--- /dev/null
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 by the deal.II authors
+ *
+ * This file is part of the deal.II library.
+ *
+ * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+ * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+ * the top level directory of deal.II.
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Authors: Wolfgang Bangerth, Rene Gassmoeller, Peter Munch, 2020.
+ */
+// @sect3{Include files}
+// The majority of the include files used in this program are
+// well known from step-6 and similar programs:
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_refinement.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/dynamic_sparsity_pattern.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/precondition.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/solver_cg.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/sparse_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/error_estimator.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
+// The ones that are new are only the following three: The first declares the
+// DiscreteTime class that helps us keep track of time in a time-dependent
+// simulation. The latter two provide all of the particle functionality,
+// namely a way to keep track of particles located on a mesh (the
+// Particles::ParticleHandler class) and the ability to output these
+// particles' locations and their properties for the purposes of
+// visualization (the Particles::DataOut class).
+#include <deal.II/base/discrete_time.h>
+#include <deal.II/particles/data_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/particles/particle_handler.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "../tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+// @sect3{Global definitions}
+// As is customary, we put everything that corresponds to the details of the
+// program into a namespace of its own. At the top, we define a few constants
+// for which we would rather use symbolic names than hard-coded numbers.
+// Specifically, we define numbers for
+// @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "boundary indicators"
+// for the various parts of the geometry, as well as the physical properties
+// of electrons and other specifics of the setup we use here.
+// For the boundary indicators, let us start enumerating at some
+// random value 101. The principle here is to use numbers that are
+// *uncommon*. If there are pre-defined boundary indicators previously
+// set by the `GridGenerator` functions, they will likely be small
+// integers starting from zero, but not in this rather randomly chosen
+// range. Using numbers such as those below avoids the possibility for
+// conflicts, and also reduces the temptation to just spell these
+// numbers out in the program (because you will probably never
+// remember which is which, whereas you might have been tempted if
+// they had started at 0).
+namespace Step19
+ namespace BoundaryIds
+ {
+ constexpr types::boundary_id open = 101;
+ constexpr types::boundary_id cathode = 102;
+ constexpr types::boundary_id focus_element = 103;
+ constexpr types::boundary_id anode = 104;
+ } // namespace BoundaryIds
+ namespace Constants
+ {
+ constexpr double electron_mass = 9.1093837015e-31;
+ constexpr double electron_charge = 1.602176634e-19;
+ constexpr double V0 = 1;
+ constexpr double E_threshold = 0.05;
+ constexpr double electrons_per_particle = 3e15;
+ } // namespace Constants
+ // @sect3{The main class}
+ // The following is then the main class of this program. It has,
+ // fundamentally, the same structure as step-6 and many other
+ // tutorial programs. This includes the majority of the member
+ // functions (with the purpose of the rest probably self-explanatory
+ // from their names) as well as only a small number of member
+ // variables beyond those of step-6, all of which are related to
+ // dealing with particles.
+ template <int dim>
+ class CathodeRaySimulator
+ {
+ public:
+ CathodeRaySimulator();
+ void
+ run();
+ private:
+ void
+ make_grid();
+ void
+ setup_system();
+ void
+ assemble_system();
+ void
+ solve_field();
+ void
+ refine_grid();
+ void
+ create_particles();
+ void
+ move_particles();
+ void
+ track_lost_particle(
+ const typename Particles::ParticleIterator<dim> & particle,
+ const typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell);
+ void
+ update_timestep_size();
+ void
+ output_results() const;
+ Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
+ MappingQ<dim> mapping;
+ FE_Q<dim> fe;
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
+ AffineConstraints<double> constraints;
+ SparseMatrix<double> system_matrix;
+ SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
+ Vector<double> solution;
+ Vector<double> system_rhs;
+ Particles::ParticleHandler<dim> particle_handler;
+ types::particle_index next_unused_particle_id;
+ types::particle_index n_recently_lost_particles;
+ types::particle_index n_total_lost_particles;
+ types::particle_index n_particles_lost_through_anode;
+ DiscreteTime time;
+ };
+ // @sect3{The <code>CathodeRaySimulator</code> class implementation}
+ // @sect4{The <code>CathodeRaySimulator</code> constructor}
+ // So then let us get started on the implementation. What the constructor
+ // does is really only a straight-forward initialization of all of the member
+ // variables at the top. The only two worth mentioning are the
+ // `particle_handler`, which is handed a reference to the triangulation
+ // on which the particles will live (currently of course still empty,
+ // but the particle handler stores the reference and will use it once
+ // particles are added -- which happens after the triangulation is built).
