+ namespace internal
+ {
+ /**
+ * get FECollection
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ const dealii::hp::FECollection<dim,spacedim> *
+ get_fe_collection (const dealii::hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &dof_handler)
+ {
+ return &dof_handler.get_fe();
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ const dealii::hp::FECollection<dim,spacedim> *
+ get_fe_collection (const dealii::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &dof_handler)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcInternalError());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
template <class DH>
case FiniteElementDomination::neither_element_dominates:
- // we don't presently know what exactly to do here.
- // it isn't quite clear what exactly we would have
- // to do here. sit tight until someone trips over
- // the following statement and see what exactly is
- // going on
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ // make sure we don't get here twice from each cell
+ if (cell < neighbor)
+ break;
+ // our best bet is to find the common space among other
+ // FEs in FECollection and then constrain both FEs
+ // to that one.
+ // More precisely, we follow the strategy outlined on
+ // page 17 of the hp paper:
+ // First we find the dominant FE space S.
+ // Then we divide our dofs in master and slave such that
+ // I^{face,master}_{S^{face}->S} is invertible.
+ // And finally constrain slave dofs to master dofs based
+ // on the interpolation matrix.
+ const unsigned int this_fe_index = cell->active_fe_index();
+ const unsigned int neighbor_fe_index = neighbor->active_fe_index();
+ std::set<unsigned int> fes;
+ fes.insert(this_fe_index);
+ fes.insert(neighbor_fe_index);
+ const dealii::hp::FECollection<dim,spacedim> &fe_collection =
+ *internal::get_fe_collection (dof_handler);
+ const unsigned int dominating_fe_index = fe_collection.find_least_face_dominating_fe(fes);
+ AssertThrow(dominating_fe_index != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ ExcMessage("could not find the dominating FE for "
+ +cell->get_fe().get_name()
+ +" and "
+ +neighbor->get_fe().get_name()
+ +" inside FECollection"));
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> &dominating_fe = fe_collection[dominating_fe_index];
+ // TODO: until we hit the second face, the code is
+ // a copy-paste from h-refinement case...
+ // first get the interpolation matrix from main FE
+ // to the virtual dofs
+ Assert (dominating_fe.dofs_per_face <=
+ cell->get_fe().dofs_per_face,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ ensure_existence_of_face_matrix
+ (dominating_fe,
+ cell->get_fe(),
+ face_interpolation_matrices
+ [dominating_fe_index][cell->active_fe_index()]);
+ // split this matrix into master and slave components.
+ // invert the master component
+ ensure_existence_of_master_dof_mask
+ (cell->get_fe(),
+ dominating_fe,
+ (*face_interpolation_matrices
+ [dominating_fe_index]
+ [cell->active_fe_index()]),
+ master_dof_masks
+ [dominating_fe_index]
+ [cell->active_fe_index()]);
+ ensure_existence_of_split_face_matrix
+ (*face_interpolation_matrices
+ [dominating_fe_index][cell->active_fe_index()],
+ (*master_dof_masks
+ [dominating_fe_index][cell->active_fe_index()]),
+ split_face_interpolation_matrices
+ [dominating_fe_index][cell->active_fe_index()]);
+ const FullMatrix<double> &restrict_mother_to_virtual_master_inv
+ = (split_face_interpolation_matrices
+ [dominating_fe_index][cell->active_fe_index()]->first);
+ const FullMatrix<double> &restrict_mother_to_virtual_slave
+ = (split_face_interpolation_matrices
+ [dominating_fe_index][cell->active_fe_index()]->second);
+ // now compute the constraint matrix as the product
+ // between the inverse matrix and the slave part
+ constraint_matrix.reinit (cell->get_fe().dofs_per_face -
+ dominating_fe.dofs_per_face,
+ dominating_fe.dofs_per_face);
+ restrict_mother_to_virtual_slave
+ .mmult (constraint_matrix,
+ restrict_mother_to_virtual_master_inv);
+ // then figure out the global numbers of master and
+ // slave dofs and apply constraints
+ scratch_dofs.resize (cell->get_fe().dofs_per_face);
+ cell->face(face)->get_dof_indices (scratch_dofs,
+ cell->active_fe_index ());
+ // split dofs into master and slave components
+ master_dofs.clear ();
+ slave_dofs.clear ();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<cell->get_fe().dofs_per_face; ++i)
+ if ((*master_dof_masks
+ [dominating_fe_index][cell->active_fe_index()])[i] == true)
+ master_dofs.push_back (scratch_dofs[i]);
+ else
+ slave_dofs.push_back (scratch_dofs[i]);
+ AssertDimension (master_dofs.size(), dominating_fe.dofs_per_face);
+ AssertDimension (slave_dofs.size(),
+ cell->get_fe().dofs_per_face - dominating_fe.dofs_per_face);
+ filter_constraints (master_dofs,
+ slave_dofs,
+ constraint_matrix,
+ constraints);
+ // now do the same for another FE
+ // this is pretty much the same we do above to
+ // resolve h-refinement constraints
+ Assert (dominating_fe.dofs_per_face <=
+ neighbor->get_fe().dofs_per_face,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ ensure_existence_of_face_matrix
+ (dominating_fe,
+ neighbor->get_fe(),
+ face_interpolation_matrices
+ [dominating_fe_index][neighbor->active_fe_index()]);
+ const FullMatrix<double> &restrict_secondface_to_virtual
+ = *(face_interpolation_matrices
+ [dominating_fe_index][neighbor->active_fe_index()]);
+ constraint_matrix.reinit (neighbor->get_fe().dofs_per_face,
+ dominating_fe.dofs_per_face);
+ restrict_secondface_to_virtual
+ .mmult (constraint_matrix,
+ restrict_mother_to_virtual_master_inv);
+ slave_dofs.resize (neighbor->get_fe().dofs_per_face);
+ cell->face(face)->get_dof_indices (slave_dofs,
+ neighbor->active_fe_index ());
+ filter_constraints (master_dofs,
+ slave_dofs,
+ constraint_matrix,
+ constraints);