\title{The \dealii Library, Version 9.5}
\author[1*]{Daniel Arndt}
- \affil[1]{Scalable Algorithms and Coupled Physics Group,
+ \affil[1]{Computational Coupled Physics Group,
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1 Bethel Valley Rd.,
TN 37831, USA.
$^\ast$ This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No.
DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy.
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\subsubsection{Integration of Kokkos}\label{sec:kokkos}
-\todo[inline]{Those of you involved in the Kokkos effort, please see
- if the following text is useful as a starting point, and complete
- the section. You might also want to add references as appropriate.}
-Kokkos -- originally a part of Trilinos \cite{heroux2005trilinos,trilinos-web-page} but now an
-independent project -- has in recent years emerged as the most
-versatile and platform-independent library for interfacing CPU-based
-codes with the platform-dependent programming environments available
-for GPUs from a variety of vendors. As such, it makes it unnecessary
-to program to either NVidia's CUDA, AMD's HiP, or Intel's SYCL
-standards, and instead makes their functionality available using a
-common interface that provides abstractions for memory operations as
-well as kernels that act on this memory. It can also utilize CPU-based
-resources by dispatching operations via OpenMP directives.
+Kokkos \cite{trott2022} is a C++ library that enables the creation of
+performance portable applications for all major high-performance computing (HPC)
+platforms. It implements a programming model that allows developers to write
+code that can efficiently run on diverse architectures. Kokkos provides
+abstractions for both parallel execution of code and data management. It
+supports a wide range of backend programming models, including CUDA, HIP, SYCL,
+HPX, OpenMP, and C++ threads, and continues to evolve with the development of
+new backend options.
\dealii{} has, for several releases already, used CUDA to offload some
operations onto GPUs. It has also had interfaces to CUDA-based linear
algebra libraries. Yet, the diversification of GPU platforms away from
-a single vendor (NVidia) has made it clear that we need a different
+a single vendor (Nvidia) has made it clear that we need a different
strategy to support what users want. As a consequence, Kokkos has
become a mandatory dependency of \dealii{} as part of the current
release; if it is not found on a given system during configuration
the \texttt{bundled/} directory in the same way as we already
interface with BOOST.
-\todo[inline]{Say what we use Kokkos for at this point, and perhaps
- point out longer-term plans.}
+In the current release, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector and the
+CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree framework are using Kokkos. This allows them to work on
+all the architectures supported by Kokkos. The Kokkos backend used in deal.II is
+`Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace` which is the highest available in the hierarchy
+device, host-parallel, and host-serial.
\subsubsection{Updates and additions to the PETSc wrappers}\label{sec:petsc}