#include <deal.II/base/std_cxx1x/shared_ptr.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/block_info.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
-//#include <deal.II/numerics/mesh_worker.h>
#include <deal.II/meshworker/local_results.h>
#include <deal.II/meshworker/vector_selector.h>
bool exterior_face_available[GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell];
- * Class for objects handed to local integration functions.
- *
- * Objects of this class contain one or more objects of type FEValues,
- * FEFaceValues or FESubfacevalues to be used in local
- * integration. They are stored in an array of pointers to the base
- * classes FEValuesBase for cells and FEFaceValuesBase for faces and
- * subfaces, respectively. The template parameter VECTOR allows the
- * use of different data types for the global system.
- *
- * The @p FEVALUESBASE template parameter should be either
- * FEValuesBase or FEFaceValuesBase, depending on whether the object
- * is used to integrate over cells or faces. The actual type of @p
- * FEVALUES object is fixed in the constructor and only used to
- * initialize the pointers in #fevalv.
- *
- * Additionally, this function containes space to store the values of
- * finite element functions stored in #global_data in the
- * quadrature points. These vectors are initialized automatically on
- * each cell or face. In order to avoid initializing unused vectors,
- * you can use initialize_selector() to select the vectors by name
- * that you actually want to use.
- *
- * <h3>Integration models</h3>
- *
- * This class supports two local integration models, corresponding to
- * the data models in the documentation of the Assembler namespace.
- * One is the
- * standard model suggested by the use of FESystem. Namely, there is
- * one FEValuseBase object in this class, containing all shape
- * functions of the whole system, and having as many components as the
- * system. Using this model involves loops over all system shape
- * functions. It requires to identify the system components
- * for each shape function and to select the correct bilinear form,
- * usually in an @p if or @p switch statement.
- *
- * The second integration model builds one FEValuesBase object per
- * base element of the system. The degrees of freedom on each cell are
- * renumbered by block, such that they represent the same block
- * structure as the global system. Objects performing the integration
- * can then process each block separately, which improves reusability
- * of code considerably.
- *
- * @note As described in DoFInfo, the use of the local block model is
- * triggered by calling BlockInfo::initialize_local() before
- * using initialize() in this class.
- *
- * @ingroup MeshWorker
- * @author Guido Kanschat, 2009
- */
- template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
- class IntegrationInfo
- {
- private:
- /// vector of FEValues objects
- std::vector<std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim> > > fevalv;
- public:
- static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
- static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- IntegrationInfo();
- /**
- * Copy constructor, creating a
- * clone to be used by
- * WorksTream::run().
- */
- IntegrationInfo(const IntegrationInfo<dim, spacedim>& other);
- /**
- * Build all internal
- * structures, in particular
- * the FEValuesBase objects
- * and allocate space for
- * data vectors.
- *
- * @param el is the finite
- * element of the DoFHandler.
- *
- * @param mapping is the Mapping
- * object used to map the
- * mesh cells.
- *
- * @param quadrature is a
- * Quadrature formula used in
- * the constructor of the
- * FEVALUES objects.
- *
- * @param flags are the
- * UpdateFlags used in
- * the constructor of the
- * FEVALUES objects.
- *
- * @param local_block_info is
- * an optional parameter for
- * systems of PDE. If it is
- * provided with reasonable
- * data, then the degrees of
- * freedom on the cells will be
- * re-ordered to reflect the
- * block structure of the system.
- */
- template <class FEVALUES>
- void initialize(const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>& el,
- const Mapping<dim,spacedim>& mapping,
- const Quadrature<FEVALUES::integral_dimension>& quadrature,
- const UpdateFlags flags,
- const BlockInfo* local_block_info = 0);
- /**
- * Initialize the data
- * vector and cache the
- * selector.
- */
- void initialize_data(const std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorDataBase<dim,spacedim> > &data);
- /**
- * Delete the data created by initialize().
- */
- void clear();
- /// This is true if we are assembling for multigrid
- bool multigrid;
- /// Access to finite element
- /**
- * This is the access
- * function being used, if
- * the constructor for a
- * single element was
- * used. It throws an
- * exception, if applied to a
- * vector of elements.
- */
- const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& fe_values () const;
- /// Access to finite elements
- /**
- * This access function must
- * be used if the constructor
- * for a group of elements
- * was used.
- *
- * @see DGBlockSplitApplication
- */
- const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& fe_values (const unsigned int i) const;
- /**
- * The vector containing the
- * values of finite element
- * functions in the quadrature
- * points.
- *
- * There is one vector per
- * selected finite element
- * function, containing one
- * vector for each component,
- * containing vectors with
- * values for each quadrature
- * point.
- */
- std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > values;
- /**
- * The vector containing the
- * derivatives of finite
- * element functions in the
- * quadrature points.
- *
- * There is one vector per
- * selected finite element
- * function, containing one
- * vector for each component,
- * containing vectors with
- * values for each quadrature
- * point.
- */
- std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > > > gradients;
- /**
- * The vector containing the
- * second derivatives of finite
- * element functions in the
- * quadrature points.
- *
- * There is one vector per
- * selected finite element
- * function, containing one
- * vector for each component,
- * containing vectors with
- * values for each quadrature
- * point.
- */
- std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > > hessians;
- /**
- * Reinitialize internal data
- * structures for use on a cell.
- */
- void reinit(const DoFInfo<dim, spacedim>& i);
- /**
- * Use the finite element
- * functions in #global_data
- * and fill the vectors
- * #values, #gradients and
- * #hessians.
- */
- template<typename number>
- void fill_local_data(const DoFInfo<dim, spacedim, number>& info, bool split_fevalues);
- /**
- * The global data vector
- * used to compute function
- * values in quadrature
- * points.
- */
- std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorDataBase<dim, spacedim> > global_data;
- /**
- * The memory used by this object.
- */
- std::size_t memory_consumption () const;
- private:
- /**
- * Use the finite element
- * functions in #global_data
- * and fill the vectors
- * #values, #gradients and
- * #hessians with values
- * according to the
- * selector.
- */
- template <typename TYPE>
- void fill_local_data(
- std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<TYPE> > >& data,
- VectorSelector& selector,
- bool split_fevalues) const;
- /**
- * Cache the number of
- * components of the system element.
- */
- unsigned int n_components;
- };
- * The object holding the scratch data for integrating over cells and
- * faces. IntegrationInfoBox serves three main purposes:
- *
- * <ol>
- * <li> It provides the interface needed by MeshWorker::loop(), namely
- * the two functions post_cell() and post_faces(), as well as
- * the data members #cell, #boundary, #face,
- * #subface, and #neighbor.
- *
- * <li> It contains all information needed to initialize the FEValues
- * and FEFaceValues objects in the IntegrationInfo data members.
- *
- * <li> It stores information on finite element vectors and whether
- * their data should be used to compute values or derivatives of
- * functions at quadrature points.
- *
- * <li> It makes educated guesses on quadrature rules and update
- * flags, so that minimal code has to be written when default
- * parameters are sufficient.
- * </ol>
- *
- * In order to allow for sufficient generality, a few steps have to be
- * undertaken to use this class.
- *
- * First, you should consider if you need values from any vectors in a
- * NamedData object. If so, fill the VectorSelector objects
- * #cell_selector, #boundary_selector and #face_selector with their names
- * and the data type (value, gradient, Hessian) to be extracted.