+ // The other piece of information it gets is how many "properties"
+ // each particle needs to store. Here, all we need each particle to
+ // remember is its current velocity, i.e., a vector with `dim`
+ // components. There are, however, other intrinsic properties that
+ // each particle has and that the Particles::ParticleHandler class
+ // automatically and always makes sure are available; in particular,
+ // these are the current location of a particle, the cell it is on,
+ // it's reference location within that cell, and the particle's ID.
+ //
+ // The only other variable of interest is `time`, an object of type
+ // DiscreteTime. It keeps track of the current time we are in a
+ // time-dependent simulation, and is initialized with the start time
+ // (zero) and end time ($10^{-4}$). We will later set the time step
+ // size in `update_timestep_size()`.
+ //
+ // The body of the constructor consists of a piece of code we have
+ // already discussed in the introduction. Namely, we make sure that the
+ // `track_lost_particle()` function is called by the `particle_handler`
+ // object every time a particle leaves the domain.
+ template <int dim>
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::CathodeRaySimulator()
+ : mapping(1)
+ , fe(2)
+ , dof_handler(triangulation)
+ , particle_handler(triangulation, mapping, /*n_properties=*/dim)
+ , next_unused_particle_id(0)
+ , n_recently_lost_particles(0)
+ , n_total_lost_particles(0)
+ , n_particles_lost_through_anode(0)
+ , time(0, 1e-4)
+ {
+ particle_handler.signals.particle_lost.connect(
+ [this](const typename Particles::ParticleIterator<dim> & particle,
+ const typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell) {
+ this->track_lost_particle(particle, cell);
+ });
+ }
+ // @sect4{The <code>CathodeRaySimulator::make_grid</code> function}
+ // The next function is then responsible for generating the mesh on which
+ // we want to solve. Recall how the domain looks like:
+ // <p align="center">
+ // <img
+ // src="https://www.dealii.org/images/steps/developer/step-19.geometry.png"
+ // alt="The geometry used in this program"
+ // width="600">
+ // </p>
+ // We subdivide this geometry into a mesh of $4\times 2$ cells that looks
+ // like this:
+ // @code
+ // *---*---*---*---*
+ // \ | | | |
+ // *--*---*---*---*
+ // / | | | |
+ // *---*---*---*---*
+ // @endcode
+ // The way this is done is by first defining where the $15=5\times 3$
+ // vertices are located -- here, we say that they are on integer points
+ // with the middle one on the left side moved to the right by a value of
+ // `delta=0.5`.
+ //
+ // In the following, we then have to say which vertices together form
+ // the 8 cells. The following code is then entirely equivalent to what
+ // we also do in step-14:
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::make_grid()
+ {
+ static_assert(dim == 2,
+ "This function is currently only implemented for 2d.");
+ const double delta = 0.5;
+ const unsigned int nx = 5;
+ const unsigned int ny = 3;
+ const std::vector<Point<dim>> vertices //
+ = {{0, 0},
+ {1, 0},
+ {2, 0},
+ {3, 0},
+ {4, 0},
+ {delta, 1},
+ {1, 1},
+ {2, 1},
+ {3, 1},
+ {4, 1},
+ {0, 2},
+ {1, 2},
+ {2, 2},
+ {3, 2},
+ {4, 2}};
+ AssertDimension(vertices.size(), nx * ny);
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> cell_vertices[(nx - 1) * (ny - 1)] = {
+ {0, 1, nx + 0, nx + 1},
+ {1, 2, nx + 1, nx + 2},
+ {2, 3, nx + 2, nx + 3},
+ {3, 4, nx + 3, nx + 4},
+ {5, nx + 1, 2 * nx + 0, 2 * nx + 1},
+ {nx + 1, nx + 2, 2 * nx + 1, 2 * nx + 2},
+ {nx + 2, nx + 3, 2 * nx + 2, 2 * nx + 3},
+ {nx + 3, nx + 4, 2 * nx + 3, 2 * nx + 4}};
+ // With these arrays out of the way, we can move to slightly higher
+ // higher-level data structures. We create a vector of CellData
+ // objects that store for each cell to be created the vertices in
+ // question as well as the @ref GlossMaterialId "material id" (which
+ // we will here simply set to zero since we don't use it in the program).
+ //
+ // This information is then handed to the
+ // Triangulation::create_triangulation() function, and the mesh is twice
+ // globally refined.
