}
-\eta \nabla^s)^{-1} \nabla$ on the pressure space; forgetting about the
-viscosity $\eta$ and ignoring the fact that we deal with symmetric gradients
-instead of the regular one, the Schur complement is something like
-$-\textrm{div} (-\textrm{div} \nabla)^{-1} \nabla = -\textrm{div}
-(-\Delta)^{-1} \nabla$, which even if not mathematically entirely concise, is
-spectrally equivalent to the identity operator. It turns out that it isn't
-easy to solve this Schur complement in a straight forward way with the CG
-method: using no preconditioner, the condition number of the Schur complement
-matrix depends on the size ratios of the largest to the smallest cells, and
-one still needs on the order of 50-100 CG iterations. However, there is a
-simple cure: precondition with the mass matrix on the pressure space and we
-get down to a number between 5-10 CG iterations, pretty much independently of
-the structure of the mesh.
-So all we need in addition to what we already have is the mass matrix on the
-pressure variables. Now, it turns out that the pressure-pressure block in the
-system matrix is empty because the weak form of the equations have no term
-that would couple the pressure variable to the pressure test functions.
-Inner preconditioner.
+temperature field using the just computed velocity field.
<a name="Intro"></a>
+<h3>Linear solver</h3>
+For this program, we have to solve the following system resulting from
+discretization of the Stokes equations:
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ A & B^T \\ B & 0
+ \end{array}\right)
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ U \\ P
+ \end{array}\right)
+ =
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ F \\ G
+ \end{array}\right),
+Like in @ref step_20 "step-20" and @ref step_21 "step-21", we will solve this
+system of equations by forming the Schur complement, i.e. we will first find
+the solution $P$ of
+ BA^{-1}B^T P &=& BM^{-1} F - G, \\
+and then
+ MU &=& F - B^TP.
+The way we do this is pretty much exactly like we did in these previous
+tutorial programs, i.e. we use the same classes <code>SchurComplement</code>
+and <code>InverseMatrix</code> again. There are slight differences,
+First, in the mixed Laplace equation we had to deal with the question of how
+to precondition the Schur complement $B^TM^{-1}B$, which was spectrally
+equivalent to the Laplace operator on the pressure space (because $B$
+represents the gradient operator, $B^T$ its adjoint $-\textrm{div}$, and $M$
+the identity (up to the material parameter $K^{-1}$), so $B^TM^{-1}B$ is
+something like $-\textrm{div} 1 \nabla = -\Delta$) and consequently badly
+conditioned for small mesh sizes. To this end, we had to come up with an
+elaborate preconditioning scheme for the Schur complement.
+Second, every time we multiplied with $B^TM^{-1}B$ we had to solve with the
+mass matrix $M$. This wasn't particularly difficult, however, since the mass
+matrix is always well conditioned and so simple to invert using CG and a
+little bit of preconditioning.
+Here, the situation is pretty much exactly the opposite. The difference stems
+from the fact that the matrix at the heart of the Schur complement does not
+stem from the identity operator but from a variant of the Laplace operator,
+$-\textrm{div} \eta \nabla^s$ (where $\nabla^s$ is the symmetric gradient)
+acting on a vector field. This makes the outer preconditioner simple: the
+Schur complement corresponds to the operator $-\textrm{div} (-\textrm{div}
+\eta \nabla^s)^{-1} \nabla$ on the pressure space; forgetting about the
+viscosity $\eta$ and ignoring the fact that we deal with symmetric gradients
+instead of the regular one, the Schur complement is something like
+$-\textrm{div} (-\textrm{div} \nabla)^{-1} \nabla = -\textrm{div}
+(-\Delta)^{-1} \nabla$, which even if not mathematically entirely concise, is
+spectrally equivalent to the identity operator. It turns out that it isn't
+easy to solve this Schur complement in a straight forward way with the CG
+method: using no preconditioner, the condition number of the Schur complement
+matrix depends on the size ratios of the largest to the smallest cells, and
+one still needs on the order of 50-100 CG iterations. However, there is a
+simple cure: precondition with the mass matrix on the pressure space and we
+get down to a number between 5-10 CG iterations, pretty much independently of
+the structure of the mesh.
+So all we need in addition to what we already have is the mass matrix on the
+pressure variables. Now, it turns out that the pressure-pressure block in the
+system matrix is empty because the weak form of the equations have no term
+that would couple the pressure variable to the pressure test functions.
+Inner preconditioner.