virtual double criterion();
- /**
- * Temporary vectors, allocated through the @p VectorMemory object at the
- * start of the actual solution process and deallocated at the end.
- */
- VectorType *Vv;
- VectorType *Vp;
- VectorType *Vq;
- VectorType *Vt;
- VectorType *Vd;
- /**
- * Iteration vector.
- */
- VectorType *Vx;
- /**
- * RHS vector.
- */
- const VectorType *Vb;
* Within the iteration loop, the square of the residual vector is stored in
* this variable. The function @p criterion uses this variable to compute
template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
iterate (const MatrixType &A,
- const PreconditionerType &preconditioner);
+ VectorType &x,
+ const VectorType &b,
+ const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
+ VectorType &v,
+ VectorType &p,
+ VectorType &q,
+ VectorType &t,
+ VectorType &d);
* Number of the current iteration (accumulated over restarts)
- // Memory allocation
- Vv = this->memory.alloc();
- Vp = this->memory.alloc();
- Vq = this->memory.alloc();
- Vt = this->memory.alloc();
- Vd = this->memory.alloc();
+ // temporary vectors, allocated through the @p VectorMemory object at the
+ // start of the actual solution process and deallocated at the end.
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vv(this->memory);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vp(this->memory);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vq(this->memory);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vt(this->memory);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vd(this->memory);
- Vx = &x;
- Vb = &b;
// resize the vectors, but do not set
// the values since they'd be overwritten
// soon anyway.
if (step > 0)
deallog << "Restart step " << step << std::endl;
- state = iterate(A, preconditioner);
+ state = iterate(A, x, b, preconditioner, *Vv, *Vp, *Vq, *Vt, *Vd);
while (state.state == SolverControl::iterate);
- // Deallocate Memory
- this->memory.free(Vv);
- this->memory.free(Vp);
- this->memory.free(Vq);
- this->memory.free(Vt);
- this->memory.free(Vd);
// Output
template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
typename SolverQMRS<VectorType>::IterationResult
SolverQMRS<VectorType>::iterate(const MatrixType &A,
- const PreconditionerType &preconditioner)
+ VectorType &x,
+ const VectorType &b,
+ const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
+ VectorType &v,
+ VectorType &p,
+ VectorType &q,
+ VectorType &t,
+ VectorType &d)
/* Remark: the matrix A in the article is the preconditioned matrix.
* Therefore, we have to precondition x before we compute the first residual.
SolverControl::State state = SolverControl::iterate;
- // define some aliases for simpler access
- VectorType &v = *Vv;
- VectorType &p = *Vp;
- VectorType &q = *Vq;
- VectorType &t = *Vt;
- VectorType &d = *Vd;
- VectorType &x = *Vx;
- const VectorType &b = *Vb;
int it=0;
double tau, rho, theta=0;