<a name="Results"></a>
+The results of this program are not particularly spectacular. They
+consist of the console output, some grid files, and the solution on
+the finest grid. First for the console output:
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 256
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 289
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 643
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 785
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 1618
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1915
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 4090
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 4800
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 10324
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 11943
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 26002
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 30035
+Cycle 6:
+ Number of active cells: 65395
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 75396
+Cycle 7:
+ Number of active cells: 65395
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 75396
+As can be seen, quite a number of cells is used on the finest level to
+resolve the features of the solution. The final grid showing this is
+displayed in the following picture:
+<p align="center">
+ <img src="step-9.data/final-grid.gif" alt="final grid" width="75%">
+The structure of the grid will be understandable by looking at the
+solution itself:
+<p align="center">
+ <img src="step-9.data/final-solution.jpeg" alt="final solution" width="50%">
+Note that the solution is created by that part that is transported
+along the wiggled advection field from the left and lower boundaries
+to the top right, and the part that is created by the source in the
+lower left corner, and the results of which are also transported
+along. The grid shown above is well-adapted to resolve these
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