* *--->---* *--->---*
* @end{verbatim}
+ * The fact that edges (just as vertices and faces) are entities
+ * that are stored in their own right rather than constructed from
+ * cells each time they are needed, means that adjacent cells
+ * actually have pointers to edges that are thus shared between
+ * them. This implies that the convention that sets of parallel
+ * edges have parallel directions is not only a local
+ * condition. Before a list of cells is passed to an object of this
+ * class for creation of a triangulation, you therefore have to make
+ * sure that cells are oriented in a compatible fashion, so that
+ * edge directions are globally according to above
+ * convention. However, the @ref{GridReordering} class can do this
+ * for you, by reorienting cells and edges of an arbitrary list of
+ * input cells that need not be already sorted.
+ *
* @sect4{Faces}
* The faces are numbered in the same order as the lines were numbered: front
* *-------* *-------*
* @end{verbatim}
- * The direction of the faces is determined by the numbers the lines have within
- * a given face. This is like follows:
+ * The @em{standard} direction of the faces is determined by the
+ * numbers the lines have within a given face. This is like follows:
* @begin{itemize}
* @item Faces 0 and 1:
* @begin{verbatim}
* @end{verbatim}
* @end{itemize}
- * Due to this numbering, the following lines are identical:
+ * Due to this numbering, the following lines are identical in the
+ * standard orientation:
* @begin{itemize}
* @item Line 0 of face 0, and line 0 of face 2;
* @item Line 1 of face 0, and line 3 of face 3;
* @item Line 3 of face 4, and line 2 of face 5.
* @end{itemize}
+ * This standard orientation of faces in 3d can also be depicted by
+ * assigning a normal vector to each face. The direction of this
+ * vector (pointing into or out of the cell) is implied by the
+ * direction of its bounding lines: if you look onto a face and the
+ * lines are numbered in counter-clockwise sense, then the normal is
+ * pointing towards you. Thus, faces 0, 2, and 5 have normals that
+ * point into the cell in standard face orientation, while the
+ * normals of faces 1, 3, and 4 point outward. Note that opposite
+ * faces have parallel normal vectors.
+ *
+ * However, it turns out that a significant number of meshes cannot
+ * satisfy this convention. This is due to the fact that the face
+ * convention for one cell already implies something for the
+ * neighbor, since they share a common face and fixing it for the
+ * first cell also fixes the normal vectors of the opposite faces of
+ * both cells. It is easy to construct cases of loops of cells for
+ * which this leads to cases where we cannot find orientations for
+ * all faces that are consistent with this convention.
+ *
+ * For this reason, above convention is only what we call the
+ * @em{standard orientation}. deal.II actually allows faces in 3d to
+ * have either the standard direction, or its opposite, in which
+ * case the lines that make up a cell would have reverted orders,
+ * and the above line equivalences would not hold any more. You can
+ * ask a cell whether a given face has standard orientation by
+ * calling @p{cell->face_orientation(face_no)}: if the result is
+ * @p{true}, then the face has standard orientation, otherwise its
+ * normal vector is pointing the other direction. There are not very
+ * many places in application programs where you need this
+ * information actually, but a few places in the library make use of
+ * this.
* @sect4{Children}
* You can get these numbers using the @ref{GeometryInfo<3>}@p{::child_cell_on_face}
* function. Each child is adjacent to the vertex with the same number.
+ * Note that, again, the above list only holds for faces in their
+ * standard orientation. If a face is not in standard orientation,
+ * then the children at positions 1 and 3 (counting from 0 to 3)
+ * would be swapped.
+ *
+ * The information which child cell is at which position of which
+ * face is most often used when computing jump terms across faces
+ * with hanging nodes, using objects of type
+ * @ref{FESubfaceValues}. Sitting on one cell, you would look at
+ * face and figure out which child of the neighbor is sitting on a
+ * given subface between the present and the neighboring cell. To
+ * avoid having to query the standard orientation of the faces of
+ * the two cells every time in such cases, you should use a function
+ * call like
+ * @p{cell->neighbor_child_on_subface(face_no,subface_no)}, which
+ * returns the correct result both in 2d (where face orientations
+ * are immaterial) and 3d (where it is necessary to query the face
+ * orientation and possibly swap the result of
+ * @p{GeometryInfo<3>::child_cell_on_face}). In general, the use of
+ * @p{GeometryInfo<3>::child_cell_on_face} is best avoided due to
+ * these problems.
* @sect4{Coordinate systems}