--- /dev/null
+New: Introduce a new distributed triangulation class parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation.
+It partitions the coarse-grid as well as works for hanging nodes, geometric multigrid, and
+arbitrary dimensions.
+(Peter Munch, 2019/07/26)
--- /dev/null
+New: Add a function, which creates a parallel::fullydistributed::ConstructionData from a
+serial and a distributed triangulation. This data structure can be used to initialize
+(Peter Munch, 2019/09/02)
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii_fully_distributed_tria_h
+#define dealii_fully_distributed_tria_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria_base.h>
+#include <vector>
+# include <mpi.h>
+// Forward declarations
+#ifndef DOXYGEN
+// forward declaration of the data type for periodic face pairs
+namespace GridTools
+ template <typename CellIterator>
+ struct PeriodicFacePair;
+namespace parallel
+ /**
+ * A namespace for the fully distributed triangulation.
+ *
+ * @ingroup parallel
+ */
+ namespace fullydistributed
+ {
+ /**
+ * Configuration flags for fully distributed Triangulations.
+ * Settings can be combined using bitwise OR.
+ *
+ * @author Peter Munch, 2019
+ */
+ enum Settings
+ {
+ /**
+ * Default settings, other options are disabled.
+ */
+ default_setting = 0x0,
+ /**
+ * This flags needs to be set to use the geometric multigrid
+ * functionality. This option requires additional computation and
+ * communication.
+ */
+ construct_multigrid_hierarchy = 0x1
+ };
+ /**
+ * Information needed for each locally relevant cell, stored in
+ * ConstructionData and used during construction of a
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation. This struct stores
+ * the cell id, the subdomain_id and the level_subdomain_id as well as
+ * information related to manifold_id and boundary_id.
+ *
+ * @author Peter Munch, 2019
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ struct CellData
+ {
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ CellData() = default;
+ /**
+ * Unique CellID of the cell.
+ */
+ CellId::binary_type id;
+ /**
+ * subdomain_id of the cell.
+ */
+ types::subdomain_id subdomain_id;
+ /**
+ * level_subdomain_id of the cell.
+ */
+ types::subdomain_id level_subdomain_id;
+ /**
+ * Manifold id of the cell.
+ */
+ types::material_id manifold_id;
+ /**
+ * Manifold id of all lines of the cell.
+ *
+ * @note Only used for 2D and 3D.
+ */
+ std::array<types::material_id, GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell>
+ manifold_line_ids;
+ /**
+ * Manifold id of all face quads of the cell.
+ *
+ * @note Only used for 3D.
+ */
+ std::array<types::material_id, GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell>
+ manifold_quad_ids;
+ /**
+ * List of face number and boundary id of all non-internal faces of the
+ * cell.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, types::boundary_id>> boundary_ids;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Data used to construct a fully distributed triangulation in
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation::create_triangulation().
+ *
+ * @author Peter Munch, 2019
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ struct ConstructionData
+ {
+ /**
+ * Cells of the locally-relevant coarse-grid triangulation.
+ */
+ std::vector<dealii::CellData<dim>> coarse_cells;
+ /**
+ * Vertices of the locally-relevant coarse-grid triangulation.
+ */
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim>> coarse_cell_vertices;
+ /**
+ * List that for each locally-relevant coarse cell provides the
+ * corresponding global @ref GlossCoarseCellId.
+ */
+ std::vector<types::coarse_cell_id> coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id;
+ /**
+ * CellData for each locally relevant cell on each level. cell_infos[i]
+ * contains the CellData for each locally relevant cell on the ith
+ * level.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::vector<CellData<dim>>> cell_infos;
+ /**
+ * The MPI communicator used to create this struct. It will be compared
+ * to the communicator inside of parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation
+ * and an assert is thrown if they do not match.
+ *
+ * @note Please note this is necessary since the communicator inside of
+ * parallel::TriangulationBase is const and cannot be changed after the
+ * constructor has been called.
+ *
+ */
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ /**
+ * @note settings See the description of the Settings enumerator.
+ */
+ Settings settings;
+ };
+ /**
+ * A distributed triangulation with a distributed coarse grid.
+ *
+ * The motivation for parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation has its
+ * origins in the following observations about complex geometries and/or
+ * about given meshes created by an external mesh generator. We regard
+ * complex geometries as geometries that can be meshed only with a
+ * non-negligible number of coarse cells (>10,000):
+ * - storing the coarse-grid information on every process is too expensive
+ * from a memory point of view (as done by
+ * parallel::distributed::Triangulation). Normally, a process only needs a
+ * small section of the global triangulation, i.e., a small section of the
+ * coarse grid such that a partitioning of the coarse grid is indeed
+ * essential. The cells stored on each process consist of the
+ * @ref GlossLocallyOwnedCell "locally owned cells" and the
+ * @ref GlossGhostCell "ghost cells".
+ * - the distribution of the active cells - on the finest level - among all
+ * processes by simply partitioning a space-filling curve might not lead
+ * to an optimal result for triangulations that originate from large
+ * coarse grids: e.g. partitions that belong to the same process might
+ * be discontinuous, leading to increased communication (within a
+ * node and beyond). Graph-based partitioning algorithms might be a sound
+ * alternative to the space filling curve used by
+ * parallel::distributed::Triangulation.
+ *
+ * To be able to construct a fully partitioned triangulation that
+ * distributes the coarse grid and gives flexibility regarding partitioning,
+ * the following ingredients are required:
+ * - a locally relevant coarse-grid triangulation
+ * (vertices, cell definition; including a layer of ghost cells)
+ * - a mapping of the locally relevant coarse-grid triangulation into the
+ * global coarse-grid triangulation
+ * - information about which cell should be refined as well as information
+ * regarding the subdomain_id, the level_subdomain_id, manifold_id,
+ * and boundary_id of each cell.
+ *
+ * The ingredients listed above are bundled in the struct
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::ConstructionData. The user has to fill this
+ * data structure - in a pre-processing step - before actually creating the
+ * triangulation. Predefined functions to create ConstructionData
+ * can be found in the namespace dealii::fullydistributed::Utilities.
+ *
+ * Once the ConstructionData `construction_data` has been constructed, the
+ * triangulation `tria` can be created by calling
+ * `tria.create_triangulation(construction_data);`.
+ *
+ * @note This triangulation supports: 1D/2D/3D, hanging nodes,
+ * geometric multigrid, and periodicity.
+ *
+ * @note You can create a triangulation with hanging nodes and multigrid
+ * levels with create_triangulation(). However, once it has been
+ * created, it cannot be altered anymore, i.e. you cannot coarsen or
+ * refine afterwards.
+ *
+ * @note Currently only simple periodicity conditions (i.e. without offsets
+ * and rotation matrices - see also the documentation of
+ * GridTools::collect_periodic_faces()) are supported.
+ *
+ * @author Peter Munch, 2019
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
+ class Triangulation
+ : public parallel::DistributedTriangulationBase<dim, spacedim>
+ {
+ public:
+ using cell_iterator =
+ typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator;
+ using active_cell_iterator =
+ typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator;
+ using CellStatus =
+ typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::CellStatus;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param mpi_communicator The MPI communicator to be used for the
+ * triangulation.
+ */
+ explicit Triangulation(MPI_Comm mpi_communicator);
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~Triangulation() = default;
+ /**
+ * Create a triangulation from the provided ConstructionData.
+ *
+ * @note The namespace dealii::fullydistributed::Util contains functions
+ * to create ConstructionData.
+ *
+ * @note This is the function to be used instead of
+ * Triangulation::create_triangulation() for some of the other
+ * triangulations of deal.II.
+ *
+ * @param construction_data The data needed for this process.
+ */
+ void
+ create_triangulation(
+ const ConstructionData<dim, spacedim> &construction_data);
+ /**
+ * @note This function is not implemented for this class and throws
+ * an assertion. Instead, use
+ * the other create_triangulation() function to create the
+ * triangulation.
+ */
+ virtual void
+ create_triangulation(const std::vector<Point<spacedim>> & vertices,
+ const std::vector<dealii::CellData<dim>> &cells,
+ const SubCellData &subcelldata) override;
+ /**
+ * Coarsen and refine the mesh according to refinement and coarsening
+ * flags set.
+ *
+ * @note Not implemented yet.
+ */
+ virtual void
+ execute_coarsening_and_refinement() override;
+ /**
+ * Override the implementation of prepare_coarsening_and_refinement from
+ * the base class.
+ *
+ * @note Not implemented yet.
+ */
+ virtual bool
+ prepare_coarsening_and_refinement() override;
+ /**
+ * Return true if the triangulation has hanging nodes.
+ *
+ * @note Not implemented yet.
+ */
+ virtual bool
+ has_hanging_nodes() const override;
+ /**
+ * Return the local memory consumption in bytes.
+ */
+ virtual std::size_t
+ memory_consumption() const override;
+ /**
+ * This function determines the neighboring subdomains that are adjacent
+ * to each vertex.
+ */
+ virtual std::map<unsigned int, std::set<dealii::types::subdomain_id>>
+ compute_vertices_with_ghost_neighbors() const override;
+ virtual bool
+ is_multilevel_hierarchy_constructed() const override;
+ virtual unsigned int
+ coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index(
+ const types::coarse_cell_id coarse_cell_id) const override;
+ virtual types::coarse_cell_id
+ coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id(
+ const unsigned int coarse_cell_index) const override;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Override the function to update the number cache so we can fill data
+ * like @p level_ghost_owners.
+ */
+ virtual void
+ update_number_cache() override;
+ /**
+ * store the Settings.
+ */
+ Settings settings;
+ /**
+ * Sorted list of pairs of coarse-cell ids and their indices.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::pair<types::coarse_cell_id, unsigned int>>
+ coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector;
+ /**
+ * List of the coarse-cell id for each coarse cell (stored at
+ * cell->index()).
+ */
+ std::vector<types::coarse_cell_id>
+ coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector;
+ /**
+ * Boolean indicating that the function create_triangulation() was called
+ * for internal usage.
+ */
+ bool currently_processing_create_triangulation_for_internal_usage;
+ /**
+ * Boolean indicating that the function
+ * prepare_coarsening_and_refinement() was called for internal usage.
+ */
+ bool
+ currently_processing_prepare_coarsening_and_refinement_for_internal_usage;
+ };
+ } // namespace fullydistributed
+} // namespace parallel
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii_fully_distributed_tria_util_h
+#define dealii_fully_distributed_tria_util_h
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+namespace parallel
+ namespace fullydistributed
+ {
+ namespace Utilities
+ {
+ /**
+ * Construct parallel::fullydistributed::ConstructionData from a given
+ * partitioned triangulation `tria` and a specified process.
+ * The input triangulation can be either
+ * a serial triangulation of type dealii::Triangulation which has been
+ * colored (subdomain_id and/or level_subdomain_id has been set) or a
+ * distributed triangulation of type dealii::distributed::Triangulation,
+ * where the partitioning is adopted unaltered.
+ *
+ * @param tria Partitioned input triangulation.
+ * @param comm MPI_Communicator to be used. In the case
+ * of dealii::distributed::Triangulation, the communicators
+ * have to match.
+ * @param construct_multilevel_hierarchy Signal if the multigrid levels
+ * should be constructed.
+ * @param my_rank_in Construct ConstructionData for this rank (only
+ * working for serial triangulations).
+ * @return ConstructionData to be used to setup
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation.
+ *
+ * @note Multilevel hierarchies are supported if it is enabled in
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation.
+ *
+ * @note Hanging nodes in the input triangulation are supported. However,
+ * to be able to use this
+ * feature, the user has to enable multilevel hierarchy support in
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation.
+ *
+ * @author Peter Munch, 2019
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
+ ConstructionData<dim, spacedim>
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(
+ const dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
+ const MPI_Comm comm,
+ const bool construct_multilevel_hierarchy = false,
+ const unsigned int my_rank_in = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ } // namespace Utilities
+ } // namespace fullydistributed
+} // namespace parallel
+ fully_distributed_tria.cc
+ fully_distributed_tria_util.cc
+ fully_distributed_tria.inst.in
+ fully_distributed_tria_util.inst.in
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <deal.II/base/memory_consumption.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+// Forward declarations
+namespace GridGenerator
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ hyper_cube(Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
+ const double left,
+ const double right,
+ const bool colorize);
+} // namespace GridGenerator
+namespace parallel
+ namespace fullydistributed
+ {
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::Triangulation(MPI_Comm mpi_communicator)
+ : parallel::DistributedTriangulationBase<dim, spacedim>(mpi_communicator)
+ , settings(Settings::default_setting)
+ , currently_processing_create_triangulation_for_internal_usage(false)
+ , currently_processing_prepare_coarsening_and_refinement_for_internal_usage(
+ false)
+ {}
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::create_triangulation(
+ const ConstructionData<dim, spacedim> &construction_data)
+ {
+ // check if the communicator of this parallel triangulation has been used
+ // to construct the ConstructionData
+ Assert(construction_data.comm == this->mpi_communicator,
+ ExcMessage("MPI communicators do not match!"));
+ // store internally the settings
+ settings = construction_data.settings;
+ // set the smoothing properties
+ if (settings & construct_multigrid_hierarchy)
+ this->set_mesh_smoothing(
+ static_cast<
+ typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::MeshSmoothing>(
+ dealii::Triangulation<dim>::none |
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::limit_level_difference_at_vertices));
+ else
+ this->set_mesh_smoothing(
+ static_cast<
+ typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::MeshSmoothing>(
+ dealii::Triangulation<dim>::none));
+ // clear internal data structures
+ this->coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector.clear();
+ this->coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector.clear();
+ // check if no locally relevant coarse-grid cells have been provided
+ if (construction_data.coarse_cell_vertices.empty())
+ {
+ // 1) create a dummy hypercube
+ currently_processing_create_triangulation_for_internal_usage = true;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(*this, 0, 1, false);
+ currently_processing_create_triangulation_for_internal_usage = false;
+ // 2) mark cell as artificial
+ auto cell = this->begin();
+ cell->set_subdomain_id(dealii::numbers::artificial_subdomain_id);
+ cell->set_level_subdomain_id(
+ dealii::numbers::artificial_subdomain_id);
+ // 3) set up dummy mapping between locally relevant coarse-grid cells
+ // and global cells
+ this->coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector.emplace_back(
+ numbers::invalid_coarse_cell_id, 0);
+ this->coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector.emplace_back(
+ numbers::invalid_coarse_cell_id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 1) store `coarse-cell index to coarse-cell id`-mapping
+ this->coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector =
+ construction_data.coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id;
+ // 2) set up `coarse-cell id to coarse-cell index`-mapping
+ std::map<types::coarse_cell_id, unsigned int>
+ coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0;
+ i < construction_data.coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id.size();
+ ++i)
+ coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector
+ [construction_data.coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id[i]] = i;
+ for (auto i : coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector)
+ this->coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector.emplace_back(i);
+ // 3) create coarse grid
+ dealii::parallel::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::create_triangulation(
+ construction_data.coarse_cell_vertices,
+ construction_data.coarse_cells,
+ SubCellData());
+ Assert(this->n_cells() ==
+ this->coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector.size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(this->n_cells() ==
+ this->coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector.size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // create a copy of cell_infos such that we can sort them
+ auto cell_infos = construction_data.cell_infos;
+ // sort cell_infos on each level separately
+ for (auto &cell_info : cell_infos)
+ std::sort(cell_info.begin(),
+ cell_info.end(),
+ [&](CellData<dim> a, CellData<dim> b) {
+ const CellId a_id(a.id);
+ const CellId b_id(b.id);
+ const auto a_coarse_cell_index =
+ this->coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index(
+ a_id.get_coarse_cell_id());
+ const auto b_coarse_cell_index =
+ this->coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index(
+ b_id.get_coarse_cell_id());
+ // according to their coarse-cell index and if that is
+ // same according to their cell id (the result is that
+ // cells on each level are sorted according to their
+ // index on that level - what we need in the following
+ // operations)
+ if (a_coarse_cell_index != b_coarse_cell_index)
+ return a_coarse_cell_index < b_coarse_cell_index;
+ else
+ return a_id < b_id;
+ });
+ // 4) create all levels via a sequence of refinements
+ for (unsigned int level = 0; level < cell_infos.size(); ++level)
+ {
+ // a) set manifold ids here (because new vertices have to be
+ // positioned correctly during each refinement step)
+ {
+ auto cell = this->begin(level);
+ auto cell_info = cell_infos[level].begin();
+ for (; cell_info != cell_infos[level].end(); ++cell_info)
+ {
+ while (cell_info->id !=
+ cell->id().template to_binary<dim>())
+ ++cell;
+ if (spacedim == 3)
+ for (unsigned int quad = 0;
+ quad < GeometryInfo<spacedim>::quads_per_cell;
+ ++quad)
+ cell->quad(quad)->set_manifold_id(
+ cell_info->manifold_quad_ids[quad]);
+ if (spacedim >= 2)
+ for (unsigned int line = 0;
+ line < GeometryInfo<spacedim>::lines_per_cell;
+ ++line)
+ cell->line(line)->set_manifold_id(
+ cell_info->manifold_line_ids[line]);
+ cell->set_manifold_id(cell_info->manifold_id);
+ }
+ }
+ // b) perform refinement on all levels but on the finest
+ if (level + 1 != cell_infos.size())
+ {
+ // find cells that should have children and mark them for
+ // refinement
+ auto coarse_cell = this->begin(level);
+ auto fine_cell_info = cell_infos[level + 1].begin();
+ // loop over all cells on the next level
+ for (; fine_cell_info != cell_infos[level + 1].end();
+ ++fine_cell_info)
+ {
+ // find the parent of that cell
+ while (!coarse_cell->id().is_parent_of(
+ CellId(fine_cell_info->id)))
+ ++coarse_cell;
+ // set parent for refinement
+ coarse_cell->set_refine_flag();
+ }
+ // execute refinement
+ currently_processing_prepare_coarsening_and_refinement_for_internal_usage =
+ true;
+ dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::
+ execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ currently_processing_prepare_coarsening_and_refinement_for_internal_usage =
+ false;
+ }
+ }
+ // 4a) set all cells artificial (and set the actual
+ // (level_)subdomain_ids in the next step)
+ for (auto cell = this->begin(); cell != this->end(); ++cell)
+ {
+ if (cell->active())
+ cell->set_subdomain_id(
+ dealii::numbers::artificial_subdomain_id);
+ cell->set_level_subdomain_id(
+ dealii::numbers::artificial_subdomain_id);
+ }
