]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
moving implementations to a .cc file, with explicit instantiations
authorKarl Ljungkvist <k.ljungkvist@gmail.com>
Sat, 19 Nov 2016 11:32:01 +0000 (12:32 +0100)
committerKarl Ljungkvist <k.ljungkvist@gmail.com>
Sat, 19 Nov 2016 11:35:56 +0000 (12:35 +0100)
source/multigrid/mg_transfer_internal.cc [new file with mode: 0644]
source/multigrid/mg_transfer_internal.inst.in [new file with mode: 0644]

index d6902e3fc13c26a5bd445dc90a2a1e861c3f79b5..27532a3ed62f315d61740e894e470b02450c2bba 100644 (file)
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
 #ifndef dealii__mg_transfer_internal_h
 #define dealii__mg_transfer_internal_h
-#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
-#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
 #include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_constrained_dofs.h>
@@ -28,261 +27,17 @@ namespace internal
   namespace MGTransfer
-    /**
-     * Internal data structure that is used in the MPI communication in
-     * fill_and_communicate_copy_indices().  It represents an entry in the
-     * copy_indices* map, that associates a level dof index with a global dof
-     * index.
-     */
-    struct DoFPair
-    {
-      unsigned int level;
-      types::global_dof_index global_dof_index;
-      types::global_dof_index level_dof_index;
-      DoFPair(const unsigned int level,
-              const types::global_dof_index global_dof_index,
-              const types::global_dof_index level_dof_index)
-        :
-        level(level),
-        global_dof_index(global_dof_index),
-        level_dof_index(level_dof_index)
-      {}
-      DoFPair()
-        :
-        level (numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
-        global_dof_index (numbers::invalid_dof_index),
-        level_dof_index (numbers::invalid_dof_index)
-      {}
-    };
      * Internal function for filling the copy indices from global to level
      * indices
     template <int dim, int spacedim>
-    void fill_copy_indices(const dealii::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &mg_dof,
-                           const MGConstrainedDoFs        *mg_constrained_dofs,
+    void fill_copy_indices(const dealii::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>                                                  &mg_dof,
+                           const MGConstrainedDoFs                                                                 *mg_constrained_dofs,
                            std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &copy_indices,
                            std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &copy_indices_global_mine,
-                           std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &copy_indices_level_mine)
-    {
-      // Now we are filling the variables copy_indices*, which are essentially
-      // maps from global to mgdof for each level stored as a std::vector of
-      // pairs. We need to split this map on each level depending on the
-      // ownership of the global and mgdof, so that we later not access
-      // non-local elements in copy_to/from_mg.
-      // We keep track in the bitfield dof_touched which global dof has been
-      // processed already (on the current level). This is the same as the
-      // multigrid running in serial.
-      // map cpu_index -> vector of data
-      // that will be copied into copy_indices_level_mine
-      std::vector<DoFPair> send_data_temp;
-      const unsigned int n_levels = mg_dof.get_triangulation().n_global_levels();
-      copy_indices.resize(n_levels);
-      copy_indices_global_mine.resize(n_levels);
-      copy_indices_level_mine.resize(n_levels);
-      IndexSet globally_relevant;
-      DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(mg_dof, globally_relevant);
-      const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = mg_dof.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
-      std::vector<types::global_dof_index> global_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
-      std::vector<types::global_dof_index> level_dof_indices  (dofs_per_cell);
-      for (unsigned int level=0; level<n_levels; ++level)
-        {
-          std::vector<bool> dof_touched(globally_relevant.n_elements(), false);
-          copy_indices[level].clear();
-          copy_indices_level_mine[level].clear();
-          copy_indices_global_mine[level].clear();
-          typename dealii::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
-          level_cell = mg_dof.begin_active(level);
-          const typename dealii::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
-          level_end  = mg_dof.end_active(level);
