]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Move the stream objects into an internal namespace
authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:54:12 +0000 (19:54 +0000)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:54:12 +0000 (19:54 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@15283 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 4392ad6318b3571973e61f4239acf130a901acb9..4f0cd37e206bf63ab65bfb39b5ac8241a2da0b1f 100644 (file)
@@ -56,21 +56,18 @@ class ParameterHandler;
  * <h3>Structure of the output data</h3>
  * Data is not written with the deal.II mesh structure. Instead, it
- * relies on a set of <tt>patches</tt> created by a derived class.
- * Each Patch itself consists of a <tt>dim</tt>-dimensional regular
- * grid with the same number of grid points in each direction. In the
- * simplest case it may consist of the corner points of a mesh cell.
- * For each point of this local grid, the Patch contains an arbitrary
- * (but the same for each point) number of data values.
- *
- * Normally, each Patch is written to the output file as what the
- * visualization program should consider a grid. Therefore, the output
- * is in most cases a <b>collection</b> of grids with data, <b>not</b>
- * a single grid. This became necessary, since many programs cannot
- * handle hanging nodes. On the other hand, it means that data once
- * written is stripped of its mesh structure and cannot be used for
- * further simulation with deal.II.
- * 
+ * relies on a set of <tt>patches</tt> created by a derived class (for
+ * example the DataOut, DataOutStack, DataOutFaces, DataOutRotation,
+ * or MatrixOut classes).  Each Patch describes a single logical cell
+ * of a mesh, possibly subdivided a number of times to represent
+ * higher order polynomials defined on this cell. To this end, a patch
+ * consists of a <tt>dim</tt>-dimensional regular grid with the same
+ * number of grid points in each direction. In the simplest case it
+ * may consist of the corner points of a single mesh cell.  For each
+ * point of this local grid, the Patch contains an arbitrary number of
+ * data values, though the number of data sets must be the same for
+ * each point on each patch.
+ *
  * By offering this interface to the different output formats, it is simple
  * to extend this class to new formats without depending on such things
  * as actual triangulations and handling of data vectors. These things shall
@@ -80,11 +77,9 @@ class ParameterHandler;
  * lexicographical order, <i>x</i> running fastest, then <i>y</i> and
  * <i>z</i>. Nodes are stored in this order and cells as well. Each
  * cell in 3D is stored such that the front face is in the
- * <i>xz</i>-plane, where the numbering depends on the output format
- * (see DXStream, GmvStream, TecplotStream, UcdStream, VtkStream).
- *
- * In order to enhance intellegibility of this concept, the following
- * two sections are kept from a previous version of this documentation.
+ * <i>xz</i>-plane. In order to enhance intellegibility of this
+ * concept, the following two sections are kept from a previous
+ * version of this documentation.
  * <h4>Patches</h4>
@@ -196,7 +191,8 @@ class ParameterHandler;
  * For each of these fields, output functions are implemented, namely
  * write_nodes(), write_cells() and write_data(). In order to use
  * these functions, a format specific output stream must be written,
- * following the examples of DXStream, GmvStream, VtkStream and so on.
+ * following the examples of DXStream, GmvStream, VtkStream and so on,
+ * implemented in the .cc file.
  * In this framework, the implementation of a new output format is
  * reduced to writing the section headers and the new output stream
@@ -1307,7 +1303,8 @@ class DataOutBase
                                      * the presently supported output
                                      * formats.
-    enum OutputFormat {
+    enum OutputFormat
+    {
                                            * Use the format already
                                            * stored in the object.
@@ -1374,398 +1371,7 @@ class DataOutBase
-                                    /**
-                                     * Class for writing basic
-                                     * entities in @ref
-                                     * SoftwareOpenDX format,
-                                     * depending on the flags.
-                                     */
-    class DXStream
-    {
-      public:
-                                        /**
-                                         * Constructor, storing
-                                         * persistent values for
-                                         * later use.
-                                         */
-       DXStream (std::ostream& stream, DXFlags flags);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Output operator for points.
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write dim-dimensional cell
-                                         * with first vertex at
-                                         * number start and further
-                                         * vertices offset by the
-                                         * specified values. Values
-                                         * not needed are ignored.
-                                         *
-                                         * The order of vertices for
-                                         * these cells in different
-                                         * dimensions is
-                                         * <ol>
-                                         * <li> [0,1]
-                                         * <li> [0,2,1,3]
-                                         * <li> [0,4,2,6,1,5,3,7]
-                                         * </ol>
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
-                       const unsigned int start,
-                       const unsigned int x_offset,
-                       const unsigned int y_offset,
-                       const unsigned int z_offset);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write a complete set of
-                                         * data for a single node.
