// Input:
// conformity: conformity of the finite element, used to select
// appropriate type of transformation
- // fe_values_jacobians, cell: used to reinitialize an fe_values object
- // if values of jacobians (and inverses of
- // jacobians) are needed
+ // fe_values_jacobians: used for jacobians (and inverses of
+ // jacobians). the object is supposed to be
+ // reinit()'d for the current cell
// function_values, offset: function_values is manipulated in place
// starting at position offset
- template <int dim, int spacedim, typename number, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+ template <int dim, int spacedim, typename number, typename T2, typename T3>
void transform(const typename FiniteElementData<dim>::Conformity conformity,
- const T1 &cell,
const unsigned int offset,
T2 &fe_values_jacobians,
T3 &function_values)
// For given mapping F_K: \hat K \to K, we have to transform
// \hat u = (dF_K)^T u\circ F_K
- fe_values_jacobians.reinit(cell);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < function_values.size(); ++i)
const auto &jacobians =
// For given mapping F_K: \hat K \to K, we have to transform
// \hat w = det(dF_K) (dF_K)^{-1} w\circ F_K
- fe_values_jacobians.reinit(cell);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < function_values.size(); ++i)
const auto &jacobians =
// [ rest see above]
// Output: the offset after we have handled the element at
// a given offset
- template <int dim, int spacedim, typename number, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+ template <int dim, int spacedim, typename number, typename T2, typename T3>
unsigned int
apply_transform(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe,
- const T1 &cell,
const unsigned int offset,
T2 &fe_values_jacobians,
T3 &function_values)
// correctly handle nested fe systems.
current_offset =
apply_transform<dim, spacedim, number>(base_fe,
- cell,
transform<dim, spacedim, number>(fe.conforming_space,
- cell,
hp::MappingCollection<dim, spacedim> mapping_collection(mapping);
+ // An FEValues object to evaluate (generalized) support point
+ // locations as well as Jacobians and their inverses.
+ // the latter are only needed for Hcurl or Hdiv conforming elements,
+ // but we'll just always include them.
hp::FEValues<dim, spacedim> fe_values(
- update_quadrature_points);
- // An extra FEValues object to compute jacobians.
- // Only re-initialized in case of Hcurl or Hdiv conforming elements,
- // i.e. if we really need the information.
- hp::FEValues<dim, spacedim> fe_values_jacobians(
- mapping_collection,
- fe,
- support_quadrature,
+ update_quadrature_points |
update_jacobians | update_inverse_jacobians);
const unsigned int offset =
apply_transform<dim, spacedim, number>(
- fe[fe_index], cell, /* starting_offset = */ 0,
- fe_values_jacobians, function_values);
+ fe[fe_index], /* starting_offset = */ 0,
+ fe_values, function_values);
Assert(offset == n_components, ExcInternalError());