- *
- * Afterwards, you will need to consider UpdateFlags for FEValues
- * objects. A good start is initialize_update_flags(), which looks at
- * the selectors filled before and adds all the flags needed to get
- * the selection. Additional flags can be set with add_update_flags().
- *
- * Finally, we need to choose quadrature formulas. In the simplest
- * case, you might be happy with the default settings, which are
- * <i>n</i>-point Gauss formulas. If only derivatives of the shape
- * functions are used (#update_values is not set) <i>n</i> equals the
- * highest polynomial degree in the FiniteElement, if #update_values
- * is set, <i>n</i> is one higher than this degree. If you choose to
- * use Gauss formulas of other size, use initialize_gauss_quadrature()
- * with appropriate values. Otherwise, you can fill the variables
- * #cell_quadrature, #boundary_quadrature and #face_quadrature
- * directly.
- *
- * In order to save time, you can set the variables boundary_fluxes
- * and interior_fluxes of the base class to false, thus telling the
- * Meshworker::loop() not to loop over those faces.
- *
- * All the information in here is used to set up IntegrationInfo
- * objects correctly, typically in an IntegrationInfoBox.
- *
- * @ingroup MeshWorker
- * @author Guido Kanschat, 2009
- */
- template <int dim, int spacedim=dim>
- class IntegrationInfoBox
- {
- public:
- /**
- * The type of the info object
- * for cells.
- */
- typedef IntegrationInfo<dim, spacedim> CellInfo;
- /**
- * Default constructor.
- */
- IntegrationInfoBox ();
- /**
- * Initialize the
- * IntegrationInfo objects
- * contained.
- *
- * Before doing so, add update
- * flags necessary to produce
- * the data needed and also
- * set uninitialized quadrature
- * rules to Gauss formulas,
- * which integrate polynomial
- * bilinear forms exactly.
- */
- void initialize(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>& el,
- const Mapping<dim, spacedim>& mapping,
- const BlockInfo* block_info = 0);
- /**
- * Initialize the
- * IntegrationInfo objects
- * contained.
- *
- * Before doing so, add update
- * flags necessary to produce
- * the data needed and also
- * set uninitialized quadrature
- * rules to Gauss formulas,
- * which integrate polynomial
- * bilinear forms exactly.
- */
- template <typename VECTOR>
- void initialize(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>& el,
- const Mapping<dim, spacedim>& mapping,
- const NamedData<VECTOR*>& data,
- const BlockInfo* block_info = 0);
- /**
- * Initialize the
- * IntegrationInfo objects
- * contained.
- *
- * Before doing so, add update
- * flags necessary to produce
- * the data needed and also
- * set uninitialized quadrature
- * rules to Gauss formulas,
- * which integrate polynomial
- * bilinear forms exactly.
- */
- template <typename VECTOR>
- void initialize(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>& el,
- const Mapping<dim, spacedim>& mapping,
- const NamedData<MGLevelObject<VECTOR>*>& data,
- const BlockInfo* block_info = 0);
- /**
- * @name FEValues setup
- */
- /* @{ */
- void initialize_update_flags();
- /**
- * Add FEValues UpdateFlags for
- * integration on all objects
- * (cells, boundary faces and
- * all interior faces).
- */
- void add_update_flags_all (const UpdateFlags flags);
- /**
- * Add FEValues UpdateFlags for
- * integration on cells.
- */
- void add_update_flags_cell(const UpdateFlags flags);
- /**
- * Add FEValues UpdateFlags for
- * integration on boundary faces.
- */
- void add_update_flags_boundary(const UpdateFlags flags);
- /**
- * Add FEValues UpdateFlags for
- * integration on interior faces.
- */
- void add_update_flags_face(const UpdateFlags flags);
- /**
- * Add additional update flags
- * to the ones already set in
- * this program. The four
- * boolean flags indicate
- * wether the additional flags
- * should be set for cell,
- * boundary, interelement face
- * for the cell itself
- * or neighbor cell, or
- * any combination thereof.
- */
- void add_update_flags(const UpdateFlags flags,
- const bool cell = true,
- const bool boundary = true,
- const bool face = true,
- const bool neighbor = true);
- /**
- * Assign n-point Gauss
- * quadratures to each of the
- * quadrature rules. Here, a
- * size of zero points means
- * that no loop over these grid
- * entities should be
- * performed.
- *
- * If the parameter
- * <tt>force</tt> is true, then
- * all quadrature sets are
- * filled with new quadrature
- * ruels. If it is false, then
- * only empty rules are changed.
- */
- void initialize_gauss_quadrature(unsigned int n_cell_points,
- unsigned int n_boundary_points,
- unsigned int n_face_points,
- const bool force = true);
- /**
- * The memory used by this object.
- */
- std::size_t memory_consumption () const;
- /**
- * The set of update flags
- * for boundary cell integration.
- *
- * Defaults to
- * #update_JxW_values.
- */
- UpdateFlags cell_flags;
- /**
- * The set of update flags
- * for boundary face integration.
- *
- * Defaults to
- * #update_JxW_values and
- * #update_normal_vectors.
- */
- UpdateFlags boundary_flags;
- /**
- * The set of update flags
- * for interior face integration.
- *
- * Defaults to
- * #update_JxW_values and
- * #update_normal_vectors.
- */
- UpdateFlags face_flags;
- /**
- * The set of update flags
- * for interior face integration.
- *
- * Defaults to
- * #update_default, since
- * quadrature weights are
- * taken from the other cell.
- */
- UpdateFlags neighbor_flags;
- /**
- * The quadrature rule used
- * on cells.
- */
- Quadrature<dim> cell_quadrature;
- /**
- * The quadrature rule used
- * on boundary faces.
- */
- Quadrature<dim-1> boundary_quadrature;
- /**
- * The quadrature rule used
- * on interior faces.
- */
- Quadrature<dim-1> face_quadrature;
- /* @} */
- /**
- * @name Data vectors
- */
- /* @{ */
- /**
- * Initialize the
- * VectorSelector objects
- * #cell_selector,
- * #boundary_selector and
- * #face_selector in order to
- * save computational
- * eeffort. If no selectors
- * are used, then values for
- * all named vectors in
- * DoFInfo::global_data will be
- * computed in all quadrature
- * points.
- *
- * This function will also
- * add UpdateFlags to the
- * flags stored in this class.
- */
- /**
- * Select the vectors from
- * DoFInfo::global_data
- * that should be computed in
- * the quadrature points on cells.
- */
- MeshWorker::VectorSelector cell_selector;
- /**
- * Select the vectors from
- * DoFInfo::global_data
- * that should be computed in
- * the quadrature points on
- * boundary faces.
- */
- MeshWorker::VectorSelector boundary_selector;
- /**
- * Select the vectors from
- * DoFInfo::global_data
- * that should be computed in
- * the quadrature points on
- * interior faces.
- */
- MeshWorker::VectorSelector face_selector;
- std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MeshWorker::VectorDataBase<dim, spacedim> > cell_data;
- std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MeshWorker::VectorDataBase<dim, spacedim> > boundary_data;
- std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MeshWorker::VectorDataBase<dim, spacedim> > face_data;
- /* @} */
- /**
- * @name Interface for MeshWorker::loop()
- */
- /* @{ */
- /**
- * A callback function which is
- * called in the loop over all
- * cells, after the action on a
- * cell has been performed and
- * before the faces are dealt
- * with.
