evaluators as well as the evaluators for simplex elements. This speeds up
the operator evaluation in several scenarios, especially for simplices
(around two times higher throughput for operator evaluation) and
- multi-component systems.
+ multi-component systems. The restructuring made to enable these optimizations
+ also reduces the compile times and the size of the generated code slightly.
\item In addition, we performed substantial improvements to the global-coarsening
multigrid infrastructure: \texttt{MGTransferMF} (previously:
multiple-component elements has been added.
\item Several minor performance improvements in \dealii's evaluator class on
sets of unstructured points, \texttt{FEPointEvaluation}, have been
- made. This is particularly useful for evaluating several quantities on the
+ made. The changes are particularly useful for evaluating several quantities on the
same set of points, which is enabled by \texttt{NonMatching::MappingInfo}.
\item We added the new class \texttt{FERemoteEvaluation}.
This is a class to access data
However, if one wants to create a vector that has read or write access to non-locally owned indices, the constructor of the
\texttt{TpetraWrappers::Vector} requires the \texttt{IndexSet locally\_owned}, the \texttt{IndexSet locally\_relevant}, and
a boolean flag, whether to initialize the vector in the read-only or the write-only state.
+ This interface is in fact close to the one of \dealii{}'s own parallel vector class.
\item A vector created without providing the \texttt{IndexSet locally\_relevant} is purely local and cannot access non-local indices.
Such a vector cannot be copied to a vector that can access non-local indices, as the \texttt{IndexSet locally\_relevant} must
be provided at creating the vector object.