--- /dev/null
+/*---------------------------- matrix_decompositions.h ---------------------------*/
+/* $Id$ */
+#ifndef __sparse_ilu_H
+#define __sparse_ilu_H
+/*---------------------------- sparse_ilu.h ---------------------------*/
+#include <lac/sparsematrix.h>
+ * Incomplete LU decomposition of a sparse matrix into another sparse matrix.
+ * A given matrix is decomposed into a incomplete LU factorization, where
+ * by incomplete we mean that also a sparse decomposition is used and entries
+ * in the decomposition that do not fit into the sparsity structure of this
+ * object are discarded.
+ *
+ * The algorithm used by this class is as follows (indices run from #0#
+ * to #N-1#):
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * copy original matrix into a[i,j]
+ *
+ * for i=1..N-1
+ * a[i-1,i-1] = a[i-1,i-1]^{-1}
+ *
+ * for k=0..i-1
+ * a[i,k] = a[i,k] * a[k,k]
+ *
+ * for j=k+1..N-1
+ * if (a[i,j] exists & a[k,j] exists)
+ * a[i,j] -= a[i,k] * a[k,j]
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * Using this algorithm, we store the decomposition as a sparse matrix, for
+ * which the user has to give a sparsity pattern and which is why this
+ * class is derived from the #SparseMatrix#. Since it is not a matrix in
+ * the usual sense, the derivation is #protected# rather than #public#.
+ *
+ * Note that in the algorithm given, the lower left part of the matrix base
+ * class is used to store the #L# part of the decomposition, while
+ * the upper right part is used to store #U#. The diagonal is used to
+ * store the inverses of the diagonal elements of the decomposition; the
+ * latter makes the application of the decomposition faster, since inversion
+ * by the diagonal element has to be done only once, rather than at each
+ * application (multiplication is much faster than division).
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Fill-in}
+ *
+ * The sparse ILU is frequently used with additional fill-in, i.e. the
+ * sparsity structure of the decomposition is denser than that of the matrix
+ * to be decomposed. The #decompose# function of this class allows this fill-in
+ * as long as all entries present in the original matrix are present in the
+ * decomposition also, i.e. the sparsity pattern of the decomposition is a
+ * superset of the sparsity pattern in the original matrix.
+ *
+ * Such fill-in can be accomplished by various ways, one of which is a
+ * copy-constructor of the #SparseMatrixStruct# class which allows the addition
+ * of side-diagonals to a given sparsity structure.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Use as a preconditioner}
+ *
+ * If you want to use an object of this class as a preconditioner for another
+ * matrix, you can do so by calling the solver function using the following
+ * sequence, for example (#ilu_sparsity# is some sparsity pattern to be used
+ * for the decomposition, which you have to create beforehand):
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * SparseILU<double> ilu (ilu_sparsity);
+ * ilu.decompose (global_matrix);
+ * global_matrix.set_preconditioner (ilu);
+ *
+ * somesolver.solve (A, x, f,
+ * PreconditionUseMatrix<SparseILU<double>,Vector<double> >
+ * (ilu,&SparseILU<double>::template apply_decomposition<double>));
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1999, based on a similar implementation by Malte Braack
+ */
+template <typename number>
+class SparseILU : protected SparseMatrix<number>
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor; initializes the decomposition
+ * to be empty, without any structure, i.e.
+ * it is not usable at all. This
+ * constructor is therefore only useful
+ * for objects which are members of a
+ * class. All other matrices should be
+ * created at a point in the data flow
+ * where all necessary information is
+ * available.
+ *
+ * You have to initialize
+ * the matrix before usage with
+ * #reinit(SparseMatrixStruct)#.
+ */
+ SparseILU ();
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Takes the given matrix
+ * sparsity structure to represent the
+ * sparsity pattern of this decomposition.
+ * You can change the sparsity pattern later
+ * on by calling the #reinit# function.
+ *
+ * You have to make sure that the lifetime
+ * of the sparsity structure is at least
+ * as long as that of this object or as
+ * long as #reinit# is not called with a
+ * new sparsity structure.
