// used. Finally, through its base
// class from the
// MeshWorker::Assembler namespace,
- // this object determins, how locally
+ // this object determines, how locally
// produced data is assembled into
// the global system.
// MeshWorker::IntegrationWorker. It
// has all the control structures the
// generic loop needs. Fortunately,
- // most of them havereasonable
+ // most of them have reasonable
// default values. The others will be
// set below.
// The following three functions
// are the ones that get called
- // by the generic loop over all
- // ccells and faces. They are the
+ // inside the generic loop over all
+ // cells and faces. They are the
// ones doing the actual
// integration.
- //
- // Note that the arguments are
- // not constant, because the data
- // spae for local matrices and
- // vectors is part of the
- // MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo
- // object (namely, in its base
- // class
- // MeshWorker::LocalResults).
void cell(CellInfo& info) const;
void bdry(FaceInfo& info) const;
void face(FaceInfo& info1, FaceInfo& info2) const;
// local integration loop inside the
// following functions. The program
// would be even shorter, if we used
- // premade operators from the
+ // pre-made operators from the
// Operators namespace (which will be
// added soon).
// For additional shape functions,
// we have to ask the neighbors
- // FEFaceValuseBase.
+ // FEFaceValuesBase.
const FEFaceValuesBase<dim>& fe_v_neighbor = info2.fe();
// Then we get references to the
// quadrature formulae and the
// update flags in the worker base
// class. For quadrature, we play
- // safe and use a QGauss forumla
+ // safe and use a QGauss formula
// with number of points one higher
// than the polynomial degree
// used. Since the quadratures for
// want to base them also on jumps of
// the discontinuous solution
// function over faces between
- // neighboring cells. The simpliest
+ // neighboring cells. The simplest
// way of doing that is to compute
// approximative gradients by
// difference quotients including the
// step-9. Relating to the
// discussion in step-9, here we
// consider $h^{1+d/2}|\nabla_h
- // u_h|$. Futhermore we note that we
+ // u_h|$. Furthermore we note that we
// do not consider approximate second
// derivatives because solutions to
// the linear advection equation are