* to the triangulation object you passed to this function if you later want
* the triangulation to be refined at the outer boundaries.
- * @item Hyper shell: A hyper shell is the region between two hyper
+ * @item Half Hyper ball:
+ * You get half of the circle generated by Hyper ball.
+ * with center @p{p} and with radius @p{r} by calling
+ * @ref{GridGenerator}@p{::half_hyper_ball (tria, p, r)}. The half-circle is
+ * triangulated by four cells. The diameter of the center cell is
+ * chosen to be the same as for the Hyper ball class.
+ * To create a half-hyperball in one dimension results in
+ * an error.
+ *
+ * Do not forget to also attach a suitable boundary approximation object
+ * to the triangulation object you passed to this function if you later want
+ * the triangulation to be refined at the outer boundaries. The class
+ * @ref{HalfHyperBallBoundary} will provide a boundary object.
+ *
+* @item Hyper shell: A hyper shell is the region between two hyper
* sphere with the same origin. Therefore, it is a ring in two
* spatial dimensions. To triangulation it, call the function
* @ref{GridGenerator}@p{::hyper_shell (tria, origin, inner_radius, outer_radius, N)},
const unsigned int n_cells = 0);
+ /**
+ * This class produces a half hyper-ball,
+ * which contains four elements.
+ *
+ * The triangulation needs to be
+ * void upon calling this
+ * function.
+ *
+ * Currently, only a two-dimensional
+ * version is implemented. The appropriate
+ * boundary class is
+ * @ref{HalfHyperBallBoundary}.
+ */
+ static void half_hyper_ball (Triangulation<2> &tria,
+ const Point<2> ¢er = Point<2>(),
+ const double radius = 1.);
* Produce a half hyper-shell,
* i.e. the space between two
+GridGenerator::half_hyper_ball (Triangulation<2> &tria,
+ const Point<2> &p,
+ const double radius)
+ // equilibrate cell sizes at
+ // transition from the inner part
+ // to the radial cells
+ const double a = 1./(1+std::sqrt(2.0));
+ const Point<2> vertices[8] = { p+Point<2>(0,-1)*radius,
+ p+Point<2>(+1,-1)*(radius/std::sqrt(2.0)),
+ p+Point<2>(0,-1)*(radius/std::sqrt(2.0)*a),
+ p+Point<2>(+1,-1)*(radius/std::sqrt(2.0)*a),
+ p+Point<2>(0,+1)*(radius/std::sqrt(2.0)*a),
+ p+Point<2>(+1,+1)*(radius/std::sqrt(2.0)*a),
+ p+Point<2>(0,+1)*radius,
+ p+Point<2>(+1,+1)*(radius/std::sqrt(2.0)) };
+ const int cell_vertices[5][4] = {{0, 1, 3, 2},
+ {2, 3, 5, 4},
+ {1, 7, 5, 3},
+ {6, 4, 5, 7}};
+ std::vector<CellData<2> > cells (4, CellData<2>());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; ++j)
+ cells[i].vertices[j] = cell_vertices[i][j];
+ cells[i].material_id = 0;
+ };
+ tria.create_triangulation (std::vector<Point<2> >(&vertices[0], &vertices[8]),
+ cells,
+ SubCellData()); // no boundary information
GridGenerator::half_hyper_shell (Triangulation<2> &tria,
const Point<2> ¢er,