typedef int MPI_Comm;
+# include <Teuchos_RCP.hpp>
+# include <Epetra_Comm.h>
+# include <Epetra_MpiComm.h>
+# else
+# include <Epetra_SerialComm.h>
+# endif
unsigned int get_this_mpi_process (const MPI_Comm &mpi_communicator);
+ /**
+ * This class provides the basic structures for the use of the
+ * Trilinos classes such as matrices, vectors, and
+ * preconditioners. The most important function in this class is
+ * <tt>comm()</tt>, which is needed for the initialization of
+ * Trilinos Epetra_Maps, which design the parallel distribution of
+ * vectors and matrices. Moreover, this class provides a unified
+ * interface to both serial and parallel implementations of
+ * Trilinos, sets up the MPI communicator in case the programs are
+ * run in parallel, and correctly terminates all processes when the
+ * destructor is called. An example usage of this class is shown in
+ * @ref step_32 step-32.
+ */
+ class TrilinosTools
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Takes the
+ * arguments from the command
+ * line (in case of MPI, the
+ * number of processes is
+ * specified there), and sets up
+ * a respective communicator by
+ * calling <tt>MPI_Init()</tt>.
+ */
+ TrilinosTools (int* argc,
+ char*** argv);
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor. Takes the
+ * Trilinos communicator from the
+ * input object and copies all
+ * content. Note that the copied
+ * class cannot own the MPI
+ * process, and hence, the
+ * original object needs to be
+ * around as long as the copy.
+ */
+ TrilinosTools(const TrilinosTools &InputTrilinos);
+ /**
+ * Destructor. Calls
+ * <tt>MPI_Finalize()</tt> in
+ * case this class owns the MPI
+ * process.
+ */
+ ~TrilinosTools();
+ /**
+ * Returns a Trilinos Epetra_Comm
+ * object needed for creation of
+ * Epetra_Maps.
+ */
+ const Epetra_Comm& comm() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns whether we are using a
+ * MPI version or a serial
+ * version of Trilinos.
+ */
+ bool trilinos_uses_mpi() const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * This flag tells the class
+ * whether it owns the MPI
+ * process (i.e., it has been
+ * constructed using the
+ * argc/argv input, or it has
+ * been copied). In the former
+ * case, the command
+ * <tt>MPI_Finalize()</tt> will
+ * be called at destruction.
+ */
+ const bool owns_mpi;
+ /**
+ * This flag tells whether we use
+ * MPI or not.
+ */
+ const bool use_mpi;
+ /**
+ * The actual communicator
+ * object. If we run the program
+ * in serial, we will have
+ * another communicator than when
+ * running in parallel.
+ */
+ Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MpiComm> communicator;
+ Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_SerialComm> communicator;
+ };
+ TrilinosTools::TrilinosTools (int* argc, char*** argv)
+ :
+ owns_mpi (true),
+ use_mpi (true)
+ use_mpi (false)
+ {
+ int MPI_has_been_started = 0;
+ MPI_Initialized(&MPI_has_been_started);
+ Assert (MPI_has_been_started == 0,
+ ExcMessage ("MPI error. You can only start MPI once!"));
+ int mpi_err;
+ mpi_err = MPI_Init (argc, argv);
+ Assert (mpi_err == 0,
+ ExcMessage ("MPI could not be initialized."));
+ communicator = Teuchos::rcp (new Epetra_MpiComm (MPI_COMM_WORLD), true);
+ communicator = Teuchos::rcp (new Epetra_SerialComm (MPI_COMM_WORLD), true);
+ }
+ TrilinosTools::TrilinosTools (const TrilinosTools &InputTrilinos)
+ :
+ owns_mpi (false),
+ use_mpi (true),
+ use_mpi (false),
+ communicator (&*InputTrilinos.communicator, false)
+ {}
+ TrilinosTools::~TrilinosTools()
+ {
+ int mpi_err = 0;
+ if (use_mpi == true && owns_mpi == true)
+ mpi_err = MPI_Finalize();
+ Assert (mpi_err == 0,
+ ExcMessage ("An error occurred while calling MPI_Finalize()"));
+ }
+ const Epetra_Comm&
+ TrilinosTools::comm() const
+ {
+ return *communicator;
+ }
+ bool
+ TrilinosTools::trilinos_uses_mpi () const
+ {
+ return use_mpi;
+ }
#include <numerics/error_estimator.h>
#include <numerics/solution_transfer.h>
-# include <Epetra_MpiComm.h>
-# include <Epetra_SerialComm.h>
#include <Epetra_Map.h>
#include <fstream>
class BoussinesqFlowProblem
- BoussinesqFlowProblem ();
+ BoussinesqFlowProblem (Utilities::TrilinosTools &trilinos_tools);
