const Point<spacedim> &p);
- * @deprecated This function might
- * be acceptable to find a patch
- * around a single vertex, but it
- * wastes resources creating
- * patches around all vertices. The
- * function may fail on
- * anisotropic meshes, and an easy
- * fix is not obvious. Therefore,
- * it should be replaced by a
- * function which computes all
- * active vertex patches by looping
- * over cells.
- *
* Find and return a vector of
* iterators to active cells that
* surround a given vertex with index @p vertex_index.
* always be either a vertex of a cell or be
* a hanging node located on a face or an
* edge of it.
+ *
+ * @note It isn't entirely clear at this time whether the function
+ * does the right thing with anisotropically refined meshes. It needs
+ * to be checked for this case.
template<int dim, template <int, int> class Container, int spacedim>
std::vector<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>
find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex (const Container<dim,spacedim> &container,
- const unsigned int vertex_index) DEAL_II_DEPRECATED;
+ const unsigned int vertex_index);