--- /dev/null
+source testlist.sh
+cat <<EOF
+set terminal postscript eps color enh
+set key left top
+set output "baseline.eps"
+#set log y
+set xlabel 'revision'
+set ylabel 'percentage speedup to baseline'
+set title 'benchmark baselines'
+#echo "set terminal x11 persist"
+echo "set xrange [28000:*]"
+echo "set xrange [*,300]"
+echo "plot \\"
+for test in $TESTS ; do
+ col=1
+ while read line;
+ do
+ col=`expr $col "+" 1`
+ baseline=`head -n 1 datatable.$test | cut -f $col -d ' '`
+ echo "'datatable.$test' using 1:((\$$col-$baseline)/$baseline*100.0) title '$test - $line' w lp,\\";
+ done < names.$test
+echo "0.0 w l title 'baseline'"
+#echo "pause -1"
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of
people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
Douglas Adams