+ // 4b) set actual (level_)subdomain_ids as well as boundary ids
+ for (unsigned int level = 0; level < cell_infos.size(); ++level)
+ {
+ auto cell = this->begin(level);
+ auto cell_info = cell_infos[level].begin();
+ for (; cell_info != cell_infos[level].end(); ++cell_info)
+ {
+ // find cell that has the correct cell
+ while (cell_info->id != cell->id().template to_binary<dim>())
+ ++cell;
+ // subdomain id
+ if (cell->active())
+ cell->set_subdomain_id(cell_info->subdomain_id);
+ // level subdomain id
+ if (settings & construct_multigrid_hierarchy)
+ cell->set_level_subdomain_id(cell_info->level_subdomain_id);
+ // boundary ids
+ for (auto pair : cell_info->boundary_ids)
+ {
+ Assert(cell->at_boundary(pair.first),
+ ExcMessage("Cell face is not on the boundary!"));
+ cell->face(pair.first)->set_boundary_id(pair.second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ update_number_cache();
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::create_triangulation(
+ const std::vector<Point<spacedim>> & vertices,
+ const std::vector<dealii::CellData<dim>> &cells,
+ const SubCellData & subcelldata)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(
+ currently_processing_create_triangulation_for_internal_usage,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Use the other create_triangulation() function to create triangulations of type parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation.!"));
+ dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::create_triangulation(vertices,
+ cells,
+ subcelldata);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::update_number_cache()
+ {
+ if (settings & construct_multigrid_hierarchy)
+ parallel::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::fill_level_ghost_owners();
+ parallel::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::update_number_cache();
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::execute_coarsening_and_refinement()
+ {
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ bool
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::prepare_coarsening_and_refinement()
+ {
+ Assert(
+ currently_processing_prepare_coarsening_and_refinement_for_internal_usage,
+ ExcMessage("No coarsening and refinement is supported!"));
+ return dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::
+ prepare_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ bool
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::has_hanging_nodes() const
+ {
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ std::size_t
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::memory_consumption() const
+ {
+ const std::size_t mem =
+ this->dealii::parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim>::
+ memory_consumption() +
+ MemoryConsumption::memory_consumption(
+ coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector) +
+ MemoryConsumption::memory_consumption(
+ coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector);
+ return mem;
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ std::map<unsigned int, std::set<dealii::types::subdomain_id>>
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::compute_vertices_with_ghost_neighbors() const
+ {
+ // 1) collect for each vertex on periodic faces all vertices it coincides
+ // with
+ std::map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int>>
+ vertex_to_coinciding_vertices;
+ {
+ // 1a) collect nodes coinciding due to periodicity
+ std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vertex_to_coinciding_vertex;
+ for (auto &cell : this->active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned() || cell->is_ghost())
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++i)
+ if (cell->has_periodic_neighbor(i) &&
+ cell->periodic_neighbor(i)->active())
+ {
+ auto face_t = cell->face(i);
+ auto face_n = cell->periodic_neighbor(i)->face(
+ cell->periodic_neighbor_face_no(i));
+ for (auto j = 0u; j < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face;
+ ++j)
+ {
+ auto v_t = face_t->vertex_index(j);
+ auto v_n = face_n->vertex_index(j);
+ unsigned int temp = std::min(v_t, v_n);
+ {
+ auto it = vertex_to_coinciding_vertex.find(v_t);
+ if (it != vertex_to_coinciding_vertex.end())
+ temp = std::min(temp, it->second);
+ }
+ {
+ auto it = vertex_to_coinciding_vertex.find(v_n);
+ if (it != vertex_to_coinciding_vertex.end())
+ temp = std::min(temp, it->second);
+ }
+ vertex_to_coinciding_vertex[v_t] = temp;
+ vertex_to_coinciding_vertex[v_n] = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ // 1b) compress map: let vertices point to the coinciding vertex with
+ // the smallest index
+ for (auto &p : vertex_to_coinciding_vertex)
+ {
+ if (p.first == p.second)
+ continue;
+ unsigned int temp = p.second;
+ while (temp != vertex_to_coinciding_vertex[temp])
+ temp = vertex_to_coinciding_vertex[temp];
+ p.second = temp;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // check if map is actually compressed
+ for (auto p : vertex_to_coinciding_vertex)
+ {
+ if (p.first == p.second)
+ continue;
+ auto pp = vertex_to_coinciding_vertex.find(p.second);
+ if (pp->first == pp->second)
+ continue;
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage("Map has to be compressed!"));
+ }
+ // 1c) create a map: smallest index of coinciding index -> all
+ // coinciding indices
+ std::map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int>>
+ smallest_coinciding_vertex_to_coinciding_vertices;
+ for (auto p : vertex_to_coinciding_vertex)
+ smallest_coinciding_vertex_to_coinciding_vertices[p.second] =
+ std::set<unsigned int>();
+ for (auto p : vertex_to_coinciding_vertex)
+ smallest_coinciding_vertex_to_coinciding_vertices[p.second].insert(
+ p.first);
+ // 1d) create a map: vertex -> all coinciding indices
+ for (auto &s : smallest_coinciding_vertex_to_coinciding_vertices)
+ for (auto &ss : s.second)
+ vertex_to_coinciding_vertices[ss] = s.second;
+ }
+ // 2) collect vertices belonging to local cells
+ std::vector<bool> vertex_of_own_cell(this->n_vertices(), false);
+ for (const auto &cell : this->active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ for (auto v = 0u; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ vertex_of_own_cell[cell->vertex_index(v)] = true;
+ // 3) for for each vertex belonging to a locally owned cell all ghost
+ // neighbors (including the periodic own)
+ std::map<unsigned int, std::set<dealii::types::subdomain_id>> result;
+ // loop over all active ghost cells
+ for (const auto &cell : this->active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_ghost())
+ {
+ const auto owner = cell->subdomain_id();
+ // loop over all its vertices
+ for (unsigned int v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ {
+ // set owner if vertex belongs to a local cell
+ if (vertex_of_own_cell[cell->vertex_index(v)])
+ result[cell->vertex_index(v)].insert(owner);
+ // mark also nodes coinciding due to periodicity
+ auto coinciding_vertices =
+ vertex_to_coinciding_vertices.find(cell->vertex_index(v));
+ if (coinciding_vertices != vertex_to_coinciding_vertices.end())
+ for (auto coinciding_vertex : coinciding_vertices->second)
+ if (vertex_of_own_cell[coinciding_vertex])
+ result[coinciding_vertex].insert(owner);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ bool
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::is_multilevel_hierarchy_constructed() const
+ {
+ return (settings & construct_multigrid_hierarchy);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ unsigned int
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index(
+ const types::coarse_cell_id coarse_cell_id) const
+ {
+ const auto coarse_cell_index =
+ std::lower_bound(coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector.begin(),
+ coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector.end(),
+ coarse_cell_id,
+ [](const auto &pair, const auto &val) {
+ return pair.first < val;
+ });
+ Assert(coarse_cell_index !=
+ coarse_cell_id_to_coarse_cell_index_vector.cend(),
+ ExcMessage("Coarse cell index not found!"));
+ return coarse_cell_index->second;
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ types::coarse_cell_id
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id(
+ const unsigned int coarse_cell_index) const
+ {
+ Assert(coarse_cell_index <
+ coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector.size(),
+ ExcIndexRange(coarse_cell_index,
+ 0,
+ coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector.size()));
+ const auto coarse_cell_id =
+ coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id_vector[coarse_cell_index];
+ Assert(coarse_cell_id != numbers::invalid_coarse_cell_id,
+ ExcMessage("You are trying to access a dummy cell!"));
+ return coarse_cell_id;
+ }
+ } // namespace fullydistributed
+} // namespace parallel
+/*-------------- Explicit Instantiations -------------------------------*/
+#include "fully_distributed_tria.inst"
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+ namespace parallel
+ \{
+ namespace fullydistributed
+ \{
+ template class Triangulation<deal_II_dimension>;
+#if deal_II_dimension < 3
+ template class Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension + 1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension < 2
+ template class Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension + 2>;
+ \}
+ \}
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <deal.II/base/geometry_info.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria_util.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+namespace parallel
+ namespace fullydistributed
+ {
+ namespace Utilities
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ /**
+ * Set the user_flag of a cell and of all its parent cells.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ set_user_flag_reverse(TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> cell)
+ {
+ cell->set_user_flag();
+ if (cell->level() != 0)
+ set_user_flag_reverse(cell->parent());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert the binary representation of a CellId to coarse-cell id as
+ * if the finest level were the coarsest level ("level coarse-grid id").
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ types::coarse_cell_id
+ convert_cell_id_binary_type_to_level_coarse_cell_id(
+ const typename CellId::binary_type &binary_representation)
+ {
+ // exploiting the structure of CellId::binary_type
+ // see also the documentation of CellId
+ // actual coarse-grid id
+ const unsigned int coarse_cell_id = binary_representation[0];
+ const unsigned int n_child_indices = binary_representation[1] >> 2;
+ const unsigned int children_per_value =
+ sizeof(CellId::binary_type::value_type) * 8 / dim;
+ unsigned int child_level = 0;
+ unsigned int binary_entry = 2;
+ // path to the get to the cell
+ std::vector<unsigned int> cell_indices;
+ while (child_level < n_child_indices)
+ {
+ Assert(binary_entry < binary_representation.size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < children_per_value; ++j)
+ {
+ unsigned int cell_index =
+ (((binary_representation[binary_entry] >> (j * dim))) &
+ (GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell - 1));
+ cell_indices.push_back(cell_index);
+ ++child_level;
+ if (child_level == n_child_indices)
+ break;
+ }
+ ++binary_entry;
+ }
+ // compute new coarse-grid id: c_{i+1} = c_{i}*2^dim + q;
+ types::coarse_cell_id level_coarse_cell_id = coarse_cell_id;
+ for (auto i : cell_indices)
+ level_coarse_cell_id =
+ level_coarse_cell_id * GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell +
+ i;
+ return level_coarse_cell_id;
+ }
+ } // namespace
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ ConstructionData<dim, spacedim>
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(
+ const dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
+ const MPI_Comm comm,
+ const bool construct_multilevel_hierarchy,
+ const unsigned int my_rank_in)
+ {
+ if (auto tria_pdt = dynamic_cast<
+ const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &tria))
+ AssertThrow(comm == tria_pdt->get_communicator(),
+ ExcMessage("MPI communicators do not match."));
+ // First, figure out for what rank we are supposed to build the
+ // ConstructionData object
+ unsigned int my_rank = my_rank_in;
+ AssertThrow(my_rank == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int ||
+ my_rank < dealii::Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Rank has to be smaller than available processes."));
+ if (auto tria_pdt = dynamic_cast<
+ const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &tria))
+ {
+ AssertThrow(
+ my_rank == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int ||
+ my_rank == dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "If parallel::distributed::Triangulation as source triangulation, my_rank has to equal global rank."));
+ my_rank = dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm);
+ }
+ else if (auto tria_serial =
+ dynamic_cast<const dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &tria))
+ {
+ if (my_rank == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ my_rank = dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AssertThrow(false,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "This type of triangulation is not supported!"));
+ }
+ ConstructionData<dim, spacedim> construction_data;
+ // store the communicator
+ construction_data.comm = comm;
+ // helper function, which collects all vertices belonging to a cell
+ // (also taking into account periodicity)
+ auto add_vertices_of_cell_to_vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells =
+ [](TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &cell,
+ std::set<unsigned int> &vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells) {
+ // add vertices belonging to a periodic neighbor
+ for (unsigned int f = 0; f < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
+ if (cell->has_periodic_neighbor(f))
+ {
+ auto face_t = cell->face(f);
+ auto face_n = cell->periodic_neighbor(f)->face(
+ cell->periodic_neighbor_face_no(f));
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face;
+ ++v)
+ {
+ vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.insert(
+ face_t->vertex_index(v));
+ vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.insert(
+ face_n->vertex_index(v));
+ }
+ }
+ // add local vertices
+ for (unsigned int v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.insert(
+ cell->vertex_index(v));
+ };
+ // check if multilevel hierarchy should be constructed
+ if (construct_multilevel_hierarchy == false)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(
+ tria.has_hanging_nodes() == false,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Hanging nodes are only supported if multilevel hierarchy is constructed!"));
+ construction_data.settings =
+ fullydistributed::Settings::default_setting;
+ // 1) collect vertices of active locally owned cells
+ std::set<unsigned int> vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells;
+ for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->active() && cell->subdomain_id() == my_rank)
+ add_vertices_of_cell_to_vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells(
+ cell, vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells);
+ // helper function to determine if cell is locally relevant
+ // (i.e. a cell which is connected to a vertex via a locally owned
+ // active cell)
+ auto is_locally_relevant =
+ [&](TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &cell) {
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.find(
+ cell->vertex_index(v)) !=
+ vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.end())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
+ // 2) process all local and ghost cells: set up needed data
+ // structures and collect all locally relevant vertices
+ // for second sweep
+ std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vertices_locally_relevant;
+ construction_data.cell_infos.resize(1);
+ for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->active() && is_locally_relevant(cell))
+ {
+ // to be filled
+ CellData<dim> cell_info;
+ // a) extract cell definition (with old numbering of
+ // vertices)
+ dealii::CellData<dim> cell_data;
+ cell_data.material_id = cell->material_id();
+ cell_data.manifold_id = cell->manifold_id();
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ cell_data.vertices[v] = cell->vertex_index(v);
+ construction_data.coarse_cells.push_back(cell_data);
+ // b) save indices of each vertex of this cell
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ vertices_locally_relevant[cell->vertex_index(v)] =
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ // c) save boundary_ids of each face of this cell
+ for (unsigned int f = 0;
+ f < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++f)
+ {
+ types::boundary_id boundary_ind =
+ cell->face(f)->boundary_id();
+ if (boundary_ind != numbers::internal_face_boundary_id)
+ cell_info.boundary_ids.emplace_back(f, boundary_ind);
+ }
+ // d) compute a new coarse-cell id (by ignoring all parent
+ // level)
+ types::coarse_cell_id new_coarse_cell_id =
+ convert_cell_id_binary_type_to_level_coarse_cell_id<dim>(
+ cell->id().template to_binary<dim>());
+ // store the coarse cell id
+ cell_info.id = CellId(new_coarse_cell_id, 0, nullptr)
+ .template to_binary<dim>();
+ // save coarse_cell_index -> coarse_cell_id mapping
+ construction_data.coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id
+ .push_back(new_coarse_cell_id);
+ // e) store manifold id of cell
+ cell_info.manifold_id = cell->manifold_id();
+ // ... of lines
+ if (dim >= 2)
+ for (unsigned int line = 0;
+ line < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell;
+ ++line)
+ cell_info.manifold_line_ids[line] =
+ cell->line(line)->manifold_id();
+ // ... of quads
+ if (dim == 3)
+ for (unsigned int quad = 0;
+ quad < GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell;
+ ++quad)
+ cell_info.manifold_quad_ids[quad] =
+ cell->quad(quad)->manifold_id();
+ // f) store subdomain_id
+ cell_info.subdomain_id = cell->subdomain_id();
+ // g) store invalid level_subdomain_id (since multilevel
+ // hierarchy is not constructed)
+ cell_info.level_subdomain_id = numbers::invalid_subdomain_id;
+ construction_data.cell_infos[0].emplace_back(cell_info);
+ }
+ // 3) enumerate locally relevant vertices
+ unsigned int vertex_counter = 0;
+ for (auto &vertex : vertices_locally_relevant)
+ {
+ construction_data.coarse_cell_vertices.push_back(
+ tria.get_vertices()[vertex.first]);
+ vertex.second = vertex_counter++;
+ }
+ // 4) correct vertices of cells (make them local)
+ for (auto &cell : construction_data.coarse_cells)
+ for (unsigned int v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ cell.vertices[v] = vertices_locally_relevant[cell.vertices[v]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ construction_data.settings =
+ fullydistributed::Settings::construct_multigrid_hierarchy;
+ // 1) collect locally relevant cells (set user_flag)
+ std::vector<bool> old_user_flags;
+ tria.save_user_flags(old_user_flags);
+ // 1a) clear user_flags
+ const_cast<dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &>(tria)
+ .clear_user_flags();
+ // 1b) loop over levels (from fine to coarse) and mark on each level
+ // the locally relevant cells
+ for (unsigned int level =
+ tria.get_triangulation().n_global_levels() - 1;
+ level != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ level--)
+ {
+ // collect vertices connected to a (on any level) locally owned
+ // cell
+ std::set<unsigned int> vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells;
+ for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
+ if (cell->level_subdomain_id() == my_rank ||
+ (cell->active() && cell->subdomain_id() == my_rank))
+ add_vertices_of_cell_to_vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells(
+ cell, vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells);
+ // helper function to determine if cell is locally relevant
+ // (i.e. a cell which is connected to a vertex via a locally
+ // owned cell)
+ auto is_locally_relevant =
+ [&](TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &cell) {
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.find(
+ cell->vertex_index(v)) !=
+ vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.end())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
+ // mark all locally relevant cells
+ for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
+ if (is_locally_relevant(cell))
+ set_user_flag_reverse(cell);
+ }
+ // 2) set_up coarse-grid triangulation
+ {
+ std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vertices_locally_relevant;
+ // a) loop over all cells
+ for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(0))
+ {
+ if (!cell->user_flag_set())
+ continue;
+ // extract cell definition (with old numbering of vertices)
+ dealii::CellData<dim> cell_data;
+ cell_data.material_id = cell->material_id();
+ cell_data.manifold_id = cell->manifold_id();
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ cell_data.vertices[v] = cell->vertex_index(v);
+ construction_data.coarse_cells.push_back(cell_data);
+ // save indices of each vertex of this cell
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ vertices_locally_relevant[cell->vertex_index(v)] =
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ // save translation for corase grid: lid -> gid
+ construction_data.coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id
+ .push_back(cell->id().get_coarse_cell_id());
+ }
+ // b) enumerate locally relevant vertices
+ unsigned int vertex_counter = 0;
+ for (auto &vertex : vertices_locally_relevant)
+ {
+ construction_data.coarse_cell_vertices.push_back(
+ tria.get_vertices()[vertex.first]);
+ vertex.second = vertex_counter++;
+ }
+ // c) correct vertices of cells (make them local)
+ for (auto &cell : construction_data.coarse_cells)
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ cell.vertices[v] =
+ vertices_locally_relevant[cell.vertices[v]];
+ }
+ // 3) collect info of each cell
+ construction_data.cell_infos.resize(
+ tria.get_triangulation().n_global_levels());
+ for (unsigned int level = 0;
+ level < tria.get_triangulation().n_global_levels();
+ ++level)
+ {
+ // collect local vertices on level
+ std::set<unsigned int> vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells;
+ for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
+ if (cell->level_subdomain_id() == my_rank ||
+ (cell->active() && cell->subdomain_id() == my_rank))
+ add_vertices_of_cell_to_vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells(
+ cell, vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells);
+ // helper function to determine if cell is locally relevant
+ auto is_locally_relevant =
+ [&](TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &cell) {
+ for (unsigned int v = 0;
+ v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.find(
+ cell->vertex_index(v)) !=
+ vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells.end())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
+ auto &level_cell_infos = construction_data.cell_infos[level];
+ for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
+ {
+ // check if cell is locally relevant
+ if (!(cell->user_flag_set()))
+ continue;
+ CellData<dim> cell_info;
+ // save coarse-cell id
+ cell_info.id = cell->id().template to_binary<dim>();
+ // save boundary_ids of each face of this cell
+ for (unsigned int f = 0;
+ f < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++f)
+ {
+ types::boundary_id boundary_ind =
+ cell->face(f)->boundary_id();
+ if (boundary_ind != numbers::internal_face_boundary_id)
+ cell_info.boundary_ids.emplace_back(f, boundary_ind);
+ }
+ // save manifold id
+ {
+ // ... of cell
+ cell_info.manifold_id = cell->manifold_id();
+ // ... of lines
+ if (dim >= 2)
+ for (unsigned int line = 0;
+ line < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell;
+ ++line)
+ cell_info.manifold_line_ids[line] =
+ cell->line(line)->manifold_id();
+ // ... of quads
+ if (dim == 3)
+ for (unsigned int quad = 0;
+ quad < GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell;
+ ++quad)
+ cell_info.manifold_quad_ids[quad] =
+ cell->quad(quad)->manifold_id();
+ }
+ // subdomain and level subdomain id
+ cell_info.subdomain_id = numbers::artificial_subdomain_id;
+ cell_info.level_subdomain_id =
+ numbers::artificial_subdomain_id;
+ if (is_locally_relevant(cell))
+ {
+ cell_info.level_subdomain_id =
+ cell->level_subdomain_id();
+ if (cell->active())
+ cell_info.subdomain_id = cell->subdomain_id();
+ }
+ level_cell_infos.emplace_back(cell_info);
+ }
+ }
+ const_cast<dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &>(tria)
+ .load_user_flags(old_user_flags);
+ }
+ return construction_data;
+ }
+ } // namespace Utilities
+ } // namespace fullydistributed
+} // namespace parallel
+/*-------------- Explicit Instantiations -------------------------------*/
+#include "fully_distributed_tria_util.inst"
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+ namespace parallel
+ \{
+ namespace fullydistributed
+ \{
+ namespace Utilities
+ \{
+ template ConstructionData<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension>
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(
+ const dealii::Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension>
+ & tria,
+ const MPI_Comm comm,
+ const bool construct_multilevel_hierarchy = false,
+ const unsigned int my_rank_in = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ \}
+ \}
+ \}
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
#include <deal.II/base/point.h>
#include <deal.II/base/tensor.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
Assert(0 <= direction && direction < space_dim,
ExcIndexRange(direction, 0, space_dim));
- Assert(pairs1.size() == pairs2.size(),
- ExcMessage("Unmatched faces on periodic boundaries"));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ {
+ constexpr int dim = CellIterator::AccessorType::dimension;
+ constexpr int spacedim = CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension;
+ // For parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation there might be unmatched
+ // faces on periodic boundaries on the coarse grid, which results that
+ // this assert is not fulfilled (not a bug!). See also the discussion in
+ // the method collect_periodic_faces.
+ if (!(((pairs1.size() > 0) &&
+ (dynamic_cast<const parallel::fullydistributed::
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &pairs1.begin()->first->get_triangulation()) != nullptr)) ||
+ ((pairs2.size() > 0) &&
+ (dynamic_cast<
+ const parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>
+ *>(&pairs2.begin()->first->get_triangulation()) != nullptr))))
+ Assert(pairs1.size() == pairs2.size(),
+ ExcMessage("Unmatched faces on periodic boundaries"));
+ }
unsigned int n_matches = 0;
- // Assure that all faces are matched
- AssertThrow(n_matches == pairs1.size() && pairs2.size() == 0,
- ExcMessage("Unmatched faces on periodic boundaries"));
+ // Assure that all faces are matched if not
+ // parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation is used. This is related to the
+ // fact that the faces might not be successfully matched on the coarse grid
+ // (not a bug!). See also the comment above and in the
+ // method collect_periodic_faces.
+ {
+ constexpr int dim = CellIterator::AccessorType::dimension;
+ constexpr int spacedim = CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension;
+ if (!(((pairs1.size() > 0) &&
+ (dynamic_cast<const parallel::fullydistributed::
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &pairs1.begin()->first->get_triangulation()) != nullptr)) ||
+ ((pairs2.size() > 0) &&
+ (dynamic_cast<
+ const parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>
+ *>(&pairs2.begin()->first->get_triangulation()) != nullptr))))
+ AssertThrow(n_matches == pairs1.size() && pairs2.size() == 0,
+ ExcMessage("Unmatched faces on periodic boundaries"));
+ }
- Assert(pairs1.size() == pairs2.size(),
- ExcMessage("Unmatched faces on periodic boundaries"));
+ // Assure that all faces are matched on the coare grid. This requirement
+ // can only fulfilled if a process owns the complete coarse grid. This is
+ // not the case for a parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation, i.e. this
+ // requirement has not to be met neither (consider faces on the outside of a
+ // ghost cell that are periodic but for which the ghost neighbor doesn't
+ // exist).
+ if (!(((pairs1.size() > 0) &&
+ (dynamic_cast<
+ const parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim, space_dim>
+ *>(&pairs1.begin()->first->get_triangulation()) != nullptr)) ||
+ ((pairs2.size() > 0) &&
+ (dynamic_cast<
+ const parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim, space_dim>
+ *>(&pairs2.begin()->first->get_triangulation()) != nullptr))))
+ Assert(pairs1.size() == pairs2.size(),
+ ExcMessage("Unmatched faces on periodic boundaries"));
Assert(pairs1.size() > 0,
ExcMessage("No new periodic face pairs have been found. "
"of freedom at these vertices have the same "
"value, using the AffineConstraints class."));
- // assert there are no more
- // than two boundary
- // nodes. note that if the
- // space dimension is
- // bigger than 1, then we
- // can have fewer than 2
- // nodes (for example a
- // ring of cells -- no end
- // points at all)
- AssertThrow(((spacedim == 1) && (boundary_nodes == 2)) ||
- (spacedim > 1),
- ExcMessage("The Triangulation has too many end points"));
--- /dev/null
+PROJECT(testsuite CXX)
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create a distributed triangulation without multigrid levels and copy it.
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria_util.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include "./tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+test(int n_refinements, MPI_Comm comm)
+ // create pdt
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pdt(
+ comm,
+ dealii::Triangulation<dim>::none,
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim>::construct_multigrid_hierarchy);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria_pdt);
+ tria_pdt.refine_global(n_refinements);
+ // create instance of pft
+ parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pft(comm);
+ // extract relevant information form serial triangulation
+ auto construction_data = parallel::fullydistributed::Utilities::
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(tria_pdt, comm);
+ // actually create triangulation
+ tria_pft.create_triangulation(construction_data);
+ // test triangulation
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(2);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(tria_pft);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ // print statistics
+ print_statistics(tria_pft);
+ print_statistics(dof_handler);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll all;
+ const MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ const int n_refinements = 8;
+ test<2>(n_refinements, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("3d");
+ const int n_refinements = 4;
+ test<3>(n_refinements, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 65536
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 65536
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 263169
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 263169
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 4096
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 4096
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 35937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 35937
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 9589
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 9589
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 38809
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 38809
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 847
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 847
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 8023
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 8023
+DEAL:1:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells: 9876
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells: 9876
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs: 40126
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 40126
+DEAL:1:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells: 971
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells: 971
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs: 9305
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 9305
+DEAL:2:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells: 9749
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells: 9749
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs: 39513
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 39513
+DEAL:2:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells: 933
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells: 933
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs: 8893
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 8893
+DEAL:3:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells: 9876
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells: 9876
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs: 40158
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 40158
+DEAL:3:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells: 1082
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells: 1082
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs: 10425
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10425
+DEAL:4:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells: 9749
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells: 9749
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs: 39513
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 39513
+DEAL:4:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells: 933
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells: 933
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs: 8893
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 8893
+DEAL:5:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells: 9876
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells: 9876
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs: 40126
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 40126
+DEAL:5:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells: 971
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells: 971
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs: 9305
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 9305
+DEAL:6:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells: 9589
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells: 9589
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs: 38809
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 38809
+DEAL:6:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells: 847
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells: 847
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs: 8023
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 8023
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create a distributed triangulation with multigrid levels and copy it.
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria_util.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include "./tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+test(int n_refinements, const int n_subdivisions, MPI_Comm comm)
+ // create pdt
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pdt(
+ comm,
+ dealii::Triangulation<dim>::none,
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim>::construct_multigrid_hierarchy);
+ GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_cube(tria_pdt, n_subdivisions);
+ tria_pdt.refine_global(n_refinements);
+ // create instance of pft
+ parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pft(comm);
+ // extract relevant information form pdt
+ auto construction_data = parallel::fullydistributed::Utilities::
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(tria_pdt, comm, true);
+ // actually create triangulation
+ tria_pft.create_triangulation(construction_data);
+ // test triangulation
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(2);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(tria_pft);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ dof_handler.distribute_mg_dofs();
+ // print statistics
+ print_statistics(tria_pft, true);
+ print_statistics(dof_handler, true);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll all;
+ const int dim = 2;
+ const MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ const int n_refinements = 3;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 5;
+ test<2>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("3d");
+ const int n_refinements = 3;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 4;
+ test<3>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 2125
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 1600
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=0: 25
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=1: 100
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=2: 400
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=3: 1600
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 1600
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 6561
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 6561
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 121
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 441
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 1681
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 6561
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 121
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 441
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 1681
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 6561
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 37440
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 32768
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=0: 64
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=1: 512
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=2: 4096
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=3: 32768
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 32768
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 274625
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 274625
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 729
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 4913
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 35937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 274625
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 729
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 4913
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 35937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 274625
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 437
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 330
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=0: 9
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=1: 36
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=2: 96
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=3: 296
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 12
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 22
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 296
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 1113
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 1113
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 49
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 169
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 425
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 1257
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 49
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 169
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 425
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 1257
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 8263
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 7234
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=0: 31
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=1: 248
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1176
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=3: 6808
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 101
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 325
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 6808
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 49815
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 49815
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 393
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2521
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 10937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 59385
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 393
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2521
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 10937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 59385
+DEAL:1:2d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells: 566
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells: 428
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=0: 14
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=1: 56
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=2: 132
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=3: 364
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 23
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 41
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 364
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs: 1263
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 1263
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 73
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 257
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 581
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 1549
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 73
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 257
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 581
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 1549
+DEAL:1:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells: 9565
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells: 8374
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells on level=0: 37
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells on level=1: 296
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1416
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells on level=3: 7816
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 119
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 439
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 7816
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs: 54905
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 54905
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 463
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2989
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 13189
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 68597
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 463
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2989
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 13189
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 68597
+DEAL:2:2d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells: 657
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells: 497
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=0: 17
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=1: 68
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=2: 160
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=3: 412
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 28
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 57
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 412
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs: 1368
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 1368
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 89
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 313
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 709
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 1774
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 89
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 313
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 709
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 1774
+DEAL:2:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells: 9081
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells: 7950
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells on level=0: 33
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells on level=1: 264
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1304
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells on level=3: 7480
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 101
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 369
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 7480
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs: 53645
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 53645
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 413
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2665
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 12089
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 65433
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 413
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2665
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 12089
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 65433
+DEAL:3:2d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells: 686
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells: 519
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=0: 18
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=1: 72
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=2: 164
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=3: 432
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 31
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 56
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 432
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs: 1413
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 1413
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 91
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 325
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 717
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 1837
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 91
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 325
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 717
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 1837
+DEAL:3:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells: 10750
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells: 9412
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells on level=0: 46
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells on level=1: 368
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1680
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells on level=3: 8656
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 158
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 598
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 8656
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs: 58265
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 58265
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 561
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 3665
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 15617
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 76129
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 561
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 3665
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 15617
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 76129
+DEAL:4:2d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells: 623
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells: 471
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=0: 15
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=1: 60
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=2: 152
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=3: 396
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 22
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 53
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 396
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs: 1338
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 1338
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 79
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 277
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 673
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 1706
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 79
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 277
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 673
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 1706
+DEAL:4:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells: 9081
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells: 7950
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells on level=0: 33
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells on level=1: 264
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1304
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells on level=3: 7480
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 101
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 369
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 7480
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs: 53645
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 53645
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 413
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2665
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 12089
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 65433
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 413
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2665
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 12089
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 65433
+DEAL:5:2d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells: 582
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells: 440
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=0: 14
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=1: 56
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=2: 140
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=3: 372
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 21
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 47
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 372
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs: 1300
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 1300
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 75
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 261
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 634
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 1610
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 75
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 261
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 634
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 1610
+DEAL:5:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells: 9565
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells: 8374
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells on level=0: 37
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells on level=1: 296
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1416
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells on level=3: 7816
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 119
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 439
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 7816
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs: 54905
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 54905
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 463
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2989
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 13189
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 68597
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 463
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2989
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 13189
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 68597
+DEAL:6:2d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells: 461
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells: 348
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=0: 9
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=1: 36
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=2: 104
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=3: 312
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 10
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 26
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 312
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs: 1161
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 1161
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 51
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 173
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 465
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 1337
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 51
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 173
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 465
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 1337
+DEAL:6:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells: 8263
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells: 7234
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells on level=0: 31
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells on level=1: 248
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1176
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells on level=3: 6808
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 101
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 325
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 6808
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs: 49815
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 49815
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 393
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2521
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 10937
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 59385
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 393
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2521
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 10937
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 59385
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create a serial triangulation and copy it.
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria_util.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include "./tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+test(int n_refinements, MPI_Comm comm)
+ // create serial triangulation
+ Triangulation<dim> basetria;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_L(basetria);
+ basetria.refine_global(n_refinements);
+ GridTools::partition_triangulation_zorder(
+ Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm), basetria);
+ // create instance of pft
+ parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pft(comm);
+ // extract relevant information form serial triangulation
+ auto construction_data = parallel::fullydistributed::Utilities::
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(basetria, comm);
+ // actually create triangulation
+ tria_pft.create_triangulation(construction_data);
+ // test triangulation
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(2);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(tria_pft);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ // print statistics
+ print_statistics(tria_pft);
+ print_statistics(dof_handler);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll all;
+ const int n_refinements = 3;
+ const MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ test<2>(n_refinements, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("3d");
+ test<3>(n_refinements, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 192
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 192
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 833
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 833
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 3584
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 3584
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 31841
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 31841
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 41
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 41
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 193
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 193
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 728
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 728
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 6851
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 6851
+DEAL:1:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells: 54
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells: 54
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs: 251
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 251
+DEAL:1:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells: 721
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells: 721
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs: 6795
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 6795
+DEAL:2:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells: 59
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells: 59
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs: 279
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 279
+DEAL:2:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells: 721
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells: 721
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs: 6795
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 6795
+DEAL:3:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells: 48
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells: 48
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs: 229
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 229
+DEAL:3:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells: 665
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells: 665
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs: 6347
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 6347
+DEAL:4:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells: 51
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells: 51
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs: 248
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 248
+DEAL:4:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells: 721
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells: 721
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs: 6795
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 6795
+DEAL:5:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells: 49
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells: 49
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs: 231
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 231
+DEAL:5:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells: 665
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells: 665
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs: 6347
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 6347
+DEAL:6:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells: 38
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells: 38
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs: 179
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 179
+DEAL:6:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells: 665
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells: 665
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs: 6347
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 6347
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create a serial triangulation with multigrid levels and copy it.
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria_util.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include "./tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+test(int n_refinements, const int n_subdivisions, MPI_Comm comm)
+ // create serial triangulation
+ Triangulation<dim> basetria(
+ Triangulation<dim>::limit_level_difference_at_vertices);
+ GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_cube(basetria, n_subdivisions);
+ basetria.refine_global(n_refinements);
+ GridTools::partition_triangulation_zorder(
+ Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm), basetria);
+ GridTools::partition_multigrid_levels(basetria);
+ // create instance of pft
+ parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pft(comm);
+ // extract relevant information form serial triangulation
+ auto construction_data = parallel::fullydistributed::Utilities::
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(basetria, comm, true);
+ // actually create triangulation
+ tria_pft.create_triangulation(construction_data);
+ // test triangulation
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(2);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(tria_pft);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ dof_handler.distribute_mg_dofs();
+ // print statistics
+ print_statistics(tria_pft, true);
+ print_statistics(dof_handler, true);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll all;
+ const MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ {
+ deallog.push("1d");
+ const int n_refinements = 8;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 8;
+ test<1>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ const int n_refinements = 4;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 8;
+ test<2>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("3d");
+ const int n_refinements = 3;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 4;
+ test<3>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:1d::n_levels: 9
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells: 4088
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells: 2048
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=0: 8
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=1: 16
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=2: 32
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=3: 64
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=4: 128
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=5: 256
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=6: 512
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=7: 1024
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=8: 2048
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=1: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=2: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=3: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=4: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=5: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=6: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=7: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=8: 2048
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs: 4097
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 4097
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=0: 17
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=1: 33
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=2: 65
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=3: 129
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=4: 257
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=5: 513
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=6: 1025
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=7: 2049
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=8: 4097
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 17
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 33
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 65
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 129
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 257
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=5: 513
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=6: 1025
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=7: 2049
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=8: 4097
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 21824
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 16384
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=0: 64
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=1: 256
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=2: 1024
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=3: 4096
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=4: 16384
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 16384
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 66049
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 66049
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 289
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 1089
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 4225
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 16641
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 66049
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 289
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 1089
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 4225
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 16641
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 66049
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 37440
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 32768
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=0: 64
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=1: 512
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=2: 4096
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=3: 32768
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 32768
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 274625
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 274625
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 729
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 4913
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 35937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 274625
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 729
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 4913
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 35937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 274625
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:1d::n_levels: 9
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells: 609
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells: 306
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=0: 3
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=1: 6
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=2: 8
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=3: 12
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=4: 22
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=5: 40
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=6: 76
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=7: 148
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells on level=8: 294
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=1: 2
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=2: 2
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=3: 1
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=5: 2
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=6: 2
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=7: 1
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells on level=8: 294
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs: 587
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 587
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=2: 17
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=3: 25
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=4: 45
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=5: 81
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=6: 153
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=7: 297
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs on level=8: 589
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 17
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 25
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 45
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=5: 81
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=6: 153
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=7: 297
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=8: 589
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 3570
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 2682
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=0: 18
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=1: 72
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=2: 208
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=3: 704
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=4: 2568
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 20
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 32
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 62
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2568
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 10041
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10041
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 91
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 325
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 897
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 2937
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 10505
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 91
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 325
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 897
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 2937
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 10505
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 8263
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 7234
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=0: 31
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=1: 248
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1176
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells on level=3: 6808
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 101
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 325
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 6808
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 49815
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 49815
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 393
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2521
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 10937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 59385
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 393
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2521
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 10937
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 59385
+DEAL:1:1d::n_levels: 9
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells: 627
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells: 315
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=0: 3
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=1: 6
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=2: 8
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=3: 14
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=4: 24
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=5: 42
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=6: 80
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=7: 152
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells on level=8: 298
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=1: 2
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=2: 1
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=3: 2
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=4: 3
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=5: 2
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=6: 4
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=7: 3
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells on level=8: 298
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs: 593
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 593
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=2: 17
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=3: 29
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=5: 85
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=6: 161
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs on level=8: 597
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 17
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 29
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=5: 85
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=6: 161
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=8: 597
+DEAL:1:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells: 4142
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells: 3113
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=0: 26
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=1: 104
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=2: 284
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=3: 860