+ std::vector<CellData<dim>> cells((nx - 1) * (ny - 1), CellData<dim>());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cells.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ cells[i].vertices = cell_vertices[i];
+ cells[i].material_id = 0;
+ }
+ triangulation.create_triangulation(
+ vertices,
+ cells,
+ SubCellData()); // No boundary information
+ triangulation.refine_global(2);
+ // The remaining part of the function loops over all cells and their faces,
+ // and if a face is at the boundary determines which boundary indicator
+ // should be applied to it. The various conditions should make sense if
+ // you compare the code with the picture of the geometry above.
+ //
+ // Once done with this step, we refine the mesh once more globally.
+ for (auto &cell : triangulation.active_cell_iterators())
+ for (auto &face : cell->face_iterators())
+ if (face->at_boundary())
+ {
+ if ((face->center()[0] > 0) && (face->center()[0] < 0.5) &&
+ (face->center()[1] > 0) && (face->center()[1] < 2))
+ face->set_boundary_id(BoundaryIds::cathode);
+ else if ((face->center()[0] > 0) && (face->center()[0] < 2))
+ face->set_boundary_id(BoundaryIds::focus_element);
+ else if ((face->center()[0] > 4 - 1e-12) &&
+ ((face->center()[1] > 1.5) || (face->center()[1] < 0.5)))
+ face->set_boundary_id(BoundaryIds::anode);
+ else
+ face->set_boundary_id(BoundaryIds::open);
+ }
+ triangulation.refine_global(1);
+ }
+ // @sect4{The <code>CathodeRaySimulator::setup_system</code> function}
+ // The next function in this program deals with setting up the various
+ // objects related to solving the partial differential equations. It is
+ // in essence a copy of the corresponding function in step-6 and requires
+ // no further discussion.
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::setup_system()
+ {
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ solution.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ system_rhs.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ constraints.clear();
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler, constraints);
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(dof_handler,
+ BoundaryIds::cathode,
+ Functions::ConstantFunction<dim>(
+ -Constants::V0),
+ constraints);
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(dof_handler,
+ BoundaryIds::focus_element,
+ Functions::ConstantFunction<dim>(
+ -Constants::V0),
+ constraints);
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(dof_handler,
+ BoundaryIds::anode,
+ Functions::ConstantFunction<dim>(
+ +Constants::V0),
+ constraints);
+ constraints.close();
+ DynamicSparsityPattern dsp(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler,
+ dsp,
+ constraints,
+ /*keep_constrained_dofs = */ false);
+ sparsity_pattern.copy_from(dsp);
+ system_matrix.reinit(sparsity_pattern);
+ }
+ // @sect4{The <code>CathodeRaySimulator::assemble_system</code> function}
+ // The function that computes
+ // the matrix entries is again in essence a copy of the
+ // corresponding function in step-6:
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::assemble_system()
+ {
+ system_matrix = 0;
+ system_rhs = 0;
+ const QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(fe.degree + 1);
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values(fe,
+ quadrature_formula,
+ update_values | update_gradients |
+ update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix(dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
+ Vector<double> cell_rhs(dofs_per_cell);
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> local_dof_indices(dofs_per_cell);
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ cell_matrix = 0;
+ cell_rhs = 0;
+ fe_values.reinit(cell);
+ for (const unsigned int q_index : fe_values.quadrature_point_indices())
+ for (const unsigned int i : fe_values.dof_indices())
+ {
+ for (const unsigned int j : fe_values.dof_indices())
+ cell_matrix(i, j) +=
+ (fe_values.shape_grad(i, q_index) * // grad phi_i(x_q)
+ fe_values.shape_grad(j, q_index) * // grad phi_j(x_q)
+ fe_values.JxW(q_index)); // dx
+ }
+ // The only interesting part of this function is how it forms the right
+ // hand side of the linear system. Recall that the right hand side
+ // of the PDE is
+ // @f[
+ // \sum_p (N e)\delta(\mathbf x-\mathbf x_p),
+ // @f]
+ // where we have used $p$ to index the particles here to avoid
+ // confusion with the shape function $\varphi_i$; $\mathbf x_p$
+ // is the position of the $p$th particle.
+ //
+ // When multiplied by a test function $\varphi_i$ and integrated over
+ // the domain results in a right hand side vector
+ // @f{align*}{
+ // F_i &= \int_\Omega \varphi_i (\mathbf x)\left[
+ // \sum_p (N e)\delta(\mathbf x-\mathbf x_p) \right] dx
+ // \\ &= \sum_p (N e) \varphi_i(\mathbf x_p).
+ // @f}
+ // Note that the final line no longer contains an integral, and
+ // consequently also no occurrence of $dx$ which would require the
+ // appearance of the `JxW` symbol in our code.
+ //
+ // For a given cell $K$, this cell's contribution to the right hand
+ // side is then
+ // @f{align*}{
+ // F_i^K &= \sum_{p, \mathbf x_p\in K} (N e) \varphi_i(\mathbf x_p),
+ // @f}
+ // i.e., we only have to worry about those particles that are actually
+ // located on the current cell $K$.
+ //
+ // In practice, what we do here is the following: If there are any
+ // particles on the current cell, then we first obtain an iterator range
+ // pointing to the first particle of that cell as well as the particle
+ // past the last one on this cell (or the end iterator) -- i.e., a
+ // half-open range as is common for C++ functions. Knowing now the list
+ // of particles, we query their reference locations (with respect to
+ // the reference cell), evaluate the shape functions in these reference
+ // locations, and compute the force according to the formula above
+ // (without any FEValues::JxW).
+ //
+ // @note It is worth pointing out that calling the
+ // Particles::ParticleHandler::particles_in_cell() and
+ // Particles::ParticleHandler::n_particles_in_cell() functions is not
+ // very effective on problems with a large number of particles. But it
+ // illustrates the easiest way to write this algorithm, and so we are
+ // willing to incur this cost for the moment for expository purposes.
+ // We discuss the issue in more detail in the
+ // <a href="#extensions">"possibilities for extensions" section</a>
+ // below, and use a better approach in step-70, for example.
+ if (particle_handler.n_particles_in_cell(cell) > 0)
+ for (const auto &particle : particle_handler.particles_in_cell(cell))
+ {
+ const Point<dim> reference_location =
+ particle.get_reference_location();
+ for (const unsigned int i : fe_values.dof_indices())
+ cell_rhs(i) +=
+ (fe.shape_value(i, reference_location) * // phi_i(x_p)
+ (-Constants::electrons_per_particle * // N
+ Constants::electron_charge)); // e
+ }
+ // Finally, we can copy the contributions of this cell into
+ // the global matrix and right hand side vector:
+ cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices);
+ constraints.distribute_local_to_global(
+ cell_matrix, cell_rhs, local_dof_indices, system_matrix, system_rhs);
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect4{CathodeRaySimulator::solve}
+ // The function that solves the linear system is then again exactly as in
+ // step-6:
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::solve_field()
+ {
+ SolverControl solver_control(1000, 1e-12);
+ SolverCG<Vector<double>> solver(solver_control);
+ PreconditionSSOR<SparseMatrix<double>> preconditioner;
+ preconditioner.initialize(system_matrix, 1.2);
+ solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner);
+ constraints.distribute(solution);
+ }
+ // @sect4{CathodeRaySimulator::refine_grid}
+ // The final field-related function is the one that refines the grid. We will
+ // call it a number of times in the first time step to obtain a mesh that
+ // is well-adapted to the structure of the solution and, in particular,
+ // resolves the various singularities in the solution that are due to
+ // re-entrant corners and places where the boundary condition type
+ // changes. You might want to refer to step-6 again for more details:
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::refine_grid()
+ {
+ Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell(triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate(dof_handler,
+ QGauss<dim - 1>(fe.degree + 1),
+ {},
+ solution,
+ estimated_error_per_cell);
+ GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number(triangulation,
+ estimated_error_per_cell,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.03);
+ triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ }
+ // @sect4{CathodeRaySimulator::create_particles}
+ // Let us now turn to the functions that deal with particles. The first one
+ // is about the creation of particles. As mentioned in the introduction,
+ // we want to create a particle at points of the cathode if the the electric
+ // field $\mathbf E=\nabla V$ exceeds a certain threshold, i.e., if
+ // $|\mathbf E| \ge E_\text{threshold}$, and if furthermore the electric field
+ // points into the domain (i.e., if $\mathbf E \cdot \mathbf n < 0$). As is
+ // common in the finite element method, we evaluate fields (and their
+ // derivatives) at specific evaluation points; typically, these are
+ // "quadrature points", and so we create a "quadrature formula" that we will
+ // use to designate the points at which we want to evaluate the solution.
+ // Here, we will simply take QMidpoint implying that we will only check the
+ // threshold condition at the midpoints of faces. We then use this to
+ // initialize an object of type FEFaceValues to evaluate the solution at these
+ // points.
