--- /dev/null
+# Given the name of a configuration (i.e. system-name+compiler-name), this script
+# generates a list of files that might contain the stored output of a test. The
+# purpose is so that we don't have to store the output of each test for each
+# configuration: if the output for a given configuration is equal to that of
+# a related configuration, then we fall back to the latter, whereas we use
+# the former if it is really different. This way we get a chain of
+# possible files.
+# For example, for a test named "check_me", if we run on a linux x86 system with
+# compiler gcc3.4, we may have a file with output stored as
+# check_me/cmp/i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc3.4
+# However, if it is the same as what we would have gotten with gcc3.3, there would
+# be no point in storing it and we should fall back to the output of gcc3.3. If
+# that output would have been the same as that for a generic compiler (which we
+# take as gcc3.2 on a x86 box), then the file
+# check_me/cmp/i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc3.3
+# may not exist either.
+# When we want to compare generated output against stored output, we should therefore
+# first compare against
+# check_me/cmp/i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc3.4
+# and if that doesn't exist against
+# check_me/cmp/i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc3.3
+# and if that doesn't exist again
+# check_me/cmp/generic
+# (this latter file should always exist).
+# This program generates this chain of files to check against, for any given input
+# configuration.
+# Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005
+$hierarchy{"i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc3.3"} = "generic";
+$hierarchy{"i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc3.4"} = "i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc3.3";
+$hierarchy{"i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc4.0"} = "i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc3.4";
+$hierarchy{"i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc4.1"} = "i686-pc-linux-gnu+gcc4.0";
+$hierarchy{"i686-pc-linux-gnu+icc7"} = "generic";
+$hierarchy{"i686-pc-linux-gnu+icc7.1"} = "i686-pc-linux-gnu+icc7";
+$hierarchy{"mips-sgi-irix6.5+MIPSpro7.4"} = "generic";
+$hierarchy{"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu+gcc3.3"} = "generic";
+$hierarchy{"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu+gcc3.4"} = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu+gcc3.3";
+$hierarchy{"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu+gcc4.0"} = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu+gcc3.4";
+$hierarchy{"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu+gcc4.1"} = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu+gcc4.0";
+$configuration = $ARGV[0];
+# first check whether the given configuration is known at all. if not,
+# we can only resort to the generic files
+if (! defined $hierarchy{$configuration}) {
+ print "generic\n";
+ exit;
+# so the configuration is known. now output a list of files that we
+# will have to check for results:
+$name_list = "$configuration";
+while (defined $hierarchy{$configuration}) {
+ $name_list = "$name_list $hierarchy{$configuration}";
+ $configuration = $hierarchy{$configuration};
+print "$name_list\n";