#include <fe/fe_q.h>
#include <fe/fe_values.h>
-#include <fe/mapping_q1.h>
+#include <fe/mapping_q.h>
#include <numerics/data_out.h>
#include <numerics/vectors.h>
class BEMProblem
- BEMProblem();
+ BEMProblem(const unsigned int fe_degree = 1,
+ const unsigned int mapping_degree = 1);
void run();
void output_results(const unsigned int cycle);
+ // To allow for dimension
+ // independent programming, we
+ // specialize this single
+ // function to extract the
+ // singular quadrature formula
+ // needed to integrate the
+ // singular kernels in the
+ // interior of the cells.
+ const Quadrature<dim-1> & get_singular_quadrature(
+ const typename DoFHandler<dim-1, dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
+ const unsigned int index) const;
// The usual deal.II classes can
// be used for boundary element
// methods by specifying the
// usual finite element classes
// that we saw in all previous
// examples.
+ //
+ // The class is constructed in a
+ // way to allow for arbitrary
+ // order of approximation of both
+ // the domain (through high order
+ // mapping) and the finite
+ // element space. The order of
+ // the finite element space and
+ // of the mapping can be selected
+ // in the constructor of the class.
Triangulation<dim-1, dim> tria;
FE_Q<dim-1,dim> fe;
DoFHandler<dim-1,dim> dh;
+ MappingQ<dim-1, dim> mapping;
// In BEM methods, the matrix
// that is generated is
// from a point $\mathbf x$) at
// the support points of our
// shape functions.
Vector<double> phi;
Vector<double> alpha;
// to output errors in the exact
// solution and in the computed
// alphas.
ConvergenceTable convergence_table;
// The following variables are
// to define the order of the
// singular quadrature rule.
- // Notice that the pointer given
- // below for the quadrature rule
- // is only used for non singular
- // integrals. Whenever the
- // integral is singular, then
- // only the degree of the
- // quadrature pointer is used,
- // and the integration is a
- // special one (see the
- // assemble_system() function
- // below for further details).
- //
// We also define a couple of
// parameters which are used in
// case we wanted to extend the
// solution to the entire domain.
Functions::ParsedFunction<dim> wind;
Functions::ParsedFunction<dim> exact_solution;
- std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<Quadrature<dim-1> > quadrature;
unsigned int singular_quadrature_order;
+ std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<Quadrature<dim-1> > quadrature;
SolverControl solver_control;
unsigned int n_cycles;
// is static, and has no knowledge of
// the number of components.
template <int dim>
+BEMProblem<dim>::BEMProblem(const unsigned int fe_degree,
+ const unsigned int mapping_degree)
- fe(1),
+ fe(fe_degree),
- wind(dim)
+ wind(dim),
+ mapping(mapping_degree, true)
GridIn<dim-1, dim> gi;
gi.attach_triangulation (tria);
gi.read_ucd (in);
tria.set_boundary(1, boundary);
// of this program, assembling the
// matrix that corresponds to the
// boundary integral equation.
- //
- // At the beginning, we create the
- // singular quadratures for the three
- // dimensional problem (note that a
- // 3d boundary integral problem
- // requires a 2d quadrature
- // formula!), since in this case they
- // only depend on the reference
- // element. This quadrature is a
- // standard Gauss quadrature formula
- // reparametrized in such a way that
- // allows one to integrate
- // singularities of the kind $1/R$
- // centered at one of the
- // vertices. Here we define a vector
- // of four such quadratures (one per
- // vertex of the two dimensional
- // cells for a surface in 3d) that
- // will be used later on; note,
- // however, that these objects will
- // only be used in the three
- // dimensional case.
template <int dim>
void BEMProblem<dim>::assemble_system()
- std::vector<QGaussOneOverR<2> > sing_quadratures_3d;
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
- sing_quadratures_3d.push_back
- (QGaussOneOverR<2>(singular_quadrature_order, i, true));
- // Next, we initialize an FEValues
+ // First we initialize an FEValues
// object with the quadrature
// formula for the integration of
// the kernel in non singular
// precise, since the functions we
// are integrating are not
// polynomial functions.
- FEValues<dim-1,dim> fe_v(fe, *quadrature,
+ FEValues<dim-1,dim> fe_v(mapping, fe, *quadrature,
update_values |
update_cell_normal_vectors |
update_quadrature_points |
// collocation points, which are
// the support points of the $i$th
// basis function, while $j$ runs
- // on inner integration points. We
- // perform the following check to
- // ensure that we are not trying to
- // use this code for high order
- // elements. It will only work with
- // Q1 elements, that is, for
- // fe.dofs_per_cell ==
- // GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell.
