-# Define a "dealii", i.e., "${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME}", target that contains
-# DEAL_II_CXX_FLAGS[_DEBUG|_RELEASE] and otherwise aliases dealii_debug or
-# dealii_release depending on the downstream CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.
+# Set up and configure the two library targets dealii_debug and
+# dealii_release, i.e., "${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME}_${build}."
+# Both library targets are composed of the object and bundled object
+# targets that have been set up in the various subdirectories under source/
+# and bundled/ and that we recorded in the DEAL_II_OBJECT_TARGETS_${build}
+# global property.
-target_compile_flags(${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE
- )
foreach(build ${DEAL_II_BUILD_TYPES})
string(TOLOWER ${build} build_lowercase)
- if("${build}" MATCHES "DEBUG")
- set(build_camelcase "Debug")
- elseif("${build}" MATCHES "RELEASE")
- set(build_camelcase "Release")
- endif()
# Combine all ${build} OBJECT targets to a ${build} library:
- target_compile_flags(${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE
- "$<AND:$<CONFIG:${build_camelcase}>,$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>>"
- "${DEAL_II_CXX_FLAGS_${build}}"
- )
- target_link_flags(${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE
- "$<CONFIG:${build_camelcase}>" "${DEAL_II_LINKER_FLAGS_${build}}"
- )
ALIAS ${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME}_${build_lowercase}
+# Now, define a "dealii", i.e., "${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME}", target that can
+# be used by user projects to automatically switch between the release and
+# debug versions of the library depending on the build type.
+# For convenience, we also add our compiler and linker flags to the target.
+# This is useful for user projects that simply want to use our compiler and
+# linker flags and not set up their own.
+# If a downstream project does not want us to override their compiler and
+# linker flags, then they will need to use the "dealii_debug" and
+# "dealii_release" targets directly.
+add_dependencies(library ${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME})
+# Record the libraries, as well as our compiler and linker flags as a
+# *public* interface property.
+# This way all targets linking against dealii::dealii will be compiled and
+# linked with our compiler and linker flags.
+# We start with the configuration independent bits...
+target_compile_flags(${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE
+ )
+foreach(build ${DEAL_II_BUILD_TYPES})
+ string(TOLOWER ${build} build_lowercase)
+ if("${build}" MATCHES "DEBUG")
+ set(build_camelcase "Debug")
+ elseif("${build}" MATCHES "RELEASE")
+ set(build_camelcase "Release")
+ endif()
+ #
+ # ... and then add debug and release configuration dependent flags
+ # guarded with a "generator expression" [1]. Note that we further guard
+ # the compiler flags with $<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX> so that they are only
+ # used for compiling C++ code.
+ #
+ target_compile_flags(${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE
+ "$<AND:$<CONFIG:${build_camelcase}>,$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>>"
+ "${DEAL_II_CXX_FLAGS_${build}}"
+ )
+ target_link_flags(${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE
+ "$<CONFIG:${build_camelcase}>" "${DEAL_II_LINKER_FLAGS_${build}}"
+ )
+ #
+ # Attach the debug and release libraries:
+ #
target_link_libraries(${DEAL_II_TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE
message(STATUS "Setting up library - Done")