-          for (; level_cell!=level_end; ++level_cell)
-            {
-              if (mg_dof.get_triangulation().locally_owned_subdomain()!=numbers::invalid_subdomain_id
-                  &&  (level_cell->level_subdomain_id()==numbers::artificial_subdomain_id
-                       ||  level_cell->subdomain_id()==numbers::artificial_subdomain_id)
-                 )
-                continue;
-              // get the dof numbers of this cell for the global and the
-              // level-wise numbering
-              level_cell->get_dof_indices (global_dof_indices);
-              level_cell->get_mg_dof_indices (level_dof_indices);
-              for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
-                {
-                  // we need to ignore if the DoF is on a refinement edge (hanging node)
-                  if (mg_constrained_dofs != 0
-                      && mg_constrained_dofs->at_refinement_edge(level, level_dof_indices[i]))
-                    continue;
-                  types::global_dof_index global_idx = globally_relevant.index_within_set(global_dof_indices[i]);
-                  //skip if we did this global dof already (on this or a coarser level)
-                  if (dof_touched[global_idx])
-                    continue;
-                  bool global_mine = mg_dof.locally_owned_dofs().is_element(global_dof_indices[i]);
-                  bool level_mine = mg_dof.locally_owned_mg_dofs(level).is_element(level_dof_indices[i]);
-                  if (global_mine && level_mine)
-                    {
-                      copy_indices[level].push_back(
-                        std::make_pair (global_dof_indices[i], level_dof_indices[i]));
-                    }
-                  else if (global_mine)
-                    {
-                      copy_indices_global_mine[level].push_back(
-                        std::make_pair (global_dof_indices[i], level_dof_indices[i]));
-                      //send this to the owner of the level_dof:
-                      send_data_temp.push_back(DoFPair(level, global_dof_indices[i], level_dof_indices[i]));
-                    }
-                  else
-                    {
-                      // somebody will send those to me
-                    }
-                  dof_touched[global_idx] = true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-      const dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim,spacedim> *tria =
-        (dynamic_cast<const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim,spacedim>*>
-         (&mg_dof.get_triangulation()));
-      AssertThrow(send_data_temp.size()==0 || tria!=NULL, ExcMessage("parallel Multigrid only works with a distributed Triangulation!"));
-      if (tria)
-        {
-          // TODO: Searching the owner for every single DoF becomes quite
-          // inefficient. Please fix this, Timo.
-          // The list of neighbors is symmetric (our neighbors have us as a
-          // neighbor), so we can use it to send and to know how many messages
-          // we will get.
-          std::set<types::subdomain_id> neighbors = tria->level_ghost_owners();
-          std::map<int, std::vector<DoFPair> > send_data;
-          // * find owners of the level dofs and insert into send_data accordingly
-          for (typename std::vector<DoFPair>::iterator dofpair=send_data_temp.begin(); dofpair != send_data_temp.end(); ++dofpair)
-            {
-              std::set<types::subdomain_id>::iterator it;
-              for (it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
-                {
-                  if (mg_dof.locally_owned_mg_dofs_per_processor(dofpair->level)[*it].is_element(dofpair->level_dof_index))
-                    {
-                      send_data[*it].push_back(*dofpair);
-                      break;
-                    }
-                }
-              // Is this level dof not owned by any of our neighbors? That would
-              // certainly be a bug!
-              Assert(it!=neighbors.end(), ExcMessage("could not find DoF owner."));
-            }
-          // * send
-          std::vector<MPI_Request> requests;
-          {
-            for (std::set<types::subdomain_id>::iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
-              {
-                requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
-                unsigned int dest = *it;
-                std::vector<DoFPair> &data = send_data[dest];
-                // If there is nothing to send, we still need to send a message,
-                // because the receiving end will be waitng. In that case we
-                // just send an empty message.
-                if (data.size())
-                  {
-                    const int ierr = MPI_Isend(&data[0], data.size()*sizeof(data[0]),
-                                               MPI_BYTE, dest, 71, tria->get_communicator(),
-                                               &*requests.rbegin());
-                    AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                  }
-                else
-                  {
-                    const int ierr = MPI_Isend(NULL, 0, MPI_BYTE, dest, 71,
-                                               tria->get_communicator(), &*requests.rbegin());
-                    AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-          // * receive
-          {
-            // We should get one message from each of our neighbors
-            std::vector<DoFPair> receive_buffer;
-            for (unsigned int counter=0; counter<neighbors.size(); ++counter)
-              {
-                MPI_Status status;
-                int len;
-                int ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 71, tria->get_communicator(), &status);
-                AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &len);
-                AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                if (len==0)
-                  {
-                    ierr = MPI_Recv(NULL, 0, MPI_BYTE, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG,
-                                    tria->get_communicator(), &status);
-                    AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                    continue;
-                  }
-                int count = len / sizeof(DoFPair);
-                Assert(static_cast<int>(count * sizeof(DoFPair)) == len, ExcInternalError());
-                receive_buffer.resize(count);
-                void *ptr = &receive_buffer[0];
-                ierr = MPI_Recv(ptr, len, MPI_BYTE, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG,
-                                tria->get_communicator(), &status);
-                AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                for (unsigned int i=0; i<receive_buffer.size(); ++i)
-                  {
-                    copy_indices_level_mine[receive_buffer[i].level].push_back(
-                      std::make_pair (receive_buffer[i].global_dof_index, receive_buffer[i].level_dof_index)
-                    );
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-          // * wait for all MPI_Isend to complete
-          if (requests.size() > 0)
-            {
-              const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(requests.size(), &requests[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-              requests.clear();
-            }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-          // Make sure in debug mode, that everybody sent/received all packages
-          // on this level. If a deadlock occurs here, the list of expected
-          // senders is not computed correctly.
-          const int ierr = MPI_Barrier(tria->get_communicator());
-          AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-        }
-      // Sort the indices. This will produce more reliable debug output for
-      // regression tests and likely won't hurt performance even in release
-      // mode.
-      std::less<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > compare;
-      for (unsigned int level=0; level<copy_indices.size(); ++level)
-        std::sort(copy_indices[level].begin(), copy_indices[level].end(), compare);
-      for (unsigned int level=0; level<copy_indices_level_mine.size(); ++level)
-        std::sort(copy_indices_level_mine[level].begin(), copy_indices_level_mine[level].end(), compare);
-      for (unsigned int level=0; level<copy_indices_global_mine.size(); ++level)
-        std::sort(copy_indices_global_mine[level].begin(), copy_indices_global_mine[level].end(), compare);
-    }
+                           std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &copy_indices_level_mine);
index 2c3a298070aeab27b771e81fe9fd40d14ce2a1b8..1e35d202d39029a6b8055a8dbccdfd66a61a199d 100644 (file)
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ SET(_src
+  mg_transfer_internal.cc
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ SET(_inst
+  mg_transfer_internal.inst.in
diff --git a/source/multigrid/mg_transfer_internal.cc b/source/multigrid/mg_transfer_internal.cc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1c3696e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2016 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_transfer_internal.h>
+namespace internal
+  namespace MGTransfer
+  {
+    /**
+     * Internal data structure that is used in the MPI communication in
+     * fill_copy_indices().  It represents an entry in the copy_indices* map,
+     * that associates a level dof index with a global dof index.
+     */
+    struct DoFPair
+    {
+      unsigned int level;
+      types::global_dof_index global_dof_index;
+      types::global_dof_index level_dof_index;
+      DoFPair(const unsigned int level,
+              const types::global_dof_index global_dof_index,
+              const types::global_dof_index level_dof_index)
+        :
+        level(level),
+        global_dof_index(global_dof_index),
+        level_dof_index(level_dof_index)
+      {}
+      DoFPair()
+        :
+        level (numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
+        global_dof_index (numbers::invalid_dof_index),
+        level_dof_index (numbers::invalid_dof_index)
+      {}
+    };
+    template <int dim, int spacedim>
+    void fill_copy_indices(const dealii::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>                                                  &mg_dof,
+                           const MGConstrainedDoFs                                                                 *mg_constrained_dofs,
+                           std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &copy_indices,
+                           std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &copy_indices_global_mine,
+                           std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &copy_indices_level_mine)
+    {
+      // Now we are filling the variables copy_indices*, which are essentially
+      // maps from global to mgdof for each level stored as a std::vector of
+      // pairs. We need to split this map on each level depending on the
+      // ownership of the global and mgdof, so that we later not access
+      // non-local elements in copy_to/from_mg.