-                                         */
-       template<typename data>
-       void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
-                          const std::vector<data>& values);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Forwarding of output stream
-                                         */
-       template <typename T>
-       std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
-      private:
-                                        /**
-                                         * The ostream to use. Since
-                                         * the life span of these
-                                         * objects is small, we use a
-                                         * very simple storage
-                                         * technique.
-                                         */
-       std::ostream& stream;
-                                        /**
-                                         * The flags controlling the output
-                                         */
-       DXFlags flags;
-    };
-                                    /**
-                                     * Class for writing basic
-                                     * entities in @ref SoftwareGMV
-                                     * format, depending on the
-                                     * flags.
-                                     */
-    class GmvStream
-    {
-      public:
-                                        /**
-                                         * Constructor, storing
-                                         * persistent values for
-                                         * later use.
-                                         */
-       GmvStream (std::ostream& stream, GmvFlags flags);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Output operator for points.
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write dim-dimensional cell
-                                         * with first vertex at
-                                         * number start and further
-                                         * vertices offset by the
-                                         * specified values. Values
-                                         * not needed are ignored.
-                                         *
-                                         * The order of vertices for
-                                         * these cells in different
-                                         * dimensions is
-                                         * <ol>
-                                         * <li> [0,1]
-                                         * <li> [0,1,3,2]
-                                         * <li> [0,1,3,2,4,5,7,6]
-                                         * </ol>
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
-                       const unsigned int start,
-                       const unsigned int x_offset,
-                       const unsigned int y_offset,
-                       const unsigned int z_offset);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write a complete set of
-                                         * data for a single node.
-                                         */
-       template<typename data>
-       void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
-                          const std::vector<data>& values);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Forwarding of output stream
-                                         */
-       template <typename T>
-       std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Since GMV reads the x, y
-                                         * and z coordinates in
-                                         * separate fields, we enable
-                                         * write() to output only a
-                                         * single selected component
-                                         * at once and do this dim
-                                         * times for the whole set of
-                                         * nodes. This integer can be
-                                         * used to select the
-                                         * component written.
-                                         */
-       unsigned int selected_component;
-      private:
-                                        /**
-                                         * The ostream to use. Since
-                                         * the life span of these
-                                         * objects is small, we use a
-                                         * very simple storage
-                                         * technique.
-                                         */
-       std::ostream& stream;
-                                        /**
-                                         * The flags controlling the output
-                                         */
-       GmvFlags flags;
-    };
-                                    /**
-                                     * Class for writing basic
-                                     * entities in @ref
-                                     * SoftwareTecplot format,
-                                     * depending on the flags.
-                                     */
-    class TecplotStream
-    {
-      public:
-                                        /**
-                                         * Constructor, storing
-                                         * persistent values for
-                                         * later use.
-                                         */
-       TecplotStream (std::ostream& stream, TecplotFlags flags);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Output operator for points.
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write dim-dimensional cell
-                                         * with first vertex at
-                                         * number start and further
-                                         * vertices offset by the
-                                         * specified values. Values
-                                         * not needed are ignored.
-                                         *
-                                         * The order of vertices for
-                                         * these cells in different
-                                         * dimensions is
-                                         * <ol>
-                                         * <li> [0,1]
-                                         * <li> [0,1,3,2]
-                                         * <li> [0,1,3,2,4,5,7,6]
-                                         * </ol>
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
-                       const unsigned int start,
-                       const unsigned int x_offset,
-                       const unsigned int y_offset,
-                       const unsigned int z_offset);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write a complete set of
-                                         * data for a single node.
-                                         */
-       template<typename data>
-       void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
-                          const std::vector<data>& values);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Forwarding of output stream
-                                         */
-       template <typename T>
-       std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Since TECPLOT reads the x, y
-                                         * and z coordinates in
-                                         * separate fields, we enable
-                                         * write() to output only a
-                                         * single selected component
-                                         * at once and do this dim
-                                         * times for the whole set of
-                                         * nodes. This integer can be
-                                         * used to select the
-                                         * component written.
-                                         */
-       unsigned int selected_component;
-      private:
-                                        /**
-                                         * The ostream to use. Since
-                                         * the life span of these
-                                         * objects is small, we use a
-                                         * very simple storage
-                                         * technique.
-                                         */
-       std::ostream& stream;
-                                        /**
-                                         * The flags controlling the output
-                                         */
-       TecplotFlags flags;
-    };
-                                    /**
-                                     * Class for writing basic
-                                     * entities in UCD format for
-                                     * @ref SoftwareAVS, depending on
-                                     * the flags.
-                                     */
-    class UcdStream
-    {
-      public:
-                                        /**
-                                         * Constructor, storing
-                                         * persistent values for
-                                         * later use.