- *
- * In order for this function
- * to have this effect,
- * at least either of the
- * arguments
- * <tt>boundary_worker</tt> or
- * <tt>face_worker</tt>
- * arguments of loop() should
- * be nonzero. Additionally,
- * <tt>cells_first</tt> should
- * be true. If
- * <tt>cells_first</tt> is
- * false, this function is
- * called before any action on
- * a cell is taken.
- *
- * And empty function in this
- * class, but can be replaced
- * in other classes given to
- * loop() instead.
- *
- * See loop() and cell_action()
- * for more details of how this
- * function can be used.
- */
- template <class DOFINFO>
- void post_cell(const DoFInfoBox<dim, DOFINFO>&);
- /**
- * A callback function which is
- * called in the loop over all
- * cells, after the action on
- * the faces of a cell has been
- * performed and before the
- * cell itself is dealt with
- * (assumes
- * <tt>cells_first</tt> is false).
- *
- * In order for this function
- * to have a reasonable effect,
- * at least either of the
- * arguments
- * <tt>boundary_worker</tt> or
- * <tt>face_worker</tt>
- * arguments of loop() should
- * be nonzero. Additionally,
- * <tt>cells_first</tt> should
- * be false.
- *
- * And empty function in this
- * class, but can be replaced
- * in other classes given to
- * loop() instead.
- *
- * See loop() and cell_action()
- * for more details of how this
- * function can be used.
- */
- template <class DOFINFO>
- void post_faces(const DoFInfoBox<dim, DOFINFO>&);
- /**
- * The info object for a cell.
- */
- CellInfo cell;
- /**
- * The info object for a
- * boundary face.
- */
- CellInfo boundary;
- /**
- * The info object for a
- * regular interior face, seen
- * from the first cell.
- */
- CellInfo face;
- /**
- * The info object for the
- * refined side of an interior
- * face seen from the first
- * cell.
- */
- CellInfo subface;
- /**
- * The info object for an
- * interior face, seen from the
- * other cell.
- */
- CellInfo neighbor;
- /* @} */
- };
template <int dim, int spacedim, typename number>
- template<int dim, int sdim>
- inline
- IntegrationInfo<dim,sdim>::IntegrationInfo()
- :
- fevalv(0),
- multigrid(false),
- global_data(std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorDataBase<dim, sdim> >(new VectorDataBase<dim, sdim>))
- {}
- template<int dim, int sdim>
- inline
- IntegrationInfo<dim,sdim>::IntegrationInfo(const IntegrationInfo<dim,sdim>& other)
- :
- multigrid(other.multigrid),
- values(other.values),
- gradients(other.gradients),
- hessians(other.hessians),
- global_data(other.global_data),
- n_components(other.n_components)
- {
- fevalv.resize(other.fevalv.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<other.fevalv.size();++i)
- {
- const FEValuesBase<dim,sdim>& p = *other.fevalv[i];
- const FEValues<dim,sdim>* pc = dynamic_cast<const FEValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>* pf = dynamic_cast<const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>* ps = dynamic_cast<const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- if (pc != 0)
- fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
- reinterpret_cast<FEFaceValuesBase<dim,sdim>*>(
- new FEValues<dim,sdim> (pc->get_mapping(), pc->get_fe(),
- pc->get_quadrature(), pc->get_update_flags())));
- else if (pf != 0)
- fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
- new FEFaceValues<dim,sdim> (pf->get_mapping(), pf->get_fe(), pf->get_quadrature(), pf->get_update_flags()));
- else if (ps != 0)
- fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
- new FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim> (ps->get_mapping(), ps->get_fe(), ps->get_quadrature(), ps->get_update_flags()));
- else
- Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
- }
- }
- template <>
- inline
- IntegrationInfo<1,1>::IntegrationInfo(const IntegrationInfo<1,1>& other)
- :
- multigrid(other.multigrid),
- values(other.values),
- gradients(other.gradients),
- hessians(other.hessians),
- global_data(other.global_data),
- n_components(other.n_components)
- {
- const int dim = 1;
- const int sdim = 1;
- fevalv.resize(other.fevalv.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<other.fevalv.size();++i)
- {
- const FEValuesBase<dim,sdim>& p = *other.fevalv[i];
- const FEValues<dim,sdim>* pc = dynamic_cast<const FEValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>* pf = dynamic_cast<const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>* ps = dynamic_cast<const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- if (pc != 0)
- fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
- reinterpret_cast<FEFaceValuesBase<dim,sdim>*>(
- new FEValues<dim,sdim> (pc->get_mapping(), pc->get_fe(),
- pc->get_quadrature(), pc->get_update_flags())));
- else if (pf != 0)
- {
- Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- fevalv[i].reset ();
- }
- else if (ps != 0)
- {
- Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- fevalv[i].reset();
- }
- else
- Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
- }
- }
- template <>
- inline
- IntegrationInfo<1,2>::IntegrationInfo(const IntegrationInfo<1,2>& other)
- :
- multigrid(other.multigrid),
- values(other.values),
- gradients(other.gradients),
- hessians(other.hessians),
- global_data(other.global_data),
- n_components(other.n_components)
- {
- const int dim = 1;
- const int sdim = 2;
- fevalv.resize(other.fevalv.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<other.fevalv.size();++i)
- {
- const FEValuesBase<dim,sdim>& p = *other.fevalv[i];
- const FEValues<dim,sdim>* pc = dynamic_cast<const FEValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>* pf = dynamic_cast<const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>* ps = dynamic_cast<const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
- if (pc != 0)
- fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
- reinterpret_cast<FEFaceValuesBase<dim,sdim>*>(
- new FEValues<dim,sdim> (pc->get_mapping(), pc->get_fe(),
- pc->get_quadrature(), pc->get_update_flags())));
- else if (pf != 0)
- {
- Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- fevalv[i].reset();
- }
- else if (ps != 0)
- {
- Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- fevalv[i].reset();
- }
- else
- Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
- }
- }
- template<int dim, int sdim>
- template <class FEVALUES>
- inline void
- IntegrationInfo<dim,sdim>::initialize(
- const FiniteElement<dim,sdim>& el,
- const Mapping<dim,sdim>& mapping,
- const Quadrature<FEVALUES::integral_dimension>& quadrature,
- const UpdateFlags flags,
- const BlockInfo* block_info)
- {
- if (block_info == 0 || block_info->local().size() == 0)
- {
- fevalv.resize(1);
- fevalv[0] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
- new FEVALUES (mapping, el, quadrature, flags));
- }
- else
- {
- fevalv.resize(el.n_base_elements());
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<fevalv.size();++i)
- {
- fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
- new FEVALUES (mapping, el.base_element(i), quadrature, flags));
- }
- }
- n_components = el.n_components();
- }
- template <int dim, int spacedim>
- inline const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>&
- IntegrationInfo<dim,spacedim>::fe_values() const
- {
- AssertDimension(fevalv.size(), 1);
- return *fevalv[0];
- }
- template <int dim, int spacedim>
- inline const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>&
- IntegrationInfo<dim,spacedim>::fe_values(unsigned int i) const
- {
- Assert (i<fevalv.size(), ExcIndexRange(i,0,fevalv.size()));
- return *fevalv[i];
- }
- template <int dim, int spacedim>
- inline void
- IntegrationInfo<dim,spacedim>::reinit(const DoFInfo<dim, spacedim>& info)
- {
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<fevalv.size();++i)
- {
- FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& febase = *fevalv[i];
- if (info.sub_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- // This is a subface
- FESubfaceValues<dim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FESubfaceValues<dim>&> (febase);
- fe.reinit(info.cell, info.face_number, info.sub_number);
- }
- else if (info.face_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- // This is a face
- FEFaceValues<dim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FEFaceValues<dim>&> (febase);
- fe.reinit(info.cell, info.face_number);
- }
- else
- {
- // This is a cell
- FEValues<dim,spacedim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FEValues<dim,spacedim>&> (febase);
- fe.reinit(info.cell);
- }
- }
- const bool split_fevalues = info.block_info != 0;
- if (!global_data->empty())
- fill_local_data(info, split_fevalues);