+ //
+ // All of this will then be used in a loop over all cells, their faces, and
+ // specifically those faces that are at the boundary and, moreover, the
+ // cathode part of the boundary.
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::create_particles()
+ {
+ FEFaceValues<dim> fe_face_values(fe,
+ QMidpoint<dim - 1>(),
+ update_quadrature_points |
+ update_gradients |
+ update_normal_vectors);
+ std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> solution_gradients(
+ fe_face_values.n_quadrature_points);
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ for (const auto &face : cell->face_iterators())
+ if (face->at_boundary() &&
+ (face->boundary_id() == BoundaryIds::cathode))
+ {
+ fe_face_values.reinit(cell, face);
+ // So we have found a face on the cathode. Next, we let the
+ // FEFaceValues object compute the gradient of the solution at each
+ // "quadrature" point, and extract the electric field vector from
+ // the gradient in the form of a Tensor variable through the methods
+ // discussed in the
+ // @ref vector_valued "vector-valued problems" documentation module.
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar electric_potential(0);
+ fe_face_values[electric_potential].get_function_gradients(
+ solution, solution_gradients);
+ for (const unsigned int q_point :
+ fe_face_values.quadrature_point_indices())
+ {
+ const Tensor<1, dim> E = solution_gradients[q_point];
+ // Electrons can only escape the cathode if the electric field
+ // strength exceeds a threshold and,
+ // crucially, if the electric field points *into* the domain.
+ // Once we have that checked, we create a new
+ // Particles::Particle object at this location and insert it
+ // into the Particles::ParticleHandler object with a unique ID.
+ //
+ // The only thing that may be not obvious here is that we also
+ // associate with this particle the location in the reference
+ // coordinates of the cell we are currently on. This is done
+ // because we will in downstream functions compute quantities
+ // such as the electric field at the location of the particle
+ // (e.g., to compute the forces that act on it when updating its
+ // position in each time step). Evaluating a finite element
+ // field at arbitrary coordinates is quite an expensive
+ // operation because shape functions are really only defined on
+ // the reference cell, and so when asking for the electric field
+ // at an arbitrary point requires us first to determine what the
+ // reference coordinates of that point are. To avoid having to
+ // do this over and over, we determine these coordinates once
+ // and for all and then store these reference coordinates
+ // directly with the particle.
+ if ((E * fe_face_values.normal_vector(q_point) < 0) &&
+ (E.norm() > Constants::E_threshold))
+ {
+ const Point<dim> location =
+ fe_face_values.quadrature_point(q_point);
+ Particles::Particle<dim> new_particle;
+ new_particle.set_location(location);
+ new_particle.set_reference_location(
+ mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(cell, location));
+ new_particle.set_id(next_unused_particle_id);
+ particle_handler.insert_particle(new_particle, cell);
+ ++next_unused_particle_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // At the end of all of these insertions, we let the `particle_handler`
+ // update some internal statistics about the particles it stores.
+ particle_handler.update_cached_numbers();
+ }
+ // @sect4{CathodeRaySimulator::move_particles}
+ // The second particle-related function is the one that moves the particles
+ // in each time step. To do this, we have to loop over all cells, the
+ // particles in each cell, and evaluate the electric field at each of the
+ // particles' positions.
