// @sect3{Integrating cell and face matrices}
+ // @sect3{Class: DGMethod}
- // We define a class that fits into
- // the MeshWorker framework. Since it
- // will be used by
- // MeshWorker::AssemblingIntegrator,
- // it needs functions for cell,
- // boundary and interior face
- // integration specified exactly as
- // below.
- // The base class Subscriptor is
- // needed so that
- // MeshWorker::AssemblingIntegrator
- // can store a SmartPointer to an
- // object of this class.
+ // After these preparations, we
+ // proceed with the main part of this
+ // program. The main class, here
+ // called <code>DGMethod</code> is basically
+ // the main class of step-6. One of
+ // the differences is that there's no
+ // ConstraintMatrix object. This is,
+ // because there are no hanging node
+ // constraints in DG discretizations.
template <int dim>
-class DGIntegrator : public Subscriptor
+class DGMethod
- // First, we define the types of
- // the two info objects handed to
- // the local integration
- // functions in order to make our
- // life easier below.
+ DGMethod ();
+ ~DGMethod ();
+ void run ();
+ private:
+ void setup_system ();
+ void assemble_system ();
+ void solve (Vector<double> &solution);
+ void refine_grid ();
+ void output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const;
+ Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
+ const MappingQ1<dim> mapping;
+ // Furthermore we want to use DG
+ // elements of degree 1 (but this
+ // is only specified in the
+ // constructor). If you want to
+ // use a DG method of a different
+ // degree the whole program stays
+ // the same, only replace 1 in
+ // the constructor by the desired
+ // polynomial degree.
+ FE_DGQ<dim> fe;
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
+ SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
+ SparseMatrix<double> system_matrix;
+ // In step-12 we had two solution vectors
+ // that stored the solutions to the
+ // problems corresponding to the two
+ // different assembling routines
+ // <code>assemble_system1</code> and
+ // <code>assemble_system2</code>. In this
+ // program, the goal is only to show the
+ // MeshWorker framework, so we only
+ // assemble the system in one of the two
+ // ways, and consequently we have only
+ // one solution vector along with the
+ // single <code>assemble_system</code>
+ // function declared above:
+ Vector<double> solution;
+ Vector<double> right_hand_side;
+ // Finally, we have to provide
+ // functions that assemble the
+ // cell, boundary, and inner face
+ // terms. Within the MeshWorker
+ // framework, the loop over all
+ // cells and much of the setup of
+ // operations will be done
+ // outside this class, so all we
+ // have to provide are these
+ // three operations. They will
+ // then work on intermediate
+ // objects for which first, we
+ // here define typedefs to the
+ // two info objects handed to the
+ // local integration functions in
+ // order to make our life easier
+ // below.
typedef typename MeshWorker::IntegrationWorker<dim>::CellInfo CellInfo;
typedef typename MeshWorker::IntegrationWorker<dim>::FaceInfo FaceInfo;
// The following three functions
- // are the ones that get called
+ // are then the ones that get called
// inside the generic loop over all
// cells and faces. They are the
// ones doing the actual
// integration.
- static void cell(CellInfo& info);
- static void bdry(FaceInfo& info);
- static void face(FaceInfo& info1, FaceInfo& info2);
+ //
+ // In our code below, these
+ // functions do not access member
+ // variables of the current
+ // class, so we can mark them as
+ // <code>static</code> and simply
+ // pass pointers to these
+ // functions to the MeshWorker
+ // framework. If, however, these
+ // functions would want to access
+ // member variables (or needed
+ // additional arguments beyond
+ // the ones specified below), we
+ // could use the facilities of
+ // boost::bind (or std::bind,
+ // respectively) to provide the
+ // MeshWorker framework with
+ // objects that act as if they
+ // had the required number and
+ // types of arguments, but have
+ // in fact other arguments
+ // already bound.
+ static void integrate_cell_term (CellInfo& info);
+ static void integrate_boundary_term (FaceInfo& info);
+ static void integrate_face_term (FaceInfo& info1,
+ FaceInfo& info2);
+ // We start with the
+ // constructor. This is the
+ // place to change the
+ // polynomial degree of the
+ // finite element shape
+ // functions.