void run ();
const double old_time_step);
- Epetra_MpiComm trilinos_communicator;
- Epetra_SerialComm trilinos_communicator;
+ Utilities::TrilinosTools trilinos_tools;
ConditionalOStream pcout;
// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::BoussinesqFlowProblem}
template <int dim>
-BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::BoussinesqFlowProblem ()
+BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::BoussinesqFlowProblem (Utilities::TrilinosTools &trilinos_tools)
- trilinos_communicator (MPI_COMM_WORLD),
- pcout (std::cout, trilinos_communicator.MyPID()==0),
+ trilinos_tools (trilinos_tools),
+ pcout (std::cout, trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID()==0),
triangulation (Triangulation<dim>::maximum_smoothing),
temperature_fe (temperature_degree),
temperature_dof_handler (triangulation),
- temperature_partitioner (0, 0, trilinos_communicator),
+ temperature_partitioner (0, 0, trilinos_tools.comm()),
time_step (0),
old_time_step (0),
cell = stokes_dof_handler.begin_active(),
endc = stokes_dof_handler.end();
for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_communicator.MyPID())
+ if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID())
fe_values.reinit (cell);
fe_values.get_function_values (localized_stokes_solution, stokes_values);
std::vector<unsigned int> stokes_sub_blocks (dim+1,0);
stokes_sub_blocks[dim] = 1;
- GridTools::partition_triangulation (trilinos_communicator.NumProc(),
+ GridTools::partition_triangulation (trilinos_tools.comm().NumProc(),
std::vector<unsigned int> local_dofs (dim+1);
count_dofs_with_subdomain_association (stokes_dof_handler,
- trilinos_communicator.MyPID(),
+ trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID(),
unsigned int n_local_velocities = 0;
for (unsigned int c=0; c<dim; ++c)
const unsigned int n_local_pressures = local_dofs[dim];
- Epetra_Map map_u(n_u, n_local_velocities, 0, trilinos_communicator);
+ Epetra_Map map_u(n_u, n_local_velocities, 0, trilinos_tools.comm());
stokes_partitioner.push_back (map_u);
- Epetra_Map map_p(n_p, n_local_pressures, 0, trilinos_communicator);
+ Epetra_Map map_p(n_p, n_local_pressures, 0, trilinos_tools.comm());
stokes_partitioner.push_back (map_p);
= Epetra_Map (n_T,
- trilinos_communicator.MyPID()),
+ trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID()),
- trilinos_communicator);
+ trilinos_tools.comm());
temperature_mass_matrix.clear ();
temperature_stiffness_matrix.clear ();
cell = stokes_dof_handler.begin_active(),
endc = stokes_dof_handler.end();
for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_communicator.MyPID())
+ if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID())
stokes_fe_values.reinit (cell);
local_matrix = 0;
temperature_cell = temperature_dof_handler.begin_active();
for (; cell!=endc; ++cell, ++temperature_cell)
- if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_communicator.MyPID())
+ if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID())
stokes_fe_values.reinit (cell);
temperature_fe_values.reinit (temperature_cell);
cell = temperature_dof_handler.begin_active(),
endc = temperature_dof_handler.end();
for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_communicator.MyPID())
+ if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID())
local_mass_matrix = 0;
local_stiffness_matrix = 0;
stokes_cell = stokes_dof_handler.begin_active();
for (; cell!=endc; ++cell, ++stokes_cell)
- if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_communicator.MyPID() )
+ if (cell->subdomain_id() == (unsigned int)trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID() )
local_rhs = 0;
DataOut<dim> data_out;
- if (trilinos_communicator.MyPID() == 0)
+ if (trilinos_tools.comm().MyPID() == 0)
data_out.attach_dof_handler (joint_dof_handler);
// @sect3{The <code>main</code> function}
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- MPI_Init (&argc,&argv);
- (void)argc;
- (void)argv;
- //sleep (20);
deallog.depth_console (0);
+ Utilities::TrilinosTools trilinos(&argc, &argv);
- BoussinesqFlowProblem<2> flow_problem;
+ BoussinesqFlowProblem<2> flow_problem (trilinos);
flow_problem.run ();
catch (std::exception &exc)
return 1;
- MPI_Finalize();
return 0;