* of objects of type <code>V</code> that will contain the eigenvectors
* computed. <code>OP</code> is an inverse operation for the matrix <code>A -
* sigma * B</code>, where <code> sigma </code> is a shift value, set to zero
- * by default.
+ * by default. Note that (P)Arpack supports other transformations, but currently
+ * this class implements only shift-and-invert mode.
+ *
+ * The <code>OP</code> can be specified either using auxiliary Shift class together
+ * with IterativeInverse or by using LinearOperator
+ * @code
+ * const double shift = 5.0;
+ * const auto op_A = linear_operator<vector_t>(A);
+ * const auto op_B = linear_operator<vector_t>(B);
+ * const auto op_shift = op_A - shift * op_B;
+ * SolverControl solver_control_lin (1000, 1e-10,false,false);
+ *
+ * SolverCG<vector_t> cg(solver_control_lin);
+ * const auto op_shift_invert = inverse_operator(op_shift, cg, PreconditionIdentity ());
+ * @endcode
* Through the AdditionalData the user can specify some of the parameters to
* be set.
* An enum that lists the possible choices for which eigenvalues to compute
- * in the solve() function.
+ * in the solve() function. Note, that this corresponds to the problem after
+ * shift-and-invert (the only currently supported spectral transformation)
+ * is applied.
* A particular choice is limited based on symmetric or non-symmetric matrix
* <code>A</code> considered.
* PArpackExcInfoPdnaupds.
DeclException2 (PArpackExcConvergedEigenvectors, int, int,
- << arg1 << "eigenpairs were requested, but only"
+ << arg1 << " eigenpairs were requested, but only "
<< arg2 << " converged");
DeclException2 (PArpackExcInvalidNumberofEigenvalues, int, int,
Assert (iparam[4] == (int)n_eigenvalues,
- PArpackExcConvergedEigenvectors(iparam[4], n_eigenvalues));
+ PArpackExcConvergedEigenvectors(n_eigenvalues,iparam[4]));
// both PDNAUPD and PDSAUPD compute eigenpairs of inv[A - sigma*M]*M
// with respect to a semi-inner product defined by M.