+++ /dev/null
-# creates both tar files (source and documentation). call this script
-# in an otherwise empty directory as follows:
-# bash make_tarfile.sh 6 0 0
-# to generate the tar files for release 6.0.0
-svn export http://www.dealii.org/svn/dealii/tags/Version-$MAJOR-$MINOR-$PATCH/deal.II
-# Generate distribution tarfile
-tar czf deal.II-$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH.tar.gz deal.II
-# Generate stripped tarfile
-mv deal.II/doc deal.II/examples .
-tar czf deal.nodoc-$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH.tar.gz deal.II
-mv doc examples deal.II
-# Generate documentation
-cd deal.II
-./configure --with-umfpack --without-petsc --without-trilinos
-make online-doc
-cd ..
-tar czf deal.doc-$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH.tar.gz deal.II/doc