- }
- template <>
- inline void
- IntegrationInfo<1,1>::reinit(const DoFInfo<1,1>& info)
- {
- const int dim = 1;
- const int spacedim = 1;
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<fevalv.size();++i)
- {
- FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& febase = *fevalv[i];
- if (info.sub_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- // This is a subface
- Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- }
- else if (info.face_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- // This is a face
- Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- }
- else
- {
- // This is a cell
- FEValues<dim,spacedim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FEValues<dim,spacedim>&> (febase);
- fe.reinit(info.cell);
- }
- }
- const bool split_fevalues = info.block_info != 0;
- if (!global_data->empty())
- fill_local_data(info, split_fevalues);
- }
- template <>
- inline void
- IntegrationInfo<1,2>::reinit(const DoFInfo<1,2>& info)
- {
- const int dim = 1;
- const int spacedim = 2;
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<fevalv.size();++i)
- {
- FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& febase = *fevalv[i];
- if (info.sub_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- // This is a subface
- Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- }
- else if (info.face_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- // This is a face
- Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- }
- else
- {
- // This is a cell
- FEValues<dim,spacedim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FEValues<dim,spacedim>&> (febase);
- fe.reinit(info.cell);
- }
- }
- const bool split_fevalues = info.block_info != 0;
- if (!global_data->empty())
- fill_local_data(info, split_fevalues);
- }
- template <>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<1,1>::initialize_gauss_quadrature(
- const unsigned int cp,
- const unsigned int,
- const unsigned int,
- bool force)
- {
- if (force || cell_quadrature.size() == 0)
- cell_quadrature = QGauss<1>(cp);
- }
- template <>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<1,2>::initialize_gauss_quadrature(
- const unsigned int cp,
- const unsigned int,
- const unsigned int,
- bool force)
- {
- if (force || cell_quadrature.size() == 0)
- cell_quadrature = QGauss<1>(cp);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::initialize_gauss_quadrature(
- unsigned int cp,
- unsigned int bp,
- unsigned int fp,
- bool force)
- {
- if (force || cell_quadrature.size() == 0)
- cell_quadrature = QGauss<dim>(cp);
- if (force || boundary_quadrature.size() == 0)
- boundary_quadrature = QGauss<dim-1>(bp);
- if (force || face_quadrature.size() == 0)
- face_quadrature = QGauss<dim-1>(fp);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::add_update_flags_all (const UpdateFlags flags)
- {
- add_update_flags(flags, true, true, true, true);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::add_update_flags_cell (const UpdateFlags flags)
- {
- add_update_flags(flags, true, false, false, false);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::add_update_flags_boundary (const UpdateFlags flags)
- {
- add_update_flags(flags, false, true, false, false);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::add_update_flags_face (const UpdateFlags flags)
- {
- add_update_flags(flags, false, false, true, true);
- }
- template <>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<1,1>::initialize(
- const FiniteElement<1,1>& el,
- const Mapping<1,1>& mapping,
- const BlockInfo* block_info)
- {
- initialize_update_flags();
- initialize_gauss_quadrature(
- (cell_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(), 1, 1, false);
- const int dim = 1;
- const int sdim = 1;
- cell.initialize<FEValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, cell_quadrature,
- cell_flags, block_info);
- }
- template <>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<1,2>::initialize(
- const FiniteElement<1,2>& el,
- const Mapping<1,2>& mapping,
- const BlockInfo* block_info)
- {
- initialize_update_flags();
- initialize_gauss_quadrature(
- (cell_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(), 1, 1, false);
- const int dim = 1;
- const int sdim = 2;
- cell.initialize<FEValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, cell_quadrature,
- cell_flags, block_info);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- inline
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::initialize(
- const FiniteElement<dim,sdim>& el,
- const Mapping<dim,sdim>& mapping,
- const BlockInfo* block_info)
- {
- initialize_update_flags();
- initialize_gauss_quadrature(
- (cell_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(),
- (boundary_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(),
- (face_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(), false);
- cell.template initialize<FEValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, cell_quadrature,
- cell_flags, block_info);
- boundary.template initialize<FEFaceValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, boundary_quadrature,
- boundary_flags, block_info);
- face.template initialize<FEFaceValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, face_quadrature,
- face_flags, block_info);
- subface.template initialize<FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, face_quadrature,
- face_flags, block_info);
- neighbor.template initialize<FEFaceValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, face_quadrature,
- neighbor_flags, block_info);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- template <typename VECTOR>
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::initialize(
- const FiniteElement<dim,sdim>& el,
- const Mapping<dim,sdim>& mapping,
- const NamedData<VECTOR*>& data,
- const BlockInfo* block_info)
- {
- initialize(el, mapping, block_info);
- std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> > p;
- p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (cell_selector));
- p->initialize(data);
- cell_data = p;
- cell.initialize_data(p);
- p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (boundary_selector));
- p->initialize(data);
- boundary_data = p;
- boundary.initialize_data(p);
- p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (face_selector));
- p->initialize(data);
- face_data = p;
- face.initialize_data(p);
- subface.initialize_data(p);
- neighbor.initialize_data(p);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- template <typename VECTOR>
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::initialize(
- const FiniteElement<dim,sdim>& el,
- const Mapping<dim,sdim>& mapping,
- const NamedData<MGLevelObject<VECTOR>*>& data,
- const BlockInfo* block_info)
- {
- initialize(el, mapping, block_info);
- std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> > p;
- p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (cell_selector));
- p->initialize(data);
- cell_data = p;
- cell.initialize_data(p);
- p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (boundary_selector));
- p->initialize(data);
- boundary_data = p;
- boundary.initialize_data(p);
- p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (face_selector));
- p->initialize(data);
- face_data = p;
- face.initialize_data(p);
- subface.initialize_data(p);
- neighbor.initialize_data(p);
- }
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- template <class DOFINFO>
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::post_cell(const DoFInfoBox<dim, DOFINFO>&)
- {}
- template <int dim, int sdim>
- template <class DOFINFO>
- void
- IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::post_faces(const DoFInfoBox<dim, DOFINFO>&)
- {}
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+#ifndef __deal2__mesh_worker_info_h
+#define __deal2__mesh_worker_info_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/std_cxx1x/shared_ptr.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/block_info.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <deal.II/meshworker/local_results.h>
+#include <deal.II/meshworker/dof_info.h>
+#include <deal.II/meshworker/vector_selector.h>
+namespace MeshWorker
+ * Class for objects handed to local integration functions.
+ *
+ * Objects of this class contain one or more objects of type FEValues,
+ * FEFaceValues or FESubfacevalues to be used in local
+ * integration. They are stored in an array of pointers to the base
+ * classes FEValuesBase for cells and FEFaceValuesBase for faces and
+ * subfaces, respectively. The template parameter VECTOR allows the
+ * use of different data types for the global system.
