template <typename number>
void invert_mass_matrix(const SparseMatrix<number> &mass_matrix,
const FilteredMatrix<Vector<number> > &filtered_mass_matrix,
template <typename number>
void invert_mass_matrix
(const SparseMatrix<number> &mass_matrix,
- const FilteredMatrix<Vector<std::complex<number> > > &filtered_mass_matrix,
- FilteredMatrix<Vector<std::complex<number> > > &filtered_preconditioner,
+ const FilteredMatrix<Vector<number> > &filtered_mass_matrix,
+ FilteredMatrix<Vector<number> > &filtered_preconditioner,
const Vector<std::complex<number> > &rhs,
Vector<std::complex<number> > &boundary_projection)
- Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ auto solve_for_one_component
+ = [&](const bool real_part)
+ {
+ // copy the real or imaginary part out of the rhs vector
+ Vector<number> rhs_part (rhs.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<rhs.size(); ++i)
+ rhs_part(i) = (real_part ? rhs(i).real() : rhs(i).imag());
+ // then solve the linear system for this part
+ Vector<number> boundary_projection_part (boundary_projection.size());
+ invert_mass_matrix (mass_matrix,
+ filtered_mass_matrix,
+ filtered_preconditioner,
+ rhs_part,
+ boundary_projection_part);
+ // finally copy the real or imaginary part of the
+ // solution back into the global solution vector
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<boundary_projection.size(); ++i)
+ if (real_part == true)
+ boundary_projection(i).real(boundary_projection_part(i));
+ else
+ boundary_projection(i).imag(boundary_projection_part(i));
+ };
+ // solve for real and imaginary parts of the solution separately
+ solve_for_one_component (true);
+ solve_for_one_component (false);
//TODO: Maybe we should figure out if the element really needs this
- FilteredMatrix<Vector<number> > filtered_mass_matrix(mass_matrix, true);
- FilteredMatrix<Vector<number> > filtered_precondition;
+ FilteredMatrix<Vector<typename numbers::NumberTraits<number>::real_type> > filtered_mass_matrix(mass_matrix, true);
+ FilteredMatrix<Vector<typename numbers::NumberTraits<number>::real_type> > filtered_precondition;
std::vector<bool> excluded_dofs(mass_matrix.m(), false);
// we assemble mass matrix with unit weight,