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=4: 2868
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 33
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 69
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 143
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2868
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs: 10718
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10718
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 129
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 465
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 1225
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 3609
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 11802
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 129
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 465
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 1225
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 3609
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 11802
+DEAL:1:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells: 9565
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells: 8374
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells on level=0: 37
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells on level=1: 296
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1416
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells on level=3: 7816
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 119
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 439
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 7816
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs: 54905
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 54905
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 463
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2989
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 13189
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 68597
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 463
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2989
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 13189
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 68597
+DEAL:2:1d::n_levels: 9
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells: 623
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells: 313
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=0: 3
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=1: 6
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=2: 8
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=3: 14
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=4: 24
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=5: 42
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=6: 78
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=7: 152
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells on level=8: 296
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=1: 2
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=2: 1
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=3: 2
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=4: 3
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=5: 3
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=6: 2
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=7: 4
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells on level=8: 296
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs: 589
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 589
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=2: 17
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=3: 29
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=5: 85
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=6: 157
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs on level=8: 593
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 17
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 29
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=5: 85
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=6: 157
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=8: 593
+DEAL:2:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells: 3870
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells: 2908
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=0: 22
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=1: 88
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=2: 248
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=3: 784
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=4: 2728
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 26
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 52
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 102
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2728
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs: 10393
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10393
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 109
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 393
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 1065
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 3273
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 11177
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 109
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 393
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 1065
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 3273
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 11177
+DEAL:2:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells: 9081
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells: 7950
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells on level=0: 33
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells on level=1: 264
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1304
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells on level=3: 7480
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 101
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 369
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 7480
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs: 53645
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 53645
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 413
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2665
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 12089
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 65433
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 413
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2665
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 12089
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 65433
+DEAL:3:1d::n_levels: 9
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells: 631
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells: 317
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=0: 3
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=1: 6
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=2: 10
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=3: 16
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=4: 24
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=5: 44
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=6: 80
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=7: 152
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells on level=8: 296
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=1: 1
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=2: 2
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=3: 4
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=5: 4
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=6: 4
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=7: 4
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells on level=8: 296
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs: 589
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 589
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=2: 21
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=3: 33
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=5: 89
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=6: 161
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs on level=8: 593
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 21
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 33
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=5: 89
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=6: 161
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=8: 593
+DEAL:3:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells: 4177
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells: 3140
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=0: 29
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=1: 116
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=2: 296
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=3: 864
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=4: 2872
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 42
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 80
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 146
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2872
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs: 10750
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10750
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 145
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 521
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 1290
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 3642
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 11834
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 145
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 521
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 1290
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 3642
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 11834
+DEAL:3:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells: 10750
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells: 9412
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells on level=0: 46
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells on level=1: 368
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1680
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells on level=3: 8656
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 158
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 598
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 8656
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs: 58265
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 58265
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 561
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 3665
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 15617
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 76129
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 561
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 3665
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 15617
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 76129
+DEAL:4:1d::n_levels: 9
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells: 625
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells: 314
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=0: 3
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=1: 6
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=2: 10
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=3: 14
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=4: 24
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=5: 42
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=6: 78
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=7: 152
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells on level=8: 296
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=1: 1
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=2: 3
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=3: 2
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=4: 3
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=5: 3
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=6: 2
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=7: 4
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells on level=8: 296
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs: 589
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 589
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=2: 21
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=3: 29
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=5: 85
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=6: 157
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs on level=8: 593
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 21
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 29
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=5: 85
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=6: 157
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=8: 593
+DEAL:4:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells: 3870
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells: 2908
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=0: 22
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=1: 88
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=2: 248
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=3: 784
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=4: 2728
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 26
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 52
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 102
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2728
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs: 10393
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10393
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 109
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 393
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 1065
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 3273
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 11177
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 109
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 393
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 1065
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 3273
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 11177
+DEAL:4:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells: 9081
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells: 7950
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells on level=0: 33
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells on level=1: 264
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1304
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells on level=3: 7480
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 101
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 369
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 7480
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs: 53645
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 53645
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 413
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2665
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 12089
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 65433
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 413
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2665
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 12089
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 65433
+DEAL:5:1d::n_levels: 9
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells: 631
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells: 317
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=0: 3
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=1: 6
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=2: 10
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=3: 16
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=4: 24
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=5: 42
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=6: 80
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=7: 152
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells on level=8: 298
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=1: 1
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=2: 2
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=3: 4
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=4: 3
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=5: 2
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=6: 4
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=7: 3
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells on level=8: 298
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs: 593
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 593
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=2: 21
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=3: 33
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=5: 85
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=6: 161
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs on level=8: 597
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 7
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 13
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 21
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 33
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 49
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=5: 85
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=6: 161
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=7: 305
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=8: 597
+DEAL:5:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells: 4146
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells: 3116
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=0: 26
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=1: 104
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=2: 288
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=3: 860
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=4: 2868
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 32
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 73
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 143
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2868
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs: 10718
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10718
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 129
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 465
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 1241
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 3609
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 11802
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 129
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 465
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 1241
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 3609
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 11802
+DEAL:5:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells: 9565
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells: 8374
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells on level=0: 37
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells on level=1: 296
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1416
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells on level=3: 7816
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 119
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 439
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 7816
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs: 54905
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 54905
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 463
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2989
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 13189
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 68597
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 463
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2989
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 13189
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 68597
+DEAL:6:1d::n_levels: 9
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells: 606
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells: 304
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=0: 2
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=1: 4
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=2: 8
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=3: 12
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=4: 22
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=5: 40
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=6: 76
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=7: 148
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells on level=8: 294
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=1: 0
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=2: 2
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=3: 1
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=5: 2
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=6: 2
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=7: 1
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells on level=8: 294
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs: 587
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 587
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=0: 5
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=1: 9
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=2: 17
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=3: 25
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=4: 45
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=5: 81
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=6: 153
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=7: 297
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs on level=8: 589
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 5
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 9
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 17
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 25
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 45
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=5: 81
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=6: 153
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=7: 297
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=8: 589
+DEAL:6:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells: 3565
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells: 2678
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=0: 17
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=1: 68
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=2: 208
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=3: 704
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=4: 2568
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 16
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 32
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 62
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 2568
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs: 10041
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10041
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 87
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 309
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 897
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 2937
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 10505
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 87
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 309
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 897
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 2937
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 10505
+DEAL:6:3d::n_levels: 4
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells: 8263
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells: 7234
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells on level=0: 31
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells on level=1: 248
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells on level=2: 1176
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells on level=3: 6808
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells on level=1: 101
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells on level=2: 325
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells on level=3: 6808
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs: 49815
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 49815
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs on level=0: 393
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs on level=1: 2521
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs on level=2: 10937
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs on level=3: 59385
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 393
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 2521
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 10937
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 59385
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create a serial triangulation with manifold and hanging nodes and copy it.
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria_util.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include "./tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+test(int n_refinements, const int n_subdivisions, MPI_Comm comm)
+ // create serial triangulation
+ Triangulation<dim> basetria(
+ Triangulation<dim>::limit_level_difference_at_vertices);
+ const Point<dim> center(1, 0);
+ const double inner_radius = 0.5, outer_radius = 1.0;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_shell(
+ basetria, center, inner_radius, outer_radius, n_subdivisions);
+ // basetria.reset_all_manifolds ();
+ for (int step = 0; step < n_refinements; ++step)
+ {
+ for (auto &cell : basetria.active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ // if(cell->is_locally_owned ())
+ for (unsigned int v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ {
+ const double distance_from_center =
+ center.distance(cell->vertex(v));
+ if (std::fabs(distance_from_center - inner_radius) < 1e-10)
+ {
+ cell->set_refine_flag();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ basetria.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ }
+ GridTools::partition_triangulation_zorder(
+ Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm), basetria);
+ // if(n_refinements!=0)
+ GridTools::partition_multigrid_levels(basetria);
+ // create instance of pft
+ parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pft(comm);
+ tria_pft.set_manifold(0, SphericalManifold<dim>(center));
+ // extract relevant information form pdt
+ auto construction_data = parallel::fullydistributed::Utilities::
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(basetria, comm, true);
+ // actually create triangulation
+ tria_pft.create_triangulation(construction_data);
+ // test triangulation
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(2);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(tria_pft);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ dof_handler.distribute_mg_dofs();
+ // print statistics
+ print_statistics(tria_pft, true);
+ print_statistics(dof_handler, true);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll all;
+ const MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ const int n_refinements = 4;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 8;
+ test<2>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 488
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 368
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=0: 8
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=1: 32
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=2: 64
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=3: 128
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=4: 256
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 16
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 32
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 64
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 256
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 1840
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 1840
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 48
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 160
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 320
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 640
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 1280
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 48
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 160
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 320
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 640
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 1280
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 108
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 82
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=0: 4
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=1: 16
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=2: 20
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=3: 28
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells on level=4: 40
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 11
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 13
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 18
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 40
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 331
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 331
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 27
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 85
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 105
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 145
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 205
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 27
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 85
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 105
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 145
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 205
+DEAL:1:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells: 145
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells: 110
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=0: 5
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=1: 20
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=2: 28
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=3: 36
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells on level=4: 56
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 13
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 19
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 22
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 56
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs: 424
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 424
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 33
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 105
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 150
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 190
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 290
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 33
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 105
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 150
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 190
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 290
+DEAL:2:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells: 137
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells: 104
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=0: 5
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=1: 20
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=2: 24
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=3: 36
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells on level=4: 52
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 14
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 15
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 23
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 52
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs: 405
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 405
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 33
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 105
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 130
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 190
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 270
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 33
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 105
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 130
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 190
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 270
+DEAL:3:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells: 107
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells: 81
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=0: 3
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=1: 12
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=2: 20
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=3: 28
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells on level=4: 44
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 7
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 13
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 17
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 44
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs: 338
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 338
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 21
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 65
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 105
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 145
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 225
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 21
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 65
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 105
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 145
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 225
+DEAL:4:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells: 141
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells: 107
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=0: 5
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=1: 20
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=2: 28
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=3: 36
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells on level=4: 52
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 13
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 19
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 23
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 52
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs: 392
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 392
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 33
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 105
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 150
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 190
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 270
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 33
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 105
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 150
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 190
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 270
+DEAL:5:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells: 145
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells: 110
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=0: 5
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=1: 20
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=2: 28
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=3: 40
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells on level=4: 52
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 13
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 18
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 27
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 52
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs: 391
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 391
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 33
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 105
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 150
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 210
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 270
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 33
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 105
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 150
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 210
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 270
+DEAL:6:2d::n_levels: 5
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells: 111
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells: 84
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=0: 3
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=1: 12
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=2: 20
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=3: 28
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells on level=4: 48
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=0: 0
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=1: 7
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=2: 13
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=3: 16
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells on level=4: 48
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs: 346
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 346
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=0: 21
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=1: 65
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=2: 105
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=3: 145
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs on level=4: 245
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=0: 21
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=1: 65
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=2: 105
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=3: 145
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=4: 245
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create a serial triangulation with periodic face in x-direction and copy it.
