fe_tools_[0-9]* \
fe_tools_cpfqpm* \
fe_face_to_cell_index \
+ fe_field_function \
anna_? \
gerold_1 \
roy_1 \
denis_1 \
unit_support_points \
parameter_handler_* \
+ parsed_function \
sparse_lu_decomposition_1 \
block_sparse_matrix_* \
block_vector_* \
--- /dev/null
+//---------------------------- template.cc ---------------------------
+// $Id: testsuite.html 13373 2006-07-13 13:12:08Z kanschat $
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2005 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+//---------------------------- template.cc ---------------------------
+// a short (a few lines) description of what the program does
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <fstream>
+// all include files you need here
+#include <numerics/fe_field_function.h>
+#include <grid/tria.h>
+#include <grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <base/function_lib.h>
+#include <base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <numerics/vectors.h>
+double abs_zero(double a) {
+ if( std::abs(a) < 1e-10)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return a;
+template <int dim>
+void test() {
+ Triangulation<dim> tria;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria);
+ tria.refine_global(8/dim);
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(1);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dh(tria);
+ dh.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ deallog << "Ndofs :" << dh.n_dofs() << std::endl;
+ Functions::CosineFunction<dim> ff;
+ Vector<double> v1(dh.n_dofs()), v2(dh.n_dofs());
+ VectorTools::interpolate(dh, ff, v1);
+ deallog << "V norm: " << v1.l2_norm() << std::endl;
+ Functions::FEFieldFunction<dim, DoFHandler<dim>, Vector<double> >
+ fef(dh, v1);
+ VectorTools::interpolate(dh, fef, v2);
+ v2.add(-1, v1);
+ deallog << "Interpolation error: " << abs_zero(v2.l2_norm())
+ << std::endl;
+ Vector<double> error(tria.n_active_cells());
+ QGauss<dim> quad(2);
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference(dh, v1, ff,
+ error, quad,
+ VectorTools::H1_norm);
+ deallog << "H1 Interpolation error: "
+ << abs_zero(error.l2_norm()) << std::endl;
+ error = 0;
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference(dh, v1, fef,
+ error, quad,
+ VectorTools::H1_norm);
+ deallog << "H1 Interpolation error with fef: "
+ << abs_zero(error.l2_norm()) << std::endl;
+int main ()
+ std::ofstream logfile("fe_field_function/output");
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ test<1>();
+ test<2>();
+ test<3>();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Ndofs :257
+DEAL::V norm: 11.3358
+DEAL::Interpolation error: 0
+DEAL::H1 Interpolation error: 0.00196741
+DEAL::H1 Interpolation error with fef: 0
+DEAL::Ndofs :289
+DEAL::V norm: 8.50000
+DEAL::Interpolation error: 0
+DEAL::H1 Interpolation error: 0.0314971
+DEAL::H1 Interpolation error with fef: 0
+DEAL::Ndofs :125
+DEAL::V norm: 3.95285
+DEAL::Interpolation error: 0
+DEAL::H1 Interpolation error: 0.112288
+DEAL::H1 Interpolation error with fef: 0
--- /dev/null
+//---------------------------- function_parser.cc ---------------------------
+// $Id: function_parser.cc 11749 2005-11-09 19:11:20Z wolf $
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2005 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+//---------------------------- function_parser.cc ---------------------------
+// This program tests the functionality of the function parser
+// wrapper.
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <base/logstream.h>
+#include <base/point.h>
+#include <lac/vector.h>
+#include <base/parsed_function.h>
+#include <base/parameter_handler.h>
+#include <base/utilities.h>
+#include <grid/tria.h>
+#include <grid/grid_generator.h>
+template <int dim>
+void Test() {
+ // A parameter handler
+ ParameterHandler prm;
+ // A triangulation
+ Triangulation<dim> tria;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria,0,1);
+ tria.refine_global(3);
+ // Vertices
+ const std::vector<Point<dim> > &vertices = tria.get_vertices();
+ // Test vector declaration
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<dim;++i) {
+ std::string id =
+ "Function " + Utilities::int_to_string(dim) +
+ " - " + Utilities::int_to_string(i);
+ prm.enter_subsection(id);
+ Functions::ParsedFunction<dim>::declare_parameters(prm, i+1);
+ prm.set("Function constants", "f=" + Utilities::int_to_string(i+1));
+ // It is cos(pi f x_i) *t^i, numbering from zero
+ std::string expr = "cos(pi*f*x)*t";
+ if(i>0) expr+= "; cos(pi*f*y)*t";
+ if(i>1) expr+= "; cos(pi*f*z)*t";
+ prm.set("Function expression", expr);
+ Functions::ParsedFunction<dim> function(i+1);
+ function.parse_parameters(prm);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ // Now test the difference from t=0 to t=1
+ for(double t=0.; t<1; t+= .1) {
+ function.set_time(t);
+ Point<dim> p;
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > values(vertices.size(),
+ Vector<double>(i+1));
+ function.vector_value_list(vertices, values);
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j<vertices.size(); ++j) {
+ double delta=0.;
+ for(unsigned int di=0; di<i; ++di) {
+ delta = values[j](di) - std::cos(M_PI*(i+1)*vertices[j][di])*t;
+ if(std::abs(delta) > 1e-10)
+ deallog << "p(" << di << "): " << vertices[j] << ", delta: "
+ << delta << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ deallog << "Tested on: " << std::endl;
+ prm.log_parameters(deallog);
+int main ()
+ std::ofstream logfile("parsed_function/output");
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ deallog.threshold_double(1.e-10);
+ Test<1>();
+ Test<2>();
+ Test<3>();
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Tested on:
+DEAL:parameters:Function 1 - 0::Function constants: f=1
+DEAL:parameters:Function 1 - 0::Function expression: cos(pi*f*x)*t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 1 - 0::Variable names: x,t
+DEAL::Tested on:
+DEAL:parameters:Function 2 - 0::Function constants: f=1
+DEAL:parameters:Function 2 - 0::Function expression: cos(pi*f*x)*t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 2 - 0::Variable names: x,y,t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 2 - 1::Function constants: f=2
+DEAL:parameters:Function 2 - 1::Function expression: cos(pi*f*x)*t; cos(pi*f*y)*t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 2 - 1::Variable names: x,y,t
+DEAL::Tested on:
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 0::Function constants: f=1
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 0::Function expression: cos(pi*f*x)*t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 0::Variable names: x,y,z,t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 1::Function constants: f=2
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 1::Function expression: cos(pi*f*x)*t; cos(pi*f*y)*t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 1::Variable names: x,y,z,t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 2::Function constants: f=3
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 2::Function expression: cos(pi*f*x)*t; cos(pi*f*y)*t; cos(pi*f*z)*t
+DEAL:parameters:Function 3 - 2::Variable names: x,y,z,t