types::Graph &graph,
types::property_map<types::Graph,types::vertex_degree_t>::type &graph_degree)
- Assert (use_constraints == false, ExcNotImplemented());
// create intermediate sparsity pattern
// (faster than directly submitting
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ Changed: The implementation of the reordering algorithms in the boost
+ namespace created multiple edges between two nodes. The new implementation
+ submits not more than one edge, but that affects the ordering of the
+ degrees of freedom and deviates from previous behavior.
+ <br>
+ (Martin Kronbichler 2009/04/22)
+ </p>
Changed: The files implementing the class ConstraintMatrix are now
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ Updated: The SparseMatrix::precondition_SSOR function was implemented
+ inefficiently. The new implementation uses about half the instruction
+ count and reduces execution times on typical applications by ten to
+ thirty percent.
+ <br>
+ (Martin Kronbichler 2009/04/21)
+ </p>
Updated: The SparseILU::vmult kernel has been re-written to use similar
data structures as SparseMatrix::vmult, which reduces the count of
- operations by one third and the execution times on typical problems by
- ten to twenty precent.
+ operations by one third and the execution times on typical applications
+ by ten to twenty percent.
(Martin Kronbichler 2009/04/16)