+template <typename NumberType>
+ScaLAPACKMatrix<NumberType>::copy_to(ScaLAPACKMatrix<NumberType> &B,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> &offset_A,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> &offset_B,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> &submatrix_size) const
+ //submatrix is empty
+ if (submatrix_size.first == 0 || submatrix_size.second == 0)
+ return;
+ //range checking for matrix A
+ Assert (offset_A.first<(unsigned int)(n_rows-submatrix_size.first+1),
+ ExcIndexRange(offset_A.first,0,n_rows-submatrix_size.first+1));
+ Assert (offset_A.second<(unsigned int)(n_columns-submatrix_size.second+1),
+ ExcIndexRange(offset_A.second,0,n_columns-submatrix_size.second+1));
+ //range checking for matrix B
+ Assert (offset_B.first<(unsigned int)(B.n_rows-submatrix_size.first+1),
+ ExcIndexRange(offset_B.first,0,B.n_rows-submatrix_size.first+1));
+ Assert (offset_B.second<(unsigned int)(B.n_columns-submatrix_size.second+1),
+ ExcIndexRange(offset_B.second,0,B.n_columns-submatrix_size.second+1));
+ //Currently, copying of matrices will only be supported if A and B share the same MPI communicator
+ int ierr, comparison;
+ ierr = MPI_Comm_compare(grid->mpi_communicator,B.grid->mpi_communicator,&comparison);
+ Assert (comparison == MPI_IDENT,ExcMessage("Matrix A and B must have a common MPI Communicator"));
+ /*
+ * The routine pgemr2d requires a BLACS context resembling at least the union of process grids
+ * described by the BLACS contexts of matrix A and B
+ */
+ int union_blacs_context = Csys2blacs_handle(this->grid->mpi_communicator);
+ const char *order = "Col";
+ int union_n_process_rows = Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(this->grid->mpi_communicator);
+ int union_n_process_columns = 1;
+ Cblacs_gridinit(&union_blacs_context, order, union_n_process_rows, union_n_process_columns);
+ int n_grid_rows_A,n_grid_columns_A,my_row_A,my_column_A;
+ Cblacs_gridinfo(this->grid->blacs_context,&n_grid_rows_A,&n_grid_columns_A,&my_row_A,&my_column_A);
+ //check whether process is in the BLACS context of matrix A
+ const bool in_context_A = (my_row_A>=0 && my_row_A<n_grid_rows_A) &&
+ (my_column_A>=0 && my_column_A<n_grid_columns_A);
+ int n_grid_rows_B,n_grid_columns_B,my_row_B,my_column_B;
+ Cblacs_gridinfo(B.grid->blacs_context,&n_grid_rows_B,&n_grid_columns_B,&my_row_B,&my_column_B);
+ //check whether process is in the BLACS context of matrix B
+ const bool in_context_B = (my_row_B>=0 && my_row_B<n_grid_rows_B) &&
+ (my_column_B>=0 && my_column_B<n_grid_columns_B);
+ const int n_rows_submatrix = submatrix_size.first;
+ const int n_columns_submatrix = submatrix_size.second;
+ // due to Fortran indexing one has to be added
+ int ia = offset_A.first+1, ja = offset_A.second+1;
+ int ib = offset_B.first+1, jb = offset_B.second+1;
+ std::array<int,9> desc_A, desc_B;
+ const NumberType *loc_vals_A = nullptr;
+ NumberType *loc_vals_B = nullptr;
+ // Note: the function pgemr2d has to be called for all processes in the union BLACS context
+ // If the calling process is not part of the BLACS context of A, desc_A[1] has to be -1
+ // and all other parameters do not have to be set
+ // If the calling process is not part of the BLACS context of B, desc_B[1] has to be -1
+ // and all other parameters do not have to be set
+ if (in_context_A)
+ {
+ if (this->values.size() != 0)
+ loc_vals_A = & this->values[0];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<desc_A.size(); ++i)
+ desc_A[i] = this->descriptor[i];
+ }
+ else
+ desc_A[1] =-1;
+ if (in_context_B)
+ {
+ if (B.values.size() != 0)
+ loc_vals_B = & B.values[0];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<desc_B.size(); ++i)
+ desc_B[i] = B.descriptor[i];
+ }
+ else
+ desc_B[1]=-1;
+ pgemr2d(&n_rows_submatrix, &n_columns_submatrix,
+ loc_vals_A, &ia, &ja, desc_A.data(),
+ loc_vals_B, &ib, &jb, desc_B.data(),
+ &union_blacs_context);
+ B.state = LAPACKSupport::matrix;
+ //releasing the union BLACS context
+ Cblacs_gridexit(union_blacs_context);
template <typename NumberType>
ScaLAPACKMatrix<NumberType>::copy_to (ScaLAPACKMatrix<NumberType> &dest) const
* The routine pgemr2d requires a BLACS context resembling at least the union of process grids
- * described by the BLACS contexts of the source and destination matrix
+ * described by the BLACS contexts of matrix A and B
int union_blacs_context = Csys2blacs_handle(mpi_communicator_union);
const char *order = "Col";
#include "../tests.h"
#include "../lapack/create_matrix.h"
-// test copying of distributed ScaLAPACKMatrices using ScaLAPACK routine p_gemr2d
+// test copying of distributed ScaLAPACKMatrices using ScaLAPACK routine p_gemr2d
+// test copying submatrices of distributed ScaLAPACKMatrices using ScaLAPACK routine p_gemr2d
#include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
AssertThrow(test_2d.frobenius_norm() < 1e-12,ExcInternalError());
AssertThrow(test_1d.frobenius_norm() < 1e-12,ExcInternalError());
AssertThrow(test_one.frobenius_norm() < 1e-12,ExcInternalError());
+ //copying submatrices
+ unsigned int sub_size=100;
+ std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> offset_A = std::make_pair(49,99);
+ std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> offset_B = std::make_pair(0,0);
+ std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> submatrix_size = std::make_pair(sub_size,sub_size);
+ ScaLAPACKMatrix<NumberType> scalapack_matrix_dest(sub_size,sub_size,grid_2d,block_size_j,block_size_i);
+ scalapack_matrix_2d.copy_to(scalapack_matrix_dest,offset_A,offset_B,submatrix_size);
+ FullMatrix<NumberType> dest (sub_size,sub_size);
+ scalapack_matrix_dest.copy_to(dest);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dest.m(); ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dest.n(); ++j)
+ dest(i,j) -= full(offset_A.first+i,offset_A.second+j);
+ AssertThrow(dest.frobenius_norm() < 1e-12,ExcInternalError());