- AssertThrow(fe.dofs_per_cell == GeometryInfo<dim-1>::vertices_per_cell,
- ExcMessage("The code in this function can only be used for "
- "the usual Q1 elements."));
- // Now that we have checked that
- // the number of vertices is equal
- // to the number of degrees of
- // freedom, we construct a vector
+ // on inner integration points.
+ // We construct a vector
// of support points which will be
// used in the local integrations:
std::vector<Point<dim> > support_points(dh.n_dofs());
- DoFTools::map_dofs_to_support_points<dim-1, dim>( StaticMappingQ1<dim-1, dim>::mapping,
- dh, support_points);
+ DoFTools::map_dofs_to_support_points<dim-1, dim>( mapping, dh, support_points);
// After doing so, we can start the
// integration loop over all cells,
// where we first initialize the
const std::vector<Point<dim> > &normals = fe_v.get_cell_normal_vectors();
wind.vector_value_list(q_points, cell_wind);
// We then form the integral over
// the current cell for all
// degrees of freedom (note that
// functions against a
// singular weight on the
// reference cell.
- // Notice that singular
- // integration requires a
- // careful selection of
- // the quadrature
- // rules. In particular
- // the deal.II library
- // provides quadrature
- // rules which are
- // taylored for
- // logarithmic
- // singularities
- // (QGaussLog,
- // QGaussLogR), as well
- // as for 1/R
- // singularities
- // (QGaussOneOverR).
- //
- // Singular integration
- // is typically obtained
- // by constructing
- // weighted quadrature
- // formulas with singular
- // weights, so that it is
- // possible to write
- //
- // \f[
- // \int_K f(x) s(x) dx = \sum_{i=1}^N w_i f(q_i)
- // \f]
- //
- // where $s(x)$ is a given
- // singularity, and the weights
- // and quadrature points
- // $w_i,q_i$ are carefully
- // selected to make the formula
- // above an equality for a
- // certain class of functions
- // $f(x)$.
- //
- // In all the finite
- // element examples we
- // have seen so far, the
- // weight of the
- // quadrature itself
- // (namely, the function
- // $s(x)$), was always
- // constantly equal to 1.
- // For singular
- // integration, we have
- // two choices: we can
- // use the definition
- // above, factoring out
- // the singularity from
- // the integrand (i.e.,
- // integrating $f(x)$
- // with the special
- // quadrature rule), or
- // we can ask the
- // quadrature rule to
- // "normalize" the
- // weights $w_i$ with
- // $s(q_i)$:
- //
- // \f[
- // \int_K f(x) s(x) dx =
- // \int_K g(x) dx = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{w_i}{s(q_i)} g(q_i)
- // \f]
- //
- // We use this second
- // option, through the @p
- // factor_out_singularity
- // parameter of both
- // QGaussLogR and
- // QGaussOneOverR.
- //
- // These integrals are
- // somewhat delicate,
- // especially in two
- // dimensions, due to the
- // transformation from
- // the real to the
- // reference cell, where
- // the variable of
- // integration is scaled
- // with the determinant
- // of the transformation.
- //
- // In two dimensions this
- // process does not
- // result only in a
- // factor appearing as a
- // constant factor on the
- // entire integral, but
- // also on an additional
- // integral alltogether
- // that needs to be
- // evaluated:
- //
- // \f[
- // \int_0^1 f(x)\ln(x/\alpha) dx =
- // \int_0^1 f(x)\ln(x) dx - \int_0^1 f(x) \ln(\alpha) dx.
- // \f]
- //
- // This process is taken care of by
- // the constructor of the QGaussLogR
- // class, which adds additional
- // quadrature points and weights to
- // take into consideration also the
- // second part of the integral.
- //
- // A similar reasoning
- // should be done in the
- // three dimensional
- // case, since the
- // singular quadrature is
- // taylored on the
- // inverse of the radius
- // $r$ in the reference
- // cell, while our
- // singular function
- // lives in real space,
- // however in the three
- // dimensional case
- // everything is simpler
- // because the
- // singularity scales
- // linearly with the
- // determinant of the
- // transformation. This
- // allows us to build the
- // singular two
- // dimensional quadrature
- // rules once and for all
- // outside the loop over
- // all cells, using only
- // a pointer where needed.
- //
- // Notice that in one
- // dimensional
- // integration this is
- // not possible, since we
- // need to know the
- // scaling parameter for
- // the quadrature, which
- // is not known a
- // priori. Here, the
- // quadrature rule itself
- // depends also on the
- // size of the current
- // cell. For this reason,
- // it is necessary to
- // create a new
- // quadrature for each
- // singular
- // integration. Since we
- // create it using the
- // new operator of C++,
- // we also need to
- // destroy it using the
- // dual of new:
- // delete. This is done
- // at the end, and only
- // if dim == 2.