-                                         */
-       UcdStream (std::ostream& stream, UcdFlags flags);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Output operator for points.
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write dim-dimensional cell
-                                         * with first vertex at
-                                         * number start and further
-                                         * vertices offset by the
-                                         * specified values. Values
-                                         * not needed are ignored.
-                                         *
-                                         * The additional offset 1 is
-                                         * added inside this
-                                         * function.
-                                         *
-                                         * The order of vertices for
-                                         * these cells in different
-                                         * dimensions is
-                                         * <ol>
-                                         * <li> [0,1]
-                                         * <li> [0,1,3,2]
-                                         * <li> [0,1,5,4,2,3,7,6]
-                                         * </ol>
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
-                       const unsigned int start,
-                       const unsigned int x_offset,
-                       const unsigned int y_offset,
-                       const unsigned int z_offset);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write a complete set of
-                                         * data for a single node.
-                                         */
-       template<typename data>
-       void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
-                          const std::vector<data>& values);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Forwarding of output stream
-                                         */
-       template <typename T>
-       std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
-      private:
-                                        /**
-                                         * The ostream to use. Since
-                                         * the life span of these
-                                         * objects is small, we use a
-                                         * very simple storage
-                                         * technique.
-                                         */
-       std::ostream& stream;
-                                        /**
-                                         * The flags controlling the output
-                                         */
-       UcdFlags flags;
-    };
-                                    /**
-                                     * Class for writing basic
-                                     * entities in @ref SoftwareVTK
-                                     * format, depending on the
-                                     * flags.
-                                     */
-    class VtkStream
-    {
-      public:
-                                        /**
-                                         * Constructor, storing
-                                         * persistent values for
-                                         * later use.
-                                         */
-       VtkStream (std::ostream& stream, VtkFlags flags);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Output operator for points.
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write dim-dimensional cell
-                                         * with first vertex at
-                                         * number start and further
-                                         * vertices offset by the
-                                         * specified values. Values
-                                         * not needed are ignored.
-                                         *
-                                         * The order of vertices for
-                                         * these cells in different
-                                         * dimensions is
-                                         * <ol>
-                                         * <li> [0,1]
-                                         * <li> []
-                                         * <li> []
-                                         * </ol>
-                                         */
-       template <int dim>
-       void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
-                       const unsigned int start,
-                       const unsigned int x_offset,
-                       const unsigned int y_offset,
-                       const unsigned int z_offset);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Write a complete set of
-                                         * data for a single node.
-                                         */
-       template<typename data>
-       void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
-                          const std::vector<data>& values);
-                                        /**
-                                         * Forwarding of output stream
-                                         */
-       template <typename T>
-       std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
-      private:
-                                        /**
-                                         * The ostream to use. Since
-                                         * the life span of these
-                                         * objects is small, we use a
-                                         * very simple storage
-                                         * technique.
-                                         */
-       std::ostream& stream;
-                                        /**
-                                         * The flags controlling the output
-                                         */
-       VtkFlags flags;
-    };
  * Write the given list of patches to the output stream in @ref
@@ -3060,41 +2666,6 @@ operator >> (std::istream                     &in,
-template <typename T>
-DataOutBase::DXStream::operator<< (const T& t)
-  stream << t;
-  return stream;
-template <typename T>
-DataOutBase::GmvStream::operator<< (const T& t)
-  stream << t;
-  return stream;
-template <typename T>
-DataOutBase::UcdStream::operator<< (const T& t)
-  stream << t;
-  return stream;
-template <typename T>
-DataOutBase::VtkStream::operator<< (const T& t)
-  stream << t;
-  return stream;
index 4af720e65983ec05d9a67d0b3dd5378aed2eb490..de64366cf0f873ffaddbf48058cf962b53136251 100644 (file)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+                                //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //    $Id$
 //    Version: $Name$
@@ -176,6 +176,794 @@ namespace
+                                  /**
+                                   * Class for writing basic
+                                   * entities in @ref
+                                   * SoftwareOpenDX format,
+                                   * depending on the flags.
+                                   */
+  class DXStream
+  {
+    public:
+                                      /**
+                                       * Constructor, storing
+                                       * persistent values for
+                                       * later use.
+                                       */
+      DXStream (std::ostream& stream, DataOutBase::DXFlags flags);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Output operator for points.
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write dim-dimensional cell
+                                       * with first vertex at
+                                       * number start and further
+                                       * vertices offset by the
+                                       * specified values. Values
+                                       * not needed are ignored.
