* consists of exactly the level-zero cells of a triangulation. (Whether
* they are active (i.e., have no children) or have been refined is not
* important for this definition.)
+ *
+ * Most of the triangulation classes in deal.II store the entire coarse
+ * mesh along with at least some of the refined cells. (Both the
+ * dealii::Triangulation and parallel::shared::Triangulation classes
+ * actually store <i>all</i> cells of the entire mesh, whereas some
+ * other classes such as parallel::distributed::Triangulation only
+ * store <i>some</i> of the @ref GlossActive "active cells" on
+ * each process in a parallel computation.) In those cases,
+ * one can query the triangulation for all coarse mesh
+ * cells. Other triangulation classes (e.g.,
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation) only store a part
+ * of the coarse mesh. See also
+ * @ref GlossCoarseCellId "the concept of coarse cell ids"
+ * for that case.
+ * </dd>
+ *
+ *
+ * <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossCoarseCellId <b>Coarse cell ID</b></dt>
+ * <dd>
+ * Most of the triangulation classes in deal.II, notably
+ * dealii::Triangulation, parallel::shared::Triangulation, and
+ * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, store the entire
+ * @ref GlossCoarseMesh "coarse mesh"
+ * of a triangulation on each process of a parallel computation. On the
+ * other hand, this is not the case for other classes, notably for
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation, which is designed for cases
+ * where even the coarse mesh is too large to be stored on each process
+ * and needs to be partitioned.
+ *
+ * In those cases, it is often necessary in algorithms to reference a coarse
+ * mesh cell uniquely. Because the triangulation object on the current
+ * process does not actually store the entire coarse mesh, one needs to have
+ * a globally unique identifier for each coarse mesh cell that is independent
+ * of the index within level zero of the triangulation stored locally. This
+ * globally unique ID is called the "coarse cell ID". It can be accessed via
+ * the function call
+ * @code
+ * triangulation.coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id (coarse_cell->index());
+ * @endcode
+ * where `triangulation` is the triangulation to which the iterator
+ * `coarse_cell` pointing to a cell at level zero belongs. Here,
+ * `coarse_cell->index()` returns the index of that cell within its
+ * refinement level (see TriaAccessor::index()). This is a number
+ * between zero and the number of coarse mesh cells stored on the
+ * current process in a parallel computation; it uniquely identifies
+ * a cell on that parallel process, but different parallel processes may
+ * use that index for different cells located at different coordinates.
+ *
+ * For those classes that store all coarse mesh cells on each process,
+ * the Triangulation::coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id() simply
+ * returns a permutation of the possible argument values. In the
+ * simplest cases, such as for a sequential or a parallel shared
+ * triangulation, the function will in fact simply return the
+ * value of the argument. For others, such as
+ * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, the ordering of
+ * coarse cell IDs is not the same as the ordering of coarse
+ * cell indices. Finally, for classes such as
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation, the function returns
+ * the globally unique ID, which is from a larger set of possible
+ * indices than the indices of the coarse cells actually stored on
+ * the current process.
* </dd>
- * The type used for coarse-cell ids.
+ * The type used for coarse-cell ids. See the glossary
+ * entry on @ref GlossCoarseCellId "coarse cell IDs" for more information.
using coarse_cell_id = unsigned long long int;
- * The type used for coarse-cell ids.
+ * The type used for coarse-cell ids. See the glossary
+ * entry on @ref GlossCoarseCellId "coarse cell IDs" for more information.
using coarse_cell_id = unsigned int;
- * An invalid value for coarse-cell ids.
+ * An invalid value for coarse cell ids. See the glossary
+ * entry on @ref GlossCoarseCellId "coarse cell IDs" for more information.
const types::coarse_cell_id invalid_coarse_cell_id =
* A class to represent a unique ID for a cell in a Triangulation. It is
- * returned by <tt>cell->id()</tt> if <tt>cell</tt> is a cell iterator.
+ * returned by `cell->id()` (i.e., CellAccessor::id()) where
+ * `cell` is assumed to be a cell iterator.
- * This class
- * stores the index of the coarse cell from which a cell is descendant,
+ * This class stores the index of the coarse cell from which a cell is
+ * descendant (or, more specifically, the
+ * entry on @ref GlossCoarseCellId "coarse cell IDs"),
* together with information on how to reach the cell from that coarse cell
* (i.e., which child index to take on each level of the triangulation when
* moving from one cell to its children). The important point about this