--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Check PetscScalar initialisation
+DEAL::Check a nonzero PetscScalar
+DEAL::Check PetscScalar initialised from std
+DEAL::Check std initialised from PetscScalar
+DEAL::Check PetscScalar division
+DEAL::Check PetscScalar multiply
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
#include <iostream>
-void test_complex (PETScWrappers::SparseMatrix &m)
+void test (PETScWrappers::SparseMatrix &m)
// first set a few entries
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m.m(); ++i)
--- /dev/null
-void test_complex (PETScWrappers::SparseMatrix &m)
+void test (PETScWrappers::SparseMatrix &m)
// first set a few entries
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m.m(); ++i)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Complex test
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Check vector access
+(0.000e+00,5.000e+00) (1.000e+00,4.000e+00) (2.000e+00,3.000e+00) (3.000e+00,2.000e+00) (4.000e+00,1.000e+00)
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Check 01 matrix access
+(0,0) (0.00000,0.00000)
+(0,1) (1.00000,-1.00000)
+(0,2) (2.00000,-2.00000)
+(0,3) (3.00000,-3.00000)
+(0,4) (4.00000,-4.00000)
+(1,0) (1.00000,-1.00000)
+(1,1) (2.00000,-2.00000)
+(1,2) (3.00000,-3.00000)
+(1,3) (4.00000,-4.00000)
+(1,4) (5.00000,-5.00000)
+(2,0) (2.00000,-2.00000)
+(2,1) (3.00000,-3.00000)
+(2,2) (4.00000,-4.00000)
+(2,3) (5.00000,-5.00000)
+(2,4) (6.00000,-6.00000)
+(3,0) (3.00000,-3.00000)
+(3,1) (4.00000,-4.00000)
+(3,2) (5.00000,-5.00000)
+(3,3) (6.00000,-6.00000)
+(3,4) (7.00000,-7.00000)
+(4,0) (4.00000,-4.00000)
+(4,1) (5.00000,-5.00000)
+(4,2) (6.00000,-6.00000)
+(4,3) (7.00000,-7.00000)
+(4,4) (8.00000,-8.00000)
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Check matrix access
+(1,0) (1.00000,-1.00000)
+(2,0) (2.00000,-2.00000)
+(2,1) (3.00000,-3.00000)
+(3,0) (3.00000,-3.00000)
+(3,1) (4.00000,-4.00000)
+(3,2) (5.00000,-5.00000)
+(4,0) (4.00000,-4.00000)
+(4,1) (5.00000,-5.00000)
+(4,2) (6.00000,-6.00000)
+(4,3) (7.00000,-7.00000)
+(5,0) (5.00000,-5.00000)
+(5,1) (6.00000,-6.00000)
+(5,2) (7.00000,-7.00000)
+(5,3) (8.00000,-8.00000)
+(5,4) (9.00000,-9.00000)
+(6,0) (6.00000,-6.00000)
+(6,1) (7.00000,-7.00000)
+(6,2) (8.00000,-8.00000)
+(6,3) (9.00000,-9.00000)
+(6,4) (10.0000,-10.0000)
+(6,5) (11.0000,-11.0000)
+(7,0) (7.00000,-7.00000)
+(7,1) (8.00000,-8.00000)
+(7,2) (9.00000,-9.00000)
+(7,3) (10.0000,-10.0000)
+(7,4) (11.0000,-11.0000)
+(7,5) (12.0000,-12.0000)
+(7,6) (13.0000,-13.0000)
+(8,0) (8.00000,-8.00000)
+(8,1) (9.00000,-9.00000)
+(8,2) (10.0000,-10.0000)
+(8,3) (11.0000,-11.0000)
+(8,4) (12.0000,-12.0000)
+(8,5) (13.0000,-13.0000)
+(8,6) (14.0000,-14.0000)
+(8,7) (15.0000,-15.0000)
+(9,0) (9.00000,-9.00000)
+(9,1) (10.0000,-10.0000)
+(9,2) (11.0000,-11.0000)
+(9,3) (12.0000,-12.0000)
+(9,4) (13.0000,-13.0000)
+(9,5) (14.0000,-14.0000)
+(9,6) (15.0000,-15.0000)
+(9,7) (16.0000,-16.0000)
+(9,8) (17.0000,-17.0000)
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Check matrix access
+(0,0) (0.00000,0.00000)
+(0,1) (3.14159,-3.14159)
+(0,2) (6.28319,-6.28319)
+(0,3) (9.42478,-9.42478)
+(0,4) (12.5664,-12.5664)
+(1,0) (3.14159,-3.14159)
+(1,1) (6.28319,-6.28319)
+(1,2) (9.42478,-9.42478)
+(1,3) (12.5664,-12.5664)
+(1,4) (15.7080,-15.7080)
+(2,0) (6.28319,-6.28319)
+(2,1) (9.42478,-9.42478)
+(2,2) (12.5664,-12.5664)
+(2,3) (15.7080,-15.7080)
+(2,4) (18.8496,-18.8496)
+(3,0) (9.42478,-9.42478)
+(3,1) (12.5664,-12.5664)
+(3,2) (15.7080,-15.7080)
+(3,3) (18.8496,-18.8496)
+(3,4) (21.9911,-21.9911)
+(4,0) (12.5664,-12.5664)
+(4,1) (15.7080,-15.7080)
+(4,2) (18.8496,-18.8496)
+(4,3) (21.9911,-21.9911)
+(4,4) (25.1327,-25.1327)
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Size 32 Unknowns 961
+DEAL::Solver type: N6dealii13PETScWrappers16SolverRichardsonE
+DEAL::Starting value 7.750
+DEAL::Failure step 100 value 4.004
+An error occurred in file <petsc_solver.cc> in function
+ void dealii::PETScWrappers::SolverBase::solve(const dealii::PETScWrappers::MatrixBase&, dealii::PETScWrappers::VectorBase&, const dealii::PETScWrappers::VectorBase&, const dealii::PETScWrappers::PreconditionerBase&)
+The violated condition was:
+ false
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ SolverControl::NoConvergence (solver_control.last_step(), solver_control.last_value())
+Additional Information:
+Iterative method reported convergence failure in step 100 with residual 4.00437
+DEAL::Solver stopped after 100 iterations
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Size 32 Unknowns 961
+DEAL::Solver type: N6dealii13PETScWrappers15SolverChebychevE
+DEAL::Starting value 7.551
+DEAL::Failure step 100 value 2.942
+An error occurred in file <petsc_solver.cc> in function
+ void dealii::PETScWrappers::SolverBase::solve(const dealii::PETScWrappers::MatrixBase&, dealii::PETScWrappers::VectorBase&, const dealii::PETScWrappers::VectorBase&, const dealii::PETScWrappers::PreconditionerBase&)
+The violated condition was:
+ false
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ SolverControl::NoConvergence (solver_control.last_step(), solver_control.last_value())
+Additional Information:
+Iterative method reported convergence failure in step 100 with residual 2.94179
+DEAL::Solver stopped after 100 iterations
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Size 32 Unknowns 961
+DEAL::Solver type: N6dealii13PETScWrappers8SolverCGE
+DEAL::Starting value 7.750
+DEAL::Convergence step 41 value 0.0006730
+DEAL::Solver stopped after 41 iterations
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Size 32 Unknowns 961
+DEAL::Solver type: N6dealii13PETScWrappers8SolverCGE
+DEAL::Starting value 31.00
+DEAL::Convergence step 43 value 0.0008189
+DEAL::Solver stopped after 43 iterations
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Size 32 Unknowns 961
+DEAL::Solver type: N6dealii13PETScWrappers10SolverBiCGE
+DEAL::Starting value 7.750
+DEAL::Convergence step 41 value 0.0006730
+DEAL::Solver stopped after 41 iterations
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::before: (0.00000,0.00000)
+DEAL::(0.00000,0.00000) (3.00000,0.00000) (6.00000,0.00000) (9.00000,0.00000) (12.0000,0.00000) (15.0000,0.00000) (18.0000,0.00000) (21.0000,0.00000) (24.0000,0.00000) (27.0000,0.00000)
+DEAL::after: (5.00000,0.00000)
+DEAL::(1.00000,-1.00000) (5.00000,-2.00000) (9.00000,-3.00000) (13.0000,-4.00000) (17.0000,-5.00000) (21.0000,-6.00000) (25.0000,-7.00000) (29.0000,-8.00000) (33.0000,-9.00000) (37.0000,-10.0000)
+DEAL::back to original: (0.00000,0.00000)
+DEAL::(0.00000,0.00000) (3.00000,0.00000) (6.00000,0.00000) (9.00000,0.00000) (12.0000,0.00000) (15.0000,0.00000) (18.0000,0.00000) (21.0000,0.00000) (24.0000,0.00000) (27.0000,0.00000)
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::(0,0i) (1.00000,0i) (2.00000,0i) (3.00000,0i) (4.00000,0i) (5.00000,0i) (6.00000,0i) (7.00000,0i) (8.00000,0i) (9.00000,0i)
+DEAL::(0,0i) (2.00000,-1.00000i) (4.00000,-2.00000i) (6.00000,-3.00000i) (8.00000,-4.00000i) (10.0000,-5.00000i) (12.0000,-6.00000i) (14.0000,-7.00000i) (16.0000,-8.00000i) (18.0000,-9.00000i)
+DEAL::back to original:
+DEAL::(0,0i) (1.00000,0i) (2.00000,0i) (3.00000,0i) (4.00000,0i) (5.00000,0i) (6.00000,0i) (7.00000,0i) (8.00000,0i) (9.00000,0i)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Complex vectors:
+DEAL::v: (0.,0.) (1.,1.) (2.,4.) (3.,9.) (4.,16.) (5.,25.) (6.,36.) (7.,49.) (8.,64.) (9.,81.) (10.,100.) (11.,121.) (12.,144.) (13.,169.) (14.,196.) (15.,225.) (16.,256.) (17.,289.) (18.,324.) (19.,361.)
+w: (0.,0.) (1.,1.) (2.,4.) (3.,9.) (4.,16.) (5.,25.) (6.,36.) (7.,49.) (8.,64.) (9.,81.) (10.,100.) (11.,121.) (12.,144.) (13.,169.) (14.,196.) (15.,225.) (16.,256.) (17.,289.) (18.,324.) (19.,361.)
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Complex vectors:
+(0.,0.) (1.,1.) (2.,2.) (3.,3.) (4.,4.) (5.,5.) (6.,6.) (7.,7.) (8.,8.) (9.,9.) (10.,10.) (11.,11.) (12.,12.) (13.,13.) (14.,14.) (15.,15.) (16.,16.) (17.,17.) (18.,18.) (19.,19.)
+(1.,1.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (4.,4.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (7.,7.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (10.,10.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (13.,13.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (16.,16.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (19.,19.) (0.,0.)
PETScWrappers::Vector v (20);
PETScWrappers::Vector w (20);
- test_real (v,w);
+ test (v,w);
- // Just incase, *read* these vectors are correct.
- deallog << "Real vectors: " << std::endl;
- v.print (logfile, 0, false, true);
- w.print (logfile, 0, false, true);
- deallog << "OK" << std::endl;
- v.reinit (20);
- w.reinit (20);
- test_complex (v,w);
- // Just incase, *read* these vectors are correct.
+ // Output
deallog << "Complex vectors: " << std::endl;
v.print (logfile, 0, false, true);
w.print (logfile, 0, false, true);
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Complex vectors:
+(1.,1.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (4.,4.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (7.,7.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (10.,10.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (13.,13.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (16.,16.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (19.,19.) (0.,0.)
+(1.,1.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (4.,4.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (7.,7.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (10.,10.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (13.,13.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (16.,16.) (0.,0.) (0.,0.) (19.,19.) (0.,0.)
--- /dev/null
+(0.000,0.000) (1.235,2.469) (2.469,4.938) (3.704,7.407) (4.938,9.877)
--- /dev/null