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria_util.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include "./tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+test(const int n_refinements, const int n_subdivisions, MPI_Comm comm)
+ const double left = 0;
+ const double right = 1;
+ auto add_periodicy = [&](dealii::Triangulation<dim> &tria) {
+ std::vector<
+ GridTools::PeriodicFacePair<typename Triangulation<dim>::cell_iterator>>
+ periodic_faces;
+ auto cell = tria.begin();
+ auto endc = tria.end();
+ for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
+ for (unsigned int face_number = 0;
+ face_number < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++face_number)
+ if (std::fabs(cell->face(face_number)->center()(0) - left) < 1e-12)
+ cell->face(face_number)->set_all_boundary_ids(1);
+ else if (std::fabs(cell->face(face_number)->center()(0) - right) <
+ 1e-12)
+ cell->face(face_number)->set_all_boundary_ids(2);
+ GridTools::collect_periodic_faces(tria, 1, 2, 0, periodic_faces);
+ tria.add_periodicity(periodic_faces);
+ };
+ // create serial triangulation
+ Triangulation<dim> basetria;
+ GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_cube(basetria, n_subdivisions);
+ // new: add periodicy on serial mesh
+ add_periodicy(basetria);
+ basetria.refine_global(n_refinements);
+ GridTools::partition_triangulation_zorder(
+ Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm), basetria);
+ // create instance of pft
+ parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pft(comm);
+ // extract relevant information form serial triangulation
+ auto construction_data = parallel::fullydistributed::Utilities::
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(basetria, comm);
+ // actually create triangulation
+ tria_pft.create_triangulation(construction_data);
+ // new: add periodicy on fullydistributed mesh (!!!)
+ add_periodicy(tria_pft);
+ // test triangulation
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(2);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(tria_pft);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ // print statistics
+ print_statistics(tria_pft);
+ print_statistics(dof_handler);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll all;
+ const MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ {
+ deallog.push("1d");
+ const int n_refinements = 4;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 8;
+ test<1>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ const int n_refinements = 4;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 8;
+ test<2>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ const int n_refinements = 3;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 4;
+ test<3>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells: 128
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells: 128
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs: 257
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 257
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 16384
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 16384
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 66049
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 66049
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 32768
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 32768
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 274625
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 274625
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells: 20
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells: 20
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs: 42
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 42
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 2502
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 2502
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 10338
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10338
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 5968
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 5968
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 53441
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 53441
+DEAL:1:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells: 20
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells: 20
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs: 41
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 41
+DEAL:1:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells: 2618
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells: 2618
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs: 10829
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10829
+DEAL:1:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells: 6556
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells: 6556
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs: 59555
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 59555
+DEAL:2:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells: 20
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells: 20
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs: 41
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 41
+DEAL:2:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells: 2566
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells: 2566
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs: 10594
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10594
+DEAL:2:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells: 6304
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells: 6304
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs: 56601
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 56601
+DEAL:3:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells: 22
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells: 22
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs: 45
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 45
+DEAL:3:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells: 2668
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells: 2668
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs: 11134
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 11134
+DEAL:3:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells: 6968
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells: 6968
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs: 63785
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 63785
+DEAL:4:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells: 20
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells: 20
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs: 41
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 41
+DEAL:4:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells: 2566
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells: 2566
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs: 10594
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10594
+DEAL:4:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells: 6304
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells: 6304
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs: 56601
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 56601
+DEAL:5:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells: 20
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells: 20
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs: 41
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 41
+DEAL:5:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells: 2618
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells: 2618
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs: 10829
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10829
+DEAL:5:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells: 6556
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells: 6556
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs: 59555
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 59555
+DEAL:6:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells: 20
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells: 20
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs: 42
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 42
+DEAL:6:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells: 2502
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells: 2502
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs: 10338
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 10338
+DEAL:6:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells: 5968
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells: 5968
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs: 53441
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 53441
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create a serial triangulation with a few cells (so that there are processes
+// which do not get any cells) and copy it.
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria_util.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include "./tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+test(int n_refinements, const int n_subdivisions, MPI_Comm comm)
+ // create create serial triangulation
+ Triangulation<dim> basetria(
+ Triangulation<dim>::limit_level_difference_at_vertices);
+ GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_cube(basetria, n_subdivisions);
+ basetria.refine_global(n_refinements);
+ GridTools::partition_triangulation_zorder(
+ Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm), basetria);
+ GridTools::partition_multigrid_levels(basetria);
+ // create instance of pft
+ parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pft(comm);
+ // extract relevant information form serial triangulation
+ auto construction_data = parallel::fullydistributed::Utilities::
+ create_construction_data_from_triangulation(basetria, comm, true);
+ // actually create triangulation
+ tria_pft.create_triangulation(construction_data);
+ // test triangulation
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(2);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(tria_pft);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ dof_handler.distribute_mg_dofs();
+ // print statistics
+ print_statistics(tria_pft);
+ print_statistics(dof_handler);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll all;
+ const MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ {
+ deallog.push("1d");
+ const int n_refinements = 1;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 1;
+ test<1>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ const int n_refinements = 1;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 1;
+ test<2>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
+ {
+ deallog.push("3d");
+ const int n_refinements = 1;
+ const int n_subdivisions = 1;
+ test<3>(n_refinements, n_subdivisions, comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:1d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:0:1d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:0:1d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:0:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:0:2d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:0:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:0:3d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:0:3d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:0:3d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:0:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:1:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:1d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:1:1d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:1:1d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:1:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:1:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:1:2d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:1:2d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:1:2d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:1:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:1:3d::n_levels: 2
+DEAL:1:3d::n_cells: 9
+DEAL:1:3d::n_active_cells: 8
+DEAL:1:3d::n_dofs: 125
+DEAL:1:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 125
+DEAL:2:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:1d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:2:1d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:2:1d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:2:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:2:2d::n_levels: 2
+DEAL:2:2d::n_cells: 5
+DEAL:2:2d::n_active_cells: 4
+DEAL:2:2d::n_dofs: 25
+DEAL:2:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 25
+DEAL:2:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:2:3d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:2:3d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:2:3d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:2:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:3:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:1d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:3:1d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:3:1d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:3:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:3:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:2d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:3:2d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:3:2d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:3:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:3:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:3:3d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:3:3d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:3:3d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:3:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:4:1d::n_levels: 2
+DEAL:4:1d::n_cells: 3
+DEAL:4:1d::n_active_cells: 2
+DEAL:4:1d::n_dofs: 5
+DEAL:4:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 5
+DEAL:4:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:2d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:4:2d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:4:2d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:4:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:4:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:4:3d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:4:3d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:4:3d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:4:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:5:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:1d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:5:1d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:5:1d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:5:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:5:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:2d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:5:2d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:5:2d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:5:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:5:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:5:3d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:5:3d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:5:3d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:5:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:6:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:1d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:6:1d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:6:1d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:6:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:6:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:2d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:6:2d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:6:2d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:6:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:6:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:6:3d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:6:3d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:6:3d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:6:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:7:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:7:1d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:7:1d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:7:1d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:7:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:7:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:7:2d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:7:2d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:7:2d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:7:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:7:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:7:3d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:7:3d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:7:3d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:7:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:8:1d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:8:1d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:8:1d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:8:1d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:8:1d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:8:2d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:8:2d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:8:2d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:8:2d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:8:2d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
+DEAL:8:3d::n_levels: 1
+DEAL:8:3d::n_cells: 1
+DEAL:8:3d::n_active_cells: 1
+DEAL:8:3d::n_dofs: 0
+DEAL:8:3d::n_locally_owned_dofs: 0
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii_fully_distributed_tests_h
+#define dealii_fully_distributed_tests_h
+#include "../tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ const parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
+ bool do_mg = false)
+ deallog << "n_levels: " << tria.n_levels() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "n_cells: " << tria.n_cells() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "n_active_cells: " << tria.n_active_cells()
+ << std::endl;
+ if (do_mg)
+ {
+ for (auto level = 0u; level < tria.n_levels(); level++)
+ deallog << "n_cells on level=" << level << ": "
+ << tria.n_cells(level) << std::endl;
+ for (auto level = 0u; level < tria.n_levels(); level++)
+ deallog << "n_active_cells on level=" << level << ": "
+ << tria.n_active_cells(level) << std::endl;
+ }
+ deallog << std::endl;
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+print_statistics(const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &dof_handler,
+ bool do_mg = false)
+ deallog << "n_dofs: " << dof_handler.n_dofs()
+ << std::endl;
+ deallog << "n_locally_owned_dofs: "
+ << dof_handler.n_locally_owned_dofs() << std::endl;
+ const auto n_levels = dof_handler.get_triangulation().n_levels();
+ if (do_mg)
+ {
+ for (auto level = 0u; level < n_levels; level++)
+ deallog << "n_dofs on level=" << level << ": "
+ << dof_handler.n_dofs(level) << std::endl;
+ for (auto level = 0u; level < n_levels; level++)
+ deallog << "n_locally_owned_mg_dofs on level=" << level << ": "
+ << dof_handler.locally_owned_mg_dofs(level).n_elements()
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ deallog << std::endl;