+ * Declare some symbolic names for mesh smoothing algorithms. The meaning of
+ * these flags is documented in the #Triangulation# class.
+ */
+enum MeshSmoothing {
+ none = 0x0,
+ limit_level_difference_at_vertices = 0x1,
+ eliminate_unrefined_islands = 0x2,
+ maximum_smoothing = 0xffffffff
* interface between regions of different materials.
- * \subsection{Refinement of a triangulation}
+ * \subsection{Refinement and of a triangulation}
* Refinement of a triangulation may be done through several ways. The most
* low-level way is directly through iterators: let #i# be an iterator to
* structures and algorithms much much easier. To be honest, this is mostly
* an algorithmic step than one needed by the finite element method.
- * However, some degradation of approximation properties has been observed
- * for grids which were refined more than once across a face, as descibed
- * above, so there is also a practical justification for the above.
- * It can also be shown, that such degradation occurs if the
- * triangulation contains vertices which are member of cells with levels
- * differing by more than one. One such example is the following:
- * \begin{verbatim}
- * | | | |
- * x-----x-----x--x--x--
- * | | | | |
- * | | x--x--x
- * | | | | |
- * x-----x-----x--x--x--
- * | | |
- * | | |
- * | | |
- * | x-----x--
- * | | |
- * | | |
- * | | |
- * x-----------x-----x--
- * \end{verbatim}
- * It seems that in two space dimensions, the maximum jump in levels between
- * cells sharing a common vertex is two (as in the example above). This is
- * not true if more than four cells meet at a vertex. It is not uncommon
- * that a coarse (initial) mesh contains vertices at which six or even eight
- * cells meet, when small features of the domain have to be resolved even on
- * the coarsest mesh. In that case, the maximum difference in levels is
- * three or four, respectively. The problem gets even worse in three space
- * dimensions.
- *
- * Looking at an interpolation of the second derivative of the finite
- * element solution (asuming bilinear finite elements), one sees that the
- * numerical solution is almost totally wrong, compared with the true second
- * derivative. Indeed, on regular meshes, there exist sharp estimations that
- * the $H^2$-error is only $O(1)$, so we should not be suprised; however, the
- * numerical solution may show a value for the second derivative which may
- * be a factor of ten away from the true value. These problems are located
- * on the small cell adjacent to the center vertex, where cells of
- * non-subsequent levels meet, as well as on the upper and right neighbor
- * of this cell (but with a less degree of deviation from the true value).
- *
- * Due to the approximational problems described above, the
- * #Triangulation# constructor takes an argument specifying whether a
- * smoothing step shall be performed on the grid each time #execute_refinement#
- * is called. The default is that such a step not be done, since this results
- * in additional cells being produced, which may not be necessary in all
- * cases. If switched on, calling #execute_refinement# results in
- * flagging additional cells for refinement to avoid
- * vertices as the ones mentioned. The algorithms for both regularisation
- * and smoothing of triangulations are described below in the section on
- * technical issues. The reason why this parameter must be given to the
- * constructor rather than to #execute_refinement# is that it would result
- * in algorithmic problems if you called #execute_refinement# once without
- * and once with smoothing, since then in some refinement steps would need
- * to be refined twice.
- *
* Marking cells for refinement 'by hand' through iterators is one way to
* produce a new grid, especially if you know what kind of grid you are
* looking for, e.g. if you want to have a grid successively refined
* squares of the criteria on the cells. The criteria shall be positive.
+ * \subsection{Smoothing of a triangulation}
+ *
+ * Some degradation of approximation properties has been observed
+ * for grids which are too unstructured. Therefore, the #prepare_refinement#
+ * function which is automatically called by the #execute_refinement# function
+ * can do some smoothing of the triangulation. For this purpose the
+ * #Triangulation# constructor takes an argument specifying whether a
+ * smoothing step shall be performed on the grid each time #execute_refinement#
+ * is called. The default is that such a step not be done, since this results
+ * in additional cells being produced, which may not be necessary in all
+ * cases. If switched on, calling #execute_refinement# results in
+ * flagging additional cells for refinement to avoid
+ * vertices as the ones mentioned. The algorithms for both regularisation
+ * and smoothing of triangulations are described below in the section on
+ * technical issues. The reason why this parameter must be given to the
+ * constructor rather than to #execute_refinement# is that it would result
+ * in algorithmic problems if you called #execute_refinement# once without
+ * and once with smoothing, since then in some refinement steps would need
+ * to be refined twice.