+template <int dim>
+DGMethod<dim>::DGMethod ()
+ :
+ fe (1),
+ dof_handler (triangulation)
+template <int dim>
+DGMethod<dim>::~DGMethod ()
+ dof_handler.clear ();
+ // In the function that sets up the usual
+ // finite element data structures, we first
+ // need to distribute the DoFs.
+template <int dim>
+void DGMethod<dim>::setup_system ()
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
+ // The DoFs of a cell are coupled with all
+ // DoFs of all neighboring cells, along
+ // with all of its siblings on the current
+ // cell. Therefore the maximum number of
+ // matrix entries per row is needed when
+ // all neighbors of a cell are once more
+ // refined than the cell under
+ // consideration.
+ sparsity_pattern.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs(),
+ dof_handler.n_dofs(),
+ (GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell *
+ GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face
+ +
+ 1)*fe.dofs_per_cell);
+ // To build the sparsity pattern for DG
+ // discretizations, we can call the
+ // function analogue to
+ // DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern, which
+ // is called
+ // DoFTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern:
+ DoFTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, sparsity_pattern);
+ // All following function calls are
+ // already known.
+ sparsity_pattern.compress();
+ system_matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
+ solution.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ right_hand_side.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ // @sect4{Function: assemble_system}
+ // Here we see the major difference to
+ // assembling by hand. Instead of writing
+ // loops over cells and faces, we leave all
+ // this to the MeshWorker framework. In order
+ // to do so, we just have to define local
+ // integration objects and use one of the
+ // classes in namespace MeshWorker::Assembler
+ // to build the global system.
+template <int dim>
+void DGMethod<dim>::assemble_system ()
+ // This is the magic object, which
+ // knows everything about the data
+ // structures and local
+ // integration. This is the object
+ // doing the work in the function
+ // MeshWorker::loop(), which is
+ // implicitly called by
+ // MeshWorker::integration_loop()
+ // below. After the functions to
+ // which we provide pointers did
+ // the local integration, the
+ // MeshWorker::Assembler::SystemSimple
+ // object distributes these into
+ // the global sparse matrix and the
+ // right hand side vector.
+ //
+ // MeshWorker::AssemblingIntegrator
+ // is not all that clever by
+ // itself, but its capabilities are
+ // provided the arguments provided
+ // to the constructor and by its
+ // second template argument. By
+ // exchanging
+ // MeshWorker::Assembler::SystemSimple,
+ // we could for instance assemble a
+ // BlockMatrix or just a Vector
+ // instead.
+ //
+ // As noted in the discussion when
+ // declaring the local integration
+ // functions in the class
+ // declaration, the arguments
+ // expected by the assembling
+ // integrator class are not
+ // actually function
+ // pointers. Rather, they are
+ // objects that can be called like
+ // functions with a certain number
+ // of arguments. Consequently, we
+ // could also pass objects with
+ // appropriate operator()
+ // implementations here, or the
+ // result of std::bind if the local
+ // integrators were, for example,
+ // non-static member functions.
+ MeshWorker::AssemblingIntegrator
+ <dim,
+ MeshWorker::Assembler::SystemSimple<SparseMatrix<double>,
+ Vector<double> > >
+ integrator(&DGMethod<dim>::integrate_cell_term,
+ &DGMethod<dim>::integrate_boundary_term,
+ &DGMethod<dim>::integrate_face_term);
+ // First, we initialize the
+ // quadrature formulae and the
+ // update flags in the worker base
+ // class. For quadrature, we play
+ // safe and use a QGauss formula
+ // with number of points one higher
+ // than the polynomial degree
+ // used. Since the quadratures for
+ // cells, boundary and interior
+ // faces can be selected
+ // independently, we have to hand
+ // over this value three times.
+ const unsigned int n_gauss_points = dof_handler.get_fe().degree+1;
+ integrator.initialize_gauss_quadrature(n_gauss_points,
+ n_gauss_points,
+ n_gauss_points);
+ // These are the types of values we
+ // need for integrating our
+ // system. They are added to the
+ // flags used on cells, boundary
+ // and interior faces, as well as
+ // interior neighbor faces, which is
+ // forced by the four @p true values.