+ */
+ SparseILU (const SparseMatrixStruct &sparsity);
+ /**
+ * Reinitialize the object but keep to
+ * the sparsity pattern previously used.
+ * This may be necessary if you #reinit#'d
+ * the sparsity structure and want to
+ * update the size of the matrix.
+ *
+ * This function does nothing more than
+ * passing down to the sparse matrix
+ * object the call for the same function,
+ * which is necessary however, since that
+ * function is not publically visible
+ * any more.
+ */
+ void reinit ();
+ /**
+ * Reinitialize the sparse matrix with the
+ * given sparsity pattern. The latter tells
+ * the matrix how many nonzero elements
+ * there need to be reserved.
+ *
+ * This function does nothing more than
+ * passing down to the sparse matrix
+ * object the call for the same function,
+ * which is necessary however, since that
+ * function is not publically visible
+ * any more.
+ */
+ void reinit (const SparseMatrixStruct &sparsity);
+ /**
+ * Perform the incomplete LU factorization
+ * of the given matrix.
+ *
+ * Note that the sparsity structures of
+ * the decomposition and the matrix passed
+ * to this function need not be equal,
+ * but that the pattern used by this
+ * matrix needs to contain all elements
+ * used by the matrix to be decomposed.
+ * Fill-in is thus allowed.
+ */
+ template <typename somenumber>
+ void decompose (const SparseMatrix<somenumber> &matrix,
+ const double strengthen_diagonal=0.);
+ /**
+ * Apply the incomplete decomposition,
+ * i.e. do one forward-backward step
+ * $dst=(LU)^{-1}src$.
+ */
+ template <typename somenumber>
+ void apply_decomposition (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
+ const Vector<somenumber> &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcMatrixNotSquare);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException2 (ExcSizeMismatch,
+ int, int,
+ << "The sizes " << arg1 << " and " << arg2
+ << " of the given objects do not match.");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException1 (ExcInvalidStrengthening,
+ double,
+ << "The strengthening parameter " << arg1
+ << " is not greater or equal than zero!");
+/*---------------------------- sparse_ilu.h ---------------------------*/
+/* end of #ifndef __sparse_ilu_H */
+/*---------------------------- sparse_ilu.h ---------------------------*/
--- /dev/null
+/*---------------------------- matrix_decompositions.templates.h ---------------------------*/
+/* $Id$ */
+#ifndef __matrix_decompositions_templates_H
+#define __matrix_decompositions_templates_H
+/*---------------------------- matrix_decompositions.templates.h ---------------------------*/
+#include <lac/vector.h>
+#include <lac/sparse_ilu.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+template <typename number>
+SparseILU<number>::SparseILU ()
+template <typename number>
+SparseILU<number>::SparseILU (const SparseMatrixStruct &sparsity) :
+ SparseMatrix<number> (sparsity)
+template <typename number>
+void SparseILU<number>::reinit ()
+ SparseMatrix<number>::reinit ();
+template <typename number>
+void SparseILU<number>::reinit (const SparseMatrixStruct &sparsity)
+ SparseMatrix<number>::reinit (sparsity);
+template <typename number>
+template <typename somenumber>
+void SparseILU<number>::decompose (const SparseMatrix<somenumber> &matrix,
+ const double strengthen_diagonal)
+ Assert (matrix.m()==matrix.n(), ExcMatrixNotSquare ());
+ Assert (m()==n(), ExcMatrixNotSquare ());
+ Assert (matrix.m()==m(), ExcSizeMismatch(matrix.m(), m()));
+ Assert (strengthen_diagonal>=0, ExcInvalidStrengthening (strengthen_diagonal));
+ // first thing: copy over all elements
+ // of #matrix# to the present object
+ //
+ // note that some elements in this
+ // matrix may not be in #matrix#,
+ // so we need to preset our matrix
+ // by zeroes.
+ if (true)
+ {
+ // preset the elements
+ fill_n (&global_entry(0),
+ n_nonzero_elements(),
+ 0);
+ // note: pointers to the sparsity
+ // pattern of the old matrix!
+ const unsigned int * const rowstart_indices
+ = matrix.get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices();
+ const int * const column_numbers
+ = matrix.get_sparsity_pattern().get_column_numbers();
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<m(); ++row)
+ for (const int * col = &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]];
+ col != &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]]; ++col)
+ set (row, *col, matrix.global_entry(col-column_numbers));
+ };
+ if (strengthen_diagonal > 0)
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<m(); ++row)
+ {
+ // get the length of the row
+ // (without the diagonal element)
+ const unsigned int rowlength = get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices()[row+1]
+ -get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices()[row]
+ -1;
+ // get the global index of the first
+ // non-diagonal element in this row
+ const unsigned int rowstart
+ = get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices()[row] + 1;
+ number * const diagonal_element = &global_entry(rowstart-1);
+ number rowsum = 0;
+ for (unsigned int global_index=rowstart;
+ global_index<rowstart+rowlength; ++global_index)
+ rowsum += fabs(global_entry(global_index));
+ *diagonal_element += strengthen_diagonal * rowsum;
+ };
+ // now work only on this
+ // matrix
+ const SparseMatrixStruct &sparsity = get_sparsity_pattern();
+ const unsigned int * const rowstart_indices = sparsity.get_rowstart_indices();
+ const int * const column_numbers = sparsity.get_column_numbers();
+ (indices=0..N-1)
+ for i=1..N-1
+ a[i-1,i-1] = a[i-1,i-1]^{-1}
+ for k=0..i-1
+ a[i,k] = a[i,k] * a[k,k]
+ for j=k+1..N-1
+ if (a[i,j] exists & a[k,j] exists)
+ a[i,j] -= a[i,k] * a[k,j]
+ // i := row
+ for (unsigned int row=1; row<m(); ++row)
+ {
+ // invert diagonal element of the
+ // previous row. this is a hack,
+ // which is possible since this
+ // element is not needed any more
+ // in the process of decomposition
+ // and since it makes the backward
+ // step when applying the decomposition
+ // significantly faster
+ global_entry (rowstart_indices[row-1])
+ = 1./global_entry (rowstart_indices[row-1]);
+ // let k run over all lower-left
+ // elements of row i; skip
+ // diagonal element at start
+ const int * first_of_row
+ = &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]+1];
+ const int * first_after_diagonal
+ = lower_bound (&column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]+1],
+ &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]],
+ static_cast<int>(row));
+ // k := *col_ptr
+ for (const int * col_ptr = first_of_row; col_ptr!=first_after_diagonal; ++col_ptr)
+ {
+ const unsigned int global_index_ik = col_ptr-column_numbers;
+ global_entry(global_index_ik) *= diag_element(*col_ptr);
+ // now do the inner loop over
+ // j. note that we need to do
+ // it in the right order, i.e.
+ // taking into account that the
+ // columns are sorted within each
+ // row correctly, but excluding
+ // the main diagonal entry
+ bool left_of_diagonal = true;
+ for (const int * j = col_ptr+1;
+ j<&column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]];
+ ++j)
+ {
+ // note: this inner loop could
+ // be made considerable faster
+ // if we consulted the row
+ // with number *col_ptr,
+ // instead of always asking
+ // sparsity(*col_ptr,*j),
+ // since we traverse this
+ // row linearly. I just didn't
+ // have the time to figure out
+ // the details.
+ // check whether we have just
+ // traversed the diagonal
+ //
+ // note that j should never point
+ // to the diagonal itself!
+ if (left_of_diagonal && (*j > static_cast<int>(row)))
+ {
+ Assert (*j != static_cast<int>(row), ExcInternalError());
+ left_of_diagonal = false;
+ // a[i,i] -= a[i,k]*a[k,i]
+ const int global_index_ki = sparsity(*col_ptr,row);
+ if (global_index_ki != -1)
+ diag_element(row) -= global_entry(global_index_ik) *
+ global_entry(global_index_ki);
+ };
+ const int global_index_ij = j - &column_numbers[0],
+ global_index_kj = sparsity(*col_ptr,*j);
+ if ((global_index_ij != -1) &&
+ (global_index_kj != -1))
+ global_entry(global_index_ij) -= global_entry(global_index_ik) *
+ global_entry(global_index_kj);
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ OLD CODE, rather crude first implementation with an algorithm taken
+ from 'W. Hackbusch, G. Wittum: Incomplete Decompositions (ILU)-
+ Algorithms, Theory, and Applications', page 6.
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<m()-1; ++k)
+ for (unsigned int i=k+1; i<m(); ++i)
+ {
+ // get the global index
+ // of the element (i,k)
+ const int global_index_ik = get_sparsity_pattern()(i,k);
+ // if this element is zero,
+ // then we continue with the
+ // next i, since e would be
+ // zero and nothing would happen
+ // in this loop
+ if (global_index_ik == -1)
+ continue;
+ const number e = global_entry(global_index_ik) / diag_element(k);
+ global_entry(global_index_ik) = e;
+ for (unsigned int j=k+1; j<m(); ++j)
+ {
+ // find out about a_kj
+ // if this does not exist,
+ // then the updates within
+ // this innermost loop would
+ // be zero, invariable of the
+ // fact of whether a_ij is a
+ // nonzero or a zero element
+ const int global_index_kj = get_sparsity_pattern()(k,j);
+ if (global_index_kj == -1)
+ continue;
+ const int global_index_ij = get_sparsity_pattern()(i,j);
+ if (global_index_ij != -1)
+ global_entry(global_index_ij) -= e*global_entry(global_index_kj);
+ else
+ diag_element(i) -= e*global_entry(global_index_kj);
+ };
+ };
+template <typename number>
+template <typename somenumber>
+void SparseILU<number>::apply_decomposition (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
+ const Vector<somenumber> &src) const
+ Assert (dst.size() == src.size(), ExcSizeMismatch(dst.size(), src.size()));
+ Assert (dst.size() == m(), ExcSizeMismatch(dst.size(), m()));
+ const unsigned int N=dst.size();
+ const unsigned int * const rowstart_indices
+ = get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices();
+ const int * const column_numbers
+ = get_sparsity_pattern().get_column_numbers();
+ // solve LUx=b in two steps:
+ // first Ly = b, then
+ // Ux = y
+ //
+ // first a forward solve. since
+ // the diagonal values of L are
+ // one, there holds
+ // y_i = b_i
+ // - sum_{j=0}^{i-1} L_{ij}y_j
+ // we split the y_i = b_i off and
+ // perform it at the outset of the
+ // loop
+ dst = src;
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<N; ++row)
+ {
+ // get start of this row. skip the
+ // diagonal element
+ const int * const rowstart = &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]+1];
+ // find the position where the part
+ // right of the diagonal starts
+ const int * const first_after_diagonal
+ = lower_bound (rowstart,
+ &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]],
+ static_cast<int>(row));
+ for (const int * col=rowstart; col!=first_after_diagonal; ++col)
+ dst(row) -= global_entry (col-column_numbers) * dst(*col);
+ };
+ // now the backward solve. same
+ // procedure, but we need not set
+ // dst before, since this is already
+ // done.
+ //
+ // note that we need to scale now,
+ // since the diagonal is not zero
+ // now
+ for (int row=N-1; row>=0; --row)
+ {
+ // get end of this row
+ const int * const rowend = &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]];
+ // find the position where the part
+ // right of the diagonal starts
+ const int * const first_after_diagonal
+ = lower_bound (&column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]+1],
+ &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]],
+ row);
+ for (const int * col=first_after_diagonal; col!=rowend; ++col)
+ dst(row) -= global_entry (col-column_numbers) * dst(*col);
+ // scale by the diagonal element.
+ // note that the diagonal element
+ // was stored inverted
+ dst(row) *= diag_element(row);
+ };
+/*---------------------------- matrix_decompositions.templates.h ---------------------------*/
+/* end of #ifndef __matrix_decompositions_templates_H */
+/*---------------------------- matrix_decompositions.templates.h ---------------------------*/