--- /dev/null
+# call this script with a list of files it shall process for
+# class and struct declarations.
+#fill list of files to be processed
+while ($ARGV[0]) {
+ @input_files = (@input_files, shift);
+foreach $file (@input_files) {
+ parse_class_declarations ($file);
+sub parse_class_declarations {
+ local ($filename) = $_[0];
+ open (FILE, $filename);
+ while (<FILE>) {
+ # if the lines contains a "template" at the
+ # beginning and no semicolon at the end: join it
+ # with the next line.
+ if ( /^\s*template/ && !/;\s*$/ ) {
+ s/\n//;
+ $_ = $_ . " " . <FILE>;
+ }
+ if ( /^\s*((template\s*<(([-\w,_\s]|<([-\w_,+\s])+>)+)>\s*)?(class|struct))(.*)/ ) {
+ # this is the declaration of a class, possibly a template
+ $basepart = $1;
+ $rest = $7;
+ # test whether it is a forward declaration or something else.
+ # $rest contains the name of the class and what comes after that
+ #
+ # first extract the name of the class
+ $rest =~ /([\w_]+(\s*<(([-\w,_\s]|<([-\w,+\s])+>)+)>)?)(.*)/;
+ $name = $1;
+ $rest = $6;
+ # we look for declarations, where after the name comes a colon
+ # or an open-brace
+ if ($rest =~ /^\s*[:\{;]/) {
+# print "$_";
+ print "$basepart $name;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }