#include <deal.II/hp/dof_handler.h>
#include <deal.II/hp/dof_level.h>
-#include <deal.II/numerics/coarsening_strategies.h>
#include <boost/serialization/array.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
+ /**
+ * Coarsening strategy for the CellDataTransfer object responsible for
+ * tranferring the active_fe_index of each cell on
+ * parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects that have been refined.
+ *
+ * A finite element index needs to be determined for the (not yet
+ * active) parent cell from its (still active) children. Out of the set
+ * of elements previously assigned to the former children, we choose the
+ * one dominated by all children for the parent cell.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ static unsigned int
+ determine_fe_from_children(
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> & children_fe_indices,
+ dealii::hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &fe_collection)
+ {
+ Assert(!children_fe_indices.empty(), ExcInternalError());
+ // convert vector to set
+ const std::set<unsigned int> children_fe_indices_set(
+ children_fe_indices.begin(), children_fe_indices.end());
+ const unsigned int dominated_fe_index =
+ fe_collection.find_dominated_fe_extended(children_fe_indices_set,
+ /*codim=*/0);
+ Assert(dominated_fe_index != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ typename dealii::hp::FECollection<
+ dim>::ExcNoDominatedFiniteElementAmongstChildren());
+ return dominated_fe_index;
+ }
} // namespace DoFHandlerImplementation
} // namespace hp
active_fe_index_transfer =
- // First, do what we would do in the sequential case.
- dealii::internal::hp::DoFHandlerImplementation::Implementation::
- collect_fe_indices_on_cells_to_be_refined(*this);
// If we work on a p::d::Triangulation, we have to transfer all
// active_fe_indices since ownership of cells may change. We will
// use our p::d::CellDataTransfer member to achieve this. Further,
// we prepare the values in such a way that they will correspond to
// the active_fe_indices on the new mesh.
- // Gather all current active_fe_indices.
- get_active_fe_indices(active_fe_index_transfer->active_fe_indices);
- // Overwrite active_fe_indices of cells that change by either
- // h/p refinement/coarsening.
- for (const auto &pair :
- active_fe_index_transfer->persisting_cells_fe_index)
- active_fe_index_transfer
- ->active_fe_indices[pair.first->active_cell_index()] = pair.second;
- for (const auto &pair :
- active_fe_index_transfer->refined_cells_fe_index)
- active_fe_index_transfer
- ->active_fe_indices[pair.first->active_cell_index()] = pair.second;
- for (const auto &pair :
- active_fe_index_transfer->coarsened_cells_fe_index)
- for (unsigned int child_index = 0;
- child_index < pair.first->n_children();
- ++child_index)
- {
- // Make sure that all children belong to the same subdomain.
- Assert(pair.first->child(child_index)->is_locally_owned(),
- ExcInternalError());
+ // Gather all current future_fe_indices.
+ active_fe_index_transfer->active_fe_indices.resize(
+ get_triangulation().n_active_cells(), numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
- active_fe_index_transfer
- ->active_fe_indices[pair.first->child(child_index)
- ->active_cell_index()] = pair.second;
- }
+ for (const auto &cell : active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ active_fe_index_transfer
+ ->active_fe_indices[cell->active_cell_index()] =
+ cell->future_fe_index();
// Create transfer object and attach to it.
const auto *distributed_tria = dynamic_cast<
CellDataTransfer<dim, spacedim, std::vector<unsigned int>>>(
- &CoarseningStrategies::check_equality<unsigned int>);
+ std::bind(&dealii::internal::hp::DoFHandlerImplementation::
+ Implementation::determine_fe_from_children<dim, spacedim>,
+ std::placeholders::_1,
+ std::ref(fe_collection)));
CellDataTransfer<dim, spacedim, std::vector<unsigned int>>>(
- &CoarseningStrategies::check_equality<unsigned int>);
+ std::bind(&dealii::internal::hp::DoFHandlerImplementation::
+ Implementation::determine_fe_from_children<dim, spacedim>,
+ std::placeholders::_1,
+ std::ref(fe_collection)));
// If we work on a p::d::Triangulation, we have to transfer all
// active fe indices since ownership of cells may change.
CellDataTransfer<dim, spacedim, std::vector<unsigned int>>>(
- &CoarseningStrategies::check_equality<unsigned int>);
+ std::bind(&dealii::internal::hp::DoFHandlerImplementation::
+ Implementation::determine_fe_from_children<dim, spacedim>,
+ std::placeholders::_1,
+ std::ref(fe_collection)));
// Unpack active_fe_indices.
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 1998 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/solution_transfer.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_dgq.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/hp/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/hp/fe_collection.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "../tests.h"
+template <int dim>
+transfer(std::ostream &out)
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> tria(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria);
+ tria.refine_global(2);
+ const unsigned int max_degree = 6 - dim;
+ hp::FECollection<dim> fe_dgq;
+ for (unsigned int deg = 1; deg <= max_degree; ++deg)
+ fe_dgq.push_back(FE_Q<dim>(deg));
+ hp::DoFHandler<dim> dgq_dof_handler(tria);
+ // randomly assign FE orders
+ for (const auto &cell : dgq_dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ cell->set_active_fe_index(Testing::rand() % max_degree);
+ dgq_dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe_dgq);
+ IndexSet dgq_locally_owned_dofs = dgq_dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs();
+ IndexSet dgq_locally_relevant_dofs;
+ dealii::DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(dgq_dof_handler,
+ dgq_locally_relevant_dofs);
+ IndexSet dgq_ghost_dofs = dgq_locally_relevant_dofs;
+ dgq_ghost_dofs.subtract_set(dgq_locally_owned_dofs);
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> dgq_solution;
+ dgq_solution.reinit(dgq_locally_owned_dofs, dgq_ghost_dofs, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ VectorTools::interpolate(dgq_dof_handler, ZeroFunction<dim>(), dgq_solution);
+ parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer<
+ dim,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>,
+ hp::DoFHandler<dim>>
+ dgq_soltrans(dgq_dof_handler);
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> dgq_old_solution = dgq_solution;
+ dgq_old_solution.update_ghost_values();
+ {
+ unsigned int counter = 0;
+ for (auto cell = tria.begin_active(); cell != tria.end(); ++cell, ++counter)
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ {
+ if (counter > ((dim == 2) ? 4 : 8))
+ cell->set_coarsen_flag();
+ else
+ cell->set_refine_flag();
+ }
+ }
+ tria.prepare_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ dgq_soltrans.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement(dgq_old_solution);
+ tria.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ dgq_dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe_dgq);
+ dgq_locally_owned_dofs = dgq_dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs();
+ dealii::DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(dgq_dof_handler,
+ dgq_locally_relevant_dofs);
+ dgq_ghost_dofs = dgq_locally_relevant_dofs;
+ dgq_ghost_dofs.subtract_set(dgq_locally_owned_dofs);
+ dgq_solution.reinit(dgq_locally_owned_dofs, dgq_ghost_dofs, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ dgq_soltrans.interpolate(dgq_solution);
+ deallog << "OK" << std::endl;
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll log;
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ transfer<2>(deallog.get_file_stream());
+ deallog.pop();
+ deallog.push("3d");
+ transfer<3>(deallog.get_file_stream());
+ deallog.pop();