+ UpdateFlags update_flags = update_quadrature_points |
+ update_values |
+ update_gradients;
+ integrator.add_update_flags(update_flags, true, true, true, true);
+ // Finally, we have to tell the
+ // assembler base class where to
+ // put the local data. These will
+ // be our system matrix and the
+ // right hand side.
+ integrator.initialize(system_matrix, right_hand_side);
+ // We are now ready to get to the
+ // integration loop. @p info_box is
+ // an object that generates the
+ // extended iterators for cells and
+ // faces of type
+ // MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo. Since
+ // we need five different of them,
+ // this is a handy shortcut. It
+ // receives all the stuff we
+ // created so far.
+ MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox<dim> info_box(dof_handler);
+ info_box.initialize(integrator, fe, mapping);
+ // Finally, the integration loop
+ // over all active cells
+ // (determined by the first
+ // argument, which is an active iterator).
+ MeshWorker::integration_loop(dof_handler.begin_active(), dof_handler.end(), info_box, integrator);
// @sect4{The local integrators}
// These functions are analogous to
// added soon).
template <int dim>
-void DGIntegrator<dim>::cell(CellInfo& info)
+void DGMethod<dim>::integrate_cell_term (CellInfo& info)
// First, let us retrieve some of
// the objects used here from
// FESubfaceValues, in order to get access to
// normal vectors.
template <int dim>
-void DGIntegrator<dim>::bdry(FaceInfo& info)
+void DGMethod<dim>::integrate_boundary_term (FaceInfo& info)
const FEFaceValuesBase<dim>& fe_v = info.fe();
FullMatrix<double>& local_matrix = info.M1[0].matrix;
// for each cell and two for coupling
// back and forth.
template <int dim>
-void DGIntegrator<dim>::face(FaceInfo& info1, FaceInfo& info2)
+void DGMethod<dim>::integrate_face_term (FaceInfo& info1,
+ FaceInfo& info2)
// For quadrature points, weights,
// etc., we use the
- // @sect3{Class: DGMethod}
- //
- // After these preparations, we
- // proceed with the main part of this
- // program. The main class, here
- // called <code>DGMethod</code> is basically
- // the main class of step-6. One of
- // the differences is that there's no
- // ConstraintMatrix object. This is,
- // because there are no hanging node
- // constraints in DG discretizations.
-template <int dim>
-class DGMethod
- public:
- DGMethod ();
- ~DGMethod ();
- void run ();
- private:
- void setup_system ();
- void assemble_system ();
- void solve (Vector<double> &solution);
- void refine_grid ();
- void output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const;
- Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
- const MappingQ1<dim> mapping;
- // Furthermore we want to use DG
- // elements of degree 1 (but this
- // is only specified in the
- // constructor). If you want to
- // use a DG method of a different
- // degree the whole program stays
- // the same, only replace 1 in
- // the constructor by the desired
- // polynomial degree.
- FE_DGQ<dim> fe;
- DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
- SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
- SparseMatrix<double> system_matrix;
- // In step-12 we had two solution vectors
- // that stored the solutions to the
- // problems corresponding to the two
- // different assembling routines
- // <code>assemble_system1</code> and
- // <code>assemble_system2</code>. In this
- // program, the goal is only to show the
- // MeshWorker framework, so we only
- // assemble the system in one of the two
- // ways, and consequently we have only
- // one solution vector along with the
- // single <code>assemble_system</code>
- // function declared above:
- Vector<double> solution;
- Vector<double> right_hand_side;
- // We start with the
- // constructor. This is the
- // place to change the
- // polynomial degree of the
- // finite element shape
- // functions.
-template <int dim>
-DGMethod<dim>::DGMethod ()
- :
- fe (1),
- dof_handler (triangulation)
-template <int dim>
-DGMethod<dim>::~DGMethod ()
- dof_handler.clear ();
- // In the function that sets up the usual
- // finite element data structures, we first
- // need to distribute the DoFs.
