* @endcode
* for the generalized eigenvalue problem $Ax=B\lambda x$, where the
* variable <code>const unsigned int size_of_spectrum</code> tells
* SLEPc the number of eigenvector/eigenvalue pairs to solve
* for. Additional options and solver parameters can be passed to the
* SLEPc solvers before calling <code>solve()</code>. For example, if
* solvers which are selected based on flags passed to the spectral
* transformation.
+ * <code>SLEPcWrappers::TransformationXXX</code>, where
+ * <code>XXX</code> is your favourite transformation type, can then
+ * be implemented in application codes in the following way for
+ * <code>XXX=INVERT</code> with the solver object
+ * <code>eigensolver</code>:
+ * @code
+ * // Set a transformation, this one shifts the eigenspectrum by 3.142..
+ * SLEPcWrappers::TransformationShift::AdditionalData additional_data (3.142);
+ * SLEPcWrappers::TransformationShift shift (additional_data);
+ * eigensolver.set_transformation (shift);
+ * @endcode
+ * and later calling the <code>solve()</code> function as usual:
+ * @code
+ * SolverControl solver_control (1000, 1e-9);
+ * SolverArnoldi system (solver_control, mpi_communicator);
+ * eigensolver.solve (A, B, lambda, x, size_of_spectrum);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @note These options can also be set at the commandline.
+ *
* @ingroup SLEPcWrappers
- * @author Toby D. Young 2009
+ * @author Toby D. Young 2009, 2013
class TransformationBase