+      // We keep track in the bitfield dof_touched which global dof has been
+      // processed already (on the current level). This is the same as the
+      // multigrid running in serial.
+      // map cpu_index -> vector of data
+      // that will be copied into copy_indices_level_mine
+      std::vector<DoFPair> send_data_temp;
+      const unsigned int n_levels = mg_dof.get_triangulation().n_global_levels();
+      copy_indices.resize(n_levels);
+      copy_indices_global_mine.resize(n_levels);
+      copy_indices_level_mine.resize(n_levels);
+      IndexSet globally_relevant;
+      DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(mg_dof, globally_relevant);
+      const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = mg_dof.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
+      std::vector<types::global_dof_index> global_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
+      std::vector<types::global_dof_index> level_dof_indices  (dofs_per_cell);
+      for (unsigned int level=0; level<n_levels; ++level)
+        {
+          std::vector<bool> dof_touched(globally_relevant.n_elements(), false);
+          copy_indices[level].clear();
+          copy_indices_level_mine[level].clear();
+          copy_indices_global_mine[level].clear();
+          typename dealii::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
+          level_cell = mg_dof.begin_active(level);
+          const typename dealii::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
+          level_end  = mg_dof.end_active(level);
+          for (; level_cell!=level_end; ++level_cell)
+            {
+              if (mg_dof.get_triangulation().locally_owned_subdomain()!=numbers::invalid_subdomain_id
+                  &&  (level_cell->level_subdomain_id()==numbers::artificial_subdomain_id
+                       ||  level_cell->subdomain_id()==numbers::artificial_subdomain_id)
+                 )
+                continue;
+              // get the dof numbers of this cell for the global and the
+              // level-wise numbering
+              level_cell->get_dof_indices (global_dof_indices);
+              level_cell->get_mg_dof_indices (level_dof_indices);
+              for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+                {
+                  // we need to ignore if the DoF is on a refinement edge (hanging node)
+                  if (mg_constrained_dofs != 0
+                      && mg_constrained_dofs->at_refinement_edge(level, level_dof_indices[i]))
+                    continue;
+                  types::global_dof_index global_idx = globally_relevant.index_within_set(global_dof_indices[i]);
+                  //skip if we did this global dof already (on this or a coarser level)
+                  if (dof_touched[global_idx])
+                    continue;
+                  bool global_mine = mg_dof.locally_owned_dofs().is_element(global_dof_indices[i]);
+                  bool level_mine = mg_dof.locally_owned_mg_dofs(level).is_element(level_dof_indices[i]);
+                  if (global_mine && level_mine)
+                    {
+                      copy_indices[level].push_back(
+                        std::make_pair (global_dof_indices[i], level_dof_indices[i]));
+                    }
+                  else if (global_mine)
+                    {
+                      copy_indices_global_mine[level].push_back(
+                        std::make_pair (global_dof_indices[i], level_dof_indices[i]));
+                      //send this to the owner of the level_dof:
+                      send_data_temp.push_back(DoFPair(level, global_dof_indices[i], level_dof_indices[i]));
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      // somebody will send those to me
+                    }
+                  dof_touched[global_idx] = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      const dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim,spacedim> *tria =
+        (dynamic_cast<const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim,spacedim>*>
+         (&mg_dof.get_triangulation()));
+      AssertThrow(send_data_temp.size()==0 || tria!=NULL, ExcMessage("parallel Multigrid only works with a distributed Triangulation!"));
+      if (tria)
+        {
+          // TODO: Searching the owner for every single DoF becomes quite
+          // inefficient. Please fix this, Timo.
+          // The list of neighbors is symmetric (our neighbors have us as a
+          // neighbor), so we can use it to send and to know how many messages
+          // we will get.
+          std::set<types::subdomain_id> neighbors = tria->level_ghost_owners();
+          std::map<int, std::vector<DoFPair> > send_data;
+          // * find owners of the level dofs and insert into send_data accordingly
+          for (typename std::vector<DoFPair>::iterator dofpair=send_data_temp.begin(); dofpair != send_data_temp.end(); ++dofpair)
+            {
+              std::set<types::subdomain_id>::iterator it;
+              for (it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
+                {
+                  if (mg_dof.locally_owned_mg_dofs_per_processor(dofpair->level)[*it].is_element(dofpair->level_dof_index))
+                    {
+                      send_data[*it].push_back(*dofpair);
+                      break;
+                    }
+                }
+              // Is this level dof not owned by any of our neighbors? That would
+              // certainly be a bug!
