--- /dev/null
+// $Id: trilinos_block_sparse_matrix.h 14783 2007-06-18 14:52:01Z bangerth $
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+#ifndef __deal2__trilinos_block_sparse_matrix_h
+#define __deal2__trilinos_block_sparse_matrix_h
+#include <base/config.h>
+#include <base/table.h>
+#include <lac/block_matrix_base.h>
+#include <lac/trilinos_sparse_matrix.h>
+#include <lac/trilinos_block_vector.h>
+#include <lac/exceptions.h>
+#include <cmath>
+namespace TrilinosWrappers
+/*! @addtogroup TrilinosWrappers
+ *@{
+ */
+ * Blocked sparse matrix based on the TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix class. This
+ * class implements the functions that are specific to the Trilinos SparseMatrix
+ * base objects for a blocked sparse matrix, and leaves the actual work
+ * relaying most of the calls to the individual blocks to the functions
+ * implemented in the base class. See there also for a description of when
+ * this class is useful.
+ *
+ * In contrast to the deal.II-type SparseMatrix class, the Trilinos matrices do
+ * not have external objects for the sparsity patterns. Thus, one does not
+ * determine the size of the individual blocks of a block matrix of this type
+ * by attaching a block sparsity pattern, but by calling reinit() to set the
+ * number of blocks and then by setting the size of each block separately. In
+ * order to fix the data structures of the block matrix, it is then necessary
+ * to let it know that we have changed the sizes of the underlying
+ * matrices. For this, one has to call the collect_sizes() function, for much
+ * the same reason as is documented with the BlockSparsityPattern class.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Matrix1
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 2004
+ */
+ class BlockSparseMatrix : public BlockMatrixBase<TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix>
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Typedef the base class for simpler
+ * access to its own typedefs.
+ */
+ typedef BlockMatrixBase<SparseMatrix> BaseClass;
+ /**
+ * Typedef the type of the underlying
+ * matrix.
+ */
+ typedef BaseClass::BlockType BlockType;
+ /**
+ * Import the typedefs from the base
+ * class.
+ */
+ typedef BaseClass::value_type value_type;
+ typedef BaseClass::pointer pointer;
+ typedef BaseClass::const_pointer const_pointer;
+ typedef BaseClass::reference reference;
+ typedef BaseClass::const_reference const_reference;
+ typedef BaseClass::size_type size_type;
+ typedef BaseClass::iterator iterator;
+ typedef BaseClass::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ /**
+ * Constructor; initializes the
+ * matrix to be empty, without
+ * any structure, i.e. the
+ * matrix is not usable at
+ * all. This constructor is
+ * therefore only useful for
+ * matrices which are members of
+ * a class. All other matrices
+ * should be created at a point
+ * in the data flow where all
+ * necessary information is
+ * available.
+ *
+ * You have to initialize the
+ * matrix before usage with
+ * reinit(BlockSparsityPattern). The
+ * number of blocks per row and
+ * column are then determined by
+ * that function.
+ */
+ BlockSparseMatrix ();
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~BlockSparseMatrix ();
+ /**
+ * Pseudo copy operator only copying
+ * empty objects. The sizes of the block
+ * matrices need to be the same.
+ */
+ BlockSparseMatrix &
+ operator = (const BlockSparseMatrix &);
+ /**
+ * This operator assigns a scalar to a
+ * matrix. Since this does usually not
+ * make much sense (should we set all
+ * matrix entries to this value? Only
+ * the nonzero entries of the sparsity
+ * pattern?), this operation is only
+ * allowed if the actual value to be
+ * assigned is zero. This operator only
+ * exists to allow for the obvious
+ * notation <tt>matrix=0</tt>, which
+ * sets all elements of the matrix to
+ * zero, but keep the sparsity pattern
+ * previously used.
+ */
+ BlockSparseMatrix &
+ operator = (const double d);
+ /**
+ * Resize the matrix, by setting
+ * the number of block rows and
+ * columns. This deletes all
+ * blocks and replaces them by
+ * unitialized ones, i.e. ones
+ * for which also the sizes are
+ * not yet set. You have to do
+ * that by calling the @p reinit
+ * functions of the blocks
+ * themselves. Do not forget to
+ * call collect_sizes() after
+ * that on this object.
+ *
+ * The reason that you have to
+ * set sizes of the blocks
+ * yourself is that the sizes may
+ * be varying, the maximum number
+ * of elements per row may be
+ * varying, etc. It is simpler
+ * not to reproduce the interface
+ * of the @p SparsityPattern
+ * class here but rather let the
+ * user call whatever function
+ * she desires.
+ */
+ void reinit (const unsigned int n_block_rows,
+ const unsigned int n_block_columns);
+ /**
+ * Resize the matrix, by using an
+ * array of Epetra maps to determine
+ * the distribution of the
+ * individual matrices. This function
+ * assumes that a quadratic block
+ * matrix is generated.
+ */
+ //void reinit (const std::vector<Epetra_Map> &input_maps);
+ /**
+ * This function calls the compress()
+ * command of all matrices after
+ * the sparsity pattern has been
+ * generated or the assembly is
+ * completed. Note that all MPI
+ * processes need to call this
+ * command (in contrast to sparsity
+ * pattern generation, which is
+ * probably only called on one
+ * single process) before any
+ * can complete it.
+ */
+ void compress ();
+ /**
+ * This function collects the
+ * sizes of the sub-objects and
+ * stores them in internal
+ * arrays, in order to be able to
+ * relay global indices into the
+ * matrix to indices into the
+ * subobjects. You *must* call
+ * this function each time after
+ * you have changed the size of
+ * the sub-objects.
+ */
+ void collect_sizes ();
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector multiplication:
+ * let $dst = M*src$ with $M$
+ * being this matrix.
+ */
+ void vmult (BlockVector &dst,
+ const BlockVector &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector
+ * multiplication. Just like the
+ * previous function, but only
+ * applicable if the matrix has
+ * only one block column.
+ */
+ void vmult (BlockVector &dst,
+ const Vector &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector
+ * multiplication. Just like the
+ * previous function, but only
+ * applicable if the matrix has
+ * only one block row.
+ */
+ void vmult (Vector &dst,
+ const BlockVector &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector
+ * multiplication. Just like the
+ * previous function, but only
+ * applicable if the matrix has
+ * only one block.
+ */
+ void vmult (Vector &dst,
+ const Vector &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector multiplication:
+ * let $dst = M^T*src$ with $M$
+ * being this matrix. This
+ * function does the same as
+ * vmult() but takes the
+ * transposed matrix.
+ */
+ void Tvmult (BlockVector &dst,
+ const BlockVector &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector
+ * multiplication. Just like the
+ * previous function, but only
+ * applicable if the matrix has
+ * only one block row.
+ */
+ void Tvmult (BlockVector &dst,
+ const Vector &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector
+ * multiplication. Just like the
+ * previous function, but only
+ * applicable if the matrix has
+ * only one block column.
+ */
+ void Tvmult (Vector &dst,
+ const BlockVector &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector
+ * multiplication. Just like the
+ * previous function, but only
+ * applicable if the matrix has
+ * only one block.
+ */
+ void Tvmult (Vector &dst,
+ const Vector &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Make the clear() function in the
+ * base class visible, though it is
+ * protected.
+ */
+ using BlockMatrixBase<SparseMatrix>::clear;
+ /** @addtogroup Exceptions
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException4 (ExcIncompatibleRowNumbers,
+ int, int, int, int,
+ << "The blocks [" << arg1 << ',' << arg2 << "] and ["
+ << arg3 << ',' << arg4 << "] have differing row numbers.");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException4 (ExcIncompatibleColNumbers,
+ int, int, int, int,
+ << "The blocks [" << arg1 << ',' << arg2 << "] and ["
+ << arg3 << ',' << arg4 << "] have differing column numbers.");
+ ///@}
+ };
+// ------------- inline and template functions -----------------
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::vmult (BlockVector &dst,
+ const BlockVector &src) const
+ {
+ BaseClass::vmult_block_block (dst, src);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::vmult (BlockVector &dst,
+ const Vector &src) const
+ {
+ BaseClass::vmult_block_nonblock (dst, src);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::vmult (Vector &dst,
+ const BlockVector &src) const
+ {
+ BaseClass::vmult_nonblock_block (dst, src);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::vmult (Vector &dst,
+ const Vector &src) const
+ {
+ BaseClass::vmult_nonblock_nonblock (dst, src);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::Tvmult (BlockVector &dst,
+ const BlockVector &src) const
+ {
+ BaseClass::Tvmult_block_block (dst, src);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::Tvmult (BlockVector &dst,
+ const Vector &src) const
+ {
+ BaseClass::Tvmult_block_nonblock (dst, src);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::Tvmult (Vector &dst,
+ const BlockVector &src) const
+ {
+ BaseClass::Tvmult_nonblock_block (dst, src);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::Tvmult (Vector &dst,
+ const Vector &src) const
+ {
+ BaseClass::Tvmult_nonblock_nonblock (dst, src);
+ }
+#endif // __deal2__trilinos_block_sparse_matrix_h
--- /dev/null
+// $Id: trilinos_block_sparse_matrix.cc 15631 2008-01-17 23:47:31Z bangerth $
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+#include <lac/trilinos_block_sparse_matrix.h>
+namespace TrilinosWrappers
+ BlockSparseMatrix::BlockSparseMatrix ()
+ {}
+ BlockSparseMatrix::~BlockSparseMatrix ()
+ {}
+ BlockSparseMatrix &
+ BlockSparseMatrix::operator = (const BlockSparseMatrix &m)
+ {
+ BaseClass::operator = (m);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BlockSparseMatrix &
+ BlockSparseMatrix::operator = (const double d)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int r=0; r<this->n_block_rows(); ++r)
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_block_cols(); ++c)
+ this->block(r,c) = d;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::
+ reinit (const unsigned int n_block_rows,
+ const unsigned int n_block_columns)
+ {
+ // first delete previous content of
+ // the subobjects array
+ for (unsigned int r=0; r<this->n_block_rows(); ++r)
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_block_cols(); ++c)
+ {
+ BlockType *p = this->sub_objects[r][c];
+ this->sub_objects[r][c] = 0;
+ delete p;
+ }
+ this->sub_objects.reinit (0,0);
+ // then resize. set sizes of blocks to
+ // zero. user will later have to call
+ // collect_sizes for this
+ this->sub_objects.reinit (n_block_rows,
+ n_block_columns);
+ this->row_block_indices.reinit (n_block_rows, 0);
+ this->column_block_indices.reinit (n_block_columns, 0);
+ // and reinitialize the blocks
+ for (unsigned int r=0; r<this->n_block_rows(); ++r)
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_block_cols(); ++c)
+ {
+ BlockType *p = new BlockType();
+ this->sub_objects[r][c] = p;
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::compress()
+ {
+ for (unsigned int r=0; r<this->n_block_rows(); ++r)
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_block_cols(); ++c)
+ this->block(r,c).compress();
+ }
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::collect_sizes ()
+ {
+ BaseClass::collect_sizes ();
+ }