This class represents the (tangential) derivatives of a function
- \f f: ${\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}} \rightarrow {\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}\f$.
+ $ f: {\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}} \rightarrow {\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}$.
Such functions are always used to map the reference dim-dimensional
cell into spacedim-dimensional space.
For such objects, the first derivative of the function is a linear map from
- \f${\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}}\f$ to \f${\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}\f$,
+ ${\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}}$ to ${\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}$,
the second derivative a bilinear map
- from \f${\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}} \times {\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}}\f$
- to \f${\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}\f$ and so on.
+ from ${\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}} \times {\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}}$
+ to ${\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}$ and so on.
In deal.II we represent these derivaties using objects of
type DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim>, DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> and so on.
@author Sebastian Pauletti, 2011
* Assignment operator.
DerivativeForm & operator = (const Tensor<2,dim> &);
* Assignment operator.
Computes the volume element associated with the
jacobian of the tranformation F.
- That is to say if \f$DF\f$ is square, it computes
- \f$\det(DF)\f$, in case DF is not square returns
- \f$\sqrt(\det(DF^{t} * DF))\f$.
+ That is to say if $DF$ is square, it computes
+ $\det(DF)$, in case DF is not square returns
+ $\sqrt(\det(DF^{t} * DF))$.
double determinant () const;
Assuming (*this) stores the jacobian of
the mapping F, it computes its covariant
- matrix, namely \f$DF*G^{-1}\f$, where
- \f$G = DF^{t}*DF\f$.
+ matrix, namely $DF*G^{-1}$, where
+ $G = DF^{t}*DF$.
If $DF$ is square, covariant from
- gives \f$DF^{-t}\f$.
+ gives $DF^{-t}$.
DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim> covariant_form() const;
* Determine an estimate for the
* memory consumption (in bytes)
* of this object.
static std::size_t memory_consumption ();
* Exception.
<< "Invalid DerivativeForm index " << arg1);
/** Auxiliary function that computes
(*this) * T^{t} */
Tensor<order,dim> tensor[spacedim];
Assert( (dim == spacedim) && (order==1),
ExcMessage("Only allowed for square tensors."));
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
(*this)[j] = T[j];
Assert( (dim == spacedim) && (order==1),
ExcMessage("Only allowed for square tensors."));
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
(*this)[j] = ta[j];
return *this;
Assert( (1 == spacedim) && (order==1),
ExcMessage("Only allowed for spacedim==1 and order==1."));
(*this)[0] = T;
return *this;
ExcMessage("Only allowed for spacedim==1."));
return (*this)[0];
ExcMessage("Only allowed for square tensors."));
Tensor<2,dim> t;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
t[j] = (*this)[j];
return t;
Assert(order==1, ExcMessage("Only for rectangular DerivativeForm."));
DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> tt;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
tt[j][i] = (*this)[i][j];
return tt;
G[i][j] = DF_t[i] * DF_t[j];
return ( sqrt(dealii::determinant(G)) );
DerivativeForm<order,dim,spacedim>::covariant_form() const
if (dim == spacedim)
Tensor<2,dim> DF_t (dealii::transpose(invert( (Tensor<2,dim>)(*this) )));
DerivativeForm<1,dim, spacedim> result = DF_t;
DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> DF_t = this->transpose();
Tensor<2, dim> G; //First fundamental form
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
G[i][j] = DF_t[i] * DF_t[j];
return (this->times_T_t(invert(G)));
One of the uses of DerivativeForm is to apply it as a transformation.
This is what this function does.
- If @pT is DerivativeForm<1,dim,1> it computes $DF * T$,
- if @pT is DerivativeForm<1,dim,rank> it computes $T*DF^{t}$.
+ If @p T is DerivativeForm<1,dim,1> it computes $DF * T$,
+ if @p T is DerivativeForm<1,dim,rank> it computes $T*DF^{t}$.
@relates DerivativeForm
@author Sebastian Pauletti, 2011
template <int spacedim, int dim>
-Tensor<1, spacedim>
+Tensor<1, spacedim>
apply_transformation (const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF,
const Tensor<1,dim> &T)
template <int spacedim, int dim>
-DerivativeForm<1, spacedim, dim>
+DerivativeForm<1, spacedim, dim>
apply_transformation (const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF,
const Tensor<2,dim> &T)
DerivativeForm<1, spacedim, dim> dest;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
dest[i] = apply_transformation(DF, T[i]);
const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF2)
Tensor<2, spacedim> dest;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
dest[i] = apply_transformation(DF1, DF2[i]);
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-transpose (const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF)
+transpose (const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF)
DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> tt;
tt = DF.transpose();