+                                       *
+                                       * The order of vertices for
+                                       * these cells in different
+                                       * dimensions is
+                                       * <ol>
+                                       * <li> [0,1]
+                                       * <li> [0,2,1,3]
+                                       * <li> [0,4,2,6,1,5,3,7]
+                                       * </ol>
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
+                     const unsigned int start,
+                     const unsigned int x_offset,
+                     const unsigned int y_offset,
+                     const unsigned int z_offset);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write a complete set of
+                                       * data for a single node.
+                                       */
+      template<typename data>
+      void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
+                        const std::vector<data>& values);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Forwarding of output stream
+                                       */
+      template <typename T>
+      std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
+    private:
+                                      /**
+                                       * The ostream to use. Since
+                                       * the life span of these
+                                       * objects is small, we use a
+                                       * very simple storage
+                                       * technique.
+                                       */
+      std::ostream& stream;
+                                      /**
+                                       * The flags controlling the output
+                                       */
+      DataOutBase::DXFlags flags;
+  };
+                                  /**
+                                   * Class for writing basic
+                                   * entities in @ref SoftwareGMV
+                                   * format, depending on the
+                                   * flags.
+                                   */
+  class GmvStream
+  {
+    public:
+                                      /**
+                                       * Constructor, storing
+                                       * persistent values for
+                                       * later use.
+                                       */
+      GmvStream (std::ostream& stream, DataOutBase::GmvFlags flags);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Output operator for points.
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write dim-dimensional cell
+                                       * with first vertex at
+                                       * number start and further
+                                       * vertices offset by the
+                                       * specified values. Values
+                                       * not needed are ignored.
+                                       *
+                                       * The order of vertices for
+                                       * these cells in different
+                                       * dimensions is
+                                       * <ol>
+                                       * <li> [0,1]
+                                       * <li> [0,1,3,2]
+                                       * <li> [0,1,3,2,4,5,7,6]
+                                       * </ol>
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
+                     const unsigned int start,
+                     const unsigned int x_offset,
+                     const unsigned int y_offset,
+                     const unsigned int z_offset);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write a complete set of
+                                       * data for a single node.
+                                       */
+      template<typename data>
+      void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
+                        const std::vector<data>& values);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Forwarding of output stream
+                                       */
+      template <typename T>
+      std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Since GMV reads the x, y
+                                       * and z coordinates in
+                                       * separate fields, we enable
+                                       * write() to output only a
+                                       * single selected component
+                                       * at once and do this dim
+                                       * times for the whole set of
+                                       * nodes. This integer can be
+                                       * used to select the
+                                       * component written.
+                                       */
+      unsigned int selected_component;
+    private:
+                                      /**
+                                       * The ostream to use. Since
+                                       * the life span of these
+                                       * objects is small, we use a
+                                       * very simple storage
+                                       * technique.
+                                       */
+      std::ostream& stream;
+                                      /**
+                                       * The flags controlling the output
+                                       */
+      DataOutBase::GmvFlags flags;
+  };
+                                  /**
+                                   * Class for writing basic
+                                   * entities in @ref
+                                   * SoftwareTecplot format,
+                                   * depending on the flags.
+                                   */
+  class TecplotStream
+  {
+    public:
+                                      /**
+                                       * Constructor, storing
+                                       * persistent values for
+                                       * later use.
+                                       */
+      TecplotStream (std::ostream& stream, DataOutBase::TecplotFlags flags);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Output operator for points.
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write dim-dimensional cell
+                                       * with first vertex at
+                                       * number start and further
+                                       * vertices offset by the
+                                       * specified values. Values
+                                       * not needed are ignored.
+                                       *
+                                       * The order of vertices for
+                                       * these cells in different
+                                       * dimensions is
+                                       * <ol>
+                                       * <li> [0,1]
+                                       * <li> [0,1,3,2]
+                                       * <li> [0,1,3,2,4,5,7,6]
+                                       * </ol>
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
+                     const unsigned int start,
+                     const unsigned int x_offset,
+                     const unsigned int y_offset,
+                     const unsigned int z_offset);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write a complete set of
+                                       * data for a single node.
+                                       */
+      template<typename data>
+      void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
+                        const std::vector<data>& values);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Forwarding of output stream
+                                       */
+      template <typename T>
+      std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Since TECPLOT reads the x, y
+                                       * and z coordinates in
+                                       * separate fields, we enable
+                                       * write() to output only a
+                                       * single selected component
+                                       * at once and do this dim
+                                       * times for the whole set of
+                                       * nodes. This integer can be
+                                       * used to select the
+                                       * component written.
+                                       */
+      unsigned int selected_component;
+    private:
+                                      /**
+                                       * The ostream to use. Since
+                                       * the life span of these
+                                       * objects is small, we use a
+                                       * very simple storage
+                                       * technique.
+                                       */
+      std::ostream& stream;
+                                      /**
+                                       * The flags controlling the output
+                                       */
+      DataOutBase::TecplotFlags flags;
+  };
+                                  /**
+                                   * Class for writing basic
+                                   * entities in UCD format for
+                                   * @ref SoftwareAVS, depending on
+                                   * the flags.
+                                   */
+  class UcdStream
+  {
+    public:
+                                      /**
+                                       * Constructor, storing
+                                       * persistent values for
+                                       * later use.
+                                       */
+      UcdStream (std::ostream& stream, DataOutBase::UcdFlags flags);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Output operator for points.
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write dim-dimensional cell
+                                       * with first vertex at
+                                       * number start and further
+                                       * vertices offset by the
+                                       * specified values. Values
+                                       * not needed are ignored.
+                                       *
+                                       * The additional offset 1 is
+                                       * added inside this
+                                       * function.
+                                       *
+                                       * The order of vertices for
+                                       * these cells in different
+                                       * dimensions is
+                                       * <ol>
+                                       * <li> [0,1]
+                                       * <li> [0,1,3,2]
+                                       * <li> [0,1,5,4,2,3,7,6]
+                                       * </ol>
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
+                     const unsigned int start,
+                     const unsigned int x_offset,
+                     const unsigned int y_offset,
+                     const unsigned int z_offset);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write a complete set of
+                                       * data for a single node.
+                                       */
+      template<typename data>
+      void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
+                        const std::vector<data>& values);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Forwarding of output stream
+                                       */
+      template <typename T>
+      std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
+    private:
+                                      /**
+                                       * The ostream to use. Since
+                                       * the life span of these
+                                       * objects is small, we use a
+                                       * very simple storage
+                                       * technique.
+                                       */
+      std::ostream& stream;
+                                      /**
+                                       * The flags controlling the output
+                                       */
+      DataOutBase::UcdFlags flags;
+  };
+                                  /**
+                                   * Class for writing basic
+                                   * entities in @ref SoftwareVTK
+                                   * format, depending on the
+                                   * flags.
+                                   */
+  class VtkStream
+  {
+    public:
+                                      /**
+                                       * Constructor, storing
+                                       * persistent values for
+                                       * later use.
+                                       */
+      VtkStream (std::ostream& stream, DataOutBase::VtkFlags flags);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Output operator for points.
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write(const unsigned int index, const Point<dim>&);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write dim-dimensional cell
+                                       * with first vertex at
+                                       * number start and further
+                                       * vertices offset by the
+                                       * specified values. Values
+                                       * not needed are ignored.
+                                       *
+                                       * The order of vertices for
+                                       * these cells in different
+                                       * dimensions is
+                                       * <ol>
+                                       * <li> [0,1]
+                                       * <li> []
+                                       * <li> []
+                                       * </ol>
+                                       */
+      template <int dim>
+      void write_cell(const unsigned int index,
+                     const unsigned int start,
+                     const unsigned int x_offset,
+                     const unsigned int y_offset,
+                     const unsigned int z_offset);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Write a complete set of
+                                       * data for a single node.
+                                       */
+      template<typename data>
+      void write_dataset(unsigned int index,
+                        const std::vector<data>& values);
+                                      /**
+                                       * Forwarding of output stream
+                                       */
+      template <typename T>
+      std::ostream& operator<< (const T&);
+    private:
+                                      /**
+                                       * The ostream to use. Since
+                                       * the life span of these
+                                       * objects is small, we use a
+                                       * very simple storage
+                                       * technique.
