* $id-I_h$ that is needed for evaluating $(id-I_h)z$ for e.g. the
* dual solution $z$.
- * @author Ralf Hartmann, 2000; Wolfgang Bangerth, 2003, Guido Kanschat, 2000, 2004
+ * @author Ralf Hartmann, 2000; Wolfgang Bangerth, 2003, 2005, Guido Kanschat, 2000, 2004
class FETools
FiniteElement<dim> *
get_fe_from_name (const std::string &name);
+ /**
+ * Projects scalar data defined in
+ * quadrature points to a finite element
+ * space on a single cell.
+ *
+ * What this function does is the
+ * following: assume that there is scalar
+ * data <tt>u<sub>q</sub>, 0 <= q <
+ * Q:=quadrature.n_quadrature_points</tt>
+ * defined at the quadrature points of a
+ * cell, with the points defined by the
+ * given <tt>rhs_quadrature</tt>
+ * object. We may then want to ask for
+ * that finite element function (on a
+ * single cell) <tt>v<sub>h</sub></tt> in
+ * the finite-dimensional space defined
+ * by the given FE object that is the
+ * projection of <tt>u</tt> in the
+ * following sense:
+ *
+ * Usually, the projection
+ * <tt>v<sub>h</sub></tt> is that
+ * function that satisfies
+ * <tt>(v<sub>h</sub>,w)=(u,w)</tt> for
+ * all discrete test functions
+ * <tt>w</tt>. In the present case, we
+ * can't evaluate the right hand side,
+ * since <tt>u</tt> is only defined in
+ * the quadrature points given by
+ * <tt>rhs_quadrature</tt>, so we replace
+ * it by a quadrature
+ * approximation. Likewise, the left hand
+ * side is approximated using the
+ * <tt>lhs_quadrature</tt> object; if
+ * this quadrature object is chosen
+ * appropriately, then the integration of
+ * the left hand side can be done
+ * exactly, without any
+ * approximation. The use of different
+ * quadrature objects is necessary if the
+ * quadrature object for the right hand
+ * side has too few quadrature points --
+ * for example, if data <tt>q</tt> is
+ * only defined at the cell center, then
+ * the corresponding one-point quadrature
+ * formula is obviously insufficient to
+ * approximate the scalar product on the
+ * left hand side by a definite form.
+ *
+ * After these quadrature approximations,
+ * we end up with a nodal representation
+ * <tt>V<sub>h</sub></tt> of
+ * <tt>v<sub>h</sub></tt> that satisfies
+ * the following system of linear
+ * equations: <tt>M V<sub>h</sub> = Q
+ * U</tt>, where
+ * <tt>M<sub>ij</sub>=(phi_i,phi_j)</tt>
+ * is the mass matrix approximated by
+ * <tt>lhs_quadrature</tt>, and
+ * <tt>Q</tt> is the matrix
+ * <tt>Q<sub>iq</sub>=phi<sub>i</sub>(x<sub>q</sub>)
+ * w<sub>q</sub></tt> where
+ * <tt>w<sub>q</sub></tt> are quadrature
+ * weights; <tt>U</tt> is the vector of
+ * quadrature point data
+ * <tt>u<sub>q</sub></tt>.
+ *
+ * In order to then get the nodal
+ * representation <tt>V<sub>h</sub></tt>
+ * of the projection of <tt>U</tt>, one
+ * computes <tt>V<sub>h</sub> = X U,
+ * X=M<sup>-1</sup> Q</tt>. The purpose
+ * of this function is to compute the
+ * matrix <tt>X</tt> and return it
+ * through the last argument of this
+ * function.
+ *
+ * Note that this function presently only
+ * supports scalar data. An extension of
+ * the mass matrix is of course trivial,
+ * but one has to define the order of
+ * data in the vector <tt>U</tt> if it
+ * contains vector valued data in all
+ * quadrature points.
+ *
+ * A use for this function is described
+ * in the introduction to the step-18
+ * example program.
+ *
+ * The opposite of this function,
+ * interpolation of a finite element
+ * function onto quadrature points is
+ * essentially what the
+ * <tt>FEValues::get_function_values</tt>
+ * functions do; to make things a little
+ * simpler, the
+ * <tt>FETools::compute_interpolation_to_quadrature_points_matrix</tt>
+ * provides the matrix form of this.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ static
+ void
+ compute_projection_from_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &lhs_quadrature,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &rhs_quadrature,
+ FullMatrix<double> &X);
+ template <int dim>
+ static
+ void
+ compute_interpolation_to_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
+ FullMatrix<double> &I_q);
* Exception
+template <int dim>
+compute_projection_from_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &lhs_quadrature,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &rhs_quadrature,
+ FullMatrix<double> &X)
+ Assert (fe.n_components() == 1, ExcNotImplemented());
+ // first build the matrices M and Q
+ // described in the documentation
+ FullMatrix<double> M (fe.dofs_per_cell, fe.dofs_per_cell);
+ FullMatrix<double> Q (fe.dofs_per_cell, rhs_quadrature.n_quadrature_points);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q<lhs_quadrature.n_quadrature_points; ++q)
+ M(i,j) += fe.shape_value (i, lhs_quadrature.point(q)) *
+ fe.shape_value (j, lhs_quadrature.point(q)) *
+ lhs_quadrature.weight(q);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q<rhs_quadrature.n_quadrature_points; ++q)
+ Q(i,q) += fe.shape_value (i, rhs_quadrature.point(q)) *
+ rhs_quadrature.weight(q);
+ // then invert M
+ FullMatrix<double> M_inverse (fe.dofs_per_cell, fe.dofs_per_cell);
+ M_inverse.invert (M);
+ // finally compute the result
+ X.reinit (fe.dofs_per_cell, rhs_quadrature.n_quadrature_points);
+ M_inverse.mmult (X, Q);
+ Assert (X.m() == fe.dofs_per_cell, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (X.n() == rhs_quadrature.n_quadrature_points, ExcInternalError());
+template <int dim>
+compute_interpolation_to_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
+ FullMatrix<double> &I_q)
+ Assert (fe.n_components() == 1, ExcNotImplemented());
+ Assert (I_q.m() == quadrature.n_quadrature_points,
+ ExcMessage ("Wrong matrix size"));
+ Assert (I_q.n() == fe.dofs_per_cell, ExcMessage ("Wrong matrix size"));
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q<quadrature.n_quadrature_points; ++q)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ I_q(q,i) = fe.shape_value (i, quadrature.point(q));
/*-------------- Explicit Instantiations -------------------------------*/
FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> *
FETools::get_fe_from_name<deal_II_dimension> (const std::string &);
+compute_projection_from_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &fe,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &lhs_quadrature,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &rhs_quadrature,
+ FullMatrix<double> &X);
+compute_interpolation_to_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &fe,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &quadrature,
+ FullMatrix<double> &I_q);
/*---------------------------- fe_tools.cc ---------------------------*/