- // Putting all this into a
- // dimension independent
- // framework requires a little
- // trick. The problem is that,
- // depending on dimension, we'd
- // like to either assign a
- // QGaussLogR<1> or a
- // QGaussOneOverR<2> to a
- // Quadrature<dim-1>. C++
- // doesn't allow this right
- // away, and neither is a
- // static_cast
- // possible. However, we can
- // attempt a dynamic_cast: the
- // implementation will then
- // look up at run time whether
- // the conversion is possible
- // (which we <em>know</em> it
- // is) and if that isn't the
- // case simply return a null
- // pointer. To be sure we can
- // then add a safety check at
- // the end:
+ // The correct quadrature
+ // formula is selected by
+ // the
+ // get_singular_quadrature
+ // function, which is
+ // explained in detail below.
Assert(singular_index != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ const Quadrature<dim-1> & singular_quadrature =
+ get_singular_quadrature(cell, singular_index);
- const Quadrature<dim-1> *
- singular_quadrature
- = (dim == 2
- ?
- dynamic_cast<Quadrature<dim-1>*>(
- new QGaussLogR<1>(singular_quadrature_order,
- Point<1>((double)singular_index),
- 1./cell->measure(), true))
- :
- (dim == 3
- ?
- dynamic_cast<Quadrature<dim-1>*>(
- &sing_quadratures_3d[singular_index])
- :
- 0));
- Assert(singular_quadrature, ExcInternalError());
- FEValues<dim-1,dim> fe_v_singular (fe, *singular_quadrature,
+ FEValues<dim-1,dim> fe_v_singular (mapping, fe, singular_quadrature,
update_jacobians |
update_values |
update_cell_normal_vectors |
- std::vector<Vector<double> > singular_cell_wind( (*singular_quadrature).size(),
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > singular_cell_wind( singular_quadrature.size(),
Vector<double>(dim) );
const std::vector<Point<dim> > &singular_normals = fe_v_singular.get_cell_normal_vectors();
wind.vector_value_list(singular_q_points, singular_cell_wind);
- for(unsigned int q=0; q<singular_quadrature->size(); ++q)
+ for(unsigned int q=0; q<singular_quadrature.size(); ++q)
const Point<dim> R = singular_q_points[q] - support_points[i];
double normal_wind = 0;
fe_v_singular.JxW(q) );
- if(dim==2)
- delete singular_quadrature;
// Finally, we need to add
void BEMProblem<dim>::compute_errors(const unsigned int cycle)
Vector<float> difference_per_cell (tria.n_active_cells());
- VectorTools::integrate_difference (dh, phi,
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference (mapping, dh, phi,
- QGauss<(dim-1)>(3),
+ QGauss<(dim-1)>(2*fe.degree+1),
const double L2_error = difference_per_cell.l2_norm();
+ // Singular integration requires a
+ // careful selection of the
+ // quadrature rules. In particular
+ // the deal.II library provides
+ // quadrature rules which are
+ // taylored for logarithmic
+ // singularities (QGaussLog,
+ // QGaussLogR), as well as for 1/R
+ // singularities (QGaussOneOverR).
+ //
+ // Singular integration is typically
+ // obtained by constructing weighted
+ // quadrature formulas with singular
+ // weights, so that it is possible to
+ // write
+ //
+ // \f[
+ // \int_K f(x) s(x) dx = \sum_{i=1}^N w_i f(q_i)
+ // \f]
+ //
+ // where $s(x)$ is a given
+ // singularity, and the weights and
+ // quadrature points $w_i,q_i$ are
+ // carefully selected to make the
+ // formula above an equality for a
+ // certain class of functions $f(x)$.
+ //
+ // In all the finite element examples
+ // we have seen so far, the weight of
+ // the quadrature itself (namely, the
+ // function $s(x)$), was always
+ // constantly equal to 1. For
+ // singular integration, we have two
+ // choices: we can use the definition
+ // above, factoring out the
+ // singularity from the integrand
+ // (i.e., integrating $f(x)$ with the
+ // special quadrature rule), or we
+ // can ask the quadrature rule to
+ // "normalize" the weights $w_i$ with
+ // $s(q_i)$:
+ //
+ // \f[
+ // \int_K f(x) s(x) dx =
+ // \int_K g(x) dx = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{w_i}{s(q_i)} g(q_i)
+ // \f]
+ //
+ // We use this second option, through
+ // the @p factor_out_singularity
+ // parameter of both QGaussLogR and
+ // QGaussOneOverR.
+ //
+ // These integrals are somewhat
+ // delicate, especially in two
+ // dimensions, due to the
+ // transformation from the real to
+ // the reference cell, where the
+ // variable of integration is scaled
+ // with the determinant of the
+ // transformation.