+                                       */
+      std::ostream& stream;
+                                      /**
+                                       * The flags controlling the output
+                                       */
+      DataOutBase::VtkFlags flags;
+  };
+  DXStream::DXStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::DXFlags f)
+                 :
+                 stream(out), flags(f)
+  {}
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  DXStream::write (const unsigned int,
+                  const Point<dim>& p)
+  {
+    if (flags.coordinates_binary)
+      {
+       float data[dim];
+       for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+         data[d] = p(d);
+       stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data),
+                    dim * sizeof(*data));
+      }
+    else
+      {              
+       for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+         stream << p(d) << '\t';
+       stream << '\n';
+      }
+  }
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  DXStream::write_cell(
+    unsigned int,
+    unsigned int start,
+    unsigned int d1,
+    unsigned int d2,
+    unsigned int d3)
+  {
+    int nodes[8];
+    nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[0]] = start;
+    nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[1]] = start+d1;
+    if (dim>=2)
+      {
+                                        // Add shifted line in y direction
+       nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[2]] = start+d2;
+       nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[3]] = start+d2+d1;
+       if (dim>=3)
+         {
+                                            // Add shifted quad in z direction
+           nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[4]] = start+d3;
+           nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[5]] = start+d3+d1;
+           nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[6]] = start+d3+d2;  
+           nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[7]] = start+d3+d2+d1;
+         }
+      }
+    if (flags.int_binary)
+      stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(nodes),
+                  (1<<dim) * sizeof(*nodes));
+    else
+      {
+       const unsigned int final = (1<<dim) - 1;
+       for (unsigned int i=0;i<final ;++i)
+         stream << nodes[i] << '\t';
+       stream << nodes[final] << '\n';
+      }
+  }
+  template<typename data>
+  inline
+  void
+  DXStream::write_dataset(unsigned int,
+                         const std::vector<data>& values)
+  {
+    if (flags.data_binary)
+      {
+       stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&values[0]),
+                    values.size()*sizeof(data));
+      }
+    else
+      {
+       for (unsigned int i=0;i<values.size();++i)
+         stream << '\t' << values[i];
+       stream << '\n';
+      }
+  }
+  GmvStream::GmvStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::GmvFlags f)
+                 :
+                 selected_component(deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
+                 stream(out), flags(f)
+  {}
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  GmvStream::write (const unsigned int,
+                   const Point<dim>& p)
+  {
+    Assert(selected_component != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+          ExcNotInitialized());
+    stream << p(selected_component) << ' ';
+  }
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  GmvStream::write_cell(
+    unsigned int,
+    unsigned int s,
+    unsigned int d1,
+    unsigned int d2,
+    unsigned int d3)
+  {
+                                    // Vertices are numbered starting
+                                    // with one.
+    const unsigned int start=s+1;
+    stream << gmv_cell_type[dim] << '\n';
+    stream << start << '\t'
+          << start+d1;
+    if (dim>=2)
+      {
+       stream << '\t' << start+d2+d1
+              << '\t' << start+d2;
+       if (dim>=3)
+         {
+           stream << '\t' << start+d3
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d1
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d2+d1
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d2;
+         }
+      }
+    stream << '\n';
+  }
+  template<typename data>
+  inline
+  void
+  GmvStream::write_dataset(unsigned int,
+                          const std::vector<data>& values)
+  {
+    Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+  }
+  TecplotStream::TecplotStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::TecplotFlags f)
+                 :
+                 selected_component(deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
+                 stream(out), flags(f)
+  {}
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  TecplotStream::write (const unsigned int,
+                       const Point<dim>& p)
+  {
+    Assert(selected_component != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+          ExcNotInitialized());
+    stream << p(selected_component) << '\n';
+  }
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  TecplotStream::write_cell(
+    unsigned int,
+    unsigned int s,
+    unsigned int d1,
+    unsigned int d2,
+    unsigned int d3)
+  {
+    const unsigned int start = s+1;
+    stream << start << '\t'
+          << start+d1;
+    if (dim>=2)
+      {
+       stream << '\t' << start+d2+d1
+              << '\t' << start+d2;
+       if (dim>=3)
+         {
+           stream << '\t' << start+d3
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d1
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d2+d1
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d2;
+         }
+      }
+    stream << '\n';
+  }
+  template<typename data>
+  inline
+  void
+  TecplotStream::write_dataset(unsigned int,
+                              const std::vector<data>& values)
+  {
+    Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+  }
+  UcdStream::UcdStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::UcdFlags f)
+                 :
+                 stream(out), flags(f)
+  {}
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  UcdStream::write (const unsigned int index,
+                   const Point<dim>& p)
+  {
+    stream << index+1
+          << "   ";
+                                    // write out coordinates
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+      stream << p(i) << ' ';
+                                    // fill with zeroes
+    for (unsigned int i=dim; i<3; ++i)
+      stream << "0 ";
+    stream << '\n';
+  }
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  UcdStream::write_cell(
+    unsigned int index,
+    unsigned int start,
+    unsigned int d1,
+    unsigned int d2,
+    unsigned int d3)
+  {
+    int nodes[8];
+    nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[0]] = start;
+    nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[1]] = start+d1;
+    if (dim>=2)
+      {
+                                        // Add shifted line in y direction
+       nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[2]] = start+d2;
+       nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[3]] = start+d2+d1;
+       if (dim>=3)
+         {
+                                            // Add shifted quad in z direction
+           nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[4]] = start+d3;
+           nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[5]] = start+d3+d1;
+           nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[6]] = start+d3+d2;  
+           nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[7]] = start+d3+d2+d1;
+         }
+      }
+                                    // Write out all cells and remember
+                                    // that all indices must be shifted
+                                    // by one.