+ *
+ * The parameter taken by the constructor is an integer which may be composed
+ * bitwise by the constants defined in the #enum MeshSmoothing#. The meaning
+ * of these constants is explained in the following:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item #limit_level_difference_at_vertices#:
+ * It can be shown, that degradation of approximation occurs if the
+ * triangulation contains vertices which are member of cells with levels
+ * differing by more than one. One such example is the following:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * | | | |
+ * x-----x-----x--x--x--
+ * | | | | |
+ * | | x--x--x
+ * | | | | |
+ * x-----x-----x--x--x--
+ * | | |
+ * | | |
+ * | | |
+ * | x-----x--
+ * | | |
+ * | | |
+ * | | |
+ * x-----------x-----x--
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * It seems that in two space dimensions, the maximum jump in levels between
+ * cells sharing a common vertex is two (as in the example above). This is
+ * not true if more than four cells meet at a vertex. It is not uncommon
+ * that a coarse (initial) mesh contains vertices at which six or even eight
+ * cells meet, when small features of the domain have to be resolved even on
+ * the coarsest mesh. In that case, the maximum difference in levels is
+ * three or four, respectively. The problem gets even worse in three space
+ * dimensions.
+ *
+ * Looking at an interpolation of the second derivative of the finite
+ * element solution (asuming bilinear finite elements), one sees that the
+ * numerical solution is almost totally wrong, compared with the true second
+ * derivative. Indeed, on regular meshes, there exist sharp estimations that
+ * the $H^2$-error is only $O(1)$, so we should not be suprised; however, the
+ * numerical solution may show a value for the second derivative which may
+ * be a factor of ten away from the true value. These problems are located
+ * on the small cell adjacent to the center vertex, where cells of
+ * non-subsequent levels meet, as well as on the upper and right neighbor
+ * of this cell (but with a less degree of deviation from the true value).
+ *
+ * If the smoothing indicator given to the constructor contains the bit for
+ * #limit_level_difference_at_vertices#, situations as the above one are
+ * eliminated by also marking the lower left cell for refinement.
+ *
+ * \item #eliminate_unrefined_islands#:
+ * Single cells which are not refined and are surrounded by cells which are
+ * refined usually also lead to a sharp decline in approximation properties
+ * locally. The reason is that the nodes on the faces between unrefined and
+ * refined cells are not real degrees of freedom but carry constraints. The
+ * patch without additional degrees of freedom is thus significantly larger
+ * then the unrefined cell itself. If in the parameter passed to the
+ * constructor the bit for #eliminate_unrefined_islands# is set, all cells
+ * which are not flagged for refinement but which are surrounded by more
+ * refined cells than unrefined cells are flagged for refinement. Cells
+ * which are not yet refined but flagged for that are accounted for the
+ * number of refined neighbors. Cells on the boundary are not accounted for
+ * at all. An unrefined island is, by this definition
+ * also a cell which (in 2D) is surrounded by three refined cells and one
+ * unrefined one, or one surrounded by two refined cells, one unrefined one
+ * and is at the boundary on one side. It is thus not a true island, as the
+ * name of the flag may indicate. However, no better name came to mind to
+ * the author by now.
+ *
+ * \item #maximum_smoothing#:
+ * This flag includes all the above ones and therefore combines all
+ * smoothing algorithms implemented.
+ *
+ * \item #none#:
+ * Select no smoothing at all.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ *
+ *
* \subsection{Material and boundary information}
* Each line, quad, etc stores one byte of information denoting the material
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\it Regularisation:} The algorithm walks over all cells checking
- * whether the present cell is flagged for refinement and a neighbor of the
- * present cell is refined once less than the present one. If so, flag the
- * neighbor for refinement. Because of the induction above, there may be no
- * neighbor with level two less than the present one.
