const AnyData &in)
Assert (out.size() == 1, ExcNotImplemented());
- deallog.push ("Newton");
+ LogStream::Prefix prefix("Newton");
VectorType &u = *out.entry<VectorType *>(0);
resnorm = res->l2_norm();
- deallog.pop();
// in case of failure: throw exception
if (control.last_check() != SolverControl::success)
Assert(!adaptive, ExcNotImplemented());
- deallog.push ("Theta");
+ LogStream::Prefix prefix("Theta");
VectorType &solution = *out.entry<VectorType *>(0);
GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
d_explicit.time =;
- deallog.pop();
SolverControl::State conv=SolverControl::iterate;
- deallog.push("Power method");
+ LogStream::Prefix prefix("Power method");
typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vy (this->memory);
VectorType &y = *Vy;
conv = this->iteration_status (iter, std::fabs(1./length-1./old_length), x);
- deallog.pop();
// in case of failure: throw exception
AssertThrow(conv == SolverControl::success, SolverControl::NoConvergence (iter,
const MatrixType &A,
VectorType &x)
- deallog.push("Wielandt");
+ LogStream::Prefix prefix("Wielandt");
SolverControl::State conv=SolverControl::iterate;
old_value = value;
- deallog.pop();
// in case of failure: throw
// exception
AssertThrow (conv == SolverControl::success,
BlockVector<number> &u,
const BlockVector<number> &rhs) const
- deallog.push("Smooth");
+ LogStream::Prefix prefix("Smooth");
unsigned int maxlevel = matrices.max_level();
unsigned int steps2 = this->steps;
if (this->symmetric)
T = !T;
- deallog.pop();
#endif // DOXYGEN