+ //
+ // In two dimensions this process
+ // does not result only in a factor
+ // appearing as a constant factor on
+ // the entire integral, but also on
+ // an additional integral alltogether
+ // that needs to be evaluated:
+ //
+ // \f[
+ // \int_0^1 f(x)\ln(x/\alpha) dx =
+ // \int_0^1 f(x)\ln(x) dx - \int_0^1 f(x) \ln(\alpha) dx.
+ // \f]
+ //
+ // This process is taken care of by
+ // the constructor of the QGaussLogR
+ // class, which adds additional
+ // quadrature points and weights to
+ // take into consideration also the
+ // second part of the integral.
+ //
+ // A similar reasoning should be done
+ // in the three dimensional case,
+ // since the singular quadrature is
+ // taylored on the inverse of the
+ // radius $r$ in the reference cell,
+ // while our singular function lives
+ // in real space, however in the
+ // three dimensional case everything
+ // is simpler because the singularity
+ // scales linearly with the
+ // determinant of the
+ // transformation. This allows us to
+ // build the singular two dimensional
+ // quadrature rules only once and,
+ // reuse them over all cells.
+ //
+ // In the one dimensional singular
+ // integration this is not possible,
+ // since we need to know the scaling
+ // parameter for the quadrature,
+ // which is not known a priori. Here,
+ // the quadrature rule itself depends
+ // also on the size of the current
+ // cell. For this reason, it is
+ // necessary to create a new
+ // quadrature for each singular
+ // integration.
+ //
+ // The different quadrature rules are
+ // built inside the
+ // get_singular_quadrature, which is
+ // specialized for dim=2 and dim=3,
+ // and they are retrieved inside the
+ // assemble_system function. The
+ // index given as an argument is the
+ // index of the unit support point
+ // where the singularity is located.
+const Quadrature<2> & BEMProblem<3>::get_singular_quadrature(
+ const DoFHandler<2,3>::active_cell_iterator &,
+ const unsigned int index) const
+ Assert(index < fe.dofs_per_cell,
+ ExcIndexRange(0, fe.dofs_per_cell, index));
+ static std::vector<QGaussOneOverR<2> > quadratures;
+ if(quadratures.size() == 0)
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ quadratures.push_back(QGaussOneOverR<2>(singular_quadrature_order,
+ fe.get_unit_support_points()[i],
+ true));
+ return quadratures[index];
+const Quadrature<1> & BEMProblem<2>::get_singular_quadrature(
+ const DoFHandler<1,2>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
+ const unsigned int index) const
+ Assert(index < fe.dofs_per_cell,
+ ExcIndexRange(0, fe.dofs_per_cell, index));
+ static Quadrature<1> * q_pointer = NULL;
+ if(q_pointer) delete q_pointer;
+ q_pointer = new QGaussLogR<1>(singular_quadrature_order,
+ fe.get_unit_support_points()[index],
+ 1./cell->measure(), true);
+ return (*q_pointer);
// @sect4{BEMProblem::compute_exterior_solution}
// We'd like to also know something
endc = dh.end();
- FEValues<dim-1,dim> fe_v(fe, *quadrature,
+ FEValues<dim-1,dim> fe_v(mapping, fe, *quadrature,
update_values |
update_cell_normal_vectors |
update_quadrature_points |
std::vector<Vector<double> > local_wind(n_q_points, Vector<double>(dim) );
std::vector<Point<dim> > external_support_points(external_dh.n_dofs());
- DoFTools::map_dofs_to_support_points<dim>( StaticMappingQ1<dim>::mapping,
- external_dh, external_support_points);
+ DoFTools::map_dofs_to_support_points<dim>(StaticMappingQ1<dim>::mapping,
+ external_dh, external_support_points);
for(cell = dh.begin_active(); cell != endc; ++cell)
dataout.add_data_vector(phi, "phi");
dataout.add_data_vector(alpha, "alpha");
- dataout.build_patches();
+ dataout.build_patches(mapping,
+ mapping.get_degree(),
+ DataOut<dim-1, DoFHandler<dim-1, dim> >::curved_inner_cells);
std::string filename = ( Utilities::int_to_string(dim) +
"d_boundary_solution_" +
+ unsigned int degree = 1;
+ unsigned int mapping_degree = 1;
deallog.depth_console (3);
- BEMProblem<2> laplace_problem_2d;
+ BEMProblem<2> laplace_problem_2d(degree, mapping_degree);
- BEMProblem<3> laplace_problem_3d;
+ BEMProblem<3> laplace_problem_3d(degree, mapping_degree);
catch (std::exception &exc)