const Epetra_Comm& comm_world();
+ /**
+ * Given a communicator, duplicate it. If
+ * the given communicator is serial, that
+ * means to just return a copy of
+ * itself. On the other hand, if it is
+ * parallel, we duplicate the underlying
+ * MPI_Comm object: we create a separate
+ * MPI communicator that contains the
+ * same processors and in the same order
+ * but has a separate identifier distinct
+ * from the given communicator. The
+ * function returns a pointer to a new
+ * object of a class derived from
+ * Epetra_Comm. The caller of this
+ * function needs to assume ownership of
+ * this function.
+ *
+ * This facility is used to separate
+ * streams of communication. For example,
+ * a program could simply use
+ * MPI_Comm_World for everything. But it
+ * is easy to come up with scenarios
+ * where sometimes not all processors
+ * participate in a communication that is
+ * intended to be global -- for example
+ * if we assemble a matrix on a coarse
+ * mesh with fewer cells than there are
+ * processors, some processors may not
+ * sync their matrices with the rest
+ * because they haven't written into it
+ * because they own no cells. That's
+ * clearly a bug. However, if these
+ * processors just continue their work,
+ * and the next parallel operation
+ * happens to be a sync on a different
+ * matrix, then the sync could succeed --
+ * by accident, since different
+ * processors are talking about different
+ * matrices.
+ *
+ * This kind of situation can be avoided
+ * if we use different communicators for
+ * different matrices which reduces the
+ * likelihood that communications meant
+ * to be separate aren't recognized as
+ * such just because they happen on the
+ * same communicator. In addition, it is
+ * conceivable that some MPI operations
+ * can be parallelized using multiple
+ * threads because their communicators
+ * identifies the communication in
+ * question, not their relative timing as
+ * is the case in a sequential program
+ * that just uses a single communicator.
+ */
+ Epetra_Comm *
+ duplicate_communicator (const Epetra_Comm &communicator);
* Return the number of MPI processes
# include <limits.h>
+# include <Epetra_MpiComm.h>
+# endif
+# include "Epetra_SerialComm.h"
+ Epetra_Comm *
+ duplicate_communicator (const Epetra_Comm &communicator)
+ {
+ // see if the communicator is in fact a
+ // parallel MPI communicator; if so,
+ // return a duplicate of it
+ Epetra_MpiComm
+ *mpi_comm = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm *>(&communicator);
+ if (mpi_comm != 0)
+ return new Epetra_MpiComm(duplicate_communicator(mpi_comm->GetMpiComm()));
+ // if we don't support MPI, or if the
+ // communicator in question was in fact
+ // not an MPI communicator, return a
+ // copy of the same object again
+ Assert (dynamic_cast<const Epetra_SerialComm*>(&communicator)
+ != 0,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ return new Epetra_SerialComm(dynamic_cast<const Epetra_SerialComm&>(communicator));
+ }
unsigned int get_n_mpi_processes (const Epetra_Comm &mpi_communicator)
return mpi_communicator.NumProc();