+++ /dev/null
-This Jenkinsfile is used to mark jobs as "pending" as quickly as possible. The
-other longer running jobs only set the status to pending once they start
-See https://jenkins.tjhei.info/job/dealii-mark/ for details.
-Settings to apply inside Jenkins:
- - discover pull requests (remove branches/master)
- - Strategy: merged PR
- - enable "Disable GitHub Multibranch Status Plugin"
- - trigger build on pull request comment: .* /rebuild.* (without space)
- - Jenkinsfile: choose contrib/ci/Jenkinsfile.mark
- - scan: every 4 hours
- - discard: 5+ items
- - docker label: small
- agent
- {
- docker
- {
- image 'dealii/indent'
- }
- }
- post { cleanup { cleanWs() } }
- stages
- {
- stage("check")
- {
- steps
- {
- githubNotify context: 'ready', description: 'please be patient, testers are spinning up...', status: 'PENDING'
- sh '''
- wget -q -O - https://api.github.com/repos/dealii/dealii/issues/${CHANGE_ID}/labels | grep 'ready to test' || \
- { echo "This commit will only be tested when it has the label 'ready to test'. Trigger a rebuild by adding a comment that contains '/rebuild'..."; exit 1; }
- '''
- }
- post
- {
- failure
- {
- githubNotify context: 'ready', description: 'need ready to test label and /rebuild', status: 'PENDING'
- script
- {
- currentBuild.result='NOT_BUILT'
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }