In case you want to generate the documentation from the
header files, you need a copy of <a href=""
target="_top">doxygen</a> on your machine (we use
- version 1.3.2, later versions will presumable work as well). If you
- have these program, you can generate all the API documentation on
+ version 1.3.2, later versions will presumably work as well). If you
+ have this program, you can generate all the API documentation on
your local machine. If not, you can still work with the library and
- use the documentation provided on our homepage for reference.
+ use the documentation provided on our homepage for reference. Note
+ that in order to generate inheritance graphs for classes, doxygen
+ uses the <code>dot</code> program, which is part of the <a
+ href="" target="_top">GraphViz</a> package.
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