+ *
+ * The @p FEVALUESBASE template parameter should be either
+ * FEValuesBase or FEFaceValuesBase, depending on whether the object
+ * is used to integrate over cells or faces. The actual type of @p
+ * FEVALUES object is fixed in the constructor and only used to
+ * initialize the pointers in #fevalv.
+ *
+ * Additionally, this function containes space to store the values of
+ * finite element functions stored in #global_data in the
+ * quadrature points. These vectors are initialized automatically on
+ * each cell or face. In order to avoid initializing unused vectors,
+ * you can use initialize_selector() to select the vectors by name
+ * that you actually want to use.
+ *
+ * <h3>Integration models</h3>
+ *
+ * This class supports two local integration models, corresponding to
+ * the data models in the documentation of the Assembler namespace.
+ * One is the
+ * standard model suggested by the use of FESystem. Namely, there is
+ * one FEValuseBase object in this class, containing all shape
+ * functions of the whole system, and having as many components as the
+ * system. Using this model involves loops over all system shape
+ * functions. It requires to identify the system components
+ * for each shape function and to select the correct bilinear form,
+ * usually in an @p if or @p switch statement.
+ *
+ * The second integration model builds one FEValuesBase object per
+ * base element of the system. The degrees of freedom on each cell are
+ * renumbered by block, such that they represent the same block
+ * structure as the global system. Objects performing the integration
+ * can then process each block separately, which improves reusability
+ * of code considerably.
+ *
+ * @note As described in DoFInfo, the use of the local block model is
+ * triggered by calling BlockInfo::initialize_local() before
+ * using initialize() in this class.
+ *
+ * @ingroup MeshWorker
+ * @author Guido Kanschat, 2009
+ */
+ template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
+ class IntegrationInfo
+ {
+ private:
+ /// vector of FEValues objects
+ std::vector<std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim> > > fevalv;
+ public:
+ static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
+ static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ IntegrationInfo();
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor, creating a
+ * clone to be used by
+ * WorksTream::run().
+ */
+ IntegrationInfo(const IntegrationInfo<dim, spacedim>& other);
+ /**
+ * Build all internal
+ * structures, in particular
+ * the FEValuesBase objects
+ * and allocate space for
+ * data vectors.
+ *
+ * @param el is the finite
+ * element of the DoFHandler.
+ *
+ * @param mapping is the Mapping
+ * object used to map the
+ * mesh cells.
+ *
+ * @param quadrature is a
+ * Quadrature formula used in
+ * the constructor of the
+ * FEVALUES objects.
+ *
+ * @param flags are the
+ * UpdateFlags used in
+ * the constructor of the
+ * FEVALUES objects.
+ *
+ * @param local_block_info is
+ * an optional parameter for
+ * systems of PDE. If it is
+ * provided with reasonable
+ * data, then the degrees of
+ * freedom on the cells will be
+ * re-ordered to reflect the
+ * block structure of the system.
+ */
+ template <class FEVALUES>
+ void initialize(const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>& el,
+ const Mapping<dim,spacedim>& mapping,
+ const Quadrature<FEVALUES::integral_dimension>& quadrature,
+ const UpdateFlags flags,
+ const BlockInfo* local_block_info = 0);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the data
+ * vector and cache the
+ * selector.
+ */
+ void initialize_data(const std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorDataBase<dim,spacedim> > &data);
+ /**
+ * Delete the data created by initialize().
+ */
+ void clear();
+ /// This is true if we are assembling for multigrid
+ bool multigrid;
+ /// Access to finite element
+ /**
+ * This is the access
+ * function being used, if
+ * the constructor for a
+ * single element was
+ * used. It throws an
+ * exception, if applied to a
+ * vector of elements.
+ */
+ const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& fe_values () const;
+ /// Access to finite elements
+ /**
+ * This access function must
+ * be used if the constructor
+ * for a group of elements
+ * was used.
+ *
+ * @see DGBlockSplitApplication
+ */
+ const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& fe_values (const unsigned int i) const;
+ /**
+ * The vector containing the
+ * values of finite element
+ * functions in the quadrature
+ * points.
+ *
+ * There is one vector per
+ * selected finite element
+ * function, containing one
+ * vector for each component,
+ * containing vectors with
+ * values for each quadrature
+ * point.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > values;
+ /**
+ * The vector containing the
+ * derivatives of finite
+ * element functions in the
+ * quadrature points.
+ *
+ * There is one vector per
+ * selected finite element
+ * function, containing one
+ * vector for each component,
+ * containing vectors with
+ * values for each quadrature
+ * point.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > > > gradients;
+ /**
+ * The vector containing the
+ * second derivatives of finite
+ * element functions in the
+ * quadrature points.
+ *
+ * There is one vector per
+ * selected finite element
+ * function, containing one
+ * vector for each component,
+ * containing vectors with
+ * values for each quadrature
+ * point.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > > hessians;
+ /**
+ * Reinitialize internal data
+ * structures for use on a cell.
+ */
+ void reinit(const DoFInfo<dim, spacedim>& i);
+ /**
+ * Use the finite element
+ * functions in #global_data
+ * and fill the vectors
+ * #values, #gradients and
+ * #hessians.
+ */
+ template<typename number>
+ void fill_local_data(const DoFInfo<dim, spacedim, number>& info, bool split_fevalues);
+ /**
+ * The global data vector
+ * used to compute function
+ * values in quadrature
+ * points.
+ */
+ std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorDataBase<dim, spacedim> > global_data;
+ /**
+ * The memory used by this object.
+ */
+ std::size_t memory_consumption () const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Use the finite element
+ * functions in #global_data
+ * and fill the vectors
+ * #values, #gradients and
+ * #hessians with values
+ * according to the
+ * selector.
+ */
+ template <typename TYPE>
+ void fill_local_data(
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<TYPE> > >& data,
+ VectorSelector& selector,
+ bool split_fevalues) const;
+ /**
+ * Cache the number of
+ * components of the system element.
+ */
+ unsigned int n_components;
+ };
+ * The object holding the scratch data for integrating over cells and
+ * faces. IntegrationInfoBox serves three main purposes:
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li> It provides the interface needed by MeshWorker::loop(), namely
+ * the two functions post_cell() and post_faces(), as well as
+ * the data members #cell, #boundary, #face,
+ * #subface, and #neighbor.
+ *
+ * <li> It contains all information needed to initialize the FEValues
+ * and FEFaceValues objects in the IntegrationInfo data members.
+ *
+ * <li> It stores information on finite element vectors and whether
+ * their data should be used to compute values or derivatives of
+ * functions at quadrature points.
+ *
+ * <li> It makes educated guesses on quadrature rules and update
+ * flags, so that minimal code has to be written when default
+ * parameters are sufficient.
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * In order to allow for sufficient generality, a few steps have to be
+ * undertaken to use this class.
+ *
+ * First, you should consider if you need values from any vectors in a
+ * NamedData object. If so, fill the VectorSelector objects
+ * #cell_selector, #boundary_selector and #face_selector with their names
+ * and the data type (value, gradient, Hessian) to be extracted.
+ *
+ * Afterwards, you will need to consider UpdateFlags for FEValues
+ * objects. A good start is initialize_update_flags(), which looks at
+ * the selectors filled before and adds all the flags needed to get
+ * the selection. Additional flags can be set with add_update_flags().
