// @sect3{General tools}
namespace AdditionalTools
- template <int dim>
- SymmetricTensor<4,dim> outer_product_T23 (const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> & A,
- const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> & B)
- {
- SymmetricTensor<4,dim> A_ik_B_jl;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
- for (unsigned int j=i; j<dim; ++j) {
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<dim; ++k) {
- for (unsigned int l=k; k<dim; ++k) {
- A_ik_B_jl[i][j][k][l] += A[i][k] * B[j][l];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return A_ik_B_jl;
- }
template <typename MatrixType>
void extract_submatrix(const std::vector< unsigned int > &row_index_set,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &column_index_set,
for (unsigned int sub_row = 0; sub_row < n_rows_submatrix; ++sub_row) {
const unsigned int row = row_index_set[sub_row];
- Assert (row<=matrix.m(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (row<=matrix.m(), ExcIndexRange(row, 0, matrix.m()));
+// Assert (row <= m(), ExcIndexRange(row, 0, m()));
for (unsigned int sub_col = 0; sub_col < n_cols_submatrix; ++sub_col) {
const unsigned int col = column_index_set[sub_col];
- Assert (col<=matrix.n(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (col<=matrix.n(), ExcIndexRange(col, 0, matrix.n()));
+// Assert (col <= n(), ExcIndexRange(col, 0, n()));
sub_matrix(sub_row,sub_col) = matrix(row, col);
+// sub_matrix(sub_row,sub_col) = matrix.el(row, col);
FullMatrix< double > &matrix)
const unsigned int n_rows_submatrix = row_index_set.size();
- Assert (n_rows_submatrix<=sub_matrix.m(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (n_rows_submatrix<=sub_matrix.m(), ExcIndexRange(n_rows_submatrix, 0, sub_matrix.m()));
+// Assert (n_rows_submatrix <= m(), ExcIndexRange(n_rows_submatrix, 0, m()));
const unsigned int n_cols_submatrix = column_index_set.size();
- Assert (n_cols_submatrix<=sub_matrix.n(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (n_cols_submatrix<=sub_matrix.n(), ExcIndexRange(n_cols_submatrix, 0, sub_matrix.n()));
+// Assert (n_cols_submatrix <= n(), ExcIndexRange(n_cols_submatrix, 0, n()));
for (unsigned int sub_row = 0; sub_row < n_rows_submatrix; ++sub_row) {
const unsigned int row = row_index_set[sub_row];
- Assert (row<=matrix.m(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (row<=matrix.m(), ExcIndexRange(row, 0, matrix.m()));
+// Assert (row <= m(), ExcIndexRange(row, 0, m()));
for (unsigned int sub_col = 0; sub_col < n_cols_submatrix; ++sub_col) {
const unsigned int col = column_index_set[sub_col];
- Assert (col<=matrix.n(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (col<=matrix.n(), ExcIndexRange(col, 0, matrix.n()));
+// Assert (col <= n(), ExcIndexRange(col, 0, n()));
matrix(row, col) = sub_matrix(sub_row, sub_col);
void solve_linear_system (BlockVector <double> & newton_update);
/// \brief Error measurement
+ void get_error_res (const BlockVector <double> & residual, BlockVector <double> & error_res);
+ void get_error_update (const BlockVector <double> & newton_update, BlockVector <double> & error_update);
double get_error_dil (void);
// Solution
// === Stiffness matrix setup ====
ConstraintMatrix constraints; // Matrix to keep track of all constraints
BlockSparsityPattern sparsity_pattern; // Sparsity pattern for the stiffness matrix
- BlockSparseMatrix <double> system_matrix; // Global stiffness matrix
- BlockVector <double> system_rhs; // Holds the right hand side vector
+ BlockSparseMatrix <double> tangent_matrix; // Global stiffness matrix
+ BlockVector <double> residual; // Holds the residual vector
BlockVector <double> solution_n; // Holds the solution vector: Total displacement over all time-steps
- BlockVector <double> soln_error; // Holds the error vector
// @sect3{Implementation of the <code>Solid</code> class}
<< "\n\t Number of active cells: " << triangulation.n_active_cells()
<< "\n\t Number of degrees of freedom: " << dof_handler_ref.n_dofs()
<< std::endl;
+ // the global system matrix will have the following structure
+ // | K'_uu | K_up | 0 | | dU_u | | dR_u |
+ // K = | K_pu | K_tt^-1 | K_pt^-1 | , dU = | dU_p | , dR = | dR_p |
+ // | 0 | K_tp | K_tt | | dU_t | | dR_t |
+ // reflect this structure in the sparsity pattern
+ Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling> coupling (n_components, n_components);
+ for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < n_components; ++ii) {
+ for (unsigned int jj = ii; jj < n_components; ++jj) {
+ if ((ii < p_component) && (jj == t_component)) {
+ coupling[jj][ii] = DoFTools::none;
+ coupling[ii][jj] = DoFTools::none;
+ }
+ else {
+ coupling[ii][jj] = DoFTools::always;
+ coupling[jj][ii] = DoFTools::always;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Setup system matrix
- system_matrix.clear ();
+ tangent_matrix.clear ();
const unsigned int n_dofs_u = dofs_per_block[u_dof];
const unsigned int n_dofs_p = dofs_per_block[p_dof];
DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler_ref, csp, constraints, false);
+// DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler_ref, coupling, csp, constraints, false);
sparsity_pattern.copy_from (csp);
- // the global system matrix will have the following structure
- // | K'_uu | K_up | 0 | | dU_u | | dR_u |
- // K = | K_pu | K_tt^-1 | K_pt^-1 | , dU = | dU_p | , dR = | dR_p |
- // | 0 | K_tp | K_tt | | dU_t | | dR_t |
- // reflect this structure in the sparsity pattern
- Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling> coupling (n_components, n_components);
- for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < n_components; ++ii) {
- for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj < n_components; ++jj) {
- if( (ii < p_component) && (jj == t_component)) {
- coupling[ii][jj] = DoFTools::none;
- coupling[jj][ii] = DoFTools::none;
- } else {
- coupling[ii][jj] = DoFTools::always;
- }
- }
- }
- system_matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
+ tangent_matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
// Setup storage vectors
- system_rhs.reinit (dofs_per_block);
- system_rhs.collect_sizes ();
+ residual.reinit (dofs_per_block);
+ residual.collect_sizes ();
solution_n.reinit (dofs_per_block);
solution_n.collect_sizes ();
solution_n.block(t_dof) = 1.0; // Dilatation is 1 in the initial configuration
- soln_error.reinit (dofs_per_block);
- soln_error.collect_sizes ();
// Set up the quadrature point history
setup_qph ();
<< "Timestep " << time.get_timestep()
<< std::endl;
+ // Newton update vector
BlockVector <double> newton_update (dofs_per_block);
newton_update.collect_sizes ();
+ // Solution error vectors
+ BlockVector <double> soln_error_res (dofs_per_block); // Holds the true residual vector
+ BlockVector <double> soln_error_update (dofs_per_block); // Holds the update error vector
+ soln_error_res.collect_sizes ();
+ soln_error_update .collect_sizes ();
double res_u = 0.0, res_f = 0.0;
double res_u_0 = 1.0, res_f_0 = 1.0;
<< "Newton iteration: " << it_nr
<< std::endl;
- system_matrix = 0.0;
- system_rhs = 0.0;
+ tangent_matrix = 0.0;
+ residual = 0.0;
// Check residual
- assemble_system_K (); // Assemble stiffness matrix
- assemble_system_F (); // Assemble RHS
make_constraints (it_nr, constraints); // Make boundary conditions
- constraints.condense (system_matrix, system_rhs); // Apply BC's
- solve_linear_system (newton_update);
- constraints.distribute(newton_update); // Populate the constrained DOF's with their values
- // Definition of residual for Newton's method:
- // Newton's method: f(x + dx) = f(x) + f'(x).dx + ..... = 0
- // so: 0 = R + K.dU
- // Sparsematrix residual: Mx = b
- // r = b-Mx
- // i.e.: r = -R - K.dU ~ 0
- system_matrix.residual (soln_error, newton_update, system_rhs);
- res_u = newton_update.block(u_dof).l2_norm();
- res_f = soln_error.block(u_dof).l2_norm();
+ assemble_system_F (); // Assemble RHS
+ get_error_res(residual, soln_error_res);
// Residual scaling factors
+ res_f = soln_error_res.block(u_dof).l2_norm();
if (it_nr == 0) res_f_0 = res_f;
- if (it_nr == 0) res_u_0 = res_u;
- std::cout
- << "Nonlinear system error: "
- << std::endl << std::scientific
- << " Solution update \t ||dU||: " << newton_update.l2_norm()
- << "\t ||dU_u||: " << newton_update.block(u_dof).l2_norm()
- << "\t ||dU_p||: " << newton_update.block(p_dof).l2_norm()
- << "\t ||dU_t||: " << newton_update.block(t_dof).l2_norm()
- << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::scientific
- << " Residual \t ||dF||: " << soln_error.l2_norm()
- << "\t ||dR_u||: " << soln_error.block(u_dof).l2_norm()
- << "\t ||dR_p||: " << soln_error.block(p_dof).l2_norm()
- << "\t ||dR_t||: " << soln_error.block(t_dof).l2_norm()
- << std::endl;
// Check for solution convergence
if ( it_nr > 0
&& res_u/res_u_0 <= parameters.tol_u
<< std::endl
<< "Solution for timestep " << time.get_timestep()
- << " converged on Newton iteration " << it_nr << "."
+ << " converged on Newton iteration " << it_nr-1 << "."
<< std::endl
<< "Relative displacement error: " << res_u/res_u_0
<< "\t Relative force error: " << res_f/res_f_0
// timer.leave_subsection();
+ // No convergence -> continue with calculations
+ assemble_system_K (); // Assemble stiffness matrix
+ constraints.condense (tangent_matrix, residual); // Apply BC's
+ solve_linear_system (newton_update);
+ constraints.distribute(newton_update); // Populate the constrained DOF's with their values
+ // Newton update error
+ get_error_update(newton_update, soln_error_update);
+ res_u = soln_error_update.block(u_dof).l2_norm();
- // Current solution state unacceptable. Update and continue iterating.
+ // Residual scaling factors
+ if (it_nr == 0) res_u_0 = res_u;
+ std::cout
+ << "Nonlinear system error: "
+ << std::endl << std::scientific
+ << " Solution update \t ||dU||: " << soln_error_update.l2_norm()
+ << "\t ||dU_u||: " << soln_error_update.block(u_dof).l2_norm()
+ << "\t ||dU_p||: " << soln_error_update.block(p_dof).l2_norm()
+ << "\t ||dU_t||: " << soln_error_update.block(t_dof).l2_norm()
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::scientific
+ << " Residual \t ||dF||: " << soln_error_res.l2_norm()
+ << "\t ||dR_u||: " << soln_error_res.block(u_dof).l2_norm()
+ << "\t ||dR_p||: " << soln_error_res.block(p_dof).l2_norm()
+ << "\t ||dR_t||: " << soln_error_res.block(t_dof).l2_norm()
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::scientific
+ << " Relative displacement error: " << res_u/res_u_0
+ << "\t Relative force error: " << res_f/res_f_0
+ << "\t Dilatation error: " << get_error_dil()
+ << std::endl;
+ // Update and continue iterating
solution_delta += newton_update; // Update current solution
update_qph_incremental (solution_delta); // Update quadrature point information
throw(ExcMessage("No convergence in nonlinear solver!"));
+template <int dim>
+ void Solid<dim>::get_error_res (const BlockVector <double> & residual, BlockVector <double> & error_res)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < dof_handler_ref.n_dofs(); ++i)
+ if (!constraints.is_constrained(i))
+ error_res(i) = residual(i);
+template <int dim>
+ void Solid<dim>::get_error_update (const BlockVector <double> & newton_update, BlockVector <double> & error_update)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < dof_handler_ref.n_dofs(); ++i)
+ if (!constraints.is_constrained(i))
+ error_update(i) = newton_update(i);
template <int dim>
double Solid<dim>::get_error_dil (void)
// K'uu du = Ru − Kup Ktp^-1 (Rt − Ktt Kpt^{-1} Rp)
- system_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).vmult(A.block(t_dof), system_rhs.block(p_dof));
- system_matrix.block(t_dof, t_dof).vmult (B.block(t_dof), A.block(t_dof));
- A.block(t_dof).equ(1.0, system_rhs.block(t_dof), -1.0, B.block(t_dof));
- system_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).Tvmult(A.block(p_dof), A.block(t_dof));
- system_matrix.block(u_dof, p_dof).vmult(A.block(u_dof), A.block(p_dof));
- system_rhs.block(u_dof) -= A.block(u_dof);
+ tangent_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).vmult(A.block(t_dof), residual.block(p_dof));
+ tangent_matrix.block(t_dof, t_dof).vmult (B.block(t_dof), A.block(t_dof));
+ A.block(t_dof).equ(1.0, residual.block(t_dof), -1.0, B.block(t_dof));
+ tangent_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).Tvmult(A.block(p_dof), A.block(t_dof));
+ tangent_matrix.block(u_dof, p_dof).vmult(A.block(u_dof), A.block(p_dof));
+ residual.block(u_dof) -= A.block(u_dof);
timer.enter_subsection("Linear solver");
if (parameters.type_lin == "CG")
- const int solver_its = system_matrix.block(u_dof, u_dof).m() * parameters.max_iterations_lin;
- const double tol_sol = parameters.tol_lin * system_rhs.block(u_dof).l2_norm();
+ const int solver_its = tangent_matrix.block(u_dof, u_dof).m() * parameters.max_iterations_lin;
+ const double tol_sol = parameters.tol_lin * residual.block(u_dof).l2_norm();
