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+<title>The Laplace Problem</title>
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+ <meta name="author" content="Jan Schrage <schrage@gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
+ <meta name="keywords" content="DEAL,DEAL tutorial">
+<body lang="en">
+<h1>The Laplace Problem</h1>
+We will start with a simple example for a differential equation to be solved
+with <strong>DEAL</strong>: the Laplace problem. We will try to solve the
+Laplace equation on a square where one of the four boundaries has a constant
+and the other three zero potential.</p>
+In order to solve this problem we will need to:</p>
+generate a triangulation, i.e. describe the grid on which the equation will be
+assemble the problem matrix, i.e. generate the matrix structure describing the
+laplace problem
+assemble matrices describing the boundary conditions
+let DEAL solve the problem
+take care of the data output
+This tutorial will accordingly be split into several chapters:</p>
+<strong><a href="structure.html">Program structure</a></strong>
+where the overall design of the program and its classes are discussed</p>
+<strong><a href="main.html">The main program</a></strong>
+where we take a look at how DEAL is used</p>
+<strong><a href="laplace.html">The class Laplace</a></strong>
+where some of the details of the problem generation and solution are
+<strong><a href="triangulation.html">Generating a
+where a triangulation is generated and degrees of freedom are discussed</p>
+<strong><a href="assemble.html">Assembling the problem</a></strong>
+where the matrices describing the problem and the boundary conditions are
+<strong><a href="solution.html">Solving the problem</a></strong>
+where the problem is solved</p>
+<a href="../../index.html">Back to the tutorial index</a></p>
+<a href="mailto:schrage@gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de">Jan Schrage</a></address>
+<!-- Created: Tue Jan 5 12:50:29 MET 1999 -->
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Tue 5 Jan 1999 <!-- hhmts end-->
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+ <title>DEAL tutorial: the Laplace problem</title>
+ <meta name="keyword" content="DEAL,DEAL tutorial">
+ <link href="../dealtut.css" rel="StyleSheet" media="screen" type="text/css" title="DEAL tutorial">
+ <meta name="author" content="Jan Schrage <schrage@gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de>">
+ <meta name="keywords" content="DEAL,DEAL tutorial">
+<h1>The Laplace Problem</h1>
+<h2>Main Program: <a href="../../../examples/01.laplace/main.cc">main.cc</a></h2>
+The main program has several functions:
+ <li> <a href="#program">Inclusion of the necessary headers and variable
+ definitions.</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#Data">Creation of a logfile and data logging.</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#Instantiation">Instantiation of the C++ class <em>Laplace</em>
+ dealing with the problem</a>.
+ </li>
+ <li>Calling the <em>Laplace</em> methods for assemblage and solution of the
+ problem.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Writing out of the output data and termination.
+ </li>
+We shall look at this in detail now:
+<h4><a name="Program">Program Header and Definitions</a></h4>
+First the header files containing the <em>Laplace</em> class definition and
+the function definition for our solution function are included:
+#include "<a href="../../../examples/01.laplace/laplace.h">laplace.h</a>"
+#include "<a href="../../../examples/01.laplace/functions.h">functions.h</a>"
+Next, we need some standard include files
+#include <iostream.h&rt;
+#include <fstream.h&rt;
+#include <stdlib.h&rt;
+and some DEAL specific include files that enable us to do runtime logging and
+nicely identify our program:</p>
+#include <base/logstream.h&rt;
+#include <base/jobidentifier.h&rt;
+and some more stuff which will be discussed when appropriate:
+ZeroFunction<2> zero;
+char fname[30];
+extern const char* funcversion;
+extern const char* laplaceversion;
+char versioninfo[500];
+const char* JobIdentifier::program_id()
+ sprintf(versioninfo,"%s\n%s", funcversion, laplaceversion);
+ return versioninfo;
+Our main program starts here. It will take the initial number of global grid
+refinements as its argument. That means that the number 3 as argument will
+lead to the initial grid being globally refined three times, no questions
+main(int argc, char** argv)
+<h4><a name="Data">Data logging</a></h4>
+We want to log info about the program run to a file. Logfiles are streams,
+which behave like stacks in several ways. How to make use of the stack concept
+will be apparent later.
+ofstream logfile("T");
+<h4><a name="Instantiation">Instantiation of needed classes</a></h4>
+We need a solution function and an instance of the class dealing with the
+Laplace problem:
+PureTransportSolution exact;
+Laplace lap(exact);
+In addition we need to do some refinement (the command line argument was
+previously stored in the variable <var>firstgrid</var>.Please note that every
+log entry will now be preceeded by "Adaptive: " and that the stack height is
+increased by one. Only entries with a stack height of two or less will we
+written to the console.
+for (unsigned step = 0; step < 3 ; ++step)
+ deallog << "Step " << step << endl;
+ if (!step)
+ lap.remesh(firstgrid);
+ else
+ {
+ lap.remesh(1);
+ }
+Now we have our log entries preceded by "Primal" since we solve the primal problem,
+our class assembles and solves the problem; the solution is exact (as defined above)
+and the right hand side of the equation is zero (as defined above). If the right
+hand side were not zero we would solve the Poisson equation instead. Afterwards
+"Primal" is removed from all the following log entries.
+ deallog.push("Primal");
+ lap.assemble_primal(exact, zero);
+ lap.solve_primal();
+ deallog.pop();
+Finally the solution is written to a file and the logfile is closed.
+ sprintf(fname,"T%02d",step);
+ lap.write_data(fname);
+ }
+ deallog.pop();
+ deallog.detach();
+<a href="../../index.html">Back to the tutorial index</a>
+ <a href="mailto:schrage@gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de">Jan Schrage</a></address>
+Last modified: Wed 6 Jan 1999