+ *
+ * Finally, we need to choose quadrature formulas. In the simplest
+ * case, you might be happy with the default settings, which are
+ * <i>n</i>-point Gauss formulas. If only derivatives of the shape
+ * functions are used (#update_values is not set) <i>n</i> equals the
+ * highest polynomial degree in the FiniteElement, if #update_values
+ * is set, <i>n</i> is one higher than this degree. If you choose to
+ * use Gauss formulas of other size, use initialize_gauss_quadrature()
+ * with appropriate values. Otherwise, you can fill the variables
+ * #cell_quadrature, #boundary_quadrature and #face_quadrature
+ * directly.
+ *
+ * In order to save time, you can set the variables boundary_fluxes
+ * and interior_fluxes of the base class to false, thus telling the
+ * Meshworker::loop() not to loop over those faces.
+ *
+ * All the information in here is used to set up IntegrationInfo
+ * objects correctly, typically in an IntegrationInfoBox.
+ *
+ * @ingroup MeshWorker
+ * @author Guido Kanschat, 2009
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim=dim>
+ class IntegrationInfoBox
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * The type of the info object
+ * for cells.
+ */
+ typedef IntegrationInfo<dim, spacedim> CellInfo;
+ /**
+ * Default constructor.
+ */
+ IntegrationInfoBox ();
+ /**
+ * Initialize the
+ * IntegrationInfo objects
+ * contained.
+ *
+ * Before doing so, add update
+ * flags necessary to produce
+ * the data needed and also
+ * set uninitialized quadrature
+ * rules to Gauss formulas,
+ * which integrate polynomial
+ * bilinear forms exactly.
+ */
+ void initialize(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>& el,
+ const Mapping<dim, spacedim>& mapping,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info = 0);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the
+ * IntegrationInfo objects
+ * contained.
+ *
+ * Before doing so, add update
+ * flags necessary to produce
+ * the data needed and also
+ * set uninitialized quadrature
+ * rules to Gauss formulas,
+ * which integrate polynomial
+ * bilinear forms exactly.
+ */
+ template <typename VECTOR>
+ void initialize(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>& el,
+ const Mapping<dim, spacedim>& mapping,
+ const NamedData<VECTOR*>& data,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info = 0);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the
+ * IntegrationInfo objects
+ * contained.
+ *
+ * Before doing so, add update
+ * flags necessary to produce
+ * the data needed and also
+ * set uninitialized quadrature
+ * rules to Gauss formulas,
+ * which integrate polynomial
+ * bilinear forms exactly.
+ */
+ template <typename VECTOR>
+ void initialize(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>& el,
+ const Mapping<dim, spacedim>& mapping,
+ const NamedData<MGLevelObject<VECTOR>*>& data,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info = 0);
+ /**
+ * @name FEValues setup
+ */
+ /* @{ */
+ void initialize_update_flags();
+ /**
+ * Add FEValues UpdateFlags for
+ * integration on all objects
+ * (cells, boundary faces and
+ * all interior faces).
+ */
+ void add_update_flags_all (const UpdateFlags flags);
+ /**
+ * Add FEValues UpdateFlags for
+ * integration on cells.
+ */
+ void add_update_flags_cell(const UpdateFlags flags);
+ /**
+ * Add FEValues UpdateFlags for
+ * integration on boundary faces.
+ */
+ void add_update_flags_boundary(const UpdateFlags flags);
+ /**
+ * Add FEValues UpdateFlags for
+ * integration on interior faces.
+ */
+ void add_update_flags_face(const UpdateFlags flags);
+ /**
+ * Add additional update flags
+ * to the ones already set in
+ * this program. The four
+ * boolean flags indicate
+ * wether the additional flags
+ * should be set for cell,
+ * boundary, interelement face
+ * for the cell itself
+ * or neighbor cell, or
+ * any combination thereof.
+ */
+ void add_update_flags(const UpdateFlags flags,
+ const bool cell = true,
+ const bool boundary = true,
+ const bool face = true,
+ const bool neighbor = true);
+ /**
+ * Assign n-point Gauss
+ * quadratures to each of the
+ * quadrature rules. Here, a
+ * size of zero points means
+ * that no loop over these grid
+ * entities should be
+ * performed.
+ *
+ * If the parameter
+ * <tt>force</tt> is true, then
+ * all quadrature sets are
+ * filled with new quadrature
+ * ruels. If it is false, then
+ * only empty rules are changed.
+ */
+ void initialize_gauss_quadrature(unsigned int n_cell_points,
+ unsigned int n_boundary_points,
+ unsigned int n_face_points,
+ const bool force = true);
+ /**
+ * The memory used by this object.
+ */
+ std::size_t memory_consumption () const;
+ /**
+ * The set of update flags
+ * for boundary cell integration.
+ *
+ * Defaults to
+ * #update_JxW_values.
+ */
+ UpdateFlags cell_flags;
+ /**
+ * The set of update flags
+ * for boundary face integration.
+ *
+ * Defaults to
+ * #update_JxW_values and
+ * #update_normal_vectors.
+ */
+ UpdateFlags boundary_flags;
+ /**
+ * The set of update flags
+ * for interior face integration.
+ *
+ * Defaults to
+ * #update_JxW_values and
+ * #update_normal_vectors.
+ */
+ UpdateFlags face_flags;
+ /**
+ * The set of update flags
+ * for interior face integration.
+ *
+ * Defaults to
+ * #update_default, since
+ * quadrature weights are
+ * taken from the other cell.
+ */
+ UpdateFlags neighbor_flags;
+ /**
+ * The quadrature rule used
+ * on cells.
+ */
+ Quadrature<dim> cell_quadrature;
+ /**
+ * The quadrature rule used
+ * on boundary faces.
+ */
+ Quadrature<dim-1> boundary_quadrature;
+ /**
+ * The quadrature rule used
+ * on interior faces.
+ */
+ Quadrature<dim-1> face_quadrature;
+ /* @} */
+ /**
+ * @name Data vectors
+ */
+ /* @{ */
+ /**
+ * Initialize the
+ * VectorSelector objects
+ * #cell_selector,
+ * #boundary_selector and
+ * #face_selector in order to
+ * save computational
+ * eeffort. If no selectors
+ * are used, then values for
+ * all named vectors in
+ * DoFInfo::global_data will be
+ * computed in all quadrature
+ * points.
+ *
+ * This function will also
+ * add UpdateFlags to the
+ * flags stored in this class.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Select the vectors from
+ * DoFInfo::global_data
+ * that should be computed in
+ * the quadrature points on cells.
+ */
+ MeshWorker::VectorSelector cell_selector;
+ /**
+ * Select the vectors from
+ * DoFInfo::global_data
+ * that should be computed in
+ * the quadrature points on
+ * boundary faces.
+ */
+ MeshWorker::VectorSelector boundary_selector;
+ /**
+ * Select the vectors from
+ * DoFInfo::global_data
+ * that should be computed in
+ * the quadrature points on
+ * interior faces.
+ */
+ MeshWorker::VectorSelector face_selector;
+ std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MeshWorker::VectorDataBase<dim, spacedim> > cell_data;
+ std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MeshWorker::VectorDataBase<dim, spacedim> > boundary_data;
+ std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MeshWorker::VectorDataBase<dim, spacedim> > face_data;
+ /* @} */
+ /**
+ * @name Interface for MeshWorker::loop()
+ */
+ /* @{ */
+ /**
+ * A callback function which is
+ * called in the loop over all
+ * cells, after the action on a
+ * cell has been performed and
+ * before the faces are dealt
+ * with.
