--- /dev/null
+/* Author: Giuseppe Orlando, 2022. */
+// We start by including all the necessary deal.II header files and some C++
+// related ones.
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/multithread_info.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/thread_management.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/work_stream.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/parallel.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/conditional_ostream.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/solver_cg.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/precondition.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/solver_gmres.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_refinement.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/grid_refinement.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_dgq.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_system.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/matrix_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <deal.II/matrix_free/matrix_free.h>
+#include <deal.II/matrix_free/operators.h>
+#include <deal.II/matrix_free/fe_evaluation.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/component_mask.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/timer.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/solution_transfer.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/error_estimator.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/multigrid.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_transfer_matrix_free.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_coarse.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_smoother.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/meshworker/mesh_loop.h>
+#include "runtime_parameters.h"
+#include "equation_data.h"
+// We include the code in a suitable namespace:
+namespace NS_TRBDF2 {
+ using namespace dealii;
+ // The following class is an auxiliary one for post-processing of the vorticity
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ class PostprocessorVorticity: public DataPostprocessor<dim> {
+ public:
+ virtual void evaluate_vector_field(const DataPostprocessorInputs::Vector<dim>& inputs,
+ std::vector<Vector<double>>& computed_quantities) const override;
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> get_names() const override;
+ virtual std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>
+ get_data_component_interpretation() const override;
+ virtual UpdateFlags get_needed_update_flags() const override;
+ };
+ // This function evaluates the vorticty in both 2D and 3D cases
+ //
+ template <int dim>
+ void PostprocessorVorticity<dim>::evaluate_vector_field(const DataPostprocessorInputs::Vector<dim>& inputs,
+ std::vector<Vector<double>>& computed_quantities) const {
+ const unsigned int n_quadrature_points = inputs.solution_values.size();
+ /*--- Check the correctness of all data structres ---*/
+ Assert(inputs.solution_gradients.size() == n_quadrature_points, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(computed_quantities.size() == n_quadrature_points, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(inputs.solution_values[0].size() == dim, ExcInternalError());
+ if(dim == 2) {
+ Assert(computed_quantities[0].size() == 1, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ else {
+ Assert(computed_quantities[0].size() == dim, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ /*--- Compute the vorticty ---*/
+ if(dim == 2) {
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < n_quadrature_points; ++q)
+ computed_quantities[q](0) = inputs.solution_gradients[q][1][0] - inputs.solution_gradients[q][0][1];
+ }
+ else {
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < n_quadrature_points; ++q) {
+ computed_quantities[q](0) = inputs.solution_gradients[q][2][1] - inputs.solution_gradients[q][1][2];
+ computed_quantities[q](1) = inputs.solution_gradients[q][0][2] - inputs.solution_gradients[q][2][0];
+ computed_quantities[q](2) = inputs.solution_gradients[q][1][0] - inputs.solution_gradients[q][0][1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This auxiliary function is required by the base class DataProcessor and simply
+ // sets the name for the output file
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ std::vector<std::string> PostprocessorVorticity<dim>::get_names() const {
+ std::vector<std::string> names;
+ names.emplace_back("vorticity");
+ if(dim == 3) {
+ names.emplace_back("vorticity");
+ names.emplace_back("vorticity");
+ }
+ return names;
+ }
+ // This auxiliary function is required by the base class DataProcessor and simply
+ // specifies if the vorticity is a scalar (2D) or a vector (3D)
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>
+ PostprocessorVorticity<dim>::get_data_component_interpretation() const {
+ std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation> interpretation;
+ if(dim == 2)
+ interpretation.push_back(DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_scalar);
+ else {
+ interpretation.push_back(DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_part_of_vector);
+ interpretation.push_back(DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_part_of_vector);
+ interpretation.push_back(DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_part_of_vector);
+ }
+ return interpretation;
+ }
+ // This auxiliary function is required by the base class DataProcessor and simply
+ // sets which variables have to updated (only the gradients)
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ UpdateFlags PostprocessorVorticity<dim>::get_needed_update_flags() const {
+ return update_gradients;
+ }
+ // The following structs are auxiliary objects for mesh refinement. ScratchData simply sets
+ // the FEValues object
+ //
+ template <int dim>
+ struct ScratchData {
+ ScratchData(const FiniteElement<dim>& fe,
+ const unsigned int quadrature_degree,
+ const UpdateFlags update_flags): fe_values(fe, QGauss<dim>(quadrature_degree), update_flags) {}
+ ScratchData(const ScratchData<dim>& scratch_data): fe_values(scratch_data.fe_values.get_fe(),
+ scratch_data.fe_values.get_quadrature(),
+ scratch_data.fe_values.get_update_flags()) {}
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values;
+ };
+ // CopyData simply sets the cell index
+ //
+ struct CopyData {
+ CopyData() : cell_index(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int), value(0.0) {}
+ CopyData(const CopyData &) = default;
+ unsigned int cell_index;
+ double value;
+ };
+ // @sect{ <code>NavierStokesProjectionOperator::NavierStokesProjectionOperator</code> }
+ // The following class sets effecively the weak formulation of the problems for the different stages
+ // and for both velocity and pressure.
+ // The template parameters are the dimnesion of the problem, the polynomial degree for the pressure,
+ // the polynomial degree for the velocity, the number of quadrature points for integrals for the pressure step,
+ // the number of quadrature points for integrals for the velocity step, the type of vector for storage and the type
+ // of floating point data (in general double or float for preconditioners structures if desired).
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ class NavierStokesProjectionOperator: public MatrixFreeOperators::Base<dim, Vec> {
+ public:
+ NavierStokesProjectionOperator();
+ NavierStokesProjectionOperator(RunTimeParameters::Data_Storage& data);
+ void set_dt(const double time_step);
+ void set_TR_BDF2_stage(const unsigned int stage);
+ void set_NS_stage(const unsigned int stage);
+ void set_u_extr(const Vec& src);
+ void vmult_rhs_velocity(Vec& dst, const std::vector<Vec>& src) const;
+ void vmult_rhs_pressure(Vec& dst, const std::vector<Vec>& src) const;
+ void vmult_grad_p_projection(Vec& dst, const Vec& src) const;
+ virtual void compute_diagonal() override;
+ protected:
+ double Re;
+ double dt;
+ /*--- Parameters of time-marching scheme ---*/
+ double gamma;
+ double a31;
+ double a32;
+ double a33;
+ unsigned int TR_BDF2_stage; /*--- Flag to denote at which stage of the TR-BDF2 are ---*/
+ unsigned int NS_stage; /*--- Flag to denote at which stage of NS solution inside each TR-BDF2 stage we are
+ (solution of the velocity or of the pressure)---*/
+ virtual void apply_add(Vec& dst, const Vec& src) const override;
+ private:
+ /*--- Auxiliary variable for the TR stage
+ (just to avoid to report a lot of 0.5 and for my personal choice to be coherent with the article) ---*/
+ const double a21 = 0.5;
+ const double a22 = 0.5;
+ /*--- Penalty method parameters, theta = 1 means SIP, while C_p and C_u are the penalization coefficients ---*/
+ const double theta_v = 1.0;
+ const double theta_p = 1.0;
+ const double C_p = 1.0*(fe_degree_p + 1)*(fe_degree_p + 1);
+ const double C_u = 1.0*(fe_degree_v + 1)*(fe_degree_v + 1);
+ Vec u_extr; /*--- Auxiliary variable to update the extrapolated velocity ---*/
+ EquationData::Velocity<dim> vel_boundary_inflow; /*--- Auxiliary variable to impose velocity boundary conditions ---*/
+ /*--- The following functions basically assemble the linear and bilinear forms. Their syntax is due to
+ the base class MatrixFreeOperators::Base ---*/
+ void assemble_rhs_cell_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const;
+ void assemble_rhs_face_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_rhs_boundary_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_rhs_cell_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const;
+ void assemble_rhs_face_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_rhs_boundary_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_cell_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const;
+ void assemble_face_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_boundary_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_cell_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const;
+ void assemble_face_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_boundary_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_cell_term_projection_grad_p(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const;
+ void assemble_rhs_cell_term_projection_grad_p(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const;
+ void assemble_diagonal_cell_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const;
+ void assemble_diagonal_face_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_diagonal_boundary_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_diagonal_cell_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const;
+ void assemble_diagonal_face_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ void assemble_diagonal_boundary_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const;
+ };
+ // We start with the default constructor. It is important for MultiGrid, so it is fundamental
+ // to properly set the parameters of the time scheme.
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ NavierStokesProjectionOperator():
+ MatrixFreeOperators::Base<dim, Vec>(), Re(), dt(), gamma(2.0 - std::sqrt(2.0)), a31((1.0 - gamma)/(2.0*(2.0 - gamma))),
+ a32(a31), a33(1.0/(2.0 - gamma)), TR_BDF2_stage(1), NS_stage(1), u_extr() {}
+ // We focus now on the constructor with runtime parameters storage
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ NavierStokesProjectionOperator(RunTimeParameters::Data_Storage& data):
+ MatrixFreeOperators::Base<dim, Vec>(), Re(data.Reynolds), dt(data.dt),
+ gamma(2.0 - std::sqrt(2.0)), a31((1.0 - gamma)/(2.0*(2.0 - gamma))),
+ a32(a31), a33(1.0/(2.0 - gamma)), TR_BDF2_stage(1), NS_stage(1), u_extr(),
+ vel_boundary_inflow(data.initial_time) {}
+ // Setter of time-step (called by Multigrid and in case a smaller time-step towards the end is needed)
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ set_dt(const double time_step) {
+ dt = time_step;
+ }
+ // Setter of TR-BDF2 stage (this can be known only during the effective execution
+ // and so it has to be demanded to the class that really solves the problem)
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ set_TR_BDF2_stage(const unsigned int stage) {
+ AssertIndexRange(stage, 3);
+ Assert(stage > 0, ExcInternalError());
+ TR_BDF2_stage = stage;
+ }
+ // Setter of NS stage (this can be known only during the effective execution
+ // and so it has to be demanded to the class that really solves the problem)
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ set_NS_stage(const unsigned int stage) {
+ AssertIndexRange(stage, 4);
+ Assert(stage > 0, ExcInternalError());
+ NS_stage = stage;
+ }
+ // Setter of extrapolated velocity for different stages
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ set_u_extr(const Vec& src) {
+ u_extr = src;
+ u_extr.update_ghost_values();
+ }
+ // We are in a DG-MatrixFree framework, so it is convenient to compute separately cell contribution,
+ // internal faces contributions and boundary faces contributions. We start by
+ // assembling the rhs cell term for the velocity.
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_rhs_cell_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read the old velocity, the
+ extrapolated velocity and the old pressure. 'phi' will be used only to submit the result.
+ The second argument specifies which dof handler has to be used (in this implementation 0 stands for
+ velocity and 1 for pressure). ---*/
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, 0),
+ phi_old(data, 0),
+ phi_old_extr(data, 0);
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_v, 1, Number> phi_old_press(data, 1);
+ /*--- We loop over the cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ /*--- Now we need to assign the current cell to each FEEvaluation object and then to specify which src vector
+ it has to read (the proper order is clearly delegated to the user, which has to pay attention in the function
+ call to be coherent). ---*/
+ phi_old.reinit(cell);
+ phi_old.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, true); /*--- The 'gather_evaluate' function reads data from the vector.
+ The second and third parameter specifies if you want to read
+ values and/or derivative related quantities ---*/
+ phi_old_extr.reinit(cell);
+ phi_old_extr.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, false);
+ phi_old_press.reinit(cell);
+ phi_old_press.gather_evaluate(src[2], true, false);
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& u_n = phi_old.get_value(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_n = phi_old.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_n_gamma_ov_2 = phi_old_extr.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_n = outer_product(u_n, u_n_gamma_ov_2);
+ const auto& p_n = phi_old_press.get_value(q);
+ auto p_n_times_identity = tensor_product_u_n;
+ p_n_times_identity = 0;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ p_n_times_identity[d][d] = p_n;
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/(gamma*dt)*u_n, q); /*--- 'submit_value' contains quantites that we want to test against the
+ test function ---*/
+ phi.submit_gradient(-a21/Re*grad_u_n + a21*tensor_product_u_n + p_n_times_identity, q);
+ /*--- 'submit_gradient' contains quantites that we want to test against the gradient of test function ---*/
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst); /*--- 'integrate_scatter' is the responsible of distributing into dst.