-template <int dim>
-void DGMethod<dim>::setup_system ()
- dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
- // The DoFs of a cell are coupled with all
- // DoFs of all neighboring cells, along
- // with all of its siblings on the current
- // cell. Therefore the maximum number of
- // matrix entries per row is needed when
- // all neighbors of a cell are once more
- // refined than the cell under
- // consideration.
- sparsity_pattern.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs(),
- dof_handler.n_dofs(),
- (GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell *
- GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face
- +
- 1)*fe.dofs_per_cell);
- // To build the sparsity pattern for DG
- // discretizations, we can call the
- // function analogue to
- // DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern, which
- // is called
- // DoFTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern:
- DoFTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, sparsity_pattern);
- // All following function calls are
- // already known.
- sparsity_pattern.compress();
- system_matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
- solution.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
- right_hand_side.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
- // @sect4{Function: assemble_system}
- // Here we see the major difference to
- // assembling by hand. Instead of writing
- // loops over cells and faces, we leave all
- // this to the MeshWorker framework. In order
- // to do so, we just have to define local
- // integration objects and use one of the
- // classes in namespace MeshWorker::Assembler
- // to build the global system.
-template <int dim>
-void DGMethod<dim>::assemble_system ()
- // Here we generate an object of
- // our own integration class, which
- // knows how to compute cell and
- // face contributions for the
- // matrix and the residual.
- const DGIntegrator<dim> dg;
- // This is the magic object, which
- // knows everything about the data
- // structures and local integration
- // (the latter through our object
- // @p dg). This is the object doing
- // the work in the function
- // MeshWorker::loop(), which is
- // implicitly called by
- // MeshWorker::integration_loop()
- // below.
- // After @p dg did the local
- // integration, the
- // MeshWorker::Assembler::SystemSimple
- // object distributes these into
- // the global sparse matrix and the
- // right hand side vector.
- //
- // MeshWorker::AssemblingIntegrator
- // is not all that clever by itself,
- // but its capabilities
- // are provided by its two latter
- // template arguments. By
- // exchanging
- // MeshWorker::Assembler::SystemSimple,
- // we could for instance assemble a
- // BlockMatrix or just a Vector
- // instead.
- MeshWorker::AssemblingIntegrator
- <dim,
- MeshWorker::Assembler::SystemSimple<SparseMatrix<double>,
- Vector<double> > >
- integrator(&DGIntegrator<dim>::cell,
- &DGIntegrator<dim>::bdry,
- &DGIntegrator<dim>::face);
- // First, we initialize the
- // quadrature formulae and the
- // update flags in the worker base
- // class. For quadrature, we play
- // safe and use a QGauss formula
- // with number of points one higher
- // than the polynomial degree
- // used. Since the quadratures for
- // cells, boundary and interior
- // faces can be selected
- // independently, we have to hand
- // over this value three times.
- const unsigned int n_gauss_points = dof_handler.get_fe().degree+1;
- integrator.initialize_gauss_quadrature(n_gauss_points,
- n_gauss_points,
- n_gauss_points);
- // These are the types of values we
- // need for integrating our
- // system. They are added to the
- // flags used on cells, boundary
- // and interior faces, as well as
- // interior neighbor faces, which is
- // forced by the four @p true values.
- UpdateFlags update_flags = update_quadrature_points |
- update_values |
- update_gradients;
- integrator.add_update_flags(update_flags, true, true, true, true);
- // Finally, we have to tell the
- // assembler base class where to
- // put the local data. These will
- // be our system matrix and the
- // right hand side.
- integrator.initialize(system_matrix, right_hand_side);
- // We are now ready to get to the
- // integration loop. @p info_box is
- // an object that generates the
- // extended iterators for cells and
- // faces of type
- // MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo. Since
- // we need five different of them,
- // this is a handy shortcut. It
- // receives all the stuff we
- // created so far.
- MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox<dim> info_box(dof_handler);
- info_box.initialize(integrator, fe, mapping);
- // Finally, the integration loop
- // over all active cells
- // (determined by the first
- // argument, which is an active iterator).
- MeshWorker::integration_loop(dof_handler.begin_active(), dof_handler.end(), info_box, integrator);
// @sect3{All the rest}
// For this simple problem we use the