- *
- * The neighbor thus flagged for refinement may induce more cells which need
- * to be refined. However, such cells which need additional refinement always
- * are on one level lower than the present one, so we can get away with only
- * one sweep over all cells if we do the loop in the reverse way, starting
- * with those on the highest level. This way, we may flag additional cells
- * on lower levels, but if these induce more refinement needed, this is
- * performed later on when we visit them in out backward running loop.
- *
- * \item {\it Smoothing:} First a list is set up which stores for each vertex
- * the highest level one of the adjacent cells belongs to. Now, since we did
- * smoothing in the previous refinement steps also, each cell may only have
- * vertices with levels at most one greater than the level of the present
- * cell.
- *
- * However, if we store the level plus one for cells marked for refinement,
- * we may end up with cells which have vertices of level two greater than
- * the cells level. We need to refine this cell also, and need thus also
- * update the levels of its vertices. This itself may lead to cells needing
- * refinement, but these are on lower levels, as above, which is why we
- * may do all kinds of additional flagging in one loop only.
+ * whether the present cell is flagged for refinement and a neighbor of the
+ * present cell is refined once less than the present one. If so, flag the
+ * neighbor for refinement. Because of the induction above, there may be no
+ * neighbor with level two less than the present one.
+ *
+ * The neighbor thus flagged for refinement may induce more cells which need
+ * to be refined. However, such cells which need additional refinement always
+ * are on one level lower than the present one, so we can get away with only
+ * one sweep over all cells if we do the loop in the reverse way, starting
+ * with those on the highest level. This way, we may flag additional cells
+ * on lower levels, but if these induce more refinement needed, this is
+ * performed later on when we visit them in out backward running loop.
+ *
+ * \item {\it Smoothing:}
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item #limit_level_difference_at_vertices#:
+ * First a list is set up which stores for each vertex
+ * the highest level one of the adjacent cells belongs to. Now, since we did
+ * smoothing in the previous refinement steps also, each cell may only have
+ * vertices with levels at most one greater than the level of the present
+ * cell.
+ *
+ * However, if we store the level plus one for cells marked for refinement,
+ * we may end up with cells which have vertices of level two greater than
+ * the cells level. We need to refine this cell also, and need thus also
+ * update the levels of its vertices. This itself may lead to cells needing
+ * refinement, but these are on lower levels, as above, which is why we
+ * may do all kinds of additional flagging in one loop only.
+ *
+ * \item #eliminate_unrefined_islands#:
+ * For each cell we count the number of neighbors which are refined or
+ * flagged for refinement. If this exceeds the total number of neighbors
+ * (which is the number of faces minus the number of faces of this cell
+ * which are located on the boundary), then this cell is flagged for
+ * refinement. Since this may lead to cells on the same level which also
+ * will need refinement, we will need additional loops of regularisation
+ * and smoothing over all cells until nothing changes any more.
+ * \end{itemize}
* \end{itemize}
* Regularisation and smoothing are a bit complementary in that we check
* the first level of the hierarchy.
* Do not create any cells.
- Triangulation (const bool smooth_grid = false);
+ Triangulation (const MeshSmoothing smooth_grid = none);
* Copy constructor. You should really
* the general doc of this class for
* more information about this.
- bool smooth_grid;
+ MeshSmoothing smooth_grid;
// Friendship includes local classes.
friend class TriaAccessor<dim>;
template <int dim>
-Triangulation<dim>::Triangulation (const bool smooth_grid) :
+Triangulation<dim>::Triangulation (const MeshSmoothing smooth_grid) :
static StraightBoundary<dim> default_boundary;
// there are no such cells.
if (dim>=2)
- // store highest level one of the cells
- // adjacent to a vertex belongs to; do
- // so only if mesh smoothing is
- // required
- vector<int> vertex_level;
- if (smooth_grid)
+ // store whether some cells were flagged
+ // or deflagged for refinement in this
+ // loop and loop until everything is
+ // settled.
+ bool mesh_changed_in_this_loop;
+ do
- vertex_level.resize (vertices.size(), 0);
- active_cell_iterator cell = begin_active(),
- endc = end();
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
- ++vertex)
- if (cell->refine_flag_set())
- vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)]
- = max (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)],
- cell->level()+1);
- else
- vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)]
- = max (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)],
- cell->level());
- };
+ mesh_changed_in_this_loop = false;
+ // store highest level one of the cells
+ // adjacent to a vertex belongs to; do
+ // so only if mesh smoothing is
+ // required
+ vector<int> vertex_level;
+ if (smooth_grid & limit_level_difference_at_vertices)
+ {
+ vertex_level.resize (vertices.size(), 0);
+ active_cell_iterator cell = begin_active(),
+ endc = end();
+ for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++vertex)
+ if (cell->refine_flag_set())
+ vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)]
+ = max (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)],
+ cell->level()+1);
+ else
+ vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)]
+ = max (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)],
+ cell->level());
+ };
- active_cell_iterator cell = last_active(),
- endc = end();
+ active_cell_iterator cell = last_active(),
+ endc = end();
- // loop over active cells
- for (; cell != endc; --cell)
- if (cell->refine_flag_set() == true)
- {
- // loop over neighbors of cell
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++i)
- if (cell->neighbor(i).state() == valid)
- {
- // regularisation?
- if ((cell->neighbor_level(i) == cell->level()-1)
- &&
- (cell->neighbor(i)->refine_flag_set() == false))
- cell->neighbor(i)->set_refine_flag();
- };
- }
- else
- // smoothing?
- if (smooth_grid)
- for (unsigned int vertex=0;
- vertex<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++vertex)
- if (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)] >
- cell->level()+1)
+ // loop over active cells
+ for (; cell != endc; --cell)
+ if (cell->refine_flag_set() == true)
+ {
+ // loop over neighbors of cell
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++i)
+ if (cell->neighbor(i).state() == valid)
+ {
+ // regularisation?
+ if ((cell->neighbor_level(i) == cell->level()-1)
+ &&
+ (cell->neighbor(i)->refine_flag_set() == false))
+ {
+ cell->neighbor(i)->set_refine_flag();
+ mesh_changed_in_this_loop = true;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ // smoothing?
+ if (smooth_grid & limit_level_difference_at_vertices)
+ for (unsigned int vertex=0;
+ vertex<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++vertex)
+ if (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)] >
+ cell->level()+1)
+ {
+ // if we did not make an
+ // error, the level diff
+ // should not be more than
+ // two
+ Assert (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)] ==
+ cell->level()+2,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // refine cell and
+ // update vertex levels
+ cell->set_refine_flag();
+ mesh_changed_in_this_loop = true;
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++v)
+ vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(v)]
+ = max (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(v)],
+ cell->level()+1);
+ };
+ // additional smoothing
+ if (smooth_grid & eliminate_unrefined_islands)
+ {
+ active_cell_iterator cell = begin_active(),
+ endc = end();
+ for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- // if we did not make an
- // error, the level diff
- // should not be more than
- // two
- Assert (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(vertex)] ==
- cell->level()+2,
- ExcInternalError());
- // refine cell and
- // update vertex levels
- cell->set_refine_flag();
- for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
- ++v)
- vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(v)]
- = max (vertex_level[cell->vertex_index(v)],
- cell->level()+1);
+ unsigned int refined_neighbors = 0,
+ unrefined_neighbors = 0;
+ for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ if (!cell->at_boundary(face))
+ // neighbor may only be on
+ // the same level or one
+ // level below because of
+ // the regularisation above
+ if ((cell->neighbor_level(face) == cell->level()) &&
+ (cell->neighbor(face)->refine_flag_set()))
+ ++refined_neighbors;
+ else
+ ++unrefined_neighbors;
+ if (unrefined_neighbors < refined_neighbors)
+ cell->set_refine_flag ();
+ };
+ }
+ while (mesh_changed_in_this_loop == true);
// check whether a new level is needed
raw_cell_iterator cell = begin_active (levels.size()-1),