+ The first two boolean parameters specify if we are testing against
+ the test function and/or its gradient ---*/
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, 0),
+ phi_old(data, 0),
+ phi_int(data, 0);
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_v, 1, Number> phi_old_press(data, 1);
+ /*--- We loop over the cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi_old.reinit(cell);
+ phi_old.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, true);
+ phi_int.reinit(cell);
+ phi_int.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, true);
+ phi_old_press.reinit(cell);
+ phi_old_press.gather_evaluate(src[2], true, false);
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& u_n = phi_old.get_value(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_n = phi_old.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_n_gamma = phi_int.get_value(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_n_gamma = phi_int.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_n = outer_product(u_n, u_n);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_n_gamma = outer_product(u_n_gamma, u_n_gamma);
+ const auto& p_n = phi_old_press.get_value(q);
+ auto p_n_times_identity = tensor_product_u_n;
+ p_n_times_identity = 0;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ p_n_times_identity[d][d] = p_n;
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/((1.0 - gamma)*dt)*u_n_gamma, q);
+ phi.submit_gradient(a32*tensor_product_u_n_gamma + a31*tensor_product_u_n -
+ a32/Re*grad_u_n_gamma - a31/Re*grad_u_n + p_n_times_identity, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The followinf function assembles rhs face term for the velocity
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_rhs_face_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. In this case
+ we are at the face between two elements and this is the reason of 'FEFaceEvaluation'. It contains an extra
+ input argument, the second one, that specifies if it is from 'interior' or not---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_m(data, false, 0),
+ phi_old_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old_m(data, false, 0),
+ phi_old_extr_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old_extr_m(data, false, 0);
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_v, 1, Number> phi_old_press_p(data, true, 1),
+ phi_old_press_m(data, false, 1);
+ /*--- We loop over the faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_old_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_p.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, true);
+ phi_old_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_m.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, true);
+ phi_old_extr_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr_p.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, false);
+ phi_old_extr_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr_m.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, false);
+ phi_old_press_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_press_p.gather_evaluate(src[2], true, false);
+ phi_old_press_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_press_m.gather_evaluate(src[2], true, false);
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q); /*--- The normal vector is the same
+ for both phi_p and phi_m. If the face is interior,
+ it correspond to the outer normal ---*/
+ const auto& avg_grad_u_old = 0.5*(phi_old_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_old_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& avg_tensor_product_u_n = 0.5*(outer_product(phi_old_p.get_value(q), phi_old_extr_p.get_value(q)) +
+ outer_product(phi_old_m.get_value(q), phi_old_extr_m.get_value(q)));
+ const auto& avg_p_old = 0.5*(phi_old_press_p.get_value(q) + phi_old_press_m.get_value(q));
+ phi_p.submit_value((a21/Re*avg_grad_u_old - a21*avg_tensor_product_u_n)*n_plus - avg_p_old*n_plus, q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(-(a21/Re*avg_grad_u_old - a21*avg_tensor_product_u_n)*n_plus + avg_p_old*n_plus, q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ phi_m.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_m(data, false, 0),
+ phi_old_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old_m(data, false, 0),
+ phi_int_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_int_m(data, false, 0);
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_v, 1, Number> phi_old_press_p(data, true, 1),
+ phi_old_press_m(data, false, 1);
+ /*--- We loop over the faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++ face) {
+ phi_old_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_p.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, true);
+ phi_old_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_m.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, true);
+ phi_int_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_int_p.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, true);
+ phi_int_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_int_m.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, true);
+ phi_old_press_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_press_p.gather_evaluate(src[2], true, false);
+ phi_old_press_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_press_m.gather_evaluate(src[2], true, false);
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& avg_grad_u_old = 0.5*(phi_old_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_old_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& avg_grad_u_int = 0.5*(phi_int_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_int_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& avg_tensor_product_u_n = 0.5*(outer_product(phi_old_p.get_value(q), phi_old_p.get_value(q)) +
+ outer_product(phi_old_m.get_value(q), phi_old_m.get_value(q)));
+ const auto& avg_tensor_product_u_n_gamma = 0.5*(outer_product(phi_int_p.get_value(q), phi_int_p.get_value(q)) +
+ outer_product(phi_int_m.get_value(q), phi_int_m.get_value(q)));
+ const auto& avg_p_old = 0.5*(phi_old_press_p.get_value(q) + phi_old_press_m.get_value(q));
+ phi_p.submit_value((a31/Re*avg_grad_u_old + a32/Re*avg_grad_u_int -
+ a31*avg_tensor_product_u_n - a32*avg_tensor_product_u_n_gamma)*n_plus - avg_p_old*n_plus, q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(-(a31/Re*avg_grad_u_old + a32/Re*avg_grad_u_int -
+ a31*avg_tensor_product_u_n - a32*avg_tensor_product_u_n_gamma)*n_plus + avg_p_old*n_plus, q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ phi_m.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The followinf function assembles rhs boundary term for the velocity
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_rhs_boundary_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. Clearly on the boundary
+ the second argument has to be true. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old_extr(data, true, 0);
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_v, 1, Number> phi_old_press(data, true, 1);
+ /*--- We loop over the faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_old.reinit(face);
+ phi_old.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, true);
+ phi_old_extr.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, false);
+ phi_old_press.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_press.gather_evaluate(src[2], true, false);
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ const auto boundary_id = data.get_boundary_id(face); /*--- Get the id in order to impose the proper boundary condition ---*/
+ const auto coef_jump = (boundary_id == 1) ? 0.0 : C_u*std::abs((phi.get_normal_vector(0) * phi.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]);
+ const double aux_coeff = (boundary_id == 1) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_old = phi_old.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_n = outer_product(phi_old.get_value(q), phi_old_extr.get_value(q));
+ const auto& p_old = phi_old_press.get_value(q);
+ const auto& point_vectorized = phi.quadrature_point(q);
+ auto u_int_m = Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>();
+ if(boundary_id == 0) {
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v) {
+ Point<dim> point; /*--- The point returned by the 'quadrature_point' function is not an instance of Point
+ and so it is not ready to be directly used. We need to pay attention to the
+ vectorization ---*/
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ point[d] = point_vectorized[d][v];
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ u_int_m[d][v] = vel_boundary_inflow.value(point, d);
+ }
+ }
+ const auto tensor_product_u_int_m = outer_product(u_int_m, phi_old_extr.get_value(q));
+ const auto lambda = (boundary_id == 1) ? 0.0 : std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ phi.submit_value((a21/Re*grad_u_old - a21*tensor_product_u_n)*n_plus - p_old*n_plus +
+ a22/Re*2.0*coef_jump*u_int_m -
+ aux_coeff*a22*tensor_product_u_int_m*n_plus + a22*lambda*u_int_m, q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-aux_coeff*theta_v*a22/Re*u_int_m, q); /*--- This is equivalent to multiply to the gradient
+ with outer product and use 'submit_gradient' ---*/
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old(data, true, 0),
+ phi_int(data, true, 0),
+ phi_int_extr(data, true, 0);
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_v, 1, Number> phi_old_press(data, true, 1);
+ /*--- We loop over the faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++ face) {
+ phi_old.reinit(face);
+ phi_old.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, true);
+ phi_int.reinit(face);
+ phi_int.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, true);
+ phi_old_press.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_press.gather_evaluate(src[2], true, false);
+ phi_int_extr.reinit(face);
+ phi_int_extr.gather_evaluate(src[3], true, false);
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ const auto boundary_id = data.get_boundary_id(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = (boundary_id == 1) ? 0.0 : C_u*std::abs((phi.get_normal_vector(0) * phi.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]);
+ const double aux_coeff = (boundary_id == 1) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_old = phi_old.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_int = phi_int.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_n = outer_product(phi_old.get_value(q), phi_old.get_value(q));
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_n_gamma = outer_product(phi_int.get_value(q), phi_int.get_value(q));
+ const auto& p_old = phi_old_press.get_value(q);
+ const auto& point_vectorized = phi.quadrature_point(q);
+ auto u_m = Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>();
+ if(boundary_id == 0) {
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v) {
+ Point<dim> point;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ point[d] = point_vectorized[d][v];
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ u_m[d][v] = vel_boundary_inflow.value(point, d);
+ }
+ }
+ const auto tensor_product_u_m = outer_product(u_m, phi_int_extr.get_value(q));
+ const auto lambda = (boundary_id == 1) ? 0.0 : std::abs(scalar_product(phi_int_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ phi.submit_value((a31/Re*grad_u_old + a32/Re*grad_u_int -
+ a31*tensor_product_u_n - a32*tensor_product_u_n_gamma)*n_plus - p_old*n_plus +
+ a33/Re*2.0*coef_jump*u_m -
+ aux_coeff*a33*tensor_product_u_m*n_plus + a33*lambda*u_m, q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-aux_coeff*theta_v*a33/Re*u_m, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Put together all the previous steps for velocity. This is done automatically by the loop function of 'MatrixFree' class
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ vmult_rhs_velocity(Vec& dst, const std::vector<Vec>& src) const {
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < src.size(); ++d)
+ src[d].update_ghost_values();
+ this->data->loop(&NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_rhs_cell_term_velocity,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_rhs_face_term_velocity,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_rhs_boundary_term_velocity,
+ this, dst, src, true,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified);
+ }
+ // Now we focus on computing the rhs for the projection step for the pressure with the same ratio.
+ // The following function assembles rhs cell term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_rhs_cell_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities.