+ *
+ * In order for this function
+ * to have this effect,
+ * at least either of the
+ * arguments
+ * <tt>boundary_worker</tt> or
+ * <tt>face_worker</tt>
+ * arguments of loop() should
+ * be nonzero. Additionally,
+ * <tt>cells_first</tt> should
+ * be true. If
+ * <tt>cells_first</tt> is
+ * false, this function is
+ * called before any action on
+ * a cell is taken.
+ *
+ * And empty function in this
+ * class, but can be replaced
+ * in other classes given to
+ * loop() instead.
+ *
+ * See loop() and cell_action()
+ * for more details of how this
+ * function can be used.
+ */
+ template <class DOFINFO>
+ void post_cell(const DoFInfoBox<dim, DOFINFO>&);
+ /**
+ * A callback function which is
+ * called in the loop over all
+ * cells, after the action on
+ * the faces of a cell has been
+ * performed and before the
+ * cell itself is dealt with
+ * (assumes
+ * <tt>cells_first</tt> is false).
+ *
+ * In order for this function
+ * to have a reasonable effect,
+ * at least either of the
+ * arguments
+ * <tt>boundary_worker</tt> or
+ * <tt>face_worker</tt>
+ * arguments of loop() should
+ * be nonzero. Additionally,
+ * <tt>cells_first</tt> should
+ * be false.
+ *
+ * And empty function in this
+ * class, but can be replaced
+ * in other classes given to
+ * loop() instead.
+ *
+ * See loop() and cell_action()
+ * for more details of how this
+ * function can be used.
+ */
+ template <class DOFINFO>
+ void post_faces(const DoFInfoBox<dim, DOFINFO>&);
+ /**
+ * The info object for a cell.
+ */
+ CellInfo cell;
+ /**
+ * The info object for a
+ * boundary face.
+ */
+ CellInfo boundary;
+ /**
+ * The info object for a
+ * regular interior face, seen
+ * from the first cell.
+ */
+ CellInfo face;
+ /**
+ * The info object for the
+ * refined side of an interior
+ * face seen from the first
+ * cell.
+ */
+ CellInfo subface;
+ /**
+ * The info object for an
+ * interior face, seen from the
+ * other cell.
+ */
+ CellInfo neighbor;
+ /* @} */
+ };
+ template<int dim, int sdim>
+ inline
+ IntegrationInfo<dim,sdim>::IntegrationInfo()
+ :
+ fevalv(0),
+ multigrid(false),
+ global_data(std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorDataBase<dim, sdim> >(new VectorDataBase<dim, sdim>))
+ {}
+ template<int dim, int sdim>
+ inline
+ IntegrationInfo<dim,sdim>::IntegrationInfo(const IntegrationInfo<dim,sdim>& other)
+ :
+ multigrid(other.multigrid),
+ values(other.values),
+ gradients(other.gradients),
+ hessians(other.hessians),
+ global_data(other.global_data),
+ n_components(other.n_components)
+ {
+ fevalv.resize(other.fevalv.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<other.fevalv.size();++i)
+ {
+ const FEValuesBase<dim,sdim>& p = *other.fevalv[i];
+ const FEValues<dim,sdim>* pc = dynamic_cast<const FEValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>* pf = dynamic_cast<const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>* ps = dynamic_cast<const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ if (pc != 0)
+ fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
+ reinterpret_cast<FEFaceValuesBase<dim,sdim>*>(
+ new FEValues<dim,sdim> (pc->get_mapping(), pc->get_fe(),
+ pc->get_quadrature(), pc->get_update_flags())));
+ else if (pf != 0)
+ fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
+ new FEFaceValues<dim,sdim> (pf->get_mapping(), pf->get_fe(), pf->get_quadrature(), pf->get_update_flags()));
+ else if (ps != 0)
+ fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
+ new FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim> (ps->get_mapping(), ps->get_fe(), ps->get_quadrature(), ps->get_update_flags()));
+ else
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline
+ IntegrationInfo<1,1>::IntegrationInfo(const IntegrationInfo<1,1>& other)
+ :
+ multigrid(other.multigrid),
+ values(other.values),
+ gradients(other.gradients),
+ hessians(other.hessians),
+ global_data(other.global_data),
+ n_components(other.n_components)
+ {
+ const int dim = 1;
+ const int sdim = 1;
+ fevalv.resize(other.fevalv.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<other.fevalv.size();++i)
+ {
+ const FEValuesBase<dim,sdim>& p = *other.fevalv[i];
+ const FEValues<dim,sdim>* pc = dynamic_cast<const FEValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>* pf = dynamic_cast<const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>* ps = dynamic_cast<const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ if (pc != 0)
+ fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
+ reinterpret_cast<FEFaceValuesBase<dim,sdim>*>(
+ new FEValues<dim,sdim> (pc->get_mapping(), pc->get_fe(),
+ pc->get_quadrature(), pc->get_update_flags())));
+ else if (pf != 0)
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ fevalv[i].reset ();
+ }
+ else if (ps != 0)
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ fevalv[i].reset();
+ }
+ else
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline
+ IntegrationInfo<1,2>::IntegrationInfo(const IntegrationInfo<1,2>& other)
+ :
+ multigrid(other.multigrid),
+ values(other.values),
+ gradients(other.gradients),
+ hessians(other.hessians),
+ global_data(other.global_data),
+ n_components(other.n_components)
+ {
+ const int dim = 1;
+ const int sdim = 2;
+ fevalv.resize(other.fevalv.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<other.fevalv.size();++i)
+ {
+ const FEValuesBase<dim,sdim>& p = *other.fevalv[i];
+ const FEValues<dim,sdim>* pc = dynamic_cast<const FEValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>* pf = dynamic_cast<const FEFaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>* ps = dynamic_cast<const FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim>*>(&p);
+ if (pc != 0)
+ fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
+ reinterpret_cast<FEFaceValuesBase<dim,sdim>*>(
+ new FEValues<dim,sdim> (pc->get_mapping(), pc->get_fe(),
+ pc->get_quadrature(), pc->get_update_flags())));
+ else if (pf != 0)
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ fevalv[i].reset();
+ }
+ else if (ps != 0)
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ fevalv[i].reset();
+ }
+ else
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ }
+ template<int dim, int sdim>
+ template <class FEVALUES>
+ inline void
+ IntegrationInfo<dim,sdim>::initialize(
+ const FiniteElement<dim,sdim>& el,
+ const Mapping<dim,sdim>& mapping,
+ const Quadrature<FEVALUES::integral_dimension>& quadrature,
+ const UpdateFlags flags,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info)
+ {
+ if (block_info == 0 || block_info->local().size() == 0)
+ {
+ fevalv.resize(1);
+ fevalv[0] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
+ new FEVALUES (mapping, el, quadrature, flags));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fevalv.resize(el.n_base_elements());
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<fevalv.size();++i)
+ {
+ fevalv[i] = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FEValuesBase<dim,sdim> > (
+ new FEVALUES (mapping, el.base_element(i), quadrature, flags));
+ }
+ }
+ n_components = el.n_components();
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ inline const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>&
+ IntegrationInfo<dim,spacedim>::fe_values() const
+ {
+ AssertDimension(fevalv.size(), 1);
+ return *fevalv[0];
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ inline const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>&
+ IntegrationInfo<dim,spacedim>::fe_values(unsigned int i) const
+ {
+ Assert (i<fevalv.size(), ExcIndexRange(i,0,fevalv.size()));
+ return *fevalv[i];
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ inline void
+ IntegrationInfo<dim,spacedim>::reinit(const DoFInfo<dim, spacedim>& info)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<fevalv.size();++i)
+ {
+ FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& febase = *fevalv[i];
+ if (info.sub_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // This is a subface
+ FESubfaceValues<dim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FESubfaceValues<dim>&> (febase);
+ fe.reinit(info.cell, info.face_number, info.sub_number);
+ }
+ else if (info.face_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // This is a face
+ FEFaceValues<dim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FEFaceValues<dim>&> (febase);
+ fe.reinit(info.cell, info.face_number);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is a cell
+ FEValues<dim,spacedim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FEValues<dim,spacedim>&> (febase);
+ fe.reinit(info.cell);
+ }
+ }
+ const bool split_fevalues = info.block_info != 0;
+ if (!global_data->empty())
+ fill_local_data(info, split_fevalues);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void
+ IntegrationInfo<1,1>::reinit(const DoFInfo<1,1>& info)
+ {
+ const int dim = 1;
+ const int spacedim = 1;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<fevalv.size();++i)
+ {
+ FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& febase = *fevalv[i];
+ if (info.sub_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // This is a subface
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ }
+ else if (info.face_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // This is a face
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is a cell
+ FEValues<dim,spacedim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FEValues<dim,spacedim>&> (febase);
+ fe.reinit(info.cell);
+ }
+ }
+ const bool split_fevalues = info.block_info != 0;
+ if (!global_data->empty())
+ fill_local_data(info, split_fevalues);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void
+ IntegrationInfo<1,2>::reinit(const DoFInfo<1,2>& info)
+ {
+ const int dim = 1;
+ const int spacedim = 2;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<fevalv.size();++i)
+ {
+ FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim>& febase = *fevalv[i];
+ if (info.sub_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // This is a subface
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ }
+ else if (info.face_number != deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // This is a face
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is a cell
+ FEValues<dim,spacedim>& fe = dynamic_cast<FEValues<dim,spacedim>&> (febase);
+ fe.reinit(info.cell);
+ }
+ }
+ const bool split_fevalues = info.block_info != 0;
+ if (!global_data->empty())
+ fill_local_data(info, split_fevalues);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<1,1>::initialize_gauss_quadrature(
+ const unsigned int cp,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const unsigned int,
+ bool force)
+ {
+ if (force || cell_quadrature.size() == 0)
+ cell_quadrature = QGauss<1>(cp);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<1,2>::initialize_gauss_quadrature(
+ const unsigned int cp,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const unsigned int,
+ bool force)
+ {
+ if (force || cell_quadrature.size() == 0)
+ cell_quadrature = QGauss<1>(cp);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::initialize_gauss_quadrature(
+ unsigned int cp,
+ unsigned int bp,
+ unsigned int fp,
+ bool force)
+ {
+ if (force || cell_quadrature.size() == 0)
+ cell_quadrature = QGauss<dim>(cp);
+ if (force || boundary_quadrature.size() == 0)
+ boundary_quadrature = QGauss<dim-1>(bp);
+ if (force || face_quadrature.size() == 0)
+ face_quadrature = QGauss<dim-1>(fp);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::add_update_flags_all (const UpdateFlags flags)
+ {
+ add_update_flags(flags, true, true, true, true);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::add_update_flags_cell (const UpdateFlags flags)
+ {
+ add_update_flags(flags, true, false, false, false);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::add_update_flags_boundary (const UpdateFlags flags)
+ {
+ add_update_flags(flags, false, true, false, false);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::add_update_flags_face (const UpdateFlags flags)
+ {
+ add_update_flags(flags, false, false, true, true);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<1,1>::initialize(
+ const FiniteElement<1,1>& el,
+ const Mapping<1,1>& mapping,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info)
+ {
+ initialize_update_flags();
+ initialize_gauss_quadrature(
+ (cell_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(), 1, 1, false);
+ const int dim = 1;
+ const int sdim = 1;
+ cell.initialize<FEValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, cell_quadrature,
+ cell_flags, block_info);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<1,2>::initialize(
+ const FiniteElement<1,2>& el,
+ const Mapping<1,2>& mapping,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info)
+ {
+ initialize_update_flags();
+ initialize_gauss_quadrature(
+ (cell_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(), 1, 1, false);
+ const int dim = 1;
+ const int sdim = 2;
+ cell.initialize<FEValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, cell_quadrature,
+ cell_flags, block_info);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ inline
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::initialize(
+ const FiniteElement<dim,sdim>& el,
+ const Mapping<dim,sdim>& mapping,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info)
+ {
+ initialize_update_flags();
+ initialize_gauss_quadrature(
+ (cell_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(),
+ (boundary_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(),
+ (face_flags & update_values) ? (el.tensor_degree()+1) : el.tensor_degree(), false);
+ cell.template initialize<FEValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, cell_quadrature,
+ cell_flags, block_info);
+ boundary.template initialize<FEFaceValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, boundary_quadrature,
+ boundary_flags, block_info);
+ face.template initialize<FEFaceValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, face_quadrature,
+ face_flags, block_info);
+ subface.template initialize<FESubfaceValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, face_quadrature,
+ face_flags, block_info);
+ neighbor.template initialize<FEFaceValues<dim,sdim> >(el, mapping, face_quadrature,
+ neighbor_flags, block_info);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ template <typename VECTOR>
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::initialize(
+ const FiniteElement<dim,sdim>& el,
+ const Mapping<dim,sdim>& mapping,
+ const NamedData<VECTOR*>& data,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info)
+ {
+ initialize(el, mapping, block_info);
+ std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> > p;
+ p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (cell_selector));
+ p->initialize(data);
+ cell_data = p;
+ cell.initialize_data(p);
+ p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (boundary_selector));
+ p->initialize(data);
+ boundary_data = p;
+ boundary.initialize_data(p);
+ p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new VectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (face_selector));
+ p->initialize(data);
+ face_data = p;
+ face.initialize_data(p);
+ subface.initialize_data(p);
+ neighbor.initialize_data(p);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ template <typename VECTOR>
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::initialize(
+ const FiniteElement<dim,sdim>& el,
+ const Mapping<dim,sdim>& mapping,
+ const NamedData<MGLevelObject<VECTOR>*>& data,
+ const BlockInfo* block_info)
+ {
+ initialize(el, mapping, block_info);
+ std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> > p;
+ p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (cell_selector));
+ p->initialize(data);
+ cell_data = p;
+ cell.initialize_data(p);
+ p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (boundary_selector));
+ p->initialize(data);
+ boundary_data = p;
+ boundary.initialize_data(p);
+ p = std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> >(new MGVectorData<VECTOR, dim, sdim> (face_selector));
+ p->initialize(data);
+ face_data = p;
+ face.initialize_data(p);
+ subface.initialize_data(p);
+ neighbor.initialize_data(p);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ template <class DOFINFO>
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::post_cell(const DoFInfoBox<dim, DOFINFO>&)
+ {}
+ template <int dim, int sdim>
+ template <class DOFINFO>
+ void
+ IntegrationInfoBox<dim,sdim>::post_faces(const DoFInfoBox<dim, DOFINFO>&)
+ {}
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+ * @file
+ * @deprecated The contents of this file has been split into
+ * <tt>meshworker/dof_info.h</tt> and <tt>meshworker/integration_info.h</tt>
+ */
+#include <deal.II/meshworker/dof_info.h>
+#include <deal.II/meshworker/integration_info.h>