+              Assert(it!=neighbors.end(), ExcMessage("could not find DoF owner."));
+            }
+          // * send
+          std::vector<MPI_Request> requests;
+          {
+            for (std::set<types::subdomain_id>::iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
+              {
+                requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
+                unsigned int dest = *it;
+                std::vector<DoFPair> &data = send_data[dest];
+                // If there is nothing to send, we still need to send a message,
+                // because the receiving end will be waitng. In that case we
+                // just send an empty message.
+                if (data.size())
+                  {
+                    const int ierr = MPI_Isend(&data[0], data.size()*sizeof(data[0]),
+                                               MPI_BYTE, dest, 71, tria->get_communicator(),
+                                               &*requests.rbegin());
+                    AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    const int ierr = MPI_Isend(NULL, 0, MPI_BYTE, dest, 71,
+                                               tria->get_communicator(), &*requests.rbegin());
+                    AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          // * receive
+          {
+            // We should get one message from each of our neighbors
+            std::vector<DoFPair> receive_buffer;
+            for (unsigned int counter=0; counter<neighbors.size(); ++counter)
+              {
+                MPI_Status status;
+                int len;
+                int ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 71, tria->get_communicator(), &status);
+                AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &len);
+                AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                if (len==0)
+                  {
+                    ierr = MPI_Recv(NULL, 0, MPI_BYTE, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG,
+                                    tria->get_communicator(), &status);
+                    AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                    continue;
+                  }
+                int count = len / sizeof(DoFPair);
+                Assert(static_cast<int>(count * sizeof(DoFPair)) == len, ExcInternalError());
+                receive_buffer.resize(count);
+                void *ptr = &receive_buffer[0];
+                ierr = MPI_Recv(ptr, len, MPI_BYTE, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG,
+                                tria->get_communicator(), &status);
+                AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                for (unsigned int i=0; i<receive_buffer.size(); ++i)
+                  {
+                    copy_indices_level_mine[receive_buffer[i].level].push_back(
+                      std::make_pair (receive_buffer[i].global_dof_index, receive_buffer[i].level_dof_index)
+                    );
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          // * wait for all MPI_Isend to complete
+          if (requests.size() > 0)
+            {
+              const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(requests.size(), &requests[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
+              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+              requests.clear();
+            }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+          // Make sure in debug mode, that everybody sent/received all packages
+          // on this level. If a deadlock occurs here, the list of expected
+          // senders is not computed correctly.
+          const int ierr = MPI_Barrier(tria->get_communicator());
+          AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+        }
+      // Sort the indices. This will produce more reliable debug output for
+      // regression tests and likely won't hurt performance even in release
+      // mode.
+      std::less<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > compare;
+      for (unsigned int level=0; level<copy_indices.size(); ++level)
+        std::sort(copy_indices[level].begin(), copy_indices[level].end(), compare);
+      for (unsigned int level=0; level<copy_indices_level_mine.size(); ++level)
+        std::sort(copy_indices_level_mine[level].begin(), copy_indices_level_mine[level].end(), compare);
+      for (unsigned int level=0; level<copy_indices_global_mine.size(); ++level)
+        std::sort(copy_indices_global_mine[level].begin(), copy_indices_global_mine[level].end(), compare);
+    }
+  }
+// Explicit instantiations
+#include "mg_transfer_internal.inst"
diff --git a/source/multigrid/mg_transfer_internal.inst.in b/source/multigrid/mg_transfer_internal.inst.in
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..baba487
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2016 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS;
+        deal_II_space_dimension: SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+    namespace internal
+    \{
+    namespace MGTransfer
+    \{
+    template
+    void fill_copy_indices<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>(
+        const dealii::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+        const MGConstrainedDoFs*,
+        std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &,
+        std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &,
+        std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index> > > &);
+    \}
+    \}

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.