candi - (Compile & Install) - Downloads, configures, builds and install various FEM libraries, e.g. deal.II, FEniCS
-General instruction hints
-candi is a bash script based installer tool.
-Open a Terminal. Commands are further denoted with the prefix "$>"
-Do not copy the prefix "$>" into your terminal!
+* candi is a bash script based installer tool.
+* Open a Terminal.
+* Commands are further denoted with the prefix "$>"
+* Do NOT copy the prefix "$>" into your terminal!
-### deal.II Library with MPI Support, Trilinos, PetSc, HDF5, and more:
+### deal.II Library with Trilinos, PetSc, MPI Support, and more:
candi is initially configured to compile and install the current version of the deal.II library.
#### Install deal.II on RHEL 7, CentOS 7 or Fedora 20/21:
- $> module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64
+ $> module load mpi/openmpi-`uname -i`
$> export CC=mpicc; export CXX=mpicxx; export FC=mpif90; export FF=mpif77
$> ./