+    stream << index+1 << "\t0 " << ucd_cell_type[dim];
+    const unsigned int final = (1<<dim);
+    for (unsigned int i=0;i<final ;++i)
+      stream << '\t' << nodes[i]+1;
+    stream << '\n';
+  }
+  template<typename data>
+  inline
+  void
+  UcdStream::write_dataset(unsigned int index,
+                          const std::vector<data>& values)
+  {
+    stream << index+1;
+    for (unsigned int i=0;i<values.size();++i)
+      stream << '\t' << values[i];
+    stream << '\n';
+  }
+  VtkStream::VtkStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::VtkFlags f)
+                 :
+                 stream(out), flags(f)
+  {}
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  VtkStream::write (const unsigned int,
+                   const Point<dim>& p)
+  {
+                                    // write out coordinates
+    stream << p;
+                                    // fill with zeroes
+    for (unsigned int i=dim; i<3; ++i)
+      stream << " 0";
+    stream << '\n';
+  }
+  template<int dim>
+  void
+  VtkStream::write_cell(
+    unsigned int,
+    unsigned int start,
+    unsigned int d1,
+    unsigned int d2,
+    unsigned int d3)
+  {
+    stream << GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell << '\t'
+          << start << '\t'
+          << start+d1;
+    if (dim>=2)
+      {
+       stream << '\t' << start+d2+d1
+              << '\t' << start+d2;
+       if (dim>=3)
+         {
+           stream << '\t' << start+d3
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d1
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d2+d1
+                  << '\t' << start+d3+d2;
+         }
+      }
+    stream << '\n';
+  }
+  template<typename data>
+  inline
+  void
+  VtkStream::write_dataset(unsigned int,
+                          const std::vector<data>& values)
+  {
+    for (unsigned int i=0;i<values.size();++i)
+      stream << '\t' << values[i];
+    stream << '\n';
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  std::ostream&
+  DXStream::operator<< (const T& t)
+  {
+    stream << t;
+    return stream;
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  std::ostream&
+  GmvStream::operator<< (const T& t)
+  {
+    stream << t;
+    return stream;
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  std::ostream&
+  UcdStream::operator<< (const T& t)
+  {
+    stream << t;
+    return stream;
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  std::ostream&
+  VtkStream::operator<< (const T& t)
+  {
+    stream << t;
+    return stream;
+  }
@@ -858,359 +1646,6 @@ default_suffix (const OutputFormat output_format)
-DataOutBase::DXStream::DXStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::DXFlags f)
-               :
-               stream(out), flags(f)
-template<int dim>
-DataOutBase::DXStream::write (const unsigned int,
-                             const Point<dim>& p)
-  if (flags.coordinates_binary)
-    {
-      float data[dim];
-      for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
-       data[d] = p(d);
-      stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data),
-                  dim * sizeof(*data));
-    }
-  else
-    {        
-      for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
-       stream << p(d) << '\t';
-      stream << '\n';
-    }
-template<int dim>
-  unsigned int,
-  unsigned int start,
-  unsigned int d1,
-  unsigned int d2,
-  unsigned int d3)
-  int nodes[8];
-  nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[0]] = start;
-  nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[1]] = start+d1;
-  if (dim>=2)
-    {
-                                      // Add shifted line in y direction
-      nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[2]] = start+d2;
-      nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[3]] = start+d2+d1;
-      if (dim>=3)
-       {
-                                          // Add shifted quad in z direction
-         nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[4]] = start+d3;
-         nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[5]] = start+d3+d1;
-         nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[6]] = start+d3+d2;  
-         nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::dx_to_deal[7]] = start+d3+d2+d1;
-       }
-    }
-  if (flags.int_binary)
-    stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(nodes),
-                (1<<dim) * sizeof(*nodes));
-  else
-    {
-      const unsigned int final = (1<<dim) - 1;
-      for (unsigned int i=0;i<final ;++i)
-       stream << nodes[i] << '\t';
-      stream << nodes[final] << '\n';
-    }
-template<typename data>
-DataOutBase::DXStream::write_dataset(unsigned int,
-                                    const std::vector<data>& values)
-  if (flags.data_binary)
-    {
-      stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&values[0]),
-                  values.size()*sizeof(data));
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      for (unsigned int i=0;i<values.size();++i)
-       stream << '\t' << values[i];
-      stream << '\n';
-    }
-DataOutBase::GmvStream::GmvStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::GmvFlags f)
-               :
-               selected_component(deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
-               stream(out), flags(f)
-template<int dim>
-DataOutBase::GmvStream::write (const unsigned int,
-                              const Point<dim>& p)
-  Assert(selected_component != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
-        ExcNotInitialized());
-  stream << p(selected_component) << ' ';
-template<int dim>
-  unsigned int,
-  unsigned int s,
-  unsigned int d1,
-  unsigned int d2,
-  unsigned int d3)
-                                  // Vertices are numbered starting
-                                  // with one.
-  const unsigned int start=s+1;
-  stream << gmv_cell_type[dim] << '\n';
-  stream << start << '\t'
-        << start+d1;
-  if (dim>=2)
-    {
-      stream << '\t' << start+d2+d1
-            << '\t' << start+d2;
-      if (dim>=3)
-       {
-         stream << '\t' << start+d3
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d1
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d2+d1
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d2;
-       }
-    }
-  stream << '\n';
-template<typename data>
-DataOutBase::GmvStream::write_dataset(unsigned int,
-                                     const std::vector<data>& values)
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-DataOutBase::TecplotStream::TecplotStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::TecplotFlags f)
-               :
-               selected_component(deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
-               stream(out), flags(f)
-template<int dim>
-DataOutBase::TecplotStream::write (const unsigned int,
-                                  const Point<dim>& p)
-  Assert(selected_component != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
-        ExcNotInitialized());
-  stream << p(selected_component) << '\n';
-template<int dim>
-  unsigned int,
-  unsigned int s,
-  unsigned int d1,
-  unsigned int d2,
-  unsigned int d3)
-  const unsigned int start = s+1;
-  stream << start << '\t'
-        << start+d1;
-  if (dim>=2)
-    {
-      stream << '\t' << start+d2+d1
-            << '\t' << start+d2;
-      if (dim>=3)
-       {
-         stream << '\t' << start+d3
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d1
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d2+d1
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d2;
-       }
-    }
-  stream << '\n';
-template<typename data>
-DataOutBase::TecplotStream::write_dataset(unsigned int,
-                                         const std::vector<data>& values)
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-DataOutBase::UcdStream::UcdStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::UcdFlags f)
-               :
-               stream(out), flags(f)
-template<int dim>
-DataOutBase::UcdStream::write (const unsigned int index,
-                              const Point<dim>& p)
-  stream << index+1
-        << "   ";
-                                  // write out coordinates
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
-    stream << p(i) << ' ';
-                                  // fill with zeroes
-  for (unsigned int i=dim; i<3; ++i)
-    stream << "0 ";
-  stream << '\n';
-template<int dim>
-  unsigned int index,
-  unsigned int start,
-  unsigned int d1,
-  unsigned int d2,
-  unsigned int d3)
-  int nodes[8];
-  nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[0]] = start;
-  nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[1]] = start+d1;
-  if (dim>=2)
-    {
-                                      // Add shifted line in y direction
-      nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[2]] = start+d2;
-      nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[3]] = start+d2+d1;
-      if (dim>=3)
-       {
-                                          // Add shifted quad in z direction
-         nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[4]] = start+d3;
-         nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[5]] = start+d3+d1;
-         nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[6]] = start+d3+d2;  
-         nodes[GeometryInfo<dim>::ucd_to_deal[7]] = start+d3+d2+d1;
-       }
-    }
-                                  // Write out all cells and remember
-                                  // that all indices must be shifted
-                                  // by one.
-  stream << index+1 << "\t0 " << ucd_cell_type[dim];
-  const unsigned int final = (1<<dim);
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i<final ;++i)
-    stream << '\t' << nodes[i]+1;
-  stream << '\n';
-template<typename data>
-DataOutBase::UcdStream::write_dataset(unsigned int index,
-                                     const std::vector<data>& values)
-  stream << index+1;
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i<values.size();++i)
-    stream << '\t' << values[i];
-  stream << '\n';
-DataOutBase::VtkStream::VtkStream(std::ostream& out, DataOutBase::VtkFlags f)
-               :
-               stream(out), flags(f)
-template<int dim>
-DataOutBase::VtkStream::write (const unsigned int,
-                              const Point<dim>& p)
-                                  // write out coordinates
-  stream << p;
-                                  // fill with zeroes
-  for (unsigned int i=dim; i<3; ++i)
-    stream << " 0";
-  stream << '\n';
-template<int dim>
-  unsigned int,
-  unsigned int start,
-  unsigned int d1,
-  unsigned int d2,
-  unsigned int d3)
-  stream << GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell << '\t'
-        << start << '\t'
-        << start+d1;
-  if (dim>=2)
-    {
-      stream << '\t' << start+d2+d1
-            << '\t' << start+d2;
-      if (dim>=3)
-       {
-         stream << '\t' << start+d3
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d1
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d2+d1
-                << '\t' << start+d3+d2;
-       }
-    }
-  stream << '\n';
-template<typename data>
-DataOutBase::VtkStream::write_dataset(unsigned int,
-                                     const std::vector<data>& values)
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i<values.size();++i)
-    stream << '\t' << values[i];
-  stream << '\n';

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.