<< "(Maximum number of entries for this row: "
<< arg2 << "; maybe the matrix is already compressed?)");
- * Exception
+ * The operation is only allowed after the SparsityPattern has been set up
+ * and compress() was called.
- DeclException0 (ExcNotCompressed);
+ DeclExceptionMsg (ExcNotCompressed,
+ "The operation you attempted is only allowed after the SparsityPattern "
+ "has been set up and compress() was called.");
- * Exception
+ * This operation changes the structure of the SparsityPattern and is not
+ * possible after compress() has been called.
- DeclException0 (ExcMatrixIsCompressed);
+ DeclExceptionMsg (ExcMatrixIsCompressed,
+ "The operation you attempted changes the structure of the SparsityPattern "
+ "and is not possible after compress() has been called.");
* Exception
// now use this sparsity pattern
Assert (sparsity_pattern_to_use->n_rows()==sparsity_pattern_to_use->n_cols(),
- typename SparsityPattern::ExcDiagonalNotOptimized());
+ ExcMessage ("It is not possible to compute this matrix decomposition for "
+ "matrices that are not square."));
std::vector<const size_type *> tmp;
tmp.swap (prebuilt_lower_bound);
* The operation is only allowed after the SparsityPattern has been set up
* and compress() was called.
- DeclException0 (ExcNotCompressed);
+ DeclExceptionMsg (ExcNotCompressed,
+ "The operation you attempted is only allowed after the SparsityPattern "
+ "has been set up and compress() was called.");
* This operation changes the structure of the SparsityPattern and is not
* possible after compress() has been called.
- DeclException0 (ExcMatrixIsCompressed);
+ DeclExceptionMsg (ExcMatrixIsCompressed,
+ "The operation you attempted changes the structure of the SparsityPattern "
+ "and is not possible after compress() has been called.");
* Exception
DeclException0 (ExcInvalidConstructorCall);
- /**
- * This exception is thrown if the matrix does not follow the convention of
- * storing diagonal elements first in row. Refer to
- * SparityPattern::optimize_diagonal() for more information.
- */
- DeclException0 (ExcDiagonalNotOptimized);
* Exception
* Exception
- DeclException0 (ExcMETISNotInstalled);
+ DeclExceptionMsg (ExcMETISNotInstalled,
+ "The function you called requires METIS, but you did not "
+ "configure deal.II with METIS.");
* Exception