* Declare type for container size.
- typedef unsigned int size_type;
+ typedef std::make_unsigned<types::blas_int>::type size_type;
* Constructor. Initialize the matrix as a square matrix with dimension
Assert (state & LAPACKSupport::eigenvalues, ExcInvalidState());
Assert (wr.size() == this->n_rows(), ExcInternalError());
Assert (wi.size() == this->n_rows(), ExcInternalError());
- Assert (i<this->n_rows(), ExcIndexRange(i,0,this->n_rows()));
+ AssertIndexRange (i,this->n_rows());
return std::complex<number>(wr[i], wi[i]);
LAPACKFullMatrix<number>::remove_row_and_column (const size_type row, const size_type col)
- Assert (row<this->n_rows(), ExcIndexRange(row,0,this->n_rows()));
- Assert (col<this->n_cols(), ExcIndexRange(col,0,this->n_cols()));
+ AssertIndexRange (row,this->n_rows());
+ AssertIndexRange (col,this->n_cols());
const size_type nrows = this->n_rows()-1;
const size_type ncols = this->n_cols()-1;
// set output format, but store old
// state
std::ios::fmtflags old_flags = out.flags();
- unsigned int old_precision = out.precision (precision);
+ std::streamsize old_precision = out.precision (precision);
if (scientific)