+ //
+ // The approach used here is conceptually the same used in the
+ // `assemble_system()` function: We loop over all cells, find the particles
+ // located there (with the same caveat about the inefficiency of the algorithm
+ // used here to find these particles), and create an FEValues object with
+ // these positions:
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::move_particles()
+ {
+ const double dt = time.get_next_step_size();
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ if (particle_handler.n_particles_in_cell(cell) > 0)
+ {
+ const typename Particles::ParticleHandler<
+ dim>::particle_iterator_range particles_in_cell =
+ particle_handler.particles_in_cell(cell);
+ std::vector<Point<dim>> particle_positions;
+ for (const auto &particle : particles_in_cell)
+ particle_positions.push_back(particle.get_reference_location());
+ const Quadrature<dim> quadrature_formula(particle_positions);
+ FEValues<dim> particle_position_fe_values(mapping,
+ fe,
+ quadrature_formula,
+ update_gradients);
+ particle_position_fe_values.reinit(cell);
+ // Then we can ask the FEValues object for the gradients of the
+ // solution (i.e., the electric field $\mathbf E$) at these locations
+ // and loop over the individual particles:
+ std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> field_gradients(
+ quadrature_formula.size());
+ particle_position_fe_values.get_function_gradients(solution,
+ field_gradients);
+ {
+ typename Particles::ParticleHandler<dim>::particle_iterator
+ particle = particles_in_cell.begin();
+ for (unsigned int particle_index = 0;
+ particle != particles_in_cell.end();
+ ++particle, ++particle_index)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1, dim> E = field_gradients[particle_index];
+ // Having now obtained the electric field at the location of one
+ // of the particles, we use this to update first the velocity
+ // and then the position. To do so, let us first get the old
+ // velocity out of the properties stored with the particle,
+ // compute the acceleration, update the velocity, and store this
+ // new velocity again in the properties of the particle. Recall
+ // that this corresponds to the first of the following set of
+ // update equations discussed in the introduction:
+ // @f{align*}{
+ // \frac{{\mathbf v}_i^{(n)}
+ // -{\mathbf v}_i^{(n-1)}}{\Delta t}
+ // &= \frac{e\nabla V^{(n)}}{m}
+ // \\ \frac{{\mathbf x}_i^{(n)}-{\mathbf x}_i^{(n-1)}}
+ // {\Delta t} &= {\mathbf v}_i^{(n)}.
+ // @f}
+ const Tensor<1, dim> old_velocity(particle->get_properties());
+ const Tensor<1, dim> acceleration =
+ Constants::electron_charge / Constants::electron_mass * E;
+ const Tensor<1, dim> new_velocity =
+ old_velocity + acceleration * dt;
+ particle->set_properties(make_array_view(new_velocity));
+ // With the new velocity, we can then also update the location
+ // of the particle and tell the particle about it.
+ const Point<dim> new_location =
+ particle->get_location() + dt * new_velocity;
+ particle->set_location(new_location);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Having updated the locations and properties (i.e., velocities) of all
+ // particles, we need to make sure that the `particle_handler` again knows
+ // which cells they are in, and what their locations in the coordinate
+ // system of the reference cell are. The following function does that. (It
+ // also makes sure that, in parallel computations, particles are moved from
+ // one processor to another processor if a particle moves from the subdomain
+ // owned by the former to the subdomain owned by the latter.)
+ particle_handler.sort_particles_into_subdomains_and_cells();
+ }
+ // @sect4{CathodeRaySimulator::track_lost_particle}
+ // The final particle-related function is the one that is called whenever a
+ // particle is lost from the simulation. This typically happens if it leaves
+ // the domain. If that happens, this function is called both the cell (which
+ // we can ask for its new location) and the cell it was previously on. The
+ // function then keeps track of updating the number of particles lost in this
+ // time step, the total number of lost particles, and then estimates whether
+ // the particle left through the hole in the middle of the anode. We do so by
+ // first checking whether the cell it was in last had an $x$ coordinate to the
+ // left of the right boundary (located at $x=4$) and the particle now has a
+ // position to the right of the right boundary. If that is so, we compute a
+ // direction vector of its motion that is normalized so that the $x$ component
+ // of the direction vector is equal to $1$. With this direction vector, we can
+ // compute where it would have intersected the line $x=4$. If this intersect
+ // is between $0.5$ and $1.5$, then we claim that the particle left through
+ // the hole and increment a counter.
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::track_lost_particle(
+ const typename Particles::ParticleIterator<dim> & particle,
+ const typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell)
+ {
+ ++n_recently_lost_particles;
+ ++n_total_lost_particles;
+ const Point<dim> current_location = particle->get_location();
+ const Point<dim> approximate_previous_location = cell->center();
+ if ((approximate_previous_location[0] < 4) && (current_location[0] > 4))
+ {
+ const Tensor<1, dim> direction =
+ (current_location - approximate_previous_location) /
+ (current_location[0] - approximate_previous_location[0]);
+ const double right_boundary_intercept =
+ approximate_previous_location[1] +
+ (4 - approximate_previous_location[0]) * direction[1];
+ if ((right_boundary_intercept > 0.5) &&
+ (right_boundary_intercept < 1.5))
+ ++n_particles_lost_through_anode;
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect4{CathodeRaySimulator::update_timestep_size}
+ // As discussed at length in the introduction, we need to respect a time step
+ // condition whereby particles can not move further than one cell in one time
+ // step. To ensure that this is the case, we again first compute the maximal
+ // speed of all particles on each cell, and divide the cell size by that
+ // speed. We then compute the next time step size as the minimum of this
+ // quantity over all cells, using the safety factor discussed in the
+ // introduction, and set this as the desired time step size using the
+ // DiscreteTime::set_desired_time_step_size() function.
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::update_timestep_size()
+ {
+ if (time.get_step_number() > 0)
+ {
+ double min_cell_size_over_velocity = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ if (particle_handler.n_particles_in_cell(cell) > 0)
+ {
+ const double cell_size = cell->minimum_vertex_distance();
+ double max_particle_velocity(0.0);
+ for (const auto &particle :
+ particle_handler.particles_in_cell(cell))
+ {
+ const Tensor<1, dim> velocity(particle.get_properties());
+ max_particle_velocity =
+ std::max(max_particle_velocity, velocity.norm());
+ }
+ if (max_particle_velocity > 0)
+ min_cell_size_over_velocity =
+ std::min(min_cell_size_over_velocity,
+ cell_size / max_particle_velocity);
+ }
+ constexpr double c_safety = 0.5;
+ time.set_desired_next_step_size(c_safety * 0.5 *
+ min_cell_size_over_velocity);
+ }
+ // As mentioned in the introduction, we have to treat the very first
+ // time step differently since there, particles are not available yet or
+ // do not yet have the information associated that we need for the
+ // computation of a reasonable step length. The formulas below follow the
+ // discussion in the introduction.
+ else
+ {
+ const QTrapezoid<dim> vertex_quadrature;
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values(fe, vertex_quadrature, update_gradients);
+ std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> field_gradients(vertex_quadrature.size());
+ double min_timestep = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ if (particle_handler.n_particles_in_cell(cell) > 0)
+ {
+ const double cell_size = cell->minimum_vertex_distance();
+ fe_values.reinit(cell);
+ fe_values.get_function_gradients(solution, field_gradients);
+ double max_E = 0;
+ for (const auto q_point : fe_values.quadrature_point_indices())
+ max_E = std::max(max_E, field_gradients[q_point].norm());
+ if (max_E > 0)
+ min_timestep =
+ std::min(min_timestep,
+ std::sqrt(0.5 * cell_size *
+ Constants::electron_mass /
+ Constants::electron_charge / max_E));
+ }
+ time.set_desired_next_step_size(min_timestep);
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect4{The <code>CathodeRaySimulator::output_results()</code> function}
+ // The final function implementing pieces of the overall algorithm is the one
+ // that generates graphical output. In the current context, we want to output
+ // both the electric potential field as well as the particle locations and
+ // velocities. But we also want to output the electric field, i.e., the
+ // gradient of the solution.
+ //
+ // deal.II has a general way how one can compute derived quantities from
+ // the solution and output those as well. Here, this is the electric
+ // field, but it could also be some other quantity -- say, the norm of the
+ // electric field, or in fact anything else one could want to compute from
+ // the solution $V_h(\mathbf x)$ or its derivatives. This general solution
+ // uses the DataPostprocessor class and, in cases like the one here where we
+ // want to output a quantity that represents a vector field, the
+ // DataPostprocessorVector class.
+ //
+ // Rather than try and explain how this class works, let us simply refer to
+ // the documentation of the DataPostprocessorVector class that has essentially
+ // this case as a well-documented example.
+ template <int dim>
+ class ElectricFieldPostprocessor : public DataPostprocessorVector<dim>
+ {
+ public:
+ ElectricFieldPostprocessor()
+ : DataPostprocessorVector<dim>("electric_field", update_gradients)
+ {}
+ virtual void
+ evaluate_scalar_field(
+ const DataPostprocessorInputs::Scalar<dim> &input_data,
+ std::vector<Vector<double>> &computed_quantities) const override
+ {
+ AssertDimension(input_data.solution_gradients.size(),
+ computed_quantities.size());
+ for (unsigned int p = 0; p < input_data.solution_gradients.size(); ++p)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(computed_quantities[p].size(), dim);
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ computed_quantities[p][d] = input_data.solution_gradients[p][d];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // With this, the `output_results()` function becomes relatively
+ // straightforward: We use the DataOut class as we have in almost every one of
+ // the previous tutorial programs to output the solution (the "electric
+ // potential") and we use the postprocessor defined above to also output its
+ // gradient (the "electric field"). This all is then written into a file in
+ // VTU format after also associating the current time and time step number
+ // with this file.
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::output_results() const
+ {
+ {
+ ElectricFieldPostprocessor<dim> electric_field;
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ data_out.attach_dof_handler(dof_handler);
+ data_out.add_data_vector(solution, "electric_potential");
+ data_out.add_data_vector(solution, electric_field);
+ data_out.build_patches();
+ data_out.set_flags(
+ DataOutBase::VtkFlags(time.get_current_time(), time.get_step_number()));
+ std::ofstream output("solution-" +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(time.get_step_number(), 4) +
+ ".vtu");
+ data_out.write_vtu(output);
+ }
+ // Output the particle positions and properties is not more complicated. The
+ // Particles::DataOut class plays the role of the DataOut class for
+ // particles, and all we have to do is tell that class where to take
+ // particles from and how to interpret the `dim` components of the
+ // properties -- namely, as a single vector indicating the velocity, rather
+ // than as `dim` scalar properties. The rest is then the same as above:
+ {
+ Particles::DataOut<dim, dim> particle_out;
+ particle_out.build_patches(
+ particle_handler,
+ std::vector<std::string>(dim, "velocity"),
+ std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>(
+ dim, DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_part_of_vector));
+ particle_out.set_flags(
+ DataOutBase::VtkFlags(time.get_current_time(), time.get_step_number()));
+ std::ofstream output("particles-" +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(time.get_step_number(), 4) +
+ ".vtu");
+ particle_out.write_vtu(output);
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect4{CathodeRaySimulator::run}
+ // The last member function of the principal class of this program is then the
+ // driver. At the top, it refines the mesh a number of times by solving the
+ // problem (with not particles yet created) on a sequence of finer and finer
+ // meshes.
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ CathodeRaySimulator<dim>::run()
+ {
+ make_grid();
+ // do a few refinement cycles up front
+ const unsigned int n_pre_refinement_cycles = 0;
+ for (unsigned int refinement_cycle = 0;
+ refinement_cycle < n_pre_refinement_cycles;
+ ++refinement_cycle)
+ {
+ setup_system();
+ assemble_system();
+ solve_field();
+ refine_grid();
+ }
+ // Now do the loop over time. The sequence of steps follows closely the
+ // outline of the algorithm discussed in the introduction. As discussed in
+ // great detail in the documentation of the DiscreteTime class, while we
+ // move the field and particle information forward by one time step, the
+ // time stored in the `time` variable is not consistent with where (some of)
+ // these quantities are (in the diction of DiscreteTime, this is the "update
+ // stage"). The call to `time.advance_time()` makes everything consistent
+ // again by setting the `time` variable to the time at which the field and
+ // particles already are, and once we are in this "consistent stage", we can
+ // generate graphical output and write information about the current state
+ // of the simulation to screen.
+ setup_system();
+ do
+ {
+ deallog << "Timestep " << time.get_step_number() + 1 << std::endl;
+ deallog << " Field degrees of freedom: "
+ << dof_handler.n_dofs() << std::endl;
+ assemble_system();
+ solve_field();
+ create_particles();
+ deallog << " Total number of particles in simulation: "
+ << particle_handler.n_global_particles() << std::endl;
+ n_recently_lost_particles = 0;
+ update_timestep_size();
+ move_particles();
+ time.advance_time();
+ // output_results();
+ deallog << " Number of particles lost this time step: "
+ << n_recently_lost_particles << std::endl;
+ if (n_total_lost_particles > 0)
+ deallog << " Fraction of particles lost through anode: "
+ << 1. * n_particles_lost_through_anode /
+ n_total_lost_particles
+ << std::endl;
+ deallog << std::endl
+ << " Now at t=" << time.get_current_time()
+ << ", dt=" << time.get_previous_step_size() << '.' << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ while (time.is_at_end() == false && time.get_step_number() < 6);
+ // Output particle locations
+ for (const auto &p : particle_handler)
+ {
+ deallog << p.get_id() << ' ' << p.get_location() << ' '
+ << p.get_reference_location() << std::endl
+ << p.get_id() << " properties: ";
+ for (const auto x : p.get_properties())
+ deallog << x << ' ';
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace Step19
+// @sect3{The <code>main</code> function}
+// The final function of the program is then again the `main()` function. It is
+// unchanged in all tutorial programs since step-6 and so there is nothing new
+// to discuss:
+ initlog();
+ deallog.depth_file(1);
+ try
+ {
+ Step19::CathodeRaySimulator<2> cathode_ray_simulator_2d;
+ cathode_ray_simulator_2d.run();
+ }
+ catch (std::exception &exc)
+ {
+ std::cerr << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
+ << exc.what() << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cerr << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;