SolverControl solver_control (solver_its , tol_sol);
// SSOR -> much better than Jacobi for symmetric systems
PreconditionSSOR <SparseMatrix<double> > preconditioner;
- preconditioner.initialize (system_matrix.block(u_dof, u_dof), parameters.ssor_relaxation);
+ preconditioner.initialize (tangent_matrix.block(u_dof, u_dof), parameters.ssor_relaxation);
- solver_CG.solve (system_matrix.block(u_dof, u_dof),
+ solver_CG.solve (tangent_matrix.block(u_dof, u_dof),
- system_rhs.block(u_dof),
+ residual.block(u_dof),
else if (parameters.type_lin == "Direct")
SparseDirectUMFPACK A_direct;
- A_direct.initialize(system_matrix.block(u_dof, u_dof));
+ A_direct.initialize(tangent_matrix.block(u_dof, u_dof));
A_direct.vmult (newton_update.block(u_dof),
- system_rhs.block(u_dof));
+ residual.block(u_dof));
else throw (ExcMessage("Linear solver type not implemented"));
// Postprocess for dp
// dp = Ktp^{-1} ( Rt − Ktt Kpt^{-1} (Rp − Kpu du) )
- system_matrix.block(p_dof, u_dof).vmult (A.block(p_dof), newton_update.block(u_dof));
- B.block(p_dof).equ(1.0, system_rhs.block(p_dof), -1.0, A.block(p_dof));
- system_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).vmult(A.block(t_dof), B.block(p_dof));
- system_matrix.block(t_dof, t_dof).vmult(B.block(t_dof), A.block(t_dof));
- A.block(t_dof).equ (1.0, system_rhs.block(t_dof), -1.0, B.block(t_dof));
- system_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).Tvmult (newton_update.block(p_dof), A.block(t_dof));
+ tangent_matrix.block(p_dof, u_dof).vmult (A.block(p_dof), newton_update.block(u_dof));
+ B.block(p_dof).equ(1.0, residual.block(p_dof), -1.0, A.block(p_dof));
+ tangent_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).vmult(A.block(t_dof), B.block(p_dof));
+ tangent_matrix.block(t_dof, t_dof).vmult(B.block(t_dof), A.block(t_dof));
+ A.block(t_dof).equ (1.0, residual.block(t_dof), -1.0, B.block(t_dof));
+ tangent_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).Tvmult (newton_update.block(p_dof), A.block(t_dof));
// Postprocess for dt
// dt = Ktt^{-1} (Rt − Ktp dp)
- system_matrix.block(t_dof, p_dof).vmult (A.block(t_dof), newton_update.block(p_dof));
- system_rhs.block(t_dof) -= A.block(t_dof);
- system_matrix.block(p_dof, p_dof).vmult (newton_update.block(t_dof), system_rhs.block(t_dof));
+ tangent_matrix.block(t_dof, p_dof).vmult (A.block(t_dof), newton_update.block(p_dof));
+ residual.block(t_dof) -= A.block(t_dof);
+ tangent_matrix.block(p_dof, p_dof).vmult (newton_update.block(t_dof), residual.block(t_dof));
timer.enter_subsection("Assemble system matrix");
std::cout << "Assemble system matrix..."<< std::endl;
- system_matrix = 0.0; // Clear the matrix
+ tangent_matrix = 0.0; // Clear the matrix
const UpdateFlags uf_cell ( update_values | update_gradients | update_JxW_values );
// Add the local contribution to the system matrix
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- system_matrix.add (data.local_dof_indices[i],
+ tangent_matrix.add (data.local_dof_indices[i],
timer.enter_subsection("Assemble system RHS");
std::cout << "Assemble system RHS..."<< std::endl;
- system_rhs = 0.0; // Clear the vector
+ residual = 0.0; // Clear the vector
const UpdateFlags uf_cell ( update_values | update_gradients | update_JxW_values );
const UpdateFlags uf_face ( update_values | update_normal_vectors | update_JxW_values);
// Add the local contribution to the system RHS vector
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i) {
- system_rhs(data.local_dof_indices[i]) += data.cell_rhs(i);
+ residual(data.local_dof_indices[i]) += data.cell_rhs(i);
// Add the local contribution to the system matrix
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- system_matrix.add (data.local_dof_indices[i],
+ tangent_matrix.add (data.local_dof_indices[i],
// K_tt^-1: Nothing exists in the original K_pp subblock, so we can just add this contribution as is.
// Extract element data from the system matrix
- system_matrix,
+ tangent_matrix,