+ The third parameter specifies that we want to use the second quadrature formula stored. ---*/
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi(data, 1, 1),
+ phi_old(data, 1, 1);
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, dim, Number> phi_proj(data, 0, 1);
+ const double coeff = (TR_BDF2_stage == 1) ? 1.0e6*gamma*dt*gamma*dt : 1.0e6*(1.0 - gamma)*dt*(1.0 - gamma)*dt;
+ const double coeff_2 = (TR_BDF2_stage == 1) ? gamma*dt : (1.0 - gamma)*dt;
+ /*--- We loop over cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi_proj.reinit(cell);
+ phi_proj.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, false);
+ phi_old.reinit(cell);
+ phi_old.gather_evaluate(src[1], true, false);
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& u_star_star = phi_proj.get_value(q);
+ const auto& p_old = phi_old.get_value(q);
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/coeff*p_old, q);
+ phi.submit_gradient(1.0/coeff_2*u_star_star, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles rhs face term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_rhs_face_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi_p(data, true, 1, 1),
+ phi_m(data, false, 1, 1);
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, dim, Number> phi_proj_p(data, true, 0, 1),
+ phi_proj_m(data, false, 0, 1);
+ const double coeff = (TR_BDF2_stage == 1) ? 1.0/(gamma*dt) : 1.0/((1.0 - gamma)*dt);
+ /*--- We loop over faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_proj_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_proj_p.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, false);
+ phi_proj_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_proj_m.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, false);
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& avg_u_star_star = 0.5*(phi_proj_p.get_value(q) + phi_proj_m.get_value(q));
+ phi_p.submit_value(-coeff*scalar_product(avg_u_star_star, n_plus), q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(coeff*scalar_product(avg_u_star_star, n_plus), q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ phi_m.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles rhs boundary term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_rhs_boundary_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const std::vector<Vec>& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi(data, true, 1, 1);
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, dim, Number> phi_proj(data, true, 0, 1);
+ const double coeff = (TR_BDF2_stage == 1) ? 1.0/(gamma*dt) : 1.0/((1.0 - gamma)*dt);
+ /*--- We loop over faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_proj.reinit(face);
+ phi_proj.gather_evaluate(src[0], true, false);
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all the quadrature points to compute the integrals ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ phi.submit_value(-coeff*scalar_product(phi_proj.get_value(q), n_plus), q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // Put together all the previous steps for pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ vmult_rhs_pressure(Vec& dst, const std::vector<Vec>& src) const {
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < src.size(); ++d)
+ src[d].update_ghost_values();
+ this->data->loop(&NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_rhs_cell_term_pressure,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_rhs_face_term_pressure,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_rhs_boundary_term_pressure,
+ this, dst, src, true,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified);
+ }
+ // Now we need to build the 'matrices', i.e. the bilinear forms. We start by
+ // assembling the cell term for the velocity
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_cell_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. Moreover 'phi' in
+ this case serves for a bilinear form and so it will not used only to submit but also to read the src ---*/
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, 0),
+ phi_old_extr(data, 0);
+ /*--- We loop over all cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ phi.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_old_extr.reinit(cell);
+ phi_old_extr.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& u_int = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_int = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_n_gamma_ov_2 = phi_old_extr.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_int = outer_product(u_int, u_n_gamma_ov_2);
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/(gamma*dt)*u_int, q);
+ phi.submit_gradient(-a22*tensor_product_u_int + a22/Re*grad_u_int, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, 0),
+ phi_int_extr(data, 0);
+ /*--- We loop over all cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ phi.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_int_extr.reinit(cell);
+ phi_int_extr.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& u_curr = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_curr = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_n1_int = phi_int_extr.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_curr = outer_product(u_curr, u_n1_int);
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/((1.0 - gamma)*dt)*u_curr, q);
+ phi.submit_gradient(-a33*tensor_product_u_curr + a33/Re*grad_u_curr, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles face term for the velocity
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_face_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_m(data, false, 0),
+ phi_old_extr_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old_extr_m(data, false, 0);
+ /*--- We loop over all faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_p.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_old_extr_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr_p.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi_old_extr_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr_m.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_u*0.5*(std::abs((phi_p.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_p.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]) +
+ std::abs((phi_m.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_m.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]));
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& avg_grad_u_int = 0.5*(phi_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& jump_u_int = phi_p.get_value(q) - phi_m.get_value(q);
+ const auto& avg_tensor_product_u_int = 0.5*(outer_product(phi_p.get_value(q), phi_old_extr_p.get_value(q)) +
+ outer_product(phi_m.get_value(q), phi_old_extr_m.get_value(q)));
+ const auto lambda = std::max(std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr_p.get_value(q), n_plus)),
+ std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr_m.get_value(q), n_plus)));
+ phi_p.submit_value(a22/Re*(-avg_grad_u_int*n_plus + coef_jump*jump_u_int) +
+ a22*avg_tensor_product_u_int*n_plus + 0.5*a22*lambda*jump_u_int, q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(-a22/Re*(-avg_grad_u_int*n_plus + coef_jump*jump_u_int) -
+ a22*avg_tensor_product_u_int*n_plus - 0.5*a22*lambda*jump_u_int, q);
+ phi_p.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a22/Re*0.5*jump_u_int, q);
+ phi_m.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a22/Re*0.5*jump_u_int, q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ phi_m.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_m(data, false, 0),
+ phi_extr_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_extr_m(data, false, 0);
+ /*--- We loop over all faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_p.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_extr_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_extr_p.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi_extr_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_extr_m.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_u*0.5*(std::abs((phi_p.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_p.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]) +
+ std::abs((phi_m.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_m.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]));
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& avg_grad_u = 0.5*(phi_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& jump_u = phi_p.get_value(q) - phi_m.get_value(q);
+ const auto& avg_tensor_product_u = 0.5*(outer_product(phi_p.get_value(q), phi_extr_p.get_value(q)) +
+ outer_product(phi_m.get_value(q), phi_extr_m.get_value(q)));
+ const auto lambda = std::max(std::abs(scalar_product(phi_extr_p.get_value(q), n_plus)),
+ std::abs(scalar_product(phi_extr_m.get_value(q), n_plus)));
+ phi_p.submit_value(a33/Re*(-avg_grad_u*n_plus + coef_jump*jump_u) +
+ a33*avg_tensor_product_u*n_plus + 0.5*a33*lambda*jump_u, q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(-a33/Re*(-avg_grad_u*n_plus + coef_jump*jump_u) -
+ a33*avg_tensor_product_u*n_plus - 0.5*a33*lambda*jump_u, q);
+ phi_p.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a33/Re*0.5*jump_u, q);
+ phi_m.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a33/Re*0.5*jump_u, q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ phi_m.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles boundary term for the velocity
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_boundary_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old_extr(data, true, 0);
+ /*--- We loop over all faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ phi.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_old_extr.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ const auto boundary_id = data.get_boundary_id(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_u*std::abs((phi.get_normal_vector(0) * phi.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]);
+ /*--- The application of the mirror principle is not so trivial because we have a Dirichlet condition
+ on a single component for the outflow; so we distinguish the two cases ---*/
+ if(boundary_id != 1) {
+ const double coef_trasp = 0.0;
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_int = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_int = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_int = outer_product(phi.get_value(q), phi_old_extr.get_value(q));
+ const auto& lambda = std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ phi.submit_value(a22/Re*(-grad_u_int*n_plus + 2.0*coef_jump*u_int) +
+ a22*coef_trasp*tensor_product_u_int*n_plus + a22*lambda*u_int, q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a22/Re*u_int, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_int = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_int = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& lambda = std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ const auto& point_vectorized = phi.quadrature_point(q);
+ auto u_int_m = u_int;
+ auto grad_u_int_m = grad_u_int;
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v) {
+ Point<dim> point;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ point[d] = point_vectorized[d][v];
+ u_int_m[1][v] = -u_int_m[1][v];
+ grad_u_int_m[0][0][v] = -grad_u_int_m[0][0][v];
+ grad_u_int_m[0][1][v] = -grad_u_int_m[0][1][v];
+ }
+ phi.submit_value(a22/Re*(-(0.5*(grad_u_int + grad_u_int_m))*n_plus + coef_jump*(u_int - u_int_m)) +
+ a22*outer_product(0.5*(u_int + u_int_m), phi_old_extr.get_value(q))*n_plus +
+ a22*0.5*lambda*(u_int - u_int_m), q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a22/Re*(u_int - u_int_m), q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, true, 0),
+ phi_extr(data, true, 0);
+ /*--- We loop over all faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ phi.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_extr.reinit(face);
+ phi_extr.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ const auto boundary_id = data.get_boundary_id(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_u*std::abs((phi.get_normal_vector(0) * phi.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]);
+ if(boundary_id != 1) {
+ const double coef_trasp = 0.0;
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u = outer_product(phi.get_value(q), phi_extr.get_value(q));
+ const auto& lambda = std::abs(scalar_product(phi_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ phi.submit_value(a33/Re*(-grad_u*n_plus + 2.0*coef_jump*u) +
+ a33*coef_trasp*tensor_product_u*n_plus + a33*lambda*u, q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a33/Re*u, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& lambda = std::abs(scalar_product(phi_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ const auto& point_vectorized = phi.quadrature_point(q);
+ auto u_m = u;
+ auto grad_u_m = grad_u;
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v) {
+ Point<dim> point;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ point[d] = point_vectorized[d][v];
+ u_m[1][v] = -u_m[1][v];
+ grad_u_m[0][0][v] = -grad_u_m[0][0][v];
+ grad_u_m[0][1][v] = -grad_u_m[0][1][v];
+ }
+ phi.submit_value(a33/Re*(-(0.5*(grad_u + grad_u_m))*n_plus + coef_jump*(u - u_m)) +
+ a33*outer_product(0.5*(u + u_m), phi_extr.get_value(q))*n_plus + a33*0.5*lambda*(u - u_m), q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a33/Re*(u - u_m), q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Next, we focus on 'matrices' to compute the pressure. We first assemble cell term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_cell_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi(data, 1, 1);
+ const double coeff = (TR_BDF2_stage == 1) ? 1.0e6*gamma*dt*gamma*dt : 1.0e6*(1.0 - gamma)*dt*(1.0 - gamma)*dt;
+ /*--- Loop over all cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ phi.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ /*--- Now we loop over all quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ phi.submit_gradient(phi.get_gradient(q), q);
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/coeff*phi.get_value(q), q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles face term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_face_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi_p(data, true, 1, 1),
+ phi_m(data, false, 1, 1);
+ /*--- Loop over all faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_p.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_p*0.5*(std::abs((phi_p.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_p.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]) +
+ std::abs((phi_m.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_m.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]));
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& avg_grad_pres = 0.5*(phi_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& jump_pres = phi_p.get_value(q) - phi_m.get_value(q);
+ phi_p.submit_value(-scalar_product(avg_grad_pres, n_plus) + coef_jump*jump_pres, q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(scalar_product(avg_grad_pres, n_plus) - coef_jump*jump_pres, q);
+ phi_p.submit_gradient(-theta_p*0.5*jump_pres*n_plus, q);
+ phi_m.submit_gradient(-theta_p*0.5*jump_pres*n_plus, q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ phi_m.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles boundary term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_boundary_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi(data, true, 1, 1);
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ phi.gather_evaluate(src, true, true);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_p*std::abs((phi.get_normal_vector(0)*phi.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]);
+ const auto boundary_id = data.get_boundary_id(face);
+ if(boundary_id == 1) {
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_pres = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& pres = phi.get_value(q);
+ phi.submit_value(-scalar_product(grad_pres, n_plus) + coef_jump*pres , q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_p*pres, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, true, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Before coding the 'apply_add' function, which is the one that will perform the loop, we focus on
+ // the linear system that arises to project the gradient of the pressure into the velocity space.
+ // The following function assembles rhs cell term for the projection of gradient of pressure. Since no
+ // integration by parts is performed, only a cell term contribution is present.
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_rhs_cell_term_projection_grad_p(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const {
+ /*--- We first start by declaring the suitable instances to read already available quantities. ---*/
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, 0);
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_v, 1, Number> phi_pres(data, 1);
+ /*--- Loop over all cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi_pres.reinit(cell);
+ phi_pres.gather_evaluate(src, false, true);
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q)
+ phi.submit_value(phi_pres.get_gradient(q), q);
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // Put together all the previous steps for porjection of pressure gradient. Here we loop only over cells
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ vmult_grad_p_projection(Vec& dst, const Vec& src) const {
+ this->data->cell_loop(&NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_rhs_cell_term_projection_grad_p,
+ this, dst, src, true);
+ }
+ // Assemble now cell term for the projection of gradient of pressure. This is nothing but a mass matrix
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_cell_term_projection_grad_p(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const Vec& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const {
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, 0);
+ /*--- Loop over all cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ phi.gather_evaluate(src, true, false);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q)
+ phi.submit_value(phi.get_value(q), q);
+ phi.integrate_scatter(true, false, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // Put together all previous steps. This is the overriden function that effectively performs the
+ // matrix-vector multiplication.
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ apply_add(Vec& dst, const Vec& src) const {
+ if(NS_stage == 1) {
+ this->data->loop(&NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_cell_term_velocity,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_face_term_velocity,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_boundary_term_velocity,
+ this, dst, src, false,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified);
+ }
+ else if(NS_stage == 2) {
+ this->data->loop(&NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_cell_term_pressure,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_face_term_pressure,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_boundary_term_pressure,
+ this, dst, src, false,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified);
+ }
+ else if(NS_stage == 3) {
+ this->data->cell_loop(&NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_cell_term_projection_grad_p,
+ this, dst, src, false); /*--- Since we have only a cell term contribution, we use cell_loop ---*/
+ }
+ else
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ // Finally, we focus on computing the diagonal for preconditioners and we start by assembling
+ // the diagonal cell term for the velocity. Since we do not have access to the entries of the matrix,
+ // in order to compute the element i, we test the matrix against a vector which is equal to 1 in position i and 0 elsewhere.
+ // This is why 'src' will result as unused.
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_diagonal_cell_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, 0),
+ phi_old_extr(data, 0);
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>> diagonal(phi.dofs_per_component);
+ /*--- Build a vector of ones to be tested (here we will see the velocity as a whole vector, since
+ dof_handler_velocity is vectorial and so the dof values are vectors). ---*/
+ Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>> tmp;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0);
+ /*--- Loop over cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi_old_extr.reinit(cell);
+ phi_old_extr.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ /*--- Loop over dofs ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.dofs_per_component; ++j)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j); /*--- Set all dofs to zero ---*/
+ phi.submit_dof_value(tmp, i); /*--- Set dof i equal to one ---*/
+ phi.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& u_int = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_int = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_n_gamma_ov_2 = phi_old_extr.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_int = outer_product(u_int, u_n_gamma_ov_2);
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/(gamma*dt)*u_int, q);
+ phi.submit_gradient(-a22*tensor_product_u_int + a22/Re*grad_u_int, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal[i] = phi.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(diagonal[i], i);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, 0),
+ phi_int_extr(data, 0);
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>> diagonal(phi.dofs_per_component);
+ Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>> tmp;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0);
+ /*--- Loop over cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi_int_extr.reinit(cell);
+ phi_int_extr.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ /*--- Loop over dofs ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.dofs_per_component; ++j)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ phi.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& u_curr = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_curr = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_n1_int = phi_int_extr.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_curr = outer_product(u_curr, u_n1_int);
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/((1.0 - gamma)*dt)*u_curr, q);
+ phi.submit_gradient(-a33*tensor_product_u_curr + a33/Re*grad_u_curr, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal[i] = phi.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(diagonal[i], i);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles diagonal face term for the velocity
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_diagonal_face_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_m(data, false, 0),
+ phi_old_extr_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old_extr_m(data, false, 0);
+ AssertDimension(phi_p.dofs_per_component, phi_m.dofs_per_component); /*--- We just assert for safety that dimension match,
+ in the sense that we have selected the proper
+ space ---*/
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>> diagonal_p(phi_p.dofs_per_component),
+ diagonal_m(phi_m.dofs_per_component);
+ Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>> tmp;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0); /*--- We build the usal vector of ones that we will use as dof value ---*/
+ /*--- Now we loop over faces ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_old_extr_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr_p.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi_old_extr_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr_m.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_u*0.5*(std::abs((phi_p.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_p.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]) +
+ std::abs((phi_m.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_m.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]));
+ /*--- Loop over dofs. We will set all equal to zero apart from the current one ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++j) {
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ }
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi_p.evaluate(true, true);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi_m.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points to compute the integral ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& avg_grad_u_int = 0.5*(phi_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& jump_u_int = phi_p.get_value(q) - phi_m.get_value(q);
+ const auto& avg_tensor_product_u_int = 0.5*(outer_product(phi_p.get_value(q), phi_old_extr_p.get_value(q)) +
+ outer_product(phi_m.get_value(q), phi_old_extr_m.get_value(q)));
+ const auto lambda = std::max(std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr_p.get_value(q), n_plus)),
+ std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr_m.get_value(q), n_plus)));
+ phi_p.submit_value(a22/Re*(-avg_grad_u_int*n_plus + coef_jump*jump_u_int) +
+ a22*avg_tensor_product_u_int*n_plus + 0.5*a22*lambda*jump_u_int , q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(-a22/Re*(-avg_grad_u_int*n_plus + coef_jump*jump_u_int) -
+ a22*avg_tensor_product_u_int*n_plus - 0.5*a22*lambda*jump_u_int, q);
+ phi_p.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*0.5*a22/Re*jump_u_int, q);
+ phi_m.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*0.5*a22/Re*jump_u_int, q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal_p[i] = phi_p.get_dof_value(i);
+ phi_m.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal_m[i] = phi_m.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(diagonal_p[i], i);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(diagonal_m[i], i);
+ }
+ phi_p.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ phi_m.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_m(data, false, 0),
+ phi_extr_p(data, true, 0),
+ phi_extr_m(data, false, 0);
+ AssertDimension(phi_p.dofs_per_component, phi_m.dofs_per_component);
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>> diagonal_p(phi_p.dofs_per_component),
+ diagonal_m(phi_m.dofs_per_component);
+ Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>> tmp;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0);
+ /*--- Now we loop over faces ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_extr_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_extr_p.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi_extr_m.reinit(face);
+ phi_extr_m.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_u*0.5*(std::abs((phi_p.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_p.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]) +
+ std::abs((phi_m.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_m.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]));
+ /*--- Loop over dofs. We will set all equal to zero apart from the current one ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++j) {
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ }
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi_p.evaluate(true, true);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi_m.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points to compute the integral ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& avg_grad_u = 0.5*(phi_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& jump_u = phi_p.get_value(q) - phi_m.get_value(q);
+ const auto& avg_tensor_product_u = 0.5*(outer_product(phi_p.get_value(q), phi_extr_p.get_value(q)) +
+ outer_product(phi_m.get_value(q), phi_extr_m.get_value(q)));
+ const auto lambda = std::max(std::abs(scalar_product(phi_extr_p.get_value(q), n_plus)),
+ std::abs(scalar_product(phi_extr_m.get_value(q), n_plus)));
+ phi_p.submit_value(a33/Re*(-avg_grad_u*n_plus + coef_jump*jump_u) +
+ a33*avg_tensor_product_u*n_plus + 0.5*a33*lambda*jump_u, q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(-a33/Re*(-avg_grad_u*n_plus + coef_jump*jump_u) -
+ a33*avg_tensor_product_u*n_plus - 0.5*a33*lambda*jump_u, q);
+ phi_p.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*0.5*a33/Re*jump_u, q);
+ phi_m.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*0.5*a33/Re*jump_u, q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal_p[i] = phi_p.get_dof_value(i);
+ phi_m.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal_m[i] = phi_m.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(diagonal_p[i], i);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(diagonal_m[i], i);
+ }
+ phi_p.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ phi_m.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles boundary term for the velocity
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_diagonal_boundary_term_velocity(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, true, 0),
+ phi_old_extr(data, true, 0);
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>> diagonal(phi.dofs_per_component);
+ Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>> tmp;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0);
+ /*--- Loop over all faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_old_extr.reinit(face);
+ phi_old_extr.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ const auto boundary_id = data.get_boundary_id(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_u*std::abs((phi.get_normal_vector(0) * phi.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]);
+ if(boundary_id != 1) {
+ const double coef_trasp = 0.0;
+ /*--- Loop over all dofs ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.dofs_per_component; ++j)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ phi.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points to compute the integral ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_int = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_int = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u_int = outer_product(phi.get_value(q), phi_old_extr.get_value(q));
+ const auto& lambda = std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ phi.submit_value(a22/Re*(-grad_u_int*n_plus + 2.0*coef_jump*u_int) +
+ a22*coef_trasp*tensor_product_u_int*n_plus + a22*lambda*u_int, q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a22/Re*u_int, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal[i] = phi.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(diagonal[i], i);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- Loop over all dofs ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.dofs_per_component; ++j)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ phi.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points to compute the integral ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u_int = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u_int = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& lambda = std::abs(scalar_product(phi_old_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ const auto& point_vectorized = phi.quadrature_point(q);
+ auto u_int_m = u_int;
+ auto grad_u_int_m = grad_u_int;
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v) {
+ Point<dim> point;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ point[d] = point_vectorized[d][v];
+ u_int_m[1][v] = -u_int_m[1][v];
+ grad_u_int_m[0][0][v] = -grad_u_int_m[0][0][v];
+ grad_u_int_m[0][1][v] = -grad_u_int_m[0][1][v];
+ }
+ phi.submit_value(a22/Re*(-(0.5*(grad_u_int + grad_u_int_m))*n_plus + coef_jump*(u_int - u_int_m)) +
+ a22*outer_product(0.5*(u_int + u_int_m), phi_old_extr.get_value(q))*n_plus +
+ a22*0.5*lambda*(u_int - u_int_m), q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a22/Re*(u_int - u_int_m), q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal[i] = phi.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(diagonal[i], i);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_v, dim, Number> phi(data, true, 0),
+ phi_extr(data, true, 0);
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>> diagonal(phi.dofs_per_component);
+ Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>> tmp;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0);
+ /*--- Loop over all faces in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_extr.reinit(face);
+ phi_extr.gather_evaluate(u_extr, true, false);
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ const auto boundary_id = data.get_boundary_id(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_u*std::abs((phi.get_normal_vector(0) * phi.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]);
+ if(boundary_id != 1) {
+ const double coef_trasp = 0.0;
+ /*--- Loop over all dofs ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.dofs_per_component; ++j)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ phi.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points to compute the integral ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& tensor_product_u = outer_product(phi.get_value(q), phi_extr.get_value(q));
+ const auto& lambda = std::abs(scalar_product(phi_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ phi.submit_value(a33/Re*(-grad_u*n_plus + 2.0*coef_jump*u) +
+ a33*coef_trasp*tensor_product_u*n_plus + a33*lambda*u, q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a33/Re*u, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal[i] = phi.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(diagonal[i], i);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*--- Loop over all dofs ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.dofs_per_component; ++j)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArray<Number>>(), j);
+ phi.submit_dof_value(tmp, i);
+ phi.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points to compute the integral ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_u = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& u = phi.get_value(q);
+ const auto& lambda = std::abs(scalar_product(phi_extr.get_value(q), n_plus));
+ const auto& point_vectorized = phi.quadrature_point(q);
+ auto u_m = u;
+ auto grad_u_m = grad_u;
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v) {
+ Point<dim> point;
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ point[d] = point_vectorized[d][v];
+ u_m[1][v] = -u_m[1][v];
+ grad_u_m[0][0][v] = -grad_u_m[0][0][v];
+ grad_u_m[0][1][v] = -grad_u_m[0][1][v];
+ }
+ phi.submit_value(a33/Re*(-(0.5*(grad_u + grad_u_m))*n_plus + coef_jump*(u - u_m)) +
+ a33*outer_product(0.5*(u + u_m), phi_extr.get_value(q))*n_plus +
+ a33*0.5*lambda*(u - u_m), q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_v*a33/Re*(u - u_m), q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal[i] = phi.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(diagonal[i], i);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now we consider the pressure related bilinear forms. We first assemble diagonal cell term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_diagonal_cell_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& cell_range) const {
+ FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi(data, 1, 1);
+ AlignedVector<VectorizedArray<Number>> diagonal(phi.dofs_per_component); /*--- Here we are using dofs_per_component but
+ it coincides with dofs_per_cell since it is
+ scalar finite element space ---*/
+ const double coeff = (TR_BDF2_stage == 1) ? 1e6*gamma*dt*gamma*dt : 1e6*(1.0 - gamma)*dt*(1.0 - gamma)*dt;
+ /*--- Loop over all cells in the range ---*/
+ for(unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell) {
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ /*--- Loop over all dofs ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.dofs_per_component; ++j)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(VectorizedArray<Number>(), j); /*--- We set all dofs to zero ---*/
+ phi.submit_dof_value(make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0), i); /*--- Now we set the current one to 1; since it is scalar,
+ we can directly use 'make_vectorized_array' without
+ relying on 'Tensor' ---*/
+ phi.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ phi.submit_value(1.0/coeff*phi.get_value(q), q);
+ phi.submit_gradient(phi.get_gradient(q), q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal[i] = phi.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(diagonal[i], i);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // The following function assembles diagonal face term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_diagonal_face_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi_p(data, true, 1, 1),
+ phi_m(data, false, 1, 1);
+ AssertDimension(phi_p.dofs_per_component, phi_m.dofs_per_component);
+ AlignedVector<VectorizedArray<Number>> diagonal_p(phi_p.dofs_per_component),
+ diagonal_m(phi_m.dofs_per_component); /*--- Again, we just assert for safety that dimension
+ match, in the sense that we have selected
+ the proper space ---*/
+ /*--- Loop over all faces ---*/
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi_p.reinit(face);
+ phi_m.reinit(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_p*0.5*(std::abs((phi_p.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_p.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]) +
+ std::abs((phi_m.get_normal_vector(0)*phi_m.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]));
+ /*--- Loop over all dofs ---*/
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++j) {
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(VectorizedArray<Number>(), j);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(VectorizedArray<Number>(), j);
+ }
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0), i);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0), i);
+ phi_p.evaluate(true, true);
+ phi_m.evaluate(true, true);
+ /*--- Loop over all quadrature points to compute the integral ---*/
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_p.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi_p.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& avg_grad_pres = 0.5*(phi_p.get_gradient(q) + phi_m.get_gradient(q));
+ const auto& jump_pres = phi_p.get_value(q) - phi_m.get_value(q);
+ phi_p.submit_value(-scalar_product(avg_grad_pres, n_plus) + coef_jump*jump_pres, q);
+ phi_m.submit_value(scalar_product(avg_grad_pres, n_plus) - coef_jump*jump_pres, q);
+ phi_p.submit_gradient(-theta_p*0.5*jump_pres*n_plus, q);
+ phi_m.submit_gradient(-theta_p*0.5*jump_pres*n_plus, q);
+ }
+ phi_p.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal_p[i] = phi_p.get_dof_value(i);
+ phi_m.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal_m[i] = phi_m.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi_p.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ phi_p.submit_dof_value(diagonal_p[i], i);
+ phi_m.submit_dof_value(diagonal_m[i], i);
+ }
+ phi_p.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ phi_m.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ // Eventually, we assemble diagonal boundary term for the pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ assemble_diagonal_boundary_term_pressure(const MatrixFree<dim, Number>& data,
+ Vec& dst,
+ const unsigned int& src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& face_range) const {
+ FEFaceEvaluation<dim, fe_degree_p, n_q_points_1d_p, 1, Number> phi(data, true, 1, 1);
+ AlignedVector<VectorizedArray<Number>> diagonal(phi.dofs_per_component);
+ for(unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face) {
+ phi.reinit(face);
+ const auto coef_jump = C_p*std::abs((phi.get_normal_vector(0)*phi.inverse_jacobian(0))[dim - 1]);
+ const auto boundary_id = data.get_boundary_id(face);
+ if(boundary_id == 1) {
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.dofs_per_component; ++j)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(VectorizedArray<Number>(), j);
+ phi.submit_dof_value(make_vectorized_array<Number>(1.0), i);
+ phi.evaluate(true, true);
+ for(unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q) {
+ const auto& n_plus = phi.get_normal_vector(q);
+ const auto& grad_pres = phi.get_gradient(q);
+ const auto& pres = phi.get_value(q);
+ phi.submit_value(-scalar_product(grad_pres, n_plus) + 2.0*coef_jump*pres , q);
+ phi.submit_normal_derivative(-theta_p*pres, q);
+ }
+ phi.integrate(true, true);
+ diagonal[i] = phi.get_dof_value(i);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < phi.dofs_per_component; ++i)
+ phi.submit_dof_value(diagonal[i], i);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Put together all previous steps. We create a dummy auxliary vector that serves for the src input argument in
+ // the previous functions that as we have seen before is unused. Then everything is done by the 'loop' function
+ // and it is saved in the field 'inverse_diagonal_entries' already present in the base class. Anyway since there is
+ // only one field, we need to resize properly depending on whether we are considering the velocity or the pressure.
+ //
+ template<int dim, int fe_degree_p, int fe_degree_v, int n_q_points_1d_p, int n_q_points_1d_v, typename Vec, typename Number>
+ void NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, fe_degree_p, fe_degree_v, n_q_points_1d_p, n_q_points_1d_v, Vec, Number>::
+ compute_diagonal() {
+ Assert(NS_stage == 1 || NS_stage == 2, ExcInternalError());
+ if(NS_stage == 1) {
+ this->inverse_diagonal_entries.reset(new DiagonalMatrix<Vec>());
+ auto& inverse_diagonal = this->inverse_diagonal_entries->get_vector();
+ this->data->initialize_dof_vector(inverse_diagonal, 0);
+ const unsigned int dummy = 0;
+ this->data->loop(&NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_diagonal_cell_term_velocity,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_diagonal_face_term_velocity,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_diagonal_boundary_term_velocity,
+ this, inverse_diagonal, dummy, false,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inverse_diagonal.local_size(); ++i) {
+ Assert(inverse_diagonal.local_element(i) != 0.0,
+ ExcMessage("No diagonal entry in a definite operator should be zero"));
+ inverse_diagonal.local_element(i) = 1.0/inverse_diagonal.local_element(i);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(NS_stage == 2) {
+ this->inverse_diagonal_entries.reset(new DiagonalMatrix<Vec>());
+ auto& inverse_diagonal = this->inverse_diagonal_entries->get_vector();
+ this->data->initialize_dof_vector(inverse_diagonal, 1);
+ const unsigned int dummy = 0;
+ this->data->loop(&NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_diagonal_cell_term_pressure,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_diagonal_face_term_pressure,
+ &NavierStokesProjectionOperator::assemble_diagonal_boundary_term_pressure,
+ this, inverse_diagonal, dummy, false,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified,
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inverse_diagonal.local_size(); ++i) {
+ Assert(inverse_diagonal.local_element(i) != 0.0,
+ ExcMessage("No diagonal entry in a definite operator should be zero"));
+ inverse_diagonal.local_element(i) = 1.0/inverse_diagonal.local_element(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect{The <code>NavierStokesProjection</code> class}
+ // Now we are ready for the main class of the program. It implements the calls to the various steps
+ // of the projection method for Navier-Stokes equations.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ class NavierStokesProjection {
+ public:
+ NavierStokesProjection(RunTimeParameters::Data_Storage& data);
+ void run(const bool verbose = false, const unsigned int output_interval = 10);
+ protected:
+ const double t_0;
+ const double T;
+ const double gamma; //--- TR-BDF2 parameter
+ unsigned int TR_BDF2_stage; //--- Flag to check at which current stage of TR-BDF2 are
+ const double Re;
+ double dt;
+ EquationData::Velocity<dim> vel_init;
+ EquationData::Pressure<dim> pres_init; /*--- Instance of 'Velocity' and 'Pressure' classes to initialize. ---*/
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
+ /*--- Finite Element spaces ---*/
+ FESystem<dim> fe_velocity;
+ FESystem<dim> fe_pressure;
+ /*--- Handler for dofs ---*/
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler_velocity;
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler_pressure;
+ /*--- Quadrature formulas for velocity and pressure, respectively ---*/
+ QGauss<dim> quadrature_pressure;
+ QGauss<dim> quadrature_velocity;
+ /*--- Now we define all the vectors for the solution. We start from the pressure
+ with p^n, p^(n+gamma) and a vector for rhs ---*/
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> pres_n;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> pres_int;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> rhs_p;
+ /*--- Next, we move to the velocity, with u^n, u^(n-1), u^(n+gamma/2),
+ u^(n+gamma) and other two auxiliary vectors as well as the rhs ---*/
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> u_n;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> u_n_minus_1;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> u_extr;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> u_n_gamma;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> u_star;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> u_tmp;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> rhs_u;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> grad_pres_int;
+ Vector<double> Linfty_error_per_cell_vel;
+ DeclException2(ExcInvalidTimeStep,
+ double,
+ double,
+ << " The time step " << arg1 << " is out of range."
+ << std::endl
+ << " The permitted range is (0," << arg2 << "]");
+ void create_triangulation(const unsigned int n_refines);
+ void setup_dofs();
+ void initialize();
+ void interpolate_velocity();
+ void diffusion_step();
+ void projection_step();
+ void project_grad(const unsigned int flag);
+ double get_maximal_velocity();
+ double get_maximal_difference();
+ void output_results(const unsigned int step);
+ void refine_mesh();
+ void interpolate_max_res(const unsigned int level);
+ void save_max_res();
+ private:
+ void compute_lift_and_drag();
+ /*--- Technical member to handle the various steps ---*/
+ std::shared_ptr<MatrixFree<dim, double>> matrix_free_storage;
+ /*--- Now we need an instance of the class implemented before with the weak form ---*/
+ NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, EquationData::degree_p, EquationData::degree_p + 1,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 1, EquationData::degree_p + 2,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>, double> navier_stokes_matrix;
+ /*--- This is an instance for geometric multigrid preconditioner ---*/
+ MGLevelObject<NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim, EquationData::degree_p, EquationData::degree_p + 1,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 1, EquationData::degree_p + 2,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>, float>> mg_matrices;
+ /*--- Here we define two 'AffineConstraints' instance, one for each finite element space.
+ This is just a technical issue, due to MatrixFree requirements. In general
+ this class is used to impose boundary conditions (or any kind of constraints), but in this case, since
+ we are using a weak imposition of bcs, everything is already in the weak forms and so these instances
+ will be default constructed ---*/
+ AffineConstraints<double> constraints_velocity,
+ constraints_pressure;
+ /*--- Now a bunch of variables handled by 'ParamHandler' introduced at the beginning of the code ---*/
+ unsigned int max_its;
+ double eps;
+ unsigned int max_loc_refinements;
+ unsigned int min_loc_refinements;
+ unsigned int refinement_iterations;
+ std::string saving_dir;
+ /*--- Finally, some output related streams ---*/
+ ConditionalOStream pcout;
+ std::ofstream time_out;
+ ConditionalOStream ptime_out;
+ TimerOutput time_table;
+ std::ofstream output_n_dofs_velocity;
+ std::ofstream output_n_dofs_pressure;
+ std::ofstream output_lift;
+ std::ofstream output_drag;
+ };
+ // In the constructor, we just read all the data from the
+ // <code>Data_Storage</code> object that is passed as an argument, verify that
+ // the data we read are reasonable and, finally, create the triangulation and
+ // load the initial data.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ NavierStokesProjection<dim>::NavierStokesProjection(RunTimeParameters::Data_Storage& data):
+ t_0(data.initial_time),
+ T(data.final_time),
+ gamma(2.0 - std::sqrt(2.0)), //--- Save also in the NavierStokes class the TR-BDF2 parameter value
+ TR_BDF2_stage(1), //--- Initialize the flag for the TR_BDF2 stage
+ Re(data.Reynolds),
+ dt(data.dt),
+ vel_init(data.initial_time),
+ pres_init(data.initial_time),
+ triangulation(MPI_COMM_WORLD, parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim>::limit_level_difference_at_vertices,
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim>::construct_multigrid_hierarchy),
+ fe_velocity(FE_DGQ<dim>(EquationData::degree_p + 1), dim),
+ fe_pressure(FE_DGQ<dim>(EquationData::degree_p), 1),
+ dof_handler_velocity(triangulation),
+ dof_handler_pressure(triangulation),
+ quadrature_pressure(EquationData::degree_p + 1),
+ quadrature_velocity(EquationData::degree_p + 2),
+ navier_stokes_matrix(data),
+ max_its(data.max_iterations),
+ eps(data.eps),
+ max_loc_refinements(data.max_loc_refinements),
+ min_loc_refinements(data.min_loc_refinements),
+ refinement_iterations(data.refinement_iterations),
+ saving_dir(data.dir),
+ pcout(std::cout, Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD) == 0),
+ time_out("./" + data.dir + "/time_analysis_" +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(MPI_COMM_WORLD)) + "proc.dat"),
+ ptime_out(time_out, Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD) == 0),
+ time_table(ptime_out, TimerOutput::summary, TimerOutput::cpu_and_wall_times),
+ output_n_dofs_velocity("./" + data.dir + "/n_dofs_velocity.dat", std::ofstream::out),
+ output_n_dofs_pressure("./" + data.dir + "/n_dofs_pressure.dat", std::ofstream::out),
+ output_lift("./" + data.dir + "/lift.dat", std::ofstream::out),
+ output_drag("./" + data.dir + "/drag.dat", std::ofstream::out) {
+ if(EquationData::degree_p < 1) {
+ pcout
+ << " WARNING: The chosen pair of finite element spaces is not stable."
+ << std::endl
+ << " The obtained results will be nonsense" << std::endl;
+ }
+ AssertThrow(!((dt <= 0.0) || (dt > 0.5*T)), ExcInvalidTimeStep(dt, 0.5*T));
+ matrix_free_storage = std::make_shared<MatrixFree<dim, double>>();
+ create_triangulation(data.n_refines);
+ setup_dofs();
+ initialize();
+ }
+ // The method that creates the triangulation and refines it the needed number
+ // of times.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::create_triangulation(const unsigned int n_refines) {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(time_table, "Create triangulation");
+ GridGenerator::plate_with_a_hole(triangulation, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1, 1.0, 19.0, Point<2>(2.0, 2.0), 0, 1, 1.0, 2, true);
+ /*--- We strongly advice to check the documentation to verify the meaning of all input parameters. ---*/
+ pcout << "Number of refines = " << n_refines << std::endl;
+ triangulation.refine_global(n_refines);
+ }
+ // After creating the triangulation, it creates the mesh dependent
+ // data, i.e. it distributes degrees of freedom, and
+ // initializes the vectors that we will use.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::setup_dofs() {
+ pcout << "Number of active cells: " << triangulation.n_global_active_cells() << std::endl;
+ pcout << "Number of levels: " << triangulation.n_global_levels() << std::endl;
+ /*--- Distribute dofs and prepare for multigrid ---*/
+ dof_handler_velocity.distribute_dofs(fe_velocity);
+ dof_handler_pressure.distribute_dofs(fe_pressure);
+ pcout << "dim (X_h) = " << dof_handler_velocity.n_dofs()
+ << std::endl
+ << "dim (M_h) = " << dof_handler_pressure.n_dofs()
+ << std::endl
+ << "Re = " << Re << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ if(Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD) == 0) {
+ output_n_dofs_velocity << dof_handler_velocity.n_dofs() << std::endl;
+ output_n_dofs_pressure << dof_handler_pressure.n_dofs() << std::endl;
+ }
+ typename MatrixFree<dim, double>::AdditionalData additional_data;
+ additional_data.mapping_update_flags = (update_gradients | update_JxW_values |
+ update_quadrature_points | update_values);
+ additional_data.mapping_update_flags_inner_faces = (update_gradients | update_JxW_values | update_quadrature_points |
+ update_normal_vectors | update_values);
+ additional_data.mapping_update_flags_boundary_faces = (update_gradients | update_JxW_values | update_quadrature_points |
+ update_normal_vectors | update_values);
+ additional_data.tasks_parallel_scheme = MatrixFree<dim, double>::AdditionalData::none;
+ std::vector<const DoFHandler<dim>*> dof_handlers; /*--- Vector of dof_handlers to feed the 'MatrixFree'. Here the order
+ counts and enters into the game as parameter of FEEvaluation and
+ FEFaceEvaluation in the previous class ---*/
+ dof_handlers.push_back(&dof_handler_velocity);
+ dof_handlers.push_back(&dof_handler_pressure);
+ constraints_velocity.clear();
+ constraints_velocity.close();
+ constraints_pressure.clear();
+ constraints_pressure.close();
+ std::vector<const AffineConstraints<double>*> constraints;
+ constraints.push_back(&constraints_velocity);
+ constraints.push_back(&constraints_pressure);
+ std::vector<QGauss<1>> quadratures; /*--- We cannot directly use 'quadrature_velocity' and 'quadrature_pressure',
+ because the 'MatrixFree' structure wants a quadrature formula for 1D
+ (this is way the template parameter of the previous class was called 'n_q_points_1d_p'
+ and 'n_q_points_1d_v' and the reason of '1' as QGauss template parameter). ---*/
+ quadratures.push_back(QGauss<1>(EquationData::degree_p + 2));
+ quadratures.push_back(QGauss<1>(EquationData::degree_p + 1));
+ /*--- Initialize the matrix-free structure and size properly the vectors. Here again the
+ second input argument of the 'initialize_dof_vector' method depends on the order of 'dof_handlers' ---*/
+ matrix_free_storage->reinit(dof_handlers, constraints, quadratures, additional_data);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(u_star, 0);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(rhs_u, 0);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(u_n, 0);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(u_extr, 0);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(u_n_minus_1, 0);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(u_n_gamma, 0);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(u_tmp, 0);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(grad_pres_int, 0);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(pres_int, 1);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(pres_n, 1);
+ matrix_free_storage->initialize_dof_vector(rhs_p, 1);
+ /*--- Initialize the multigrid structure. We dedicate ad hoc 'dof_handlers_mg' and 'constraints_mg' because
+ we use float as type. Moreover we can initialize already with the index of the finite element of the pressure;
+ anyway we need by requirement to declare also structures for the velocity for coherence (basically because
+ the index of finite element space has to be the same, so the pressure has to be the second).---*/
+ mg_matrices.clear_elements();
+ dof_handler_velocity.distribute_mg_dofs();
+ dof_handler_pressure.distribute_mg_dofs();
+ const unsigned int nlevels = triangulation.n_global_levels();
+ mg_matrices.resize(0, nlevels - 1);
+ for(unsigned int level = 0; level < nlevels; ++level) {
+ typename MatrixFree<dim, float>::AdditionalData additional_data_mg;
+ additional_data_mg.tasks_parallel_scheme = MatrixFree<dim, float>::AdditionalData::none;
+ additional_data_mg.mapping_update_flags = (update_gradients | update_JxW_values);
+ additional_data_mg.mapping_update_flags_inner_faces = (update_gradients | update_JxW_values);
+ additional_data_mg.mapping_update_flags_boundary_faces = (update_gradients | update_JxW_values);
+ additional_data_mg.mg_level = level;
+ std::vector<const DoFHandler<dim>*> dof_handlers_mg;
+ dof_handlers_mg.push_back(&dof_handler_velocity);
+ dof_handlers_mg.push_back(&dof_handler_pressure);
+ std::vector<const AffineConstraints<float>*> constraints_mg;
+ AffineConstraints<float> constraints_velocity_mg;
+ constraints_velocity_mg.clear();
+ constraints_velocity_mg.close();
+ constraints_mg.push_back(&constraints_velocity_mg);
+ AffineConstraints<float> constraints_pressure_mg;
+ constraints_pressure_mg.clear();
+ constraints_pressure_mg.close();
+ constraints_mg.push_back(&constraints_pressure_mg);
+ std::shared_ptr<MatrixFree<dim, float>> mg_mf_storage_level(new MatrixFree<dim, float>());
+ mg_mf_storage_level->reinit(dof_handlers_mg, constraints_mg, quadratures, additional_data_mg);
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> tmp = {1};
+ mg_matrices[level].initialize(mg_mf_storage_level, tmp, tmp);
+ mg_matrices[level].set_dt(dt);
+ mg_matrices[level].set_NS_stage(2);
+ }
+ Linfty_error_per_cell_vel.reinit(triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ }
+ // This method loads the initial data. It simply uses the class <code>Pressure</code> instance for the pressure
+ // and the class <code>Velocity</code> instance for the velocity.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::initialize() {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(time_table, "Initialize pressure and velocity");
+ VectorTools::interpolate(dof_handler_pressure, pres_init, pres_n);
+ VectorTools::interpolate(dof_handler_velocity, vel_init, u_n_minus_1);
+ VectorTools::interpolate(dof_handler_velocity, vel_init, u_n);
+ }
+ // This function computes the extrapolated velocity to be used in the momentum predictor
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::interpolate_velocity() {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(time_table, "Interpolate velocity");
+ //--- TR-BDF2 first step
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ u_extr.equ(1.0 + gamma/(2.0*(1.0 - gamma)), u_n);
+ u_tmp.equ(gamma/(2.0*(1.0 - gamma)), u_n_minus_1);
+ u_extr -= u_tmp;
+ }
+ //--- TR-BDF2 second step
+ else {
+ u_extr.equ(1.0 + (1.0 - gamma)/gamma, u_n_gamma);
+ u_tmp.equ((1.0 - gamma)/gamma, u_n);
+ u_extr -= u_tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ // We are finally ready to solve the diffusion step.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::diffusion_step() {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(time_table, "Diffusion step");
+ /*--- We first speicify that we want to deal with velocity dof_handler (index 0, since it is the first one
+ in the 'dof_handlers' vector) ---*/
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> tmp = {0};
+ navier_stokes_matrix.initialize(matrix_free_storage, tmp, tmp);
+ /*--- Next, we specify at we are at stage 1, namely the diffusion step ---*/
+ navier_stokes_matrix.set_NS_stage(1);
+ /*--- Now, we compute the right-hand side and we set the convective velocity. The necessity of 'set_u_extr' is
+ that this quantity is required in the bilinear forms and we can't use a vector of src like on the right-hand side,
+ so it has to be available ---*/
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ navier_stokes_matrix.vmult_rhs_velocity(rhs_u, {u_n, u_extr, pres_n});
+ navier_stokes_matrix.set_u_extr(u_extr);
+ u_star = u_extr;
+ }
+ else {
+ navier_stokes_matrix.vmult_rhs_velocity(rhs_u, {u_n, u_n_gamma, pres_int, u_extr});
+ navier_stokes_matrix.set_u_extr(u_extr);
+ u_star = u_extr;
+ }
+ /*--- Build the linear solver; in this case we specifiy the maximum number of iterations and residual ---*/
+ SolverControl solver_control(max_its, eps*rhs_u.l2_norm());
+ SolverGMRES<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>> gmres(solver_control);
+ /*--- Build a Jacobi preconditioner and solve ---*/
+ PreconditionJacobi<NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim,
+ EquationData::degree_p,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 1,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 1,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 2,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>,
+ double>> preconditioner;
+ navier_stokes_matrix.compute_diagonal();
+ preconditioner.initialize(navier_stokes_matrix);
+ gmres.solve(navier_stokes_matrix, u_star, rhs_u, preconditioner);
+ }
+ // Next, we solve the projection step.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::projection_step() {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(time_table, "Projection step pressure");
+ /*--- We start in the same way of 'diffusion_step': we first reinitialize with the index of FE space,
+ we specify that this is the second stage and we compute the right-hand side ---*/
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> tmp = {1};
+ navier_stokes_matrix.initialize(matrix_free_storage, tmp, tmp);
+ navier_stokes_matrix.set_NS_stage(2);
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1)
+ navier_stokes_matrix.vmult_rhs_pressure(rhs_p, {u_star, pres_n});
+ else
+ navier_stokes_matrix.vmult_rhs_pressure(rhs_p, {u_star, pres_int});
+ /*--- Build the linear solver (Conjugate Gradient in this case) ---*/
+ SolverControl solver_control(max_its, eps*rhs_p.l2_norm());
+ SolverCG<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>> cg(solver_control);
+ /*--- Build the preconditioner (as in step-37) ---*/
+ MGTransferMatrixFree<dim, float> mg_transfer;
+ mg_transfer.build(dof_handler_pressure);
+ using SmootherType = PreconditionChebyshev<NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim,
+ EquationData::degree_p,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 1,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 1,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 2,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>,
+ float>,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>>;
+ mg::SmootherRelaxation<SmootherType, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>> mg_smoother;
+ MGLevelObject<typename SmootherType::AdditionalData> smoother_data;
+ smoother_data.resize(0, triangulation.n_global_levels() - 1);
+ for(unsigned int level = 0; level < triangulation.n_global_levels(); ++level) {
+ if(level > 0) {
+ smoother_data[level].smoothing_range = 15.0;
+ smoother_data[level].degree = 3;
+ smoother_data[level].eig_cg_n_iterations = 10;
+ }
+ else {
+ smoother_data[0].smoothing_range = 2e-2;
+ smoother_data[0].degree = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ smoother_data[0].eig_cg_n_iterations = mg_matrices[0].m();
+ }
+ mg_matrices[level].compute_diagonal();
+ smoother_data[level].preconditioner = mg_matrices[level].get_matrix_diagonal_inverse();
+ }
+ mg_smoother.initialize(mg_matrices, smoother_data);
+ PreconditionIdentity identity;
+ SolverCG<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>> cg_mg(solver_control);
+ MGCoarseGridIterativeSolver<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>,
+ SolverCG<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>>,
+ NavierStokesProjectionOperator<dim,
+ EquationData::degree_p,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 1,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 1,
+ EquationData::degree_p + 2,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>,
+ float>,
+ PreconditionIdentity> mg_coarse(cg_mg, mg_matrices[0], identity);
+ mg::Matrix<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>> mg_matrix(mg_matrices);
+ Multigrid<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>> mg(mg_matrix, mg_coarse, mg_transfer, mg_smoother, mg_smoother);
+ PreconditionMG<dim,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<float>,
+ MGTransferMatrixFree<dim, float>> preconditioner(dof_handler_pressure, mg, mg_transfer);
+ /*--- Solve the linear system ---*/
+ if(TR_BDF2_stage == 1) {
+ pres_int = pres_n;
+ cg.solve(navier_stokes_matrix, pres_int, rhs_p, preconditioner);
+ }
+ else {
+ pres_n = pres_int;
+ cg.solve(navier_stokes_matrix, pres_n, rhs_p, preconditioner);
+ }
+ }
+ // This implements the projection step for the gradient of pressure
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::project_grad(const unsigned int flag) {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(time_table, "Gradient of pressure projection");
+ /*--- The input parameter flag is used just to specify where we want to save the result ---*/
+ AssertIndexRange(flag, 3);
+ Assert(flag > 0, ExcInternalError());
+ /*--- We need to select the dof handler related to the velocity since the result lives there ---*/
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> tmp = {0};
+ navier_stokes_matrix.initialize(matrix_free_storage, tmp, tmp);
+ if(flag == 1)
+ navier_stokes_matrix.vmult_grad_p_projection(rhs_u, pres_n);
+ else if(flag == 2)
+ navier_stokes_matrix.vmult_grad_p_projection(rhs_u, pres_int);
+ /*--- We conventionally decide that the this corresponds to third stage ---*/
+ navier_stokes_matrix.set_NS_stage(3);
+ /*--- Solve the system ---*/
+ SolverControl solver_control(max_its, 1e-12*rhs_u.l2_norm());
+ SolverCG<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>> cg(solver_control);
+ cg.solve(navier_stokes_matrix, u_tmp, rhs_u, PreconditionIdentity());
+ }
+ // The following function is used in determining the maximal velocity
+ // in order to compute the Courant number.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ double NavierStokesProjection<dim>::get_maximal_velocity() {
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference(dof_handler_velocity, u_n, ZeroFunction<dim>(dim),
+ Linfty_error_per_cell_vel, quadrature_velocity, VectorTools::Linfty_norm);
+ const double res = VectorTools::compute_global_error(triangulation, Linfty_error_per_cell_vel, VectorTools::Linfty_norm);
+ return res;
+ }
+ // The following function is used in determining the maximal nodal difference
+ // in order to see if we have reched steady-state. We simply use integrate_difference testing
+ // u_n - u_n_minus_1 against the zero function.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ double NavierStokesProjection<dim>::get_maximal_difference() {
+ u_tmp = u_n;
+ u_tmp -= u_n_minus_1;
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference(dof_handler_velocity, u_tmp, ZeroFunction<dim>(dim),
+ Linfty_error_per_cell_vel, quadrature_velocity, VectorTools::Linfty_norm);
+ const double res = VectorTools::compute_global_error(triangulation, Linfty_error_per_cell_vel, VectorTools::Linfty_norm);
+ pcout << "Maximum nodal difference = " << res <<std::endl;
+ return res;
+ }
+ // This method plots the current solution. The main difficulty is that we want
+ // to create a single output file that contains the data for all velocity
+ // components and the pressure. On the other hand, velocities and the pressure
+ // live on separate DoFHandler objects, so we need to pay attention when we use
+ // 'add_data_vector' to select the proper space.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::output_results(const unsigned int step) {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(time_table, "Output results");
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ std::vector<std::string> velocity_names(dim, "v");
+ std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>
+ component_interpretation_velocity(dim, DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_part_of_vector);
+ u_n.update_ghost_values();
+ data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_velocity, u_n, velocity_names, component_interpretation_velocity);
+ pres_n.update_ghost_values();
+ data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_pressure, pres_n, "p", {DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_scalar});
+ std::vector<std::string> velocity_names_old(dim, "v_old");
+ u_n_minus_1.update_ghost_values();
+ data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_velocity, u_n_minus_1, velocity_names_old, component_interpretation_velocity);
+ /*--- Here we rely on the postprocessor we have built ---*/
+ PostprocessorVorticity<dim> postprocessor;
+ data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_velocity, u_n, postprocessor);
+ data_out.build_patches(MappingQ1<dim>(), 1, DataOut<dim>::curved_inner_cells);
+ const std::string output = "./" + saving_dir + "/solution-" + Utilities::int_to_string(step, 5) + ".vtu";
+ data_out.write_vtu_in_parallel(output, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ }
+ // @sect{<code>NavierStokesProjection::compute_lift_and_drag</code>}
+ // This routine computes the lift and the drag forces in a non-dimensional framework
+ // (so basically for the classical coefficients, it is necessary to multiply by a factor 2).
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::compute_lift_and_drag() {
+ QGauss<dim - 1> face_quadrature_formula(EquationData::degree_p + 2);
+ const int n_q_points = face_quadrature_formula.size();
+ std::vector<double> pressure_values(n_q_points);
+ std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>>> velocity_gradients(n_q_points, std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>>(dim));
+ Tensor<1, dim> normal_vector;
+ Tensor<2, dim> fluid_stress;
+ Tensor<2, dim> fluid_pressure;
+ Tensor<1, dim> forces;
+ /*--- We need to compute the integral over the cylinder boundary, so we need to use 'FEFaceValues' instances.
+ For the velocity we need the gradients, for the pressure the values. ---*/
+ FEFaceValues<dim> fe_face_values_velocity(fe_velocity, face_quadrature_formula,
+ update_quadrature_points | update_gradients |
+ update_JxW_values | update_normal_vectors);
+ FEFaceValues<dim> fe_face_values_pressure(fe_pressure, face_quadrature_formula, update_values);
+ double local_drag = 0.0;
+ double local_lift = 0.0;
+ /*--- We need to perform a unique loop because the whole stress tensor takes into account contributions of
+ velocity and pressure obviously. However, the two dof_handlers are different, so we neede to create an ad-hoc
+ iterator for the pressure that we update manually. It is guaranteed that the cells are visited in the same order
+ (see the documentation) ---*/
+ auto tmp_cell = dof_handler_pressure.begin_active();
+ for(const auto& cell : dof_handler_velocity.active_cell_iterators()) {
+ if(cell->is_locally_owned()) {
+ for(int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face) {
+ if(cell->face(face)->at_boundary() && cell->face(face)->boundary_id() == 4) {
+ fe_face_values_velocity.reinit(cell, face);
+ fe_face_values_pressure.reinit(tmp_cell, face);
+ fe_face_values_velocity.get_function_gradients(u_n, velocity_gradients); /*--- velocity gradients ---*/
+ fe_face_values_pressure.get_function_values(pres_n, pressure_values); /*--- pressure values ---*/
+ for(int q = 0; q < n_q_points; q++) {
+ normal_vector = -fe_face_values_velocity.normal_vector(q);
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++ d) {
+ fluid_pressure[d][d] = pressure_values[q];
+ for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
+ fluid_stress[d][k] = 1.0/Re*velocity_gradients[q][d][k];
+ }
+ fluid_stress = fluid_stress - fluid_pressure;
+ forces = fluid_stress*normal_vector*fe_face_values_velocity.JxW(q);
+ local_drag += forces[0];
+ local_lift += forces[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++tmp_cell;
+ }
+ /*--- At the end, each processor has computed the contribution to the boundary cells it owns and, therefore,
+ we need to sum up all the contributions. ---*/
+ double lift = Utilities::MPI::sum(local_lift, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ double drag = Utilities::MPI::sum(local_drag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ if(Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD) == 0) {
+ output_lift << lift << std::endl;
+ output_drag << drag << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect{ <code>NavierStokesProjection::refine_mesh</code>}
+ // After finding a good initial guess on the coarse mesh, we hope to
+ // decrease the error through refining the mesh. We also need to transfer the current solution to the
+ // next mesh using the SolutionTransfer class.
+ //
+ template <int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::refine_mesh() {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(time_table, "Refine mesh");
+ /*--- We first create a proper vector for computing estimator ---*/
+ IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs;
+ DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(dof_handler_velocity, locally_relevant_dofs);
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> tmp_velocity;
+ tmp_velocity.reinit(dof_handler_velocity.locally_owned_dofs(), locally_relevant_dofs, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ tmp_velocity = u_n;
+ tmp_velocity.update_ghost_values();
+ using Iterator = typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator;
+ Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell(triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ /*--- This is basically the indicator per cell computation (see step-50). Since it is not so complciated
+ we implement it through a lambda expression ---*/
+ auto cell_worker = [&](const Iterator& cell,
+ ScratchData<dim>& scratch_data,
+ CopyData& copy_data) {
+ FEValues<dim>& fe_values = scratch_data.fe_values; /*--- Here we finally use the 'FEValues' inside ScratchData ---*/
+ fe_values.reinit(cell);
+ /*--- Compute the gradients for all quadrature points ---*/
+ std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>>> gradients(fe_values.n_quadrature_points, std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>>(dim));
+ fe_values.get_function_gradients(tmp_velocity, gradients);
+ copy_data.cell_index = cell->active_cell_index();
+ double vorticity_norm_square = 0.0;
+ /*--- Loop over quadrature points and evaluate the integral multiplying the vorticty
+ by the weights and the determinant of the Jacobian (which are included in 'JxW') ---*/
+ for(unsigned k = 0; k < fe_values.n_quadrature_points; ++k) {
+ const double vorticity = gradients[k][1][0] - gradients[k][0][1];
+ vorticity_norm_square += vorticity*vorticity*fe_values.JxW(k);
+ }
+ copy_data.value = cell->diameter()*cell->diameter()*vorticity_norm_square;
+ };
+ const UpdateFlags cell_flags = update_gradients | update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values;
+ auto copier = [&](const CopyData ©_data) {
+ if(copy_data.cell_index != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ estimated_error_per_cell[copy_data.cell_index] += copy_data.value;
+ };
+ /*--- Now everything is 'automagically' handled by 'mesh_loop' ---*/
+ ScratchData scratch_data(fe_velocity, EquationData::degree_p + 2, cell_flags);
+ CopyData copy_data;
+ MeshWorker::mesh_loop(dof_handler_velocity.begin_active(),
+ dof_handler_velocity.end(),
+ cell_worker,
+ copier,
+ scratch_data,
+ copy_data,
+ MeshWorker::assemble_own_cells);
+ /*--- Refine grid. In case the refinement level is above a certain value (or the coarsening level is below)
+ we clear the flags. ---*/
+ parallel::distributed::GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number(triangulation, estimated_error_per_cell, 0.01, 0.3);
+ for(const auto& cell: triangulation.active_cell_iterators()) {
+ if(cell->refine_flag_set() && cell->level() == max_loc_refinements)
+ cell->clear_refine_flag();
+ if(cell->coarsen_flag_set() && cell->level() == min_loc_refinements)
+ cell->clear_coarsen_flag();
+ }
+ triangulation.prepare_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ /*--- Now we prepare the object for transfering, basically saving the old quantities using SolutionTransfer.
+ Since the 'prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement' method can be called only once, but we have two vectors
+ for dof_handler_velocity, we need to put them in an auxiliary vector. ---*/
+ std::vector<const LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>*> velocities;
+ velocities.push_back(&u_n);
+ velocities.push_back(&u_n_minus_1);
+ parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer<dim, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>>
+ solution_transfer_velocity(dof_handler_velocity);
+ solution_transfer_velocity.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement(velocities);
+ parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer<dim, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>>
+ solution_transfer_pressure(dof_handler_pressure);
+ solution_transfer_pressure.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement(pres_n);
+ triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement(); /*--- Effectively perform the remeshing ---*/
+ /*--- First DoFHandler objects are set up within the new grid ----*/
+ setup_dofs();
+ /*--- Interpolate current solutions to new mesh. This is done using auxliary vectors just for safety,
+ but the new u_n or pres_n could be used. Again, the only point is that the function 'interpolate'
+ can be called once and so the vectors related to 'dof_handler_velocity' have to collected in an auxiliary vector. ---*/
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> transfer_velocity,
+ transfer_velocity_minus_1,
+ transfer_pressure;
+ transfer_velocity.reinit(u_n);
+ transfer_velocity.zero_out_ghosts();
+ transfer_velocity_minus_1.reinit(u_n_minus_1);
+ transfer_velocity_minus_1.zero_out_ghosts();
+ transfer_pressure.reinit(pres_n);
+ transfer_pressure.zero_out_ghosts();
+ std::vector<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>*> transfer_velocities;
+ transfer_velocities.push_back(&transfer_velocity);
+ transfer_velocities.push_back(&transfer_velocity_minus_1);
+ solution_transfer_velocity.interpolate(transfer_velocities);
+ transfer_velocity.update_ghost_values();
+ transfer_velocity_minus_1.update_ghost_values();
+ solution_transfer_pressure.interpolate(transfer_pressure);
+ transfer_pressure.update_ghost_values();
+ u_n = transfer_velocity;
+ u_n_minus_1 = transfer_velocity_minus_1;
+ pres_n = transfer_pressure;
+ }
+ // Interpolate the locally refined solution to a mesh with maximal resolution
+ // and transfer velocity and pressure.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::interpolate_max_res(const unsigned int level) {
+ parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer<dim, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>>
+ solution_transfer_velocity(dof_handler_velocity);
+ std::vector<const LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>*> velocities;
+ velocities.push_back(&u_n);
+ velocities.push_back(&u_n_minus_1);
+ solution_transfer_velocity.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement(velocities);
+ parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer<dim, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>>
+ solution_transfer_pressure(dof_handler_pressure);
+ solution_transfer_pressure.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement(pres_n);
+ for(const auto& cell: triangulation.active_cell_iterators_on_level(level)) {
+ if(cell->is_locally_owned())
+ cell->set_refine_flag();
+ }
+ triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ setup_dofs();
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> transfer_velocity, transfer_velocity_minus_1,
+ transfer_pressure;
+ transfer_velocity.reinit(u_n);
+ transfer_velocity.zero_out_ghosts();
+ transfer_velocity_minus_1.reinit(u_n_minus_1);
+ transfer_velocity_minus_1.zero_out_ghosts();
+ transfer_pressure.reinit(pres_n);
+ transfer_pressure.zero_out_ghosts();
+ std::vector<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>*> transfer_velocities;
+ transfer_velocities.push_back(&transfer_velocity);
+ transfer_velocities.push_back(&transfer_velocity_minus_1);
+ solution_transfer_velocity.interpolate(transfer_velocities);
+ transfer_velocity.update_ghost_values();
+ transfer_velocity_minus_1.update_ghost_values();
+ solution_transfer_pressure.interpolate(transfer_pressure);
+ transfer_pressure.update_ghost_values();
+ u_n = transfer_velocity;
+ u_n_minus_1 = transfer_velocity_minus_1;
+ pres_n = transfer_pressure;
+ }
+ // Save maximum resolution to a mesh adapted.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::save_max_res() {
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> triangulation_tmp(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ GridGenerator::plate_with_a_hole(triangulation_tmp, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1, 1.0, 19.0, Point<2>(2.0, 2.0), 0, 1, 1.0, 2, true);
+ triangulation_tmp.refine_global(triangulation.n_global_levels() - 1);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler_velocity_tmp(triangulation_tmp);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler_pressure_tmp(triangulation_tmp);
+ dof_handler_velocity_tmp.distribute_dofs(fe_velocity);
+ dof_handler_pressure_tmp.distribute_dofs(fe_pressure);
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> u_n_tmp,
+ pres_n_tmp;
+ u_n_tmp.reinit(dof_handler_velocity_tmp.n_dofs());
+ pres_n_tmp.reinit(dof_handler_pressure_tmp.n_dofs());
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ std::vector<std::string> velocity_names(dim, "v");
+ std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>
+ component_interpretation_velocity(dim, DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_part_of_vector);
+ VectorTools::interpolate_to_different_mesh(dof_handler_velocity, u_n, dof_handler_velocity_tmp, u_n_tmp);
+ u_n_tmp.update_ghost_values();
+ data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_velocity_tmp, u_n_tmp, velocity_names, component_interpretation_velocity);
+ VectorTools::interpolate_to_different_mesh(dof_handler_pressure, pres_n, dof_handler_pressure_tmp, pres_n_tmp);
+ pres_n_tmp.update_ghost_values();
+ data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_pressure_tmp, pres_n_tmp, "p", {DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_scalar});
+ PostprocessorVorticity<dim> postprocessor;
+ data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_velocity_tmp, u_n_tmp, postprocessor);
+ data_out.build_patches(MappingQ1<dim>(), 1, DataOut<dim>::curved_inner_cells);
+ const std::string output = "./" + saving_dir + "/solution_max_res_end.vtu";
+ data_out.write_vtu_in_parallel(output, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ }
+ // @sect{ <code>NavierStokesProjection::run</code> }
+ // This is the time marching function, which starting at <code>t_0</code>
+ // advances in time using the projection method with time step <code>dt</code>
+ // until <code>T</code>.
+ //
+ // Its second parameter, <code>verbose</code> indicates whether the function
+ // should output information what it is doing at any given moment:
+ // we use the ConditionalOStream class to do that for us.
+ //
+ template<int dim>
+ void NavierStokesProjection<dim>::run(const bool verbose, const unsigned int output_interval) {
+ ConditionalOStream verbose_cout(std::cout, verbose && Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD) == 0);
+ output_results(1);
+ double time = t_0 + dt;
+ unsigned int n = 1;
+ while(std::abs(T - time) > 1e-10) {
+ time += dt;
+ n++;
+ pcout << "Step = " << n << " Time = " << time << std::endl;
+ /*--- First stage of TR-BDF2 and we start by setting the proper flag ---*/
+ TR_BDF2_stage = 1;
+ navier_stokes_matrix.set_TR_BDF2_stage(TR_BDF2_stage);
+ for(unsigned int level = 0; level < triangulation.n_global_levels(); ++level)
+ mg_matrices[level].set_TR_BDF2_stage(TR_BDF2_stage);
+ verbose_cout << " Interpolating the velocity stage 1" << std::endl;
+ interpolate_velocity();
+ verbose_cout << " Diffusion Step stage 1 " << std::endl;
+ diffusion_step();
+ verbose_cout << " Projection Step stage 1" << std::endl;
+ project_grad(1);
+ u_tmp.equ(gamma*dt, u_tmp);
+ u_star += u_tmp; /*--- In the rhs of the projection step we need u_star + gamma*dt*grad(pres_n) and we save it into u_star ---*/
+ projection_step();
+ verbose_cout << " Updating the Velocity stage 1" << std::endl;
+ u_n_gamma.equ(1.0, u_star);
+ project_grad(2);
+ grad_pres_int.equ(1.0, u_tmp); /*--- We save grad(pres_int), because we will need it soon ---*/
+ u_tmp.equ(-gamma*dt, u_tmp);
+ u_n_gamma += u_tmp; /*--- u_n_gamma = u_star - gamma*dt*grad(pres_int) ---*/
+ u_n_minus_1 = u_n;
+ /*--- Second stage of TR-BDF2 ---*/
+ TR_BDF2_stage = 2;
+ for(unsigned int level = 0; level < triangulation.n_global_levels(); ++level)
+ mg_matrices[level].set_TR_BDF2_stage(TR_BDF2_stage);
+ navier_stokes_matrix.set_TR_BDF2_stage(TR_BDF2_stage);
+ verbose_cout << " Interpolating the velocity stage 2" << std::endl;
+ interpolate_velocity();
+ verbose_cout << " Diffusion Step stage 2 " << std::endl;
+ diffusion_step();
+ verbose_cout << " Projection Step stage 2" << std::endl;
+ u_tmp.equ((1.0 - gamma)*dt, grad_pres_int);
+ u_star += u_tmp; /*--- In the rhs of the projection step we need u_star + (1 - gamma)*dt*grad(pres_int) ---*/
+ projection_step();
+ verbose_cout << " Updating the Velocity stage 2" << std::endl;
+ u_n.equ(1.0, u_star);
+ project_grad(1);
+ u_tmp.equ((gamma - 1.0)*dt, u_tmp);
+ u_n += u_tmp; /*--- u_n = u_star - (1 - gamma)*dt*grad(pres_n) ---*/
+ const double max_vel = get_maximal_velocity();
+ pcout<< "Maximal velocity = " << max_vel << std::endl;
+ /*--- The Courant number is computed taking into account the polynomial degree for the velocity ---*/
+ pcout << "CFL = " << dt*max_vel*(EquationData::degree_p + 1)*
+ std::sqrt(dim)/GridTools::minimal_cell_diameter(triangulation) << std::endl;
+ compute_lift_and_drag();
+ if(n % output_interval == 0) {
+ verbose_cout << "Plotting Solution final" << std::endl;
+ output_results(n);
+ }
+ /*--- In case dt is not a multiple of T, we reduce dt in order to end up at T ---*/
+ if(T - time < dt && T - time > 1e-10) {
+ dt = T - time;
+ navier_stokes_matrix.set_dt(dt);
+ for(unsigned int level = 0; level < triangulation.n_global_levels(); ++level)
+ mg_matrices[level].set_dt(dt);
+ }
+ /*--- Perform the refinement if desired ---*/
+ if(refinement_iterations > 0 && n % refinement_iterations == 0) {
+ verbose_cout << "Refining mesh" << std::endl;
+ refine_mesh();
+ }
+ }
+ if(n % output_interval != 0) {
+ verbose_cout << "Plotting Solution final" << std::endl;
+ output_results(n);
+ }
+ if(refinement_iterations > 0) {
+ for(unsigned int lev = 0; lev < triangulation.n_global_levels() - 1; ++ lev)
+ interpolate_max_res(lev);
+ save_max_res();
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace NS_TRBDF2
+// @sect{ The main function }
+// The main function looks very much like in all the other tutorial programs. We first initialize MPI,
+// we initialize the class 'NavierStokesProjection' with the dimension as template parameter and then
+// let the method 'run' do the job.
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ try {
+ using namespace NS_TRBDF2;
+ RunTimeParameters::Data_Storage data;
+ data.read_data("parameter-file.prm");
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_init(argc, argv, -1);
+ const auto& curr_rank = Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ deallog.depth_console(data.verbose && curr_rank == 0 ? 2 : 0);
+ NavierStokesProjection<2> test(data);
+ test.run(data.verbose, data.output_interval);
+ if(curr_rank == 0)
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl
+ << "Apparently everything went fine!" << std::endl
+ << "Don't forget to brush your teeth :-)" << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ catch(std::exception &exc) {
+ std::cerr << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
+ << exc